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I am gonna tell you about how the marine corps saved and changed my life for the

better. If you are stuck and looking for a way out I have an alternative for you.
Hi my name is Christopher Talbot and I have proudly served 3 and a half years now
in the beloved United States Marine Corps. I am currently and E4 Corporal looking
forward to eventually meritoriously promote to E5 Seargent . Today I will clarify
that without the marine corps I would be sitting somewhere probably curled up in my
parents basement. On the day of December 1 2019 I headed to the glorious MCRD San
Diego we trained in rigorous event and fought our own minds to one day be proud to
say that we are a marine. I didn’t have any contact with any of my family for 3
months only contact we had were through notes. But on March 23rd 2020 I was handed
that Eagle Globe and Anchor and was proud to be able to call myself a Marine. March
28th 2020 was the day I graduated from MCRD San Diego and more important boot camp.
Without boot camp I would still be unorganized and a sloppy human being. Stuck
between going to college and be in a tremendous amount of debt. Or doing a trade
and working non stop still not knowing if I enjoy my life or not. When I was handed
that eagle globe and anchor I was shocked not only because I was filled with joy
but because I didn’t know if I wanted to be a marine either. I mean clearly it was
a little too late because I signed my name on the dotted line. So I had no choice
even though I went through mental mind games that made me depressed and nervous. I
guess the one thing that really got me through it was the other individuals that
went through three months of hell with me. Bonding and making friends really made
me put my foot down and also being able to say I can do this. The first time I
really let all of my emotions pour out was when I was able to see my family again.
It felt so good to cry on someone’s shoulder that I loved and could trust. First
person I went to was obviously my mother. She was even more in disbelief that I did
it. She couldn’t even recognize me that’s how much more mature I was.

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