Doppler Assessmentgetting It Right

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Clinical REVIEW

Chronic WOUNDS

Doppler assessment:
getting it right

Full leg ulcer assessments are important in order to identify the

aetiology of patients’ leg ulcer and Doppler ultrasounds form a
part of this. Doppler assessment training is an integral part of any
leg ulcer management course that all nurses who care for patients
with leg ulcers should attend. However, it has been noted that
incorrect Doppler readings still occur within practice. This article
discusses some of the practices that can affect Doppler readings,
thereby helping nurses to improve their Doppler assessments.

eg ulcers are non-healing theories of how ulcers develop
“Determining the wounds on the lower leg and awareness of unusual causes
aetiology of the ulcer that have been present for (Moffatt et al, 2007). Determining
is Quote”
key to ensuring the at least 4–6 weeks (Moffatt et al, the aetiology of the ulcer is key
2007). They affect approximately to ensuring the correct treatment
correct treatment 1% of the UK population (Callam protocol is followed. Inappropriate
protocol is followed et al, 1985). Leg ulcers are more treatment, at best, would mean
— inappropriate common among older people ineffective care and, at worst, harm
treatment, at (Morris and Sander, 2007) and, with to the patient.
best, would mean an ageing population, this is going
to increase (Douglas, 2001). With Doppler assessment
ineffective care and, 80% of all leg ulcers being treated The Doppler ultrasound assessment
at worst, harm to within the community (Cornwall and ankle brachial pressure index
the patient.” et al, 1986) and the majority of the (ABPI) play only part of the
assessment and care being delivered assessment process and cannot
by nurses (Moffatt et al, 2007), it be relied on alone to provide an
is essential that community nurses accurate diagnosis. The Doppler is a
have the understanding and skills tool for assessing arterial disease in
to effectively assess and manage the lower leg and any deviation in
patients with leg ulcers. the process will produce variables
that affect the results obtained
Full leg ulcer assessments (Worboys, 2006).
Undertaking a full leg ulcer
assessment is a necessary skill Nurses need to be educated in
in that it enables the clinician to both the theory and practice of
gain sufficient knowledge about leg ulcer assessment so that their
the patient in order to correctly knowledge, skill and competency
determine the cause of the ulcer allow them to effectively carry
and identify any factors that may them out. However, even with the
Independent Leg Ulcer Specialist Nurse, delay healing. Nurses need to have requisite training and education,
National Leg Ulcer Forum
STYLE: AUTHOR NAME knowledge and understanding of inconsistencies are still observed,
Style: authorMember
Committee details the lower limb circulatory system, leading to incorrect Doppler results.
2 Wound
48 WoundEssentials
VolX9 No 2
or arrive half an hour earlier
to the clinic/practice-nurse
appointment so they can rest
quietly in the waiting room
8 Or, alternatively, as the patient
is lying down resting, nurses can
start the assessment.

Lying flat
The patient needs to lie as flat
as possible to reduce hydrostatic
pressure inaccuracies (Moffatt
et al, 2007). If the patient cannot
lie flat, nurses can bring their legs
as near to heart level as possible
and document this position so
that colleagues are aware, allowing
consistency for future readings. If
patients are not lying flat, readings
will be falsely high (Moffatt et al,
Figure 1. The cuff should be positioned over the ankle area to obtain the ABPI. 2007). Therefore, staff need to be
aware of this.

Cuff size
Nurses must make sure the
appropriate sized cuff is used as the
wrong size will lead to inaccurate
pressures. A cuff that is too short or
too narrow results in overestimating
pressures and a cuff that is too
big will underestimate pressures
(Moffatt et al, 2007). When
applying the cuff to the leg, nurses
should ensure it is positioned over
the ankle area (Figure 1) to attain
the ABPI; further up the leg will
result in a calf brachial pressure
index, which is incorrect.

Repeatedly inflating the cuff should

also be avoided as reinflating it
before it has been fully deflated
Figure 2. Pulse sounds.
may alter pressures (Moffatt et
The procedure for obtaining an ABPI 10–20 minutes in order to obtain al, 2007). The cuff then needs to
through the Doppler assessment a resting systolic pressure and be slowly deflated until it makes
has already been well documented nursing staff must make sure that a sound. If the cuff is deflated too
(Worboys, 2006). Therefore, this article they factor in this time within the quickly, the initial sound may be
focuses on the factors that may affect patient’s appointment slot. With missed, particularly in patients
the readings. It must be noted that frequent time pressures within the with irregular heartbeats, and will
the procedure must first be explained workplace, this part is often rushed. therefore provide a false reading
to the patient clearly in order for Moffatt et al (2007), therefore, (Worboys, 2006).
informed consent to be obtained. offers two time-saving tips:
8 Nurses may either ask the Brachial systolic pressure must be
Resting the patient patient to rest for half an hour attained from both arms (unless
The patient needs to rest quietly for before the district-nurse visit, there is a medical reason why
Wound Essentials 2014, Vol 9 No 2 49
Chronic WOUNDS

this cannot happen). The highest

measurement should be used
for the test as having the nearest
measurement to the central systolic
pressure improves the accuracy
(Moffatt et al, 2007).

The probe should be held at a
45° angle to the arm pointing
towards the heart and slowly
moved around until the nurse can
locate the pulse. Pressing too hard
can cause the vessel to compress
and no sound will be heard. A
continuous ‘whoosh’ sound that can
be heard is the venous system and
not the vessel that is required. It is
important to become familiar with
the different arterial sounds and to
make a note of them; this is often
missed out during assessments,
but is really important for knowing
the state of the vessels you are Figure 3. Four foot pulses.
listening to.

Triphasic is the sound of a healthy Table 1. Ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) results (Moffatt, 2007).
artery (three distinct beats are
heard), biphasic sounds (two ABPI score Interpreting ABPI score
beats) are often heard in the older
person as a result of the normal ABPI < 0.5: Excision with adequate margins —
physiological process of ageing, followed by direct closure, skin-
monophasic sounds (single beat, grafting or reconstructive surgery.
often muffled and dull) indicate that ABPI 0.5–0.9 Moderate-to-severe peripheral arterial
the vessel is diseased (Worboys, disease. Refer to the leg ulcer
2006; Figure 2). specialist/tissue viability nurse
and/or vascular team. Some may
There are two sizes of probes: reduce compression, but only under
8 8 MHz is the standard probe for specialist guidance.
use on normal limbs ABPI 1.0–1.3 Normal ABPI high compression is
8 5 MHz is a probe that can give
probably safe in the absence of other
better results for oedematous
ankles and feet where sounds
ABPI > 1.3 May indicate false high readings,
can often be distorted due to
tissue fluid. especially if pulse sounds are
monophasic. Ankle vessels may
Foot pulses be non-compressible, indicating
Having knowledge of the anatomy severe calcification, which is more
of the foot will help in locating the commonly seen in people with
four foot pulses (Figure 3). Two diabetes. Falsely high readings may be
pulses need to be used for each leg; a result of poor Doppler procedure
however, the anterior tibial and the and this needs to be reviewed by a
dorsal pedis are part of the same specialist nurse. Toe pressure may
artery and, therefore, should not need to be assessed.
both be used. One of these pulses
50 Wound Essentials 2014, Vol 9 No 2
Table 2. Toe brachial pressure index (TBPI) results (Moffatt et al, 2007).

TBPI scores Interpreting TBPI results

TBPI >0.7 Normal/satisfactory peripheral arterial

TBPI<0.65 Indicative of peripheral arterial disease.
Refer patient to the vascular team for
further investigation.
Figure 4. Machine for taking TBPI.

results as policies may differ on Further tools to aid

values. However, a general guide assessment
to interpreting the ABPI readings There are other tools that can be
can be seen in Table 1. ABPI must useful in leg ulcer assessments.
always be interpreted by a qualified Trained nurses need to be aware
health professional within the of these and find out if they have
context of the local policy and access to them.
full leg ulcer assessment, using
all information gained through Toe pressure
assessment and Doppler results Doppler ultrasound can also be
(Moffatt et al, 2007). For example, used for measuring toe pressures
the accuracy of the procedure, the — useful when there have been
pressures obtained, variations in false high ABPI readings, owing to
pressure, and the quality and type calcification, which rarely affects
of pulse sounds heard must all be the toe arteries. It is also helpful
considered alongside the rest of the when there is pain and discomfort
Figure 5. TBPI taken with hand-held
Doppler and appropriate sized cuff. information obtained from the leg preventing ABPI measurements
ulcer assessment. or if there is gross oedema in the
lower leg/foot.
should be used alongside either the As noted, the health professional
posterior tibial pulse or peroneal must not only be a qualified The most common way to take
pulse. Again, a reading should be nurse, but must also have further a toe brachial pressure index
taken from both legs in order to education and training in leg ulcer (TBPI) is using a Vascular Assist®
attain a picture of the person’s assessment and management (Royal (Huntleigh) machine (Figure 4).
whole arterial system, with the College of Nursing (RCN), 2006; However, TBPI can also be taken
highest foot pulse in each leg being Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines with an appropriate sized cuff
used for the measurement. Network (SIGN), 2010). (Figure 5) and a handheld Doppler.
The comparison is then made
Calculating the ABPI Documentation between the brachial and toe
To calculate the ABPI, the highest The entire assessment should pressures, which are measured
foot reading on the right foot be documented and held within in the same way — toe pressure
should be taken and divided by the patient’s records, whether divided by the highest brachial
the highest brachial reading. Then, in paper form or uploaded to pressure.
the same should be done for the electronic records. This allows
left foot, taking the highest left- other health professionals to access Toe pressures are normally smaller
foot reading and dividing it by the the assessment. Simply writing the than brachial pressures. The ratios
highest brachial reading. This will ABPI results in the notes does not are lower owing to the size of the
then give you an ABPI for the major constitute good record-keeping arteries. Therefore, it is important
vessels for the right and left leg. practice as this does not consider to interpret the readings differently
the whole assessment and the (Moffatt, 2007; Table 2). Again,
Nurses should always refer to ABPI is meaningless as a stand- this forms only part of a full leg
their local policy for interpreting alone assessment. ulcer assessment. All information
Wound Essentials 2014, Vol 9 No 2 51
Chronic WOUNDS

must be considered and training it is necessary to refer to vascular the leg: extent of the problem and
must take place before using teams within secondary care. There provision of care. Br Med J (Clin
this procedure. are national guidelines (RCN, Res Ed) 290(6485): 1855–6
2006; SIGN, 2010), as well as best-
Pulse oximetry practice documents available (i.e. Cornwall JV, Doré CJ, Lewis JD
Another useful tool is pulse Compression in Venous Leg Ulcers: (1986) Leg ulcers: epidemiology
oximetry, which can help with the A Consensus Document [2008]). and aetiology. Br J Surg 73(9):
assessment of peripheral arterial The importance of training, keeping 693–6
perfusion. It is easy to use, as the skills up to date and knowing when
health professional only has to to seek advice cannot be overstated. Douglas V (2001) Living with a
place it on a finger or toe, rather The national Leg Ulcer Forum, chronic leg ulcer: an insight into
than locating the arteries, and it Leg Clubs and Tissue Viability patients’ experiences and feelings.
is proving to be an accurate, non- Society are other useful sources of J Wound Care 10(9): 355–60
invasive tool (Moffatt et al, 2007). information alongside books
and journals. Morris P, Sander R (2007) Leg
The pulse oximeter measures ulcers. Nurs Older People 19(5):
oxygen levels within the tissue and 33–7
the signal is diminished when blood “The importance of
flow is occluded. The procedure Moffatt C, Martin R, Smithdale
is similar to that used with the training, keeping skills R (2007) Leg Ulcer Management.
Doppler. The pulse oximeter is up to date and knowing Blackwell Publishing, Oxford
placed on the finger or toe and the when to seek advice
cuff is placed around the arm or cannot be overstated.” Royal College of Nursing (2006)
ankle, depending on which reading Clinical Practice Guidelines: The
is being taken. There is, however, a nursing management of patients
change to how the cuff is inflated with venous leg ulcers. RCN,
and it is necessary to have training Conclusion London
on this method if it is favoured. This article has highlighted
Once again, the calculation the importance of full leg ulcer Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines
used is the toe reading divided assessments, of which Doppler Network (2010) Management
by the highest finger reading. assessments play only a part, being of chronic venous leg ulcers: A
Interpretations are similar to those carried out by trained, competent national clinical guideline. SIGN,
for the ABPI, but appropriate nurses. Consideration has been Edinburgh
training is required to do this. given to some areas of the Doppler
assessment that can alter ABPI Worboys F (2006) How to obtain
Tissue viability/leg results if not carried out correctly. the resting ABPI in leg ulcer
ulcer specialist Other tools that can aid the management. Wounds Essentials
It is important to know when to assessment process have also been 1: 55–60
seek further help and advice from examined, as well as the important
local tissue viability and/or leg ulcer role of tissue viability and leg ulcer World Union of Wound Healing
services. They can offer support services in supporting nurses out in Societies (2008) Compression in
to community/practice nurses and the community. We Venous Leg Ulcers: A Consensus
review complex patients. Clinicians document. Available at: http://
should be aware of local protocols, References
and know how and when to refer Callam MJ, Ruckley CV, Harper DR, pdf/content_25.pdf (accessed
to these services, as well as when Dale JJ (1985) Chronic ulceration of 29.10.2014)

52 Wound Essentials 2014, Vol 9 No 2

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