Defining GDS, NDC, Aggregators & More (1 - 2) .mp3

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270] - Speaker 1
Cool today is more covering the basics of travel, like what is Saber, what is travel fusion, what is mid
office, back office, how the query flows through the system. And if we have time, we'll also do a quick
deep dive into our own text stack. But that is if we have time. So let's see how it proceed.

[00:00:41.850] - Speaker 1
So let me start introducing to you few simple flow of requests and how booking take place, right? So say
you are on. So say you go to a website to book travel, like say, flights or hotels or car. So this is a website
and you search for, say, San Francisco to Delhi on some date, say 1st January 2021, right? So the
request goes to some server.

[00:01:24.790] - Speaker 1
But this server doesn't have the inventory of flights. So it has to pull the inventory of flights or hotels or
car. So now, from where do we pull that inventory? Right? So there are now few systems from where we
get data.

[00:01:41.790] - Speaker 1
One such system is called, let's see, definitely there are airlines, right? So you say united Airlines, is
there? British Airways? Air India? So you have all these different airlines and you want content from all
these airlines.

[00:02:04.920] - Speaker 1
Now, what has happened, how it all started was that one is that each airline is developing its own API.
And you connect to that API and get the content. And similarly, say there are hotels, say Hilton and say
there's a car vendor.

[00:02:29.530] - Speaker 1
So this is say hotel, this is car, this is Air. At the end of the day, these are what we have from where we
book stuff. So what happened is that some companies came into so you have content here, like the
inventory is at the car or Hilton and the airline. So they have the inventory, but you need someone to
distribute that inventory, right? So, for example, Amazon, amazon is there are different sellers who have
inventory who want to sell the goods.

[00:03:10.490] - Speaker 1
And then there are buyers like us who want to buy it. And Amazon is a platform where sellers put their
inventory and we buy. So Amazon acts as the distribution channel, right? So similarly, there are few
companies called GDS.
[00:03:29.710] - Speaker 1
What is GDS? It's global distribution.

[00:03:38.610] - Speaker 1
What is this system? I think I'll confirm this, let me just quickly do it.

[00:03:50.050] - Speaker 1
This one, right? So there are few companies called GDS global distribute systems. And these are like
Saber mads.

[00:04:08.810] - Speaker 1
So what these companies do is they act as Amazon layer. So all these airlines, they put their content and
hotels and cars, they put their content and inventory in the GDS, which is a company. So these are
companies, right? Just like Amazon is a company, sabre is a company, amids is a company. So all these
suppliers put their inventory into GDS, and then the back end server can pull from these and show on the
website, right?

[00:04:49.260] - Speaker 1
So this is one system. So this GDS, they maintain the inventory, they maintain the profiles. Like for
example on Amazon you can create profile, the supplier can create profiles, the supplier create profile the
buyer as we create our profiles and then we pay there, we buy there everything Amazon is maintaining
and we'll dig deeper into GDS in a moment. So this is one system, right? Now what can also happen is
that this is one layer.

[00:05:28.040] - Speaker 1
Now there are also few systems called aggregators.

[00:05:36.360] - Speaker 1
So there are few systems called aggregators.

[00:05:45.180] - Speaker 1
What they do is that they connect to these different APIs like Air, Hotel and Car. So they connect to the
APIs for them and then they provide a single channel from where you can get data.

[00:06:03.360] - Speaker 1
So let's take one example of aggregator. So an aggregator is like Travel Fusion, right? So they're not full
blown GDS. What they do they just connect to whatever. So they connect to these different airlines or
hotels or cars, they aggregate their content and then a single channel is there which can serve to those
which your server can talk to, but they don't store your profiles.

[00:06:39.930] - Speaker 1
For example, they won't store your profile. Their job is just to kind of different thing provide a single
channel just like what one of the microservices supplier is doing. So this is what these aggregators are
doing and they are slightly GDS is more like Amazon where it can store all your profiles and policies and
everything. Aggregator electrofusion is like they don't have so these GDS also have reservation systems,
right? The ticketing systems where they can issue their own PNRs and stuff like that.

[00:07:16.270] - Speaker 1
So these are like proper they can issue tickets on behalf of airlines. Travel aggregators are simply just
connecting to different APIs and provide you one single channel. And if you do something, say book or
something else, then they'll forward your request to the airlines and they'll manage it. But aggregators
won't store your profile. So they're lightweight.

[00:07:42.110] - Speaker 1
This is like single channel to connect into different APIs. GDS are more that, more that, they store the
inventory and locally they can serve from there, right? So these are aggregators. So travel Fusion is one
aggregator. And what Travel Fusion does, it stores content of low cost carriers traditionally.

[00:08:02.220] - Speaker 1
So lot of these you have lot of airlines. Like in India. It's Indigo Air is there in Europe. Easyjet. Ryan Air.

[00:08:11.240] - Speaker 1
Vis Air. So all of these are called low cost carriers. And so Travel Fusion stores a lot of those content,
travel Fusion stores a lot of those content and so it has basically connected to all these different airlines
like the low cost carrier airlines and then it provides a single API for us to get content from. So this is one
StarFusion like the aggregators and then there are say direct API.

[00:08:48.650] - Speaker 1
So for example on Amazon there are different sellers and you can buy from them, but each seller might
have their own API or their own website so for example, consider Apple, right? Apple store sell their iPad
and MacBooks on Amazon, but you can directly go to the Apple website also to buy stuff, right? So lot of
big airlines or something, they have their own APIs in which you can directly connect to them and get the
content. So, for example, low cost carriers definitely have then say United Airlines has their own API.
There are a few airlines like Southwest Airlines, which this is Southwest, they don't put their content on
[00:09:43.600] - Speaker 1
So they have their API like it's optional. It's not that all airlines have to put their content in GDS. GDS are
just like Amazon, right? It's not necessary that Apple has to put its content on Apple on Amazon.

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