SCJ Developing World Class Players 2017

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Developing World-Class

Soccer Players: An
Example of the Academy
Physical Development
Program From an English
Premier League Team
Desmond Ryan, MSc,1 Colin Lewin, BSc (Hons), SRP,1 Shad Forsythe, MS, ATC, CSCS,1 and Alan McCall, PhD,1,2
Research and Development Department, Arsenal Football Club, London, United Kingdom; and 2Research &
Development Department, Arsenal Football Club, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT ONE OF THE BIGGEST SOCCER (e.g., aerobic fitness, maximal sprinting,
TEAMS IN THE WORLD. maximal anaerobic power, jumping
capacity) also contribute to this myriad
of predictors and success (19). As the
INTRODUCTION International Olympic Committee elo-
THIS INVOLVES TARGETED quently described it, “the goal of youth
s with many sports, the identi-
A fication of talent in soccer is fol-
lowed by the selection onto
a systematic program (the academy)
athletic development is to develop
healthy, capable and resilient young
athletes” (4).
for developing playing abilities and Frameworks for athlete physical devel-
nurturing the individual toward realiz- opment should be flexible, using a com-
MEDICINE IS TO OPTIMIZE THE ing potential that has already been pre- bination of both best practice and
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF dicted (26). Therefore, the role of the experience underpinned by high-
YOUNG PROMISING PLAYERS. IN youth academy represents an integral quality up-to-date research (4).
LINE WITH THE MULTIFACETED component in the long-term develop- Although the sports performance
NATURE OF PLAYER DEVELOP- ment of soccer players (19). Success in research literature is increasing expo-
MENT, THE SPORTS SCIENCE AND young soccer players and ultimately, nentially, this only forms one part of
MEDICINE DEPARTMENT MUST later success (e.g., achieving an elite the puzzle and insights into best prac-
INTEGRATE EFFECTIVELY INTO playing standard, obtaining a profes- tice, that is, what is being done in the
THE OVERALL YOUTH ACADEMY. sional contract) is the product of a myr- practical setting by experts servicing
THE PURPOSE OF THE PRESENT iad of factors including training history athletes, is not as widespread. It has
ARTICLE IS TO OUTLINE THE OB- and match experience (14,15), techni- recently been proposed in the elite
JECTIVES, METHODS, AND OPER- cal (26), motor (8), and perceptual cog- sporting environment that we must
ATIONS OF A SPORTS SCIENCE nitive (29) skills and also personal, start to share our knowledge and expe-
AND MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF social, and cultural factors (26). Other riences to learn from each other and
physically related parameters such as
remaining free of injury (26), anthropo- KEY WORDS:
Address correspondence to Desmond Ryan, metric (e.g., body size, percent body fat), talent; youth; football and fitness/strength-derived qualities

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Developing World-Class Soccer Players

continue to improve our servicing to leading youth development program. present article is concerned with the
athletes. (27). Such work is also essen- There are 2 elite London-based train- key pillar, that is, SSM.
tial in ensuring that the field of strength ing centers; one offering approxi- The SSM department works collec-
and conditioning continues to move mately 150 players from U9 to U16 tively toward the goal of the club to
further forward. a part-time academic program, produce first team players. The main
The purpose of the present article is expert-guided personal development, objective and what the SSM depart-
therefore to share our knowledge and soccer training. The other training
ment strives for is to develop player’s
and experiences in developing elite center services around 50 U18 to U23
physical abilities and increase resil-
youth soccer players with readers players not only with the same per-
ience using a combination of both
and fellow practitioners. We aim to sonal development support and soccer
best practice (our combined experi-
provide an insight into the opera- training but also with full-time aca-
ences) and evidence-based (research
tions of an elite youth academy demic teaching. The football academy
literature) approaches. In this way,
belonging to one of the biggest soc- promotes the development and
we can maximize player availability
cer teams in the world and demon- growth of future English Premier
League players in an environment that and consequently exposure for
strate how the Sport Science and coaching sessions and soccer skills
Medicine (SSM) department uses is challenging, developmental, and
inspirational. By default and rule of development. A long-term struc-
this combination of research evi- tured approach to the development
dence and best practice to develop the English Premier League Associa-
tion, all clubs are required to divide of athleticism in youth is warranted
world-class soccer players. (13), and as such, a structured
players into 3 different phases: foun-
dation phase: 9 to 12 years; youth approach should not be viewed as
BACKGROUND AND PHILOSOPHY development phase: 12 to 16 years; a stringent blueprint, but rather, the
Before delving into the specifics and and professional development phase: programs within the model are tai-
sharing our experiences and practices 16 to 21 years. In accordance with the lored to the needs of the individual
with the readers, we feel that it is per- multidimensional nature of develop- and within the confines of the unique
tinent to introduce the background ing talented soccer players, the foot- demands of the training environment
and philosophy of the club. Founded ball academy structure is also (4). With appropriate preparatory
in 1886 by workers from the Royal multifaceted and can be defined by 5 strength and fitness conditioning,
Arsenal, Woolwich, London in the key departmental pillars (Figure 1). the risk of sports-related injuries
United Kingdom, Arsenal FC is con- Figure 2 illustrates the interaction can also be decreased, and the likeli-
sidered one of the leading clubs in between these 5 integral pillars. The hood of achieving and sustaining an
world soccer with a rich heritage of
success, innovation, and financial sta-
bility. Competing in the English Pre-
mier League since its inception in
1992, the first team has a strong his-
tory of also competing in the Euro-
pean Union of Football Association’s
Champions League, with successful
qualification achieved in the past con-
secutive 19 years. Developing young
talent has long been at the center of
the club’s philosophy, and the club en-
joys a proud history of producing play-
ers who regularly play with the first
team. Consequently, the football acad-
emy is considered central to the long-
term future of the club and continues to
strive to produce first team play-
ers (12).


The principal mission of the football
academy is to enhance each player’s
progression, both as a player and as
a person, by providing a world- Figure 1. The football academy departmental structure.

2 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

Copyright ª National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
evolved, and retitled, the “physical
development framework.” The final
framework and how it integrates into
the overall academy program was
agreed in a series of round table dis-
cussions between experts within the
football academy (academy manager,
soccer coaches, strength and condi-
tioning coaches, nutritionist, psychol-
ogy, and medical staff ) and again
(and always) in accordance with the
club’s philosophy. Although the most
up-to-date version, the framework is
not a fixed entity and is constantly
being reviewed and evolved as new
evidence and experiences emerge. An
overview of the physical development
framework is shown in Figure 4 and
described in more detail below. In addi-
tion to providing a structure around
which to build the SSM program, the
system also has a huge benefit as a com-
munication tool. A key to the success
of any program is the degree of “buy-
in,” in particular, from players and
coaches, and to maximize this, we con-
tinually stress the “why” of what we do.
This structure is used to explain our
approach and method to players, pa-
rents, coaches, and other key stake-
holders, all of whom play a key role
in the overall success of the program.
The physical development framework
can be described as the “arrow
approach.” This signifies moving the
player to the next level as quickly
and efficiently as possible, but only
when key competencies are achieved
at each phase. It consists of 4 core pil-
lars of development that players must
achieve for excellence.

The first core component of the frame-
work is referred to as “functional com-
Figure 2. The interaction of the 5 departmental components of the football academy. petence.” This applies to all age groups
and is the starting point for all program
designs. Specifically, this stage high-
enjoyable high level of enhanced within the SSM department is also lights the importance placed on estab-
performance increased (4). These provided in Figure 3. lishing the fundamental basics of
principles underpin the SSM frame- athletic development. Functional com-
work for athlete physical develop- THE PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT petence refers to an assessment of mus-
ment in the pursuit to develop FRAMEWORK cle flexibility, strength imbalances, and
world-class soccer players. A sum- In 2013, the previously existing athletic general movement pattern proficiency
mary of the various roles and services development framework was updated, in a range of performance tests to

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Developing World-Class Soccer Players

Figure 3. Summary of sport science and medicine roles and services provided.

identify functional deficits related to will then progress the player into more and fundamental movement skills are
proprioception, mobilization, and sta- advanced training strategies (e.g., that functional competence focuses on
bilization. Additionally, we aim to strength and power) with confidence mobility and stability movements and
determine the existence of pain during that they can cope with the increased exercise competency, whereas funda-
any of the prescribed movement pat- demands. In the framework, there are mental movement skills focus on
terns, as previously described using the 20 exercises and movement screens movements like acceleration and
functional movement screen (FMS) that the player has to master to be jumping. This is why the movements
(6). Superior movement proficiency is deemed to have reached an acceptable need to be at a mature level before the
essential for safe and effective long- level. These include some movements players go onto more advanced speed
term physical development and perfor- from the functional movement screens and power activities. Movement skills
mance in youth athletes (20,28) and together with mastering key exercises are separated into 2 distinct yet linked
potentially in reducing injury risk like the squat. Players from our U9 to categories: (a) fundamental movement
(16,24). But this may be limited as U11 age groups mainly focus on skills and (b) physical literacy. Our
a tool to predict injury in elite soccer functional competence, fundamental operating definitions of these terms
players (3,25). movement skills, and multisport con- are as follows: (a) fundamental move-
tent. It is at U12 where the players can ment skills refer to the basic move-
Throughout a standard 11-month sea- progress to biological age appropriate ment skills of walking, running,
son, academy players are assessed 4 strength and power if they are at an jumping, throwing, catching, kicking,
times throughout the year (start and acceptable level in terms of functional and balancing and (b) physical literacy
end of preseason, midseason, and end competence. refers to the athlete/player’s ability to
of season) and corrective exercise pro- control his body, locomotion, and ob-
grams are designed and implemented MOVEMENT SKILLS jects in a competent way and with the
in collaboration with the strength and The major focus at this stage of the capacity to apply them with confi-
conditioning coaches and physiothera- framework is to assess, develop, and dence. Both fundamental movement
pists. Once the player’s functional com- correct inefficiencies of how a player skills and physical literacy are impor-
petence and technique has reached an moves on the soccer pitch. The differ- tant areas in the academy framework,
appropriate and acceptable level, we ence between functional competence especially in the younger age groups

4 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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Figure 4. The sports science and medicine physical development framework.

because it has been shown that good INTEGRATED CONDITIONING appropriate, the content is completed
progress can be achieved at the early The third part of the framework by the soccer coach or in conjunction
stages of development (14). Successful focuses on integrated conditioning. with the soccer coach and closely
development of fundamental move- Integrated conditioning simply means monitored for specificity and overload.
ment skills is essential to ensure that incorporating physical development Indeed, specific soccer drills, such as
correct movement patterns are mas- strategies into a soccer-specific con- purpose-built small-sided games, can
tered in a protected and fun environ- text. As the club demands develop- provide superior results in match-
ment to ensure safe and effective ment of highly technical players, it related variables of young soccer play-
performance of more complex sports was agreed with the soccer coaches ers (5). Anecdotally, within soccer and
movements at a later stage (20). Once in our own experience, motivation
and technical directors that specific
a player masters an appropriate level of and coach compliance is higher also
conditioning drills be completed
movement skill, he can then progress when put into the soccer context. This
to more advanced speed and power within the context of soccer training stage generally increases in focus as
exercises. As with functional compe- and match-play as much as possible the players reach the professional
tence, even after the player is moved while ensuring the physical goals are academy (U18 and over) and is not
to the next stage of the framework, the met. This means that the player’s emphasized at lower age groups to
movement skills are continuously endurance/fitness conditioning should avoid early specialization. Physical
monitored to ensure that no regression be completed using activities closely personal improvement plans (PPIPs),
of performance occurs. related to the game, and, where targeting individual player’s physical

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Developing World-Class Soccer Players

weaknesses, are implemented in combi- the players to create positive adapta- However, they will have the capacity
nation with the technical director and tion. The other training days are pre- to develop movement competency and
soccer coaches at the end of regular dominately technical or tactical to gain the ability to express force
soccer training sessions. The additional development days and a tapering day through this movement, predomi-
training and match loads associated pre and/or post game. nantly through neural mechanisms
with these PPIPs are monitored closely (20). The key, at the early stage, is to
and prescribed based on individual learn the movement skill of the exer-
player needs. These sessions are typi- DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK TO cise as opposed to seeking to develop
cally more traditional in nature, for INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS maximum strength. Also, players who
example, “interval, intermittent-type are more mature biologically can be
running activities.” Players with similar MATURATION
progressed more aggressively in their
PPIPs and with similar physiological It is important to highlight that athletic development program. To the
profiles can also be grouped together although each stage of the framework same extent, players who are close to
in the same sessions because it has been can typically be associated with a chro- 92% of adult height are predicted to be
recommended that such an approach nological age (e.g., U9 versus U12 ver- at their peak height velocity (7). Once
can permit coaches to balance opposi- sus U17), high consideration is given to these have been assessed, the strength
tions and reduce the variability of the the individual maturation level of play- and conditioning coaches and physio-
physiological outcomes (1). ers also. The physical competence of therapist can closely monitor and guide
the young player varies according to the player, helping them through the
PLANNING AND PERIODIZATION maturation status (21), and as such, it possible adolescent awkwardness
The final part of the framework con- needs to be assessed and the program phase. Once the player has shown
cerns “planning and periodization” of adapted accordingly. This is an integral signs of this phase, the workload on
the players’ program. This stage high- and ever evolving component of the the pitch can be reduced, and correc-
lights the importance of monitoring SSM department. Biological maturity tive and coordination work can be
and periodization of the player’s con- is assessed noninvasively by incorpo- increased.
tent to make sure that he is positively rating measures of body mass (in
adapting and not entering a state of kilograms), standing height (in centi- PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND
over or under training, “that is, to meters), and parental height (in centi- PSYCHOLOGY
ensure optimal loads for continued meters) into a regression equation As part of developing world-class play-
and optimal development.” Every ses- titled the Khamis-Roche method (17). ers and people, we aim to nurture in-
sion is monitored for workload, and the Biological parents of the players re- dividuals into becoming the best
players’ readiness to train is calculated ported their heights, and as adults tend person they can be. As highlighted
to check how they are coping with the to overestimate height (10), the self- by Eubank (11), the nature of high-
prescribed workloads. For example, reported height of each parent was performance sport can be laden with
this involves a combination of objective adjusted for overestimation using an intense, uncertain, and challenging
and subjective measures. We use equation constructed from more than realities all built around a constant pre-
various Global Positioning System- 1,000 measured and estimated heights occupation with achievement, out-
derived metrics, such as total distance of adults (10). come, and success. This cultural
per minute and high-speed running pa- Estimated biological maturity status is reality can lead to a player being over-
rameters (accounting for measurement expressed as a z-score, using percent- absorbed, and the overnarrowing of
errors in these), to assess the external age of predicted adult height attained their identity can come at the detri-
load that has been imposed on players at the time of measurement. Boys are ment of developing other areas of
from U13 to the oldest age group reg- classified as prepubertal growth spurt what could be considered “normal
ularly and sporadically for the younger when they are assessed to be between life” (9) and can lead to what has been
age groups. We simultaneously mea- 89% or less of predicted adult height, termed as “foreclosed identities” (22).
sure heart rate and session rating of during pubertal growth spurt when This is where the athlete overidentifies
perceived exertion (s-RPE) to deter- they are between 89 and 95% of pre- with their performance role, leading to
mine the internal load experienced dicted adult height, and past pubertal the loss of psychological and sociolog-
from the external stimulus. Duration growth spurt when they are past 95% ical development and well-being of
of sessions and s-RPE are taken for of adult height. As a practical example, themselves (2,23).
all age groups. All teams above U16 if we consider a young soccer player at Within the academy, an immersed
implement a 3-week high workload the prepubertal level, this player will player development program is imple-
and 1-week down-load pattern. The not have the same physiological capa- mented covering a broad range of
normal week contains 1 football con- bility to adapt fully to strength training opportunities. These include personal
ditioning day, where the acute training as the more mature player at the post development, (e.g., learning styles and
variables are manipulated to overload pubertal or adolescent stage (21). personality preferences), performance

6 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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psychology (e.g., performing under connection and character” (4). Devel- testimony to the importance that the
pressure and breathing techniques), life opment programs delivered by quali- club places on the development of
skills (e.g., finance and cooking skills), fied professionals using long-term and young players. Critically, progression
and player care (well-being and wel- systematically progressed approaches in the system has not only been verti-
fare, life after football). The key ques- to developing athleticism will enable cal but also horizontal, and this plays
tion is how does this fit alongside the more effective control over training a key role. Typically, coaches progress
overall physical development frame- variables, a reduction in the risk of through coaching structures by start-
work? The player development pro- overtraining, and an enhanced overall ing at the younger age groups and
gram aims to offer seamless continual adaptation in physiology and perfor- working their way progressively
support and learning opportunities mance (13). It is therefore evident that through to senior teams. Unfortu-
throughout the elite player pathway the selection of key, qualified, compe- nately, this means that the younger
from U9 to U23 and into the first team. tent, and adaptable staff to operate age groups, who often have the most
It supports the various transitions, within the athletic development of to gain from high-quality coaching, are
sporting and nonsporting, that a player players is crucial, and the develop- normally coached by younger less
may experience. This support has ment of a highly skilled and qualified experienced coaches. To combat this,
been intentionally broadened, to team of professionals has been pivotal we aim to ensure that we have experi-
encompass the needs of the players to the successful application of the enced coaches working at all levels,
and coaches (as evidenced through program. with the placement depending upon
continual feedback and research In the world of high-performance the coach’s skill sets and how we feel
within the club over the past 20 years). sport, there is always discussion on they can best impact upon the overall
We hope that this ensures that sport- what qualifications and experience mission. In this way, progression can
ing transitions are not seen as a singular a head of department should hold. be achieved horizontally, “that is,
event but more of holistic, career-life The lead author of this article and becoming a senior coach with the
span perspective (30). head of SSM was selected first and junior teams and not only vertically.”
This is a club-wide commitment foremost due to his high level of expe- To provide a specific example, one of
achieved through positive partnerships rience working with the youth athlete. our most experienced strength and
with coaching, sport science, medicine, From a “qualifications” perspective, the conditioning coaches fills one of our
education, and welfare. The aim is to most senior positions working with
head of SSM holds a Master’s in
enable those involved to fulfill their the under 9 to under 16. This is just
strength and conditioning and is both
potential as a player and person, some- one example crediting the clubs’ phi-
United Kingdom Strength and Condi-
one who continually strives to be able losophy of embedding highly experi-
tioning (UKSCA) and British Associa-
to combine and manage successfully enced coaches with the youngest
tion of Sports and Exercise Sciences
the demands of elite soccer alongside players.
(BASES) accredited. There are a high
other holistic personal contentment number of full-time strength and con-
and future aspirations (18). ditioning coaches delivering the pro- OVERVIEW OF THE SPECIFIC ROLE
gram, and these are expected to hold OF A STRENGTH AND
a minimum of a sport science or related
degree, be UKSCA accredited, and are
Although the structure and the meth- Effective coach functioning depends
also encouraged to attain BASES
ods of application are fundamental to upon clarity of roles, and therefore, it
accreditation. Similarly, there is also
the development of an effective youth is important that we clearly define
a high number of full-time physiothera-
development program, ultimately, suc- the strength and conditioning role
pists employed in the Academy, and
cess will depend upon the quality of within the SSM. Currently, there
they all must be on the Health
delivery and here the role of the coach are a number of job titles connected
and Care Professions Council registry
is critical. As stated recently by Berger- to the sport science and strength and
and a member of the Chartered Society
on et al. (4) in the IOC consensus state- conditioning industry. Examples
of Physiotherapy. The nutritionist, doc-
ment on youth athletic development, would be sport scientist, strength
“coaches of youth athletes play a piv- tors, Head of Personal Development, and conditioning coach, physical
otal role in determining whether sport and psychologist also have comparable performance coach, soccer scientist,
systems provide opportunities for peak qualifications for their respective fields, fitness coach, fitness and condition-
athlete performance and shape per- and most importantly, have a vast level ing coach, soccer conditioning
sonal development accordingly” and of experience working with youth coach, movement specialist, and
“coaches require a unique mix of pro- athletes. pathway scientist. A conscious deci-
fessional, interpersonal, and intraper- The quality and level of knowledge, sion was made to standardize the
sonal knowledge to effectively competencies, and experience of the title to strength and conditioning
cultivate athletes’ competence, confidence, staff within the SSM department is coach, while encompassing a variety

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Developing World-Class Soccer Players

of responsibilities. This is aligned the first team squad, (2) academy academy should not only hold the
with our belief that a youth academy graduates who played for the first appropriate university standard qual-
strength and conditioning coach is team in a competitive game and are ifications but also possess accredita-
a generalist and needs to be compe- currently on loan at an elite-level tion from a national governing body
tent in several areas. The strength team, and (3) academy graduates (e.g., UKSCA accreditation or the
and conditioning coach will have to who played for the first team in at National Strength and Conditioning
work in various environments and least 1 competitive game and are still Association, Certified Strength and
develop the players across several part of the club’s academy. Conditioning Specialist for strength
facets. The typical roles of a strength coaches, and the Federation of State
and conditioning coach operating in CRITERIA 1 Boards of Physical Therapy). Finally,
the SSM include, but are not limited There are currently 6 players (22% of maximizing the impact of sport sci-
to: workload monitoring (microtech- the team) who have come through the ence/medicine into the elite youth
nology, subjective wellness), plan- academy system and are regular start- academy requires effective commu-
ning and periodization of training ers in the first team squad of 27 nication between and among the
content on and off field, coaching players. key stakeholders; therefore, practi-
movement and exercise techniques, tioners should concentrate on build-
assessing maturation, assessing train- CRITERIA 2 ing good relationships with staff,
ing age, and undertaking physical We have 7 players who have been coaches, and players to maximize
tests. Adaptability to an everchang- brought through the academy system uptake of recommendations.
ing environment is a key skill, and and competed in the first team and
modifying training based on that who are currently on loan at other
and other information is a typical elite-level teams. The loan system is CONCLUSION
role. Additionally, effective integra- used in the English soccer leagues, The present article has provided an
tion within the medical and coaching whereby teams such as in the present insight into the objectives, methods,
staff is imperative. article will loan out younger players to and operations of an elite sport science
other teams playing at a slightly lower and medicine department of one of the
At the U18 and U23 age groups, we
standard with the aim of providing biggest soccer teams in the world,
have a ratio of 1:9 (i.e., 1 strength
them with experience in senior soccer. renowned for producing high-profile
and conditioning coach for every 9
The goal is to provide further develop- players.
players). The players are distributed
to the strength and conditioning ment, with the aim to bring them back In summary, the role of sports sci-
coach not based on age but based to the club more capable to compete ence and medicine within the overall
on the needs of the player and the regularly within the club’s own academy is to complement and
personality type of the player and first team. enhance the multifactorial nature of
coach to get the best match for developing a high-level soccer player.
CRITERIA 3 The goal of the SSM department in
development. The player coach
ratios are slightly higher at the youn- We have 7 players in our academy the current article is to (a) develop
ger age groups, and they each take who have been called up from the the physical qualities of players and
responsibility of an age group, but academy to compete in at least 1 (b) to make them “resilient” to cope
there may be more than 1 strength competitive match for the first team. with the demands of training and
and conditioning coach at a develop- competition required to become
PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS a top-level player able to compete in
ment session.
When creating an effective SSM arguably the highest competition in
ACADEMY GRADUATES: FROM department, a combination of both world soccer. We hope that by us
ACADEMY TO FIRST TEAM evidence base and best current prac- sharing our experiences and knowl-
In support of the effectiveness of the tice should be considered the gold edge, that this insight will assist prac-
program, we feel that it is important standard. Physical development titioners in developing their own
to give readers an insight into some frameworks should be tailored accord- systems.
of the talented players who have ing to the needs of the sport and the
Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:
been developed through the club’s club/sporting industry. Programs
The authors report no conflicts of interest
football academy. Below is the cur- should be individualized according to
and no source of funding.
rent number of graduates in the cur- the specific needs of the players/ath-
rent squad (with the oldest graduate letes and must be malleable to adapt to
making his first team debut in 2008). the everchanging sporting environ- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
This section is based on 3 different ment. We also recommend that profes- The authors extend their gratitude
criteria: (1) academy graduates cur- sionals working within the science and to all the club staff and players from
rently regular playing members of medicine department of the elite youth Arsenal Football Club.

8 VOLUME 0 | NUMBER 0 | MONTH 2017

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