Chapter Iv.2

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Presentation of Data

Question 1. What type of bullying have you witnessed or experienced? (e.g. physical,
verbal, or social)?
Respondents Answers
1 Experienced physical, verbal and social bullying
2 Experienced or witnessed physical, verbal, and social bullying
3 Experienced and witnessed physical bullying
4 Experienced physical bullying
5 Experienced physical and verbal bullying
6 Experienced physical bullying
7 Experienced physical and verbal bullying
8 Experienced verbal bullying
9 Experienced verbal bullying
10 Witnessed physical, verbal and social bullying
11 Experienced verbal bullying
12 Experienced verbal bullying
13 Experienced verbal bullying
14 Experienced verbal and physical bullying sometimes
15 Experienced physical, verbal and social bullying

Question 2. Have you or anyone you know ever been bullied in school?
Respondents Answers
1 Yes, especially us, who are part of the LGBTQ
2 Yes, me and my friends
3 Yes, I am being bullied in school
4 Yes, I know many person bullied in school
5 Yes, I am being bullied in school
6 Yes, I am being bullied in school
7 Yes, I am being bullied in school sometimes
8 Yes, I know many person bullied in school
9 Yes
10 I didn’t experienced it, but I have witnessed it to someone
11 Yes, I know someone bullied in school
12 Yes, I am being bullied in school
13 Yes, I know many person bullied in school
14 I experienced it in our home
15 Yes, I know someone bullied in school
Question 3. How did the bullying affect you or the person you know who
experienced it?
Respondents Answers
1 We became scared and ashamed to go to school anymore.
2 It affects us in a negative way.
3 It hurts me.
4 For me, it doesn’t affect me as I just forgot it.
5 It hurts me always.
6 It causes depression and anxiety.
7 It affects my academic performance.
8 We lost self-confidence.
9 It causes many problems and I lost focus on studying.
10 It affects her academic performance and emotions.
11 It affects my personality and appearance.
12 It hurts me.
13 It gives them pain.
14 It affects my academic performance.
15 It affects her academic performance, behavior, and emotions.

Question 4. Did the bullying lead to any mental health problems (e.g. depression,
anxiety, PTDS)?
Respondents Answers
1 Yes, we get anxiety from it.
2 Yes, we lost confidence and have anxiety.
3 Yes, I tend to think of a suicide.
4 No, because I never mind when I was being bullied.
5 Yes, it causes depression.
6 Yes, it has a big impact in our health.
7 Yes, it causes depression.
8 Yes, it causes depression.
9 No
10 Yes, like anxiety.
11 Yes, it leads to mental health problems.
12 Yes, like anxiety.
13 Yes, it causes depression.
14 Yes, it causes depression and anxiety.
15 Yes, it causes depression.

Question 5. What kind of support or resources would be helpful for students who
have experienced bullying?
Respondents Answers
1 Emotional support
2 Any kind of support that would help
3 An advice
4 To tell an advice to them
5 To advice them to never mind the bullies.
6 Conducting laws about bullying to prevent it
7 Any kind of support that would help
8 To advice them to never mind the bullies.
9 To advice them to never mind the bullies.
10 To advice them to be stronger.
11 To advice and motivate them instead.
12 To advice them to never mind the bullies.
13 An advice
14 To advice them to never mind the bullies and focus on their goals
15 To advice them to never mind the bullies.


In question 1, the majority of the respondents experienced multiple types of

bullying, such as physical, verbal, and social. This indicates that bullying can take
various forms and can have a significant impact on the victim’s well-being.

In question 2, the majority of the respondents affirmed that they or someone

they know have been bullied in school. This highlights the prevalent issue of bullying
in educational institutions and the need to address it effectively.

In question 3, most of the respondents stated that bullying had a negative

effect on their academic performance, emotions, and self-confidence. This
emphasizes the detrimental impact of bullying on a student’s overall well-being,
academic performance, and mental health.

In question 4, many respondents reported experiencing mental health

problems like depression and anxiety as a result of being bullied. This emphasizes
the importance of recognizing the psychological effects of bullying and providing
appropriate support to victims.

In question 5, the respondents suggested that emotional support and advice

would be helpful resources to students who have experienced bullying. This suggests
that providing support, counseling, and educational resources to promote positive
coping mechanisms can be beneficial in addressing bullying and its effects.

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