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Reflection Essay

This semester has been a fast 6 weeks and has taught me quite a lot about

research and online writing practices and techniques. Over the assignments i've learned

many things and have put them to the test while working on them. I have noticed a

slight improvement over how I view my research and writing over the semester but I

also lack in many areas that I definitely have to work on. The main problem areas are

the editing and grammar parts of my papers, I will think things in my head and type

them and though I can understand the material and language of the papers it may not

be the most user friendly writing. I think the best way to work on these skills I did not

master would be by working less on discussion posts and more on the material. The

discussion posts were a major time sink and at least for my group, I only had 1 person

giving me a peer review and in most instances they missed way more of my issues then

you found. Besides that it is mostly my own practice that will fix my errors, I am towards

the end of my undergraduate and before I go into the workforce I will need to hone on

these skills to really fit in.

My main goal for this semester was to learn how to best present my research

and display it for everyone to understand. I believe I did not meet my goal but I got

close enough that over the next few years even once I enter the workforce It will be

completed. I think the reason I did not reach this goal were the project assigned though

we wrote research we did not learn how to present or read it outloud. I wasn't exactly

sure what this class was about before taking it so it is fine that I did not reach this goal. I

think a way to possibly integrate that would be to have the instructional assignment be

presented instead of a discussion. This would be fun for the students in my opinion.
I think the project I am most proud of is either the email/memo or the instructional

project. They both had their pros and cons. In the email project I had fun do to the

creativity allowed in it. You allowed us to go sourceless if we wrote it in a way where we

used information that was not needed to be referenced. This was really fun to think

about. The email also provided real help and professional experience where I will be

more confident once I enter the workforce. The instruction project was also really fun to

work on. I loved thinking of a fun easy instructional method that really anyone could use

and learn from. Fishing is easy once you get the knot and hook on. This allowed me to

work on my hobby and complete the class at the same time. I was also juggling the idea

of a backpacking instructional kit/preparation though it would have been useful to a

lower target audience.

This semester has been great and I would recommend anyone who plans on

taking this class to have you as their professor. You made it easy and understand how

boring and difficult college can be in the 21st century being that you just finished!

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