Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9-1

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

S.Y. 2021-2022
Prepared by: NOBAISA P. ANDOGs
Topic: Illustrates the six trigonometric ratios: sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and
A.Content Standards: Demonstrates understanding of the basic concepts of trigonometry.
B. Performance Standards: apply the concepts of trigonometric ratios to formulate and solve real life
problems with precision and accuracy.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives:
1. Illustrate the six trigonometric ratios.
Subject Matter: Illustrates the six trigonometric ratios: sine, cosine, tangent, secant, cosecant, and
cotangent (M9GE-IVa-1).
a. References: Self learning Modules- Grade 9, Module 1 (Fourth Quarter)
a. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
We will have an activity today to recall the topic we had in our previous lesson.
Activity 1.

Supply what is needed on the table.

b. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Let the students observe the table below.
2(3) 2(n)
8-1 x-1
3+5 b+5
12/4 k/4
12+10 m+10
10/2 y/2
7-2 x-2
7+8 7+a

Process questions.
1. What have you noticed about the two columns?
2. What will happen if some given terms in each expression in the first column turns to

c. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson

Guide Question: Differentiate the entries in the column under algebraic expressions and

d. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills

Algebraic Expression
In Mathematics, an algebraic expression is defined as a phrase that groups together
numbers/constants, letters/variables, or their combination joined by operations to represent the
value of something.


In Mathematics, the term equation means a statement of equality. It is a sentence in which

two expressions are joined together. To satisfy the equation, it is important to determine the
value of its variable which is known as the solution.

It can be conditional or an identity. If the equation is conditional, then the equality of the
two expressions is true for a definite value of a variable involved. However, if the equation is an
identity, then the equality is true to all values held by the variable.

Mathematical sentence indicating that two expressions are not equal. It uses the symbols <, >,
≤, ≥ and ≠. Inequality has many solutions.

Examples of Inequality

 2x-1 > 3
 z ≤ -2
 y≥8

since we have differentiated Algebraic Expression and Equation from Activity 2, now
we will have another oral activity to differentiate Equation and Inequalities.

e. Developing mastery
To know if you really understand what are algebraic expressions, equation and inequalities.
let us have another activity.
Make your own algebraic expression, equation and inequalities.



1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

f. Generalization
Define algebraic expression, equation and inequalities base on your understanding

Expected Answer:
Algebraic Expression
Consist of variables and constants along with operation.

The equality of the two expressions connected by equal sign.

Expression that uses the symbols <, >, ≤, ≥ and ≠.

g. Evaluating learning
Direction: Classify the elements in the box as indicated in the table.

5x -7 3x -7 = 0 2x -20y 4x – 8 ≤ 0

3x –y =0 a–b≥7 2x - y 3a – 4b = 21

4m – 3n > 7x
x -8 < 1 a-b
-y = 0
2x – y – z = 0 x+y-z
6b ≠ -2



h. Assignment
Find then value of variables to make the Equation True.
1. 5x + 8 = 13
2. y – 11 = 4
3. 9 + m = 25
4. 2d + 7 = 17
5. w – 13 = 12

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