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Running records to observe the social development

Date: 10/06/2023 Observer: Pavittarjeet Kaur

Name: Cyanan Background Information: Cian is playing center in the making
Age: 4 years house with blocks and shelves outside the play area. He has one
Time: 1:30 pm older sister who is in school.
Setting: outdoor play area Focus: observe the social development

Record of Children’s Speech and Actions Notes and Interpretations

Cian calls to Grace, “Do you want to play with the blocks and Cian tends to tell everyone what to
shelves to make the house with me?” Grace walks into the play do. Both children have active
area and asks “Can I do with my way” Cian says, “No, I am imaginations and enjoy playing
building the house. Grace frowns and then says, Okay. Cian asks together.
Grace to get the blocks and shelves.

When one more girl enters the area where the Cian and Cian used his language and social
Grace was building a house. She said, ‘Can I play.’ Cian said skills as he communicated with other
OKAY help us to build the roof and get more shelves. They are children very well. Give them
working together and enjoying. After building the house Cian said instructions on what to do next.
we are going to ride the go-carts and have more fun.

Assessment for learning:

Cian is able to apply the social skills of turn-taking and uses clear language to express his thinking. Cian
appears to be more self-confident when interacting with peers. Cian demonstrates the skill of decision-
making about her choice of experiences.
Developmental Checklist Sample

Observer T Date March 19 Time 1:30 to

3:00 p.m.

Location Preschool Lab Child JP Age

OBSERVATION OBJECTIVE: To identify and document JP’s gross motor skills.

Gross Motor Skills: Age Three

Attempted Mastered
Walks steadily. √ 3/19
Runs. √ 3/19
Stops accurately when running. √ 3/19
Skips. √ 3/19
Hops on one foot.
Climbs ladder to slide. √ 3/19
Alternates feet, going up stairs. √ 3/19
Jumps off bottom step.
Jumps up and down.
Balances on one foot. √ 3/19
Rides tricycle.
Throws a ball overhand. √ 3/19
Kicks a large ball. √ 3/19
Catches large ball with arms out straight. √ 3/19


3/19 JP seems average in her gross motor development. Games and outdoor play today
allowed me to check many of the skills. Going up the stairs, she does alternate feet
but still holds onto the railing. Her balance is shaky
Fre q u e n c y C o u n t S a m p le
Observer Candice Dates Dec. 7, 8, 10
Location Logan Preschool Child #12 Age 3

OBSERVATION O BJECTIVE: To observe how often child #12 is hurting other children.

Frequency Record //// (One tally mark for each act)

Notes and Comments

Dec. 7 11:15 a.m.: Grabbed doll from child #3 and hit

her. Dec. 8 3:08 p.m.: Hit child #2 with book and took
same doll.
4:20 p.m.: Pulled child #6’s hair. Wanted to be the one to feed gerbil.
Dec. 10 9:30 a.m.: Squashed child #5’s fingers with block.
Three of the hitting acts were because of a disagreement over a toy—twice for a particular doll. She
pulled child #6’s hair when it was child #6’s turn to feed the gerbil and she wanted to do it. No hitting
occurred while the teacher was talking to the class or paying attention to child #12. The teacher made
child #12 sit in the time-out chair only once for hurting her classmates. The other two times she saw
her, she remindedher about the “no hitting” rule. The teacher did not see the hair-pulling, but she did
witness child #6 crying and holding her head.
Summary and Interpretations

Child #12 seems to know that hitting usually gets her what she wants. The teacher seemed inconsistent
inhow she reacted to the hitting and hair pulling. Child #12 did not hit as long as the teacher was paying
atten- tion to her or could see her. She may be seeking her attention. The teacher could temporarily put
away the doll that the girls do not want to share. Try new frequency count two weeks after teacher
responds consis- tently to child #12’s misbehavior in order to check progress.

Name Candice Steel Date 12-11

Time samples record for Emotional development
Date: 12/07/2023 Background Information: Mason Is Crying in the
Name: Mason Midmorning for The Past Two Days.
Age: 2.5 years
Time: 10.30 am to 11.00am Focus: Emotional development
Frequency: every five minutes
Setting: outdoor farm yard

Time Code Behaviour

10:30 am P Mason is sitting in the farm yard area with his friends
near the sand pit.
10:35 am S Mason is hiding under the slide.
10:40 am O Mason is sitting at the table in the farm yard and watching
the children riding the bikes.
10:45 am N Mason at his bag. Something bothering him.
10:50 am N Mason is in the bathroom with his teacher and complains
about one of his friends.
10:55 am N Mason crying when he comes from the bathroom
11:00 am N Mason takes his bag sucking his dummy and holding tight
his teddy.
Code: Type of Assessment for learning:
Play Mason has a significant level of non-play throughout this time sample
period. Mason's emotional disposition appears to be that he is tired and in
N – Non-play
need of a sense of comfortable attachment to familiar objects. Mason is
S – Solitary
expressing his need for comfort and reassurance through nonverbal
O - Observer communication.
P – Parallel

G - Group

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