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Software Project Management
Lecture 1
Dr. Riem Hamdi

Spring 2023 2

List of References
Course notes
Available on MOODLE.

Essential books (text books)

Ø Object-Oriented Software Engineering Using UML, Patterns, and Java, 3/E, Bernd Bruegge, Adjunct, Carnegie
Mellon University, Allen H. Dutoit, Technical University of Munich, Pressman; McGraw Hill Publications

Ø Software Engineering, by Sommerville 10e; Pearson Publications

Recommended books
Ø A Guide to Project Management Body on Knowledge, 3rd edition, publisher PMI Inc, USA
CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department


Spring 2023 3

Course Outline
• Hints for all facets of development, detailed project milestones and other deliverables to help
one manage software better.

• Outline the traditional waterfall approach to software development.

• Changes for management when it comes to today’s iterative software processes.

• Project planning, project scheduling and tracking. an eye towards management (with
emphasize on project estimation and planning), principles to managing software.

• Breakdown of tasks for project team that helps to maximize efficiently, Risk Analysis and
management, Common pitfalls of managing software, Return on investment (ROI), Control of
software costs, Improvement of team efficiency.

• Introduction to software Quality Assurance (SQA) and Configuration Management.

CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department

Spring 2023 4

Intended Learning Outcome

CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department


Spring 2023 5

a. Knowledge and Understanding Skills

1. Understand the Essential facts, concepts, principles and theories relating to computer
applications as appropriate to the course. (A3)

2. Define Criteria and specifications appropriate to specific problems and plan strategies for
their solution. (A4)

3. Identify Principals and techniques of generating tests which investigate the functionality of
computer programs and computer systems and evaluating their results. (A15)

4. Describe management, economics, linguistic, and social principles relevant to computing

and information disciplines. ( A9 )

• Outline principals and techniques for determining the requirements and practical constraints
when developing computer-based systems.
CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department

Spring 2023 6

b. Intellectual Skills

1. Solve computing problems and formulate solutions related to the design and
construction of computing systems.

2. Create ideas, proposals and designs using rational and reasoned arguments for
presentation of computing systems.

3. Report the current state of art research in a range of knowledge areas.

4. Compare between different methods, techniques, etc. related to project management.

• Apply the proposed solutions and interpret their results.

CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department


Spring 2023 7

c. Professional and Practical Skills

1. Examine a comprehensive computing knowledge and skills in projects and in deployment
of computers to solve practical problems.

2. Analyze a mass of diverse data, assess risk, resolve security issues, and draw conclusions.

3. Sample effectively by oral, written and visual means.

4. Analyze technical reports, and a dissertation, to a professional standard; use IT skills and
display mature computer literacy.

• summarize systems in terms of general quality attributes and possible tradeoffs presented
within the given problem.
CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department

Spring 2023 8

d. General and Transferable Skills

1. Practice communication skills in group working, team management, time management and
organizational skills.

2. Manage an appropriate mix of tools and aids in preparing and presenting reports for a range of
audiences, including management, technical, users, industry or the academic community.

3. Apply lifelong learning presentation skills, public speaking skills, and delegation, writing/reporting
skills, oral discussions, and effectively using various media for a variety of audiences.

4. Show the ability to efficiently use general computing facilities and IT resources.

5. Demonstrate independent critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department


Course Learning Objectives

Spring 2023 9

• Understanding project management concepts from both of the developer’s and

project manager’s perspectives.

• Focus on project organization, communication and configuration.

• Project Planning, Project Scheduling and Tracking.

• An eye towards management (with emphasize on project estimation and

• Principles to managing software development.

• Introduction to software Quality Assurance (SQA) and Configuration


CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department

Spring 2023 10

Topics covered Contents

1. Introduction to Software Project 7. Project management (conception 12. Project Management (Classical
Management & Models) and Agile project management
2. Software Project Rational & 8. Project management
Organization (Work Breakdown Structures - 13. Software Life Cycle Processes
3. Software Project Communication 14.Quality Management
9. Project Management (Estimation) Methodologies
4. Configuration Management (Putting it all together)
(Overview & concepts) 10.Project Management (Scheduling)

5. Configuration Management 11.Exam 2

(activities & Managing
Configuration Management)

6. Exam 1

CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department



Spring 2023 11

Course Contents
Wk: 01 Introduction to Software Project Management, content, ILOs
Wk: 02 Software Project Rational & Organization: CH 03: Project Organization & Communication
Wk: 03 Software Project Communication (Overview): CH 13: Configuration Management
Wk: 04 Configuration Management (Concepts)
Wk: 05 Configuration Management (activities & Managing Configuration Management)
Wk: 06 Exam #1
Wk: 07 Project management (conception & Models)
Wk: 08 Project management (Work Breakdown Structures – WBS, Estimation and Scheduling)
Wk: 09 Project Management (Classical and Agile project management activities)
Wk: 10 Software Life Cycle Processes
Wk: 11 Quality Management and Methodologies
Wk: 12 Exam #2
Wk: 13 Revision on all chapters, Q&A lecture
Wk: 14 Final practical presentations

CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department


Spring 2023 12

Grading Breakdown
§ Two Exams [60 points]
§ Assignment contributions [5 points]
§ Exam #1& Exam #2 [25 points each]

§ Final Practical exam [30 points]

§ All details will be announced after Exam #1
§ Final written examination [60 Points]
CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department




You made it with an A*


Spring 2023 14

Course Strategy
• Interactive lectures (contribution, you may be called on randomly to answer
• linking academic syllabus with the practical business cases

• The Lecture will end with a Q?or assignment to be answered or

presented by a student in following lecture.
• Course will move quickly.
• Each subject builds on previous ones. BE PUNCTUAL!

CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department



• Management
• Project
• Software


CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department



CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department


CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department



Spring 2023 19

“Software Project Management is

the process of
planning and leading software projects.

It is a sub-discipline of
Project Management
in which software projects are
planned, implemented, monitored and controlled.”
CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department


Spring 2023 20

The course main objectives 1/3

• Explaining project management concepts from both of the developer’s and
project manager’s perspectives.
• Creating communication infrastructure in the software project
• Managing different communication activities in the software project
• Rationale Management (concepts, activities, management) .
• Applying Configuration Management (overview, concepts, activities, plan,
build, integration) in the software project.

CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department



Spring 2023 21

The course main objectives 2/3

• Assess the software project costs by applying estimation principles and
• Construct software project scheduling (dependency diagrams, times of
activities; critical path and slack times; project duration; how to live with a
given deadline; optimization; rearrangement).

• Formulate software project organization (Different organization forms;

Binding roles to people in organizations; Relationships between roles;
Identifying people).

CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department


Spring 2023 22

The course main objectives 3/3

• Analyze software project by applying the WBS concepts (work and tasks
sizes; WBS; Different Approaches for developing; Notations; Heuristics and
examples; Using WBS in large projects).
• Identifying Software Life Cycle and Unified Process (Standard for
Developing Life Cycle Processes; Characterizing the Maturity of Software
Life Cycle Models; Life Cycle Models).
• Compare software project management methodologies (concepts; documents;
roles; activities).

CS442 Dr. Riem M. Hamdi Information Ssytems Department


Object-Oriented Software Engineering

Using UML, Patterns, and Java

An of Software Project Management

An overview of Software Project Management



Goal Inspiration
You can easily customize this goal template with your own
information. To replace any placeholder text (such as this), just
select it and enter your own.

This week

!!!! What does success look like? Reward

This month Resources

Within 6 months Reflection


Example Goal Inspiration

Create and send applications for my seven top college choices,
meeting all deadlines.
“I don't
focus o
I'm up n w h at
on my against. I foc
Actions / tasks goals a u
nd I trys
to igno
This week -Venus the rest.”
o Review application requirements for each school s
o Gather common information needed for all applications

!!!! o Identify different specific requirements needed for each

o Create application schedule with deadlines, including
What does success look like?
All applications completed
Bike trip!
financial aid dates
and submitted on time.

This month Resources

o Complete common/basic application portions • Official test scores and grades
o Gather school-specific application information • Work/volunteer history, with dates and people
o Draft personal and school-specific essays • Extracurricular activities
o Contact teachers and employers for recommendations • Recommendations
o Prepare information needed for financial aid applications • School Web sites and contact information
and send by deadlines. • Financial aid sites and contact information

Within 6 months Reflection

o Complete personal and school-specific essays, including * When it’s all over, reflect on the process and the outcome. *
o Complete school-specific application portions
o Follow-up on recommendations; send thank you notes
o Submit applications by deadlines!



List the five project management stages.



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