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SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption & WolvesAndFinance “Il am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made; has not been fulfilled.” Description x SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption ok 16,663 Jun 25 Likes Views 2023 The bribery allegations of Joe Biden and his family keep getting worse. It turns out there is a lot more evidence than people originally thought. Video about Miles Guo: @ - Is Miles Guo Inno. Twitter: Facebook: -smore “Tell the director that | would like to resolve this now before it gets outofhand,and now means tonight.” Description “And, Z, if | get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang, or the chairman, I will make certain...” Description SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption “that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever ; hold a grudge...” Description SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Bids — “that you will regret not | following my directions. l am sitting here waiting fo) mm dat- met] | iaa % my father.” Description SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption Description x SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption 6K 16,663 Jun 25 Likes Views 2023 The bribery allegations of Joe Biden and his family keep getting worse. It turns out there is alot more evidence than people originally thought. Description SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption Description SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption Description x SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption 6K 16,663 Jun 25 Likes Views 2023 The bribery allegations of Joe Biden and his family keep getting worse. It turns out there is a lot more evidence than people originally thought. Description x SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption 6K 16,663 Jun 25, Likes Views 2023 The bribery allegations of Joe Biden and his family keep getting worse. It turns out there is a lot more evidence than people originally thought. Description SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption Description x SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption Description SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption Description SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption 6K 16,663 Likes Views E x Description iow SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption 6K 16,663 Jun 25 Likes Views 2023 The bribery allegations of Joe Biden and his family keep getting worse. It turns out there is a lot more evidence than people originally thought. Description SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption See Transcript ' xX New Evidence Against Joe Biden 0:00 0:06 0:1 on9 0:27 0:33 0:39 0:45 0:51 0:57 1:02 110 116 1:21 1:26 1:32 1:37 the bribery allegations of Joe Biden and his family keep getting worse it turns out there's a lot more evidence than people originally thought I'm Zach I'm an accountant and I'm going to walk you through all the details of the Scandal this week on wolves in [Music] just this week IRS whistleblower testimony revealed that they have a text message between Hunter Biden and Communist Party official Henry Zhao this, is shocking the text reads | am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment has not been fulfilled tell the director that | ‘would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand and now means tonight and Z if | get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you Zhang or the chairman I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my directions | am sitting here waiting for the call with my father Photos have since surfaced from the same day of the text showing both Hunter Biden and Joe Biden near the same location further corroborating the text message as true this is evidence that both Hunter Biden and Joe Biden were involved in bribery money laundering conspiracy and treason pa Transcript ' xX Hunter Biden and BHR Partners 1:43 1:50 1:57 2:04 2:10 27 2:22 2:31 2:36 2:42 2:49 2:56 3:02 310 318 3:24 let us go back to the beginning because | think a lot of people forget what started this whole thing in 2013 Hunter Biden rode on Air Force 2 on a trip to China during the trip Hunter Biden met with a Chinese Banker named Jonathan Lee at the same time Joe Biden met for five and a half hours with President Xi Jinping 10 days after this trip a new business was formed called DHR partners Hunter Biden sat on the board of this new Chinese company guess who is the CEO of bhr Partners Jonathan Lee the same Banker that Hunter Biden met in 2016 while Joe Biden was stil vice president bhr Partners was involved in the sale of a Cobalt mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo this was one of the world’s richest Cobalt mines it was sold from Freeport McMoRan an American company to the Chinese company China molybdenum, Cobalt is an essential ingredient used in batteries for electric vehicles after this sale if America wants more electric vehicles they're going to have a hard time getting them without going through China in 2017 Hunter Biden then invested in a 10 ownership of bhr partners for 420 thousand dollars this was the same year that Hunter Biden sent the text message to Henry Zhao who was also an investor in bhr Partners in 2020 Joe Transcript aes 3:31 Biden became president in 2022 Joe Biden passed the inflation reduction act which 3:38 included 369 billion dollars in climate and 3:43 _ energy Provisions I'm still not entirely sure how these Investments were 3:49 4:09 4:15 4:24 4:55 5:02 5:08 supposed to reduce inflation this caused some concern it seems like Joe Biden is passing laws that would benefit his family and China at the expense of the American people when this criticism came up Joe Biden said he never spoke to his son about his business dealings let us think about this remember the last time you took a trip with your father if you and your dad took a trip to China and you were 10 days away from closing a massive business deal with a Chinese company does it seem normal that you would never mention it | don't believe his story then Hunter Biden explained that when he met with Jonathan Lee on the trip with his dad that it was a friendly visit and they did not talk business about the company that was to be set up in 10 days I don't believe that either throughout Joe Biden's first year as president in 2021 press secretary Jen saki said that Hunter Biden was working to unwind his 10 stake in bhr partners then Hunter Biden's lawyer came out and made a statement that Hunter Biden no longer holds any interest directly or indirectly in either bhr or scenitales Sa Transcript xX 5:15 the LLC wholly owned by Hunter Biden that held his 10 stake then 5:21 _ investigative reporters uncovered that two independent services for business 5:26 records on Chinese companies showed that Hunter Biden still holds a 10 Equity 5:34 stake in bhr partners so jensaki was lying Hunter Biden's 5:42 lawyer was lying why is everyone lying about this company itis still unclear 5:49 whether Hunter Biden stil owns 10 percent of bhr Partners let me explain 5:55 what this means it was last reported that bhr Partners held 2.1 billion 6:01 dollars in Investments Hunter paid 420 000 for a 10 stake 6:07 _soif he sold his stake in the company he would receive 210 milion dollars that is almost 50 6:17 000 return on investment this makes me so mad 6:23 this week | filled up my gas tank and when | looked at the bill | almost had a 6:30 _ heart attack have you experienced this skyrocketing gas prices are the result 6:36 of this so-called inflation reduction Act meanwhile Hunter Biden is making 6:43 hundreds of millions of dollars and not just Hunter potentially Joe Biden himself 6:51 _bhr Partners sold the Cobalt mine in 2016. the very next year in 2017 Hunter 6:59 _ Biden was working to create a second Chinese company called cefc one of the 7:05 _ emails revealed from Hunter Biden's laptop showed the funding of this company included Hunter Biden holding 10 7:11 percent for the big guy Navy veteran and former employee Tony a Transcript ' xX 7:7 7:24, 7:31 7:38 bobolinski came forward to explain that the big guy referred to Joe Biden if this was the arrangement for cefc | want to know the arrangement for bhr partners how much of the 210 million dollar payout will Hunter Biden be holding for the big guy fast forward to today when Republicans took control of Congress Congress Investigates the FD-1023 Form 7:43 7:51 759 8:06 3814 8:20 8:27 8:33 8:39 8:46 8:53 9:00 they started investigating claims that the Biden family has been accepting bribes from foreign countries they released information from bank records that showed more than 10 million dollars ‘of money transfers from Romania and China the investigation really heated up when a whistleblower came forward claiming that the FBI had in their possession a document called an fd-1023 form the document described more bribes to the Biden family it alleges the founder of barisma the Ukrainian oil company named Nikola zlochevski paid five million dollars to Hunter Biden and 5 million dollars to Joe Biden this was at the same time time that Hunter Biden. was put on the board of barisma and separately paid up to one million dollars per year to serve from 2014 to 2019. at the same time Joe Biden used USS funds to pressure Ukraine to fire their top prosecutor from investigating cortuption at barisma the fd-1023 form specifically says that Hunter Biden was put on the board of barisma as part of the bribe to convince Joe Biden to get the prosecutor fired in pa Transcript # xX 208, 3 9:20 9:25 9:31 9:58 10:03 10:09 10:17 10:23 10:29 10:37 ‘case you don't remember here is Joe Biden at the time talking about firing the prosecutor | said I'm telling you you're not getting a billion dollars | said you're not getting the billion I'm going to be leaving here | think it was what six hours | looked | said I'm leaving in six hours and the prosecutor is not fired you're not getting the money oh son of a got fired anything they put in place someone who was solid the document also contains shocking statements like that it would take 10 years for all of us to find out the payments made to the bidens because of how many bank accounts there were but the most shocking statement of all was that the memo used the term the big guy to refer to Joe Biden that was the same phrase days used for Joe Biden that was previously included in the email for the Chinese company cefc these allegations against Joe Biden are apparently very credible this is not ‘some random informant this was a confidential human source that the FBI has used on numerous Previous occasions for other cases this source is considered so valuable that the FBI has paid this person over two hundred thousand dollars as an informant for over a decade so he must have been giving them legitimate information it is shocking that the FBI would have such serious allegations against Joe Biden and do a Transcript ' xX 10:42 10:51 10:58 11:06 1 1:7 11:24 1:31 1:37 1:43 1:48 11:56 12:02 12:08 12:14 12:20 nothing if the FBI is not going to do anything with the information Congress can Congress subpoenaed the form and then the strangest thing happened the FBI refused to turn over the document they just said no we're not going to give it to you Congress then threatened to hold the head of the FBI Christopher Wray in contempt of congress if he did not turn over the document Rey still said no with the excuse that the informant might be Killed if this information was revealed so this really confuses me if the informant might be killed doesn't that mean the info is legitimate it was nothing to the allegation s there would be no reason to kill them and if the allegations were true why wasn't the FBI doing anything about it the document was not classified so why couldn't Congress see it the whole thing seems pretty corrupt it seems like the FBI is covering for Biden's crimes but it gets worse the day that Congress was about to hold Christopher Wray in contempt the FBI et them see the form but only the oversight committee and only a redacted version inside a skiff but it gets worse Senator Grassley spoke on the senate floor and revealed that he had read a version of the form before it was redacted and the FBI had redacted out a key detail there are allegedly tape recordings of a Transcript xX 12:28 12:34 12:40 12:45 12:53 13:01 13:07 13:14 13:20 13:26 13:31 13:39 conversations proving the bribery there were 15 recordings of Hunter Biden and two recordings of Joe Biden the person had kept these tapes as a type of insurance policy so this means that not only is there hard evidence somewhere of bribery by Joe Biden someone in Ukraine could have something to Blackmail the president of the United States if the U.S does not do what Ukraine wants they could reveal the evidence why would the FBI hide this and it is also unclear how did Senator Grassley know about the redacted portion how long have people known about this it turns out th formation was also reviewed by Bill Barr the attorney general for president Trump and rather than start an investigation Bill Barr sent it to the Delaware office where it has sat doing nothing it seems that everyone knew about this why did no one tell us | feel like this would have been useful for people to know about during the last election there is something about these Joe Biden Impeachment Efforts 13:44 13:51 13:57 14:02 allegations that no one has been talking about we now have information about bribery from Romania Ukraine and China but there is a difference between these countries China is an adversary of the U.S. just this week China announced that they are deploying troops to Cuba only 100 a Transcript ' xX 14:09 14:17 14:23 14:30 14:37 14:43 14:50 15:00 15:06 15:13 15:20 15:26 15:31 15:36 15:43 15:48 miles from the U.S this is in response to the U.S stationing 100 troops in Taiwan to train their soldiers if any of you are watching from Florida are you ready for this if Chinese troops were to invade Florida how would we handle that all ofthis makes it pretty clear that China is an adversary of the U.S that means that if Joe Biden received money from China it is worse than just a bribe it would be treason treason is the only crime that is written into the Constitution article 3 section 3 clause 1. in the U.S treason is often punishable by death now just to be crystal clear | am not calling for any kind of violence against the president and lam certainly not suggesting that anyone should take matters into their own hands Congress has procedures in place to deal with these kinds of situations U.S representative Lauren bobert announced impeachment proceedings on the floor this week here are the articles of impeachment for abuse of power and dereliction of Duty but the text of the bill only mentions Joe Biden's failure to secure the southern border of the United States previously Marjorie Taylor green also introduced articles of impeachment against Joe Biden for dereliction of Duty during the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan but while the Afghanistan withdrawal was horrible and the situation at the southern border is horrible I'm not sure they are impeachable offenses my Transcript cae 15:56 16:02 16:09 16:17 16:24 16:31 16:39 16:46 16:53 17:00 17:06 17:12 question is what is Lauren bobert doing why isn't she doing more what is Marjorie Taylor green doing why isn't she doing more where is the bribery charge more importantly where is the charge for treason now | expect that ‘some people might argue in the comments that treason can only happen after an official declaration of war by Congress | disagree the last time that Congress issued a declaration of war was World War Il since then we have had the Vietnam War the Iraq War the war in Afghanistan the USS still has enemies and the reason that treason is called out in the constitution is we do not want our leaders taking money from our enemies to sell out the American people China is our adversary World War ll has been trending multiple times this year and our enemies in World War II would be Russia and China if Joe Biden taking money from China is not treason it's still something worse than bribery and bribery was already bad enough The Saga continued this week when Hunter Biden Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty 17:18 17:24 17:30 pled guilty to tax and Firearm charges he failed to report over 1.5 million dollars of income to the IRS and illegally obtained a firearm the details of the plea deal that have been leaked is that Hunter Biden will receive misdemeanor tax charges and the felony aa Transcript ' xX 17:37 17:42 17:50 17:56 18:03 18:08 18:13 18:19 18:25 18:30 18:36 18:42 18:48 18:55 19:01 19:07 19:13 19:18 gun charge will be dismissed if Hunter agrees to two years of probation this seems like prosecutorial misconduct it is unheard of for someone to receive such a light sentence from these charts let's look at the gun charge Hunter is charged with lying on an ATF 4473 form when he bought a gun this is the form you have to fill out saying that you are not using drugs at the top of the form it says that violations are punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment and or up to a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar fine and Hunter is receiving probation maybe that is because the prosecution has a weak case but no that's not true because we have photographs from Hunter Biden's laptop that shows him ‘smoking crack and holding his gun this seems to be a pretty clear case does it seem fair to you that he is only receiving probation let me give you another example Pamela Hemphill is a 69 year old grandmother from Boise Idaho and she is suffering from breast cancer she carried a small flag and walked through the Capitol Building during the January 6 protests she spent two months in prison for her crimes let me ask you does that seem fair does this seem like there is an unequal application of Justice it does to me now let's talk about the tax charges here is some accounting advice a Transcript ' xX 19:26 19:33 19:40 19:46 19:51 19:57 20:05 20:11 20:18 20:25 20:33 20:39 20:45 20:51 20:57 21:04 21:10 do not do what Hunter Biden did do not cheat on your taxes because there are so many different ways that the IRS can come after you for someone not to report 1.5 million dollars of Revenue on their taxes that is called tax evasion one of the claims from The Whistleblower is that Hunter Biden would buy prostitutes and then write that off as a business expense that is illegal it is almost unbelievable for someone not to go to prison for this remember that just last month we found ‘out that the entire team at the IRS was removed from the hunter Biden probe at the request of the Department of Justice it seems like to get this plea deal the doj had to remove everyone who did not agree not only that The Whistleblower testimony showed that the IRS agents were never given the fd-1023 form from the FBI discussing the payments to Hunter Biden from Ukraine this was the same form that Christopher Wray was trying to hide fram Congress no one has actually read the plea deal yet so we don't know the actual details of what was agreed to however there is one promising thing in the press release issued by the Department of Justice they include the phrase the investigation is ongoing this would suggest that the plea deal does not cover all the potential charges if it did they would not have included this sentence so there is still the possibility that Transcript 21:15 x the doj can pursue charges against Hunter Biden for treason but there is a Christopher Wray's Connection to Communist China 2021 21:27 21:33 21:40 21:46 21:54 22:00 22:08 22:14 22:19 22:25 22:32 22:37 22:44 22:49 part of this story that a lot of people are missing the FBI has had all this information about wrongdoing by the Biden family and yet has been working so hard to protect them why they're not just ignoring it they are actively working to cover it up the cover-up by the FBI is worse than the crime | think I know why they're acting this way there is someone named Miles. gual being held in prison in New York | think he is the key to this whole thing he is the number one enemy of China because he speaks out against President Xi Jinping miles gual is being held in prison without bail before his trial for fraud but the case against him is the weakest fraud case | have ever seen | made another video walking through all the details of his case if you're interested and | will leave the link in the description down below but what is so strange about his situation is they are holding him in prison without bail this is just so unusual Bernie Madoff committed one of the largest frauds of all time he was led out of prison on bail waiting for his trial ‘Sam bankman freed is currently charged with one of the largest frauds of all time he was let out of prison on bail waiting for his trial two months ago two people Sea Transcript xX 22:54 23:03 23:1 23:18 23:24 23:33 23:40 23:45 23:51 23:58 24:05 24:13 24:19 24:25 24:32 24:38 were arrested in New York for being Chinese spies actual Chinese spies were arrested they were let out on bail within hours of being arrested isn't it strange that miles gual is still being held in prison based on weak fraud allegations | think he's being kept in Prison to shut him up do you know what else is strange do you know who used to be miles Guild's lawyer Christopher Ray the same Christopher Ray who is now the head of the FBI you have to admit this is getting a little strange so let's take a closer look at Christopher Wray before Christopher Ray became the head of the FBI he was a partner at a law firm called King and Spalding at the law firm he was making 633 million dollars per year this is very strange Partners in law firms generally make a lot of money but they don't make that much money when accountants look for fraud one of the first things they look for is someone getting paid a lot more money than is normal for that type of job so for instance the American Bar Associ Nn released statistics that ‘show that the average partner at the top 200 law firms in the U.S earned 1.054 milion dollars per year in 2019. how much did Christopher Ray make again 63 million dollars more than six times as much that's strange there are only a handful of lawyers in the entire country that get, paid that Sea Transcript ' xX 24:45 24:52 24:59 25:04 28:10 25:17 26:22 25:29 25:36 25:42 25:49 25:55 26:02 26:09 26:14 26:20 26:25 much what was Christopher Ray doing that made so much money apparently he was working for the Chinese Communist party that's why we know this from comments from Nicole Tsai spokesperson for the new federal state of China Christopher Wray dropped miles gual as a client to go work for a ccp-owned company called the hna group ha group is controlled by Wang tishon the former vice president of the People's Republic of China h a group had a multi-billion dollar contract with the law firm King and Spalding that is why Christopher Ray was making so much money so here's the chain of events Christopher Ray drops miles gual as a client he makes millions of dollars through his contract with the Chinese ‘Communist party and when he becomes head of the FBI he arrests miles gual and holds him in prison without bail doesn't that seem strange shouldn't someone in Congress ask the head of the FBI why he is imprisoning his former client | would like to know that wouldn't you like to know that now just for clarification as | mentioned this information came from Nicole Tsai ‘spokesperson for the new federal state of China this is a Lobby group created by Miles gual with the goal of overthrowing the Chinese Communist party Ihave not been able to verify this information with a second source so it might be biased as they have their own agenda however I do not think we should Hea Transcript ' xX 26:25 26:31 26:36 26:44 26:51 26:57 27:04 27:12 27:17 27:24 27:29 27:35 27:1 27:47 27:55 28:02 might be biased as they have their own agenda however I do not think we should dismiss these claims so quickly because their information has turned out to be correct in the past during the pandemic this was the same group who came out and said that the virus came from a lab leak in Wuhan China just this week it was revealed that patient zero was identified as Ben who a scientist at the Wuhan Institute of virology who was performing research on how coronaviruses infect humans we think he was the first person to get infected with the virus so it turns out this group led by Miles ‘gual was right about the virus this entire time why didn't we listen to them maybe we should start paying attention to what they have to say this time because it seems like they have some way to get information from inside the Chinese Communist party I don't know how they do it but somehow they are doing it and all of these allegations would be so easy to verify why don't we just ask Christopher Ray why was he making so much money as a lawyer was he taking money from the Chinese Communist Party why is he putting his former client in prison one of the biggest questions in all of this is why has Christopher Ray been working so hard to protect Joe Biden why did he refuse to turn over the 1023 form to Congress Sea Transcript ' xX 28:08 28:14 28:20 28:25 28:34 28:41 28:46 28:54 29:00 29:06 29:1 29:17 29:22 29:28 29:35 29:41 29:48 why did he redact the information why has he not been investigating any of the leads against Joe Biden | think it is possible that Joe Biden is not the only person committing treason Christopher Wray might also be ‘committing treason | do not think that Republicans realize that in this situation they hold all the cards all this could be revealed just by asking simple questions here's what Congress should do I think they should bring miles gual from prison to the Capitol and ask him ‘two questions is there a connection between Joe Biden and the Chinese ‘Communist party and has Joe Biden committed treason | don't know what miles gual knows but I have a feeling that he can answer these two questions | would like to find out wouldn't you Christopher Ray is trying so hard to shut this guy up it only makes me think that Miles has something important to say in order to convict someone of treason you need two witnesses that's why I believe miles gual is so important we already have one witness and Tony bobolinski depending on what miles gual knows he could be witness number two now | want to hear from you do you think that Joe Biden is guilty let me know in the comments down below also please share this video the only way that people hear this information is if you email it put it on social media and ‘tweet it out get this information out there and don't forget to hit that subscribe button there are more videos $210M 50,000% ROI $5M Hunter Biden $5M Joe Biden “The Big Guy” Description SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption MoU] Comte) Com Cate ole all of us to find out the payments made to the Bidens because how many bank accounts there were. Description ‘SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption 6K 16,663 Jun 25 Likes Views 2023 The bribery allegations of Joe Biden and his family keep getting worse. It turns out there is a lot more evidence than people originally thought. 9/22/2016 __| Robinson Walker, LLC Owasco P.C. $32,092.81 9/22/2016 Robinson Walker, LLC EEIG $61,908.12 92972016 | Bladon Enterprises Li Robinson Walker, LLC | $185,034.36 9/29/2016 _| Robinson Walker, LLC Biden $20,000 10/11/2016 Robinson Walker, LLC Owasco P.C. $41,638.12 10/11/2016 _| Robinson Walker, LLC EEIG $61,638.12 11/4/2016 Bladon Enterprises Robinson Walker, LLC $183,329.99 11/15/2016 _| Robinson Walker, LLC Robert Biden $122,179 12/8/2016 Bladon Enterprises Limited Robinson Walker, LLC $178,334.99 12/9/2016 Robinson Walker, LLC ___| EEIG $118,849.99 1/12/2017 Bladon Enterprises Limited Robinson Walker, LLC $172,901.24 1/17/2017 _ | Robinson Walker, LLC EEIG $57,603.74 2/2/2017 Robinson Walker, LLC Biden $20,000 2/10/2017__| Robinson Walker, LLC Biden $20,000 2/13/2017 Robinson Walker, LLC Hallie Biden $10,000 2/16/2017 __| Robinson Walker, LLC Biden $20,000 2/27/2017 __| Robinson Walker, LLC Robert Biden $14,000 Description SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption Description x ‘SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption ok 16,663 Jun 25 Likes Views 2023 The bribery allegations of Joe Biden and his family keep getting worse. It turns out there is. a lot more evidence than people originally thought. Video about Miles Guo: @ - Is Miles Guo Inno. ‘Twitter: Facebook: 15 recordings - Hunter Biden 2 recordings - Joe Biden Description SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption Description SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption The bribery allegations of Joe Biden and his family keep getting worse. It turns out there is a lot more evidence than people originally thought. Description SHOCKING New Evidence of Joe Biden's Corruption

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