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NCSA Mosaic and the World Wide Web: Global Hypermedia Protocols for the

Article  in  Science · September 1994

DOI: 10.1126/science.265.5174.895 · Source: PubMed

175 280

2 authors:

Bruce R. Schatz Joseph Hardin

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign University of Michigan


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NCSA Mosaic and the World Wide Web: Global
Hypermedia Protocols for the Internet
Bruce R. Schatz and Joseph B. Hardin
Network information systems reached the public consciousness this year as a result of One of the primary services of the Inter-
the phenomenal growth in the use of the Internet. In particular, the software constituting net is file transfer. In its simplest form of
NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications) Mosaic and the World Wide directly copying files from one machine to
Web have made global hypermedia a widespread reality for the first time. The technology another, it was one of the original services
underlying this software is described to explain the protocols behind information spaces. in the 1970s and still remains among the
These include the historical predecessors, the current protocols with examples, future most popular. Later, file transfer evolved
directions for the software, and discussion of research systems with different architec- into services, such as electronic mail and
tures. Reasons for its popularity are given, with the goal of illuminating successful services bulletin boards, which helped to form the
for the National Information Infrastructure. Internet community and widely demon-
strate a new form of communications me-
dia. The evolution of network information
systems has thus far centered around brows-
The Internet, which has been in use by linois in Urbana-Champaign and built on ing and retrieval services, which are sur-

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scientists since the late 1960s, hit the big the World Wide Web (WWW) protocols. veyed in this article. However, it is already
time last year, not only among scientists but This is a currently popular information ser- clear that the next stages will center around
among the general public. Part of this was vice on the Internet, whose great and sud- sharing and publishing services, as touched
attributable to the greatly expanded scope den success has embedded in the popular upon in the future sections at the end.
of the Net: Rather than tens of thousands of consciousness the notion of a worldwide The simplest form of file transfer is FTP
users as in the 1970s, there are now tens of information space. Examination of the pro- (file transfer protocol). The services built
millions in the 1990s. In addition, the Na- tocols and services that constitute Mosaic on FTP, and used in the Internet for many
tional Information Infrastructure has be- and WWW will make the current technol- years, provided a way of connecting to a
come a major national priority, promising ogy underlying a global hypermedia system specific machine, locating a specific file, and
to bring the Net to every home and business clearer. Here, "hypermedia" refers to a col- transferring it to the local machine. Ser-
in America. lection of items of multimedia information vices such as "anonymous FTP servers" be-
Another, perhaps even more significant with relationship links between the items, came common mechanisms for publishing
part of the impact of the Internet, is a result and "global" refers to a system that can and retrieving information, whereby a user
of a fundamental change in its use. Origi- transparently retrieve these items and nav- could access a standard location on almost
nally intended as a distributed network of igate these links without regard for their any machine to retrieve files that had been
computers, it is increasingly viewed instead physical location. The presentation is his- placed there for public access. As the Inter-
as a distributed space of information. Rather torical in nature and intended to be illus- net reached more locations at higher band-
than transferring files between computers, a trative of the technology, rather than de- widths, a wider range of information could
user navigates an information space of dis- scribing the detailed functionality of the be effectively fetched, such as documents
tributed items of information. The users systems. from collections and items from databases.
concentrate on the logical structure of the In addition to examination of the This was one of the primary bases for the
interconnection of information and data present, there will be a brief examination of development of information services in the
items rather than on the underlying physi- the future. The short-term evolution of Mo- Internet.
cal structure of computer and communica- saic/WWW itself will be described, as well A network information system mediates
tions systems. Formation of the Internet as the longer term evolution of other archi- between a user and some information across
relied critically on standard network proto- tectures that may supplant it. Finally, the a network. A common terminology for de-
cols and simple universal services. Similar- sociology behind the success of Mosaic is scribing the components thus divides the
ly, new protocols and services have evolved examined, with the hopes of shedding light system into the user side of the network, the
to support this new logical structure of in- on the broader question of what services client, and the information side of the net-
terconnected information spread across the will be successful in the age of information work, the server (4). A client handles the
worldwide network, a global hypermedia superhighways. user interaction: It processes commands and
system. displays their results. In a network system,
This article examines some of the issues Gopher: Client-Servers for some commands are processed locally, but
behind a global hypermedia system by de- Network Resources many are transmitted across the network to
scribing the workings of a software program a remote server. A server handles the infor-
called NCSA Mosaic, developed by the The Internet was founded upon the TCP/IP mation interaction: It retrieves items and
National Center for Supercomputing Ap- (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet transmits the results to requesting clients.
plications (NCSA) at the University of II- Protocol) protocols, which provide univer- Users typically invoke a client when they
sal access for data transmission (1). These wish to use some information service; this
B. R. Schatz is with the Graduate School of Library and protocols support transparent interconnec- program then communicates across the net-
Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, and the National Center for Supercomput- tion of data stored in machines spread work with the appropriate servers, which
ing Applications, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, across the network. Today there are literally are already running.
Urbana, IL 61801, USA. E-mail: millions of machines connected to the In- Gopher, developed in the early 1990s at
J. B. Hardin is at the National Center for Supercomputing
Applications, Beckman Institute, University of Illinois, Ur- ternet, which can exchange packets of data the University of Minnesota Computer
bana, IL 61801, USA. E-mail: using TCP/IP (2, 3). Center, was the key program in demonstrat-
SCIENCE * VOL. 265 * 12 AUGUST 1994 895
ing the client-server approach to file trans- domain WAIS is primitive by professional Hypertext Markup Language (HTML); and
fer and other network resources (5). It pre- information retrieval standards, its easy (iii) specify a way to request and send a
sented the Internet as a hierarchy of servers, availability and simple functionality have document over the network, the Hypertext
from which files could be transparently resulted in widespread use. Transfer Protocol (H7FIP). With these
transferred, rather than as a hierarchy of Hundreds of WAIS servers have ap- standard protocols in place, one can set up
machines. A user is presented with a list of peared across the Internet on a wide variety a server and construct hypertext documents
files and services that can be retrieved from of topics. Originally, WAIS existed in iso- with links in them that point to the docu-
menus by interactive selection, without re- lation as a separate search server with its ments on that server. Selecting the link
gard for the physical location of actual stor- own interface client. It is now most com- from within the display of a document sends
age as with anonymous FTP. Gopher en- monly accessed via a gateway built into one a request to the server, which in response
compasses multiple services, or resources, of the network information services. For sends the document back. The retrieved
on the Net, including FTP, Telnet, and example, Gopher has a gateway through document might have links in it, perhaps
Archie, giving users a simple, consistent which it can pass strings into WAIS and pointing to documents on another such
interface to the Internet's multiple re- receive matching files to provide a complete server, and thus, a user might browse
sources (6). Gopher was thus a significant query and fetch service. Subsumption of through an extensive corpus of material
milestone in showing that the Net could be various information services under one distributed around the global network sim-
effectively viewed as an information space. client, as in NCSA Mosaic/WWW, a ply by following the hyperlinks, "jumping"
There is a set of established protocols by "multiprotocol client," is an established from one point of interest to another.
which a file can be plugged into Go- method of integrating the Internet infor- In addition to directed navigation from
pherspace, for example, by providing a sim- mation space. one document to another, an information
ple text packaging for it on a suitable server. space must also support search. In WWW, a

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The simple Gopher client was propa- WWW: Documents and Links retrieved document may be an index of
gated to many machines, and many sites put information and thus be searchable by spec-
up Gopher servers with a wide range of The WWW began as an attempt to link ification of a query string. The results of a
textual information. For example, a user researchers at CERN, the European Labo- query against an index can be automatically
can retrieve a document from the National ratory for Particle Physics, in Geneva, Swit- composed into an HTML document with
Science Foundation (NSF) by selecting zerland. Around the same time that the short summaries of the returned items con-
menu items for North America, Washing- Gopher and WAIS software were being de- taining embedded links that can be fol-
ton, D.C., NSF, and a specific form. Gopher veloped, a small group of developers led by lowed to retrieve the complete documents.
spread rapidly across the Internet and Tim Berners-Lee at CERN proposed a net- The Web, thus, combines two underlying
opened the eyes of the research community, work-based hypertext system for use at the functions of browsing information spaces:
showing them how to fetch and how to institute. An early proposal requesting the presentation of information and the
publish information in the Net. Today, funds for this project is dated October 1990 method of choosing which information to
there are more than 7000 servers across the (9). see next. The combination of this easy
Internet on a wide variety of topics. The web combines two ideas which method of browsing and a growing base of
alone are useful and together have proven information to browse on the Net set the
WAIS: Network Search Servers to be extraordinarily powerful: networked stage for an explosive growth in WWW
information and hypertext. By the time of usage.
In a similar time frame, another popular In- its development, a number of systems that From its inception, the WWW project
ternet information service was developed, provided users access to networked informa- has sought to encompass all existing meth-
from a different paradigm, by a team led by tion were available, anonymous FTP servers ods of network information navigation and
Brewster Kahle from Thinking Machines. being the earliest and most used, Gopher retrieval. The underlying model of hyper-
The Wide-Area Information Server (WAIS) being extremely approachable and opening text allows for the essentially hierarchical
was inspired by research prototypes in net- up the world of networked information to searches of FTP and Gopher directories by
work-based information retrieval, such as the many new users, and WAIS introducing presenting these directories and their con-
Telesophy system (7), which enabled multi- many users to a full-text search engine for a tents as lists of links that one can follow up
ple sources of information to be stored in networked retrieval system. All of these or down. By providing the ability to search
multiple servers across a network along with systems also allowed users who were knowl- indexes, the WAIS servers can be searched
other servers that supported associative edgeable enough to place materials on the by providing them with a text string that
search. WAIS was the first well-packaged sys- Net, by putting them on FTP or Gopher they attempt to match against their full-
tem that supported full-text retrieval and was servers or by building a WAIS index to a text index. The HTTP servers provide the
freely available within the Net (8). corpus and serving it. However, none of advantage of making hypertext documents
The software can be decomposed into these systems provided a method of linking available to users. Finally, the last common
the client, server, and search engine. The one piece of information directly to another method of information exchange on the
client accepts queries and passes them to within the body of a document. Such links Internet, the Usenet news groups, a globally
the server. The server passes queries to the are called hyperlinks and are a distinguish- available bulletin board system with mil-
search engine, which searches a full-text ing feature of hypertext (10, 1 1). Indeed, lions of users, can be enfolded by commu-
index. Results from the search are passed hypertext can be defined simply as a system nicating with the Usenet servers and pre-
back through the server to the client, which of links and nodes, where the nodes may be senting the discussions as nested lists of
then displays them. The server thus stores documents that contain such links (12). links.
the actual documents, whereas the search The WWW (13) is a set of protocols These protocols, or gateways to them,
engine contains an index of the words from that (i) allow for the location of any docu- were provided in the early library of WWW
those documents for efficient full-text ment on the Net through a naming system communications software (libWWW), so
search. There are protocols for how to index based on Universal Resource Locators WWW browsers were able to communicate
documents and how to connect to remote (URLs); (ii) describe a way of placing links with all of these information sources and
servers. Although the search for the public using URLs within text documents, called present them as a unified information space
896 SCIENCE * VOL. 265 * 12 AUGUST 1994
to the users. The WWW became a superset the internal HTML format of a section of traffic on the Net had grown by three orders
of all of the available networked informa- this document. The tags in angle brackets of magnitude during the previous 10
tion services: FTP, Gopher, WAIS, news, give formatting and structure information. months that included the Mosaic release
and WWW itself. This meant not only that In particular, the HREF tags specify links to (Fig. 2). This growth continued, and in the
users were provided with a single entry other documents. Note the HREF that gives next 5 months, the Net saw WWW traffic
point to the resources of the Net, but also a URL link pointer attached to the text for increase by another order of magnitude.
that the critical mass of the Net, that point "The Krannert Art Museum". The URLs The number of users is hard to judge be-
at which it would become self-catalyzing, typically look like a combination of an In- cause the software was released free to the
with information providers putting more ternet domain name, to specify the physical general public and placed on the NCSA
information on the Net because they knew machine, and a hierarchical file structure, anonymous FTP server and others around
more people would see it and more people to specify the physical file containing the the world, where anyone could have access
using the Net because of the increase of information document. The linked text is to it. However, by many estimates, there
information, could be reached much more colored and underlined in the document were more than one million copies of the
easily. This positive feedback relation, and display (Fig. 1A), and when selected and NCSA Mosaic client alone by spring of
its turnover point that has led to explosive clicked, the link is followed to the corre- 1994. The WWW server at NCSA has seen
growth, was pushed by the release of an sponding document (Fig. 1C). Note that a constant growth in use, with over a mil-
easy-to-use and functional browser in the the "Document URL" is the same as the lion and a half connections per week cur-
winter of 1993. previous HREF, indicating that the URL rently.
has been followed and retrieved across the Further developments of the NCSA
Mosaic: Multimedia Net. This document contains an embedded Mosaic system increased its functionality.
Hyperdocuments picture, which is specified within the The ability to display "forms" like those

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HTML by a reference to a GIF (Graphics on a database request, and thus prompt
The early implementations of the WWW Interchange Format) file. Mosaic can dis- the user to fill in a complex request, was a
system were line-mode browsers, which pre- play this multimedia document because its major step. This allowed sophisticated
sented the hyperlinks as numbered choices client software contains a displayer for queries to be specified from a hypertext
in a menu that users could choose from. HTML text and for GIF images. document and complicated searches of
Very soon though, graphical user interfaces External viewers can also be called from indexed information and databases to be
were developed on NeXt and X Windows the Mosaic browser, which enables types of issued. Users filled in the forms-typing
system machines, which displayed the hy- data that are not supported by the client in the open fields, clicking on the button
pertext in a window with the links in color itself to be displayed. For instance, if a link choices, or choosing a menu item-and
or underlined, allowing the user to move points to an image that is not a GIF file, built up a complex query, which was then
through hyperspace by clicking on links then the image data can be passed to a sent to the requesting search engine and
with a mouse. The Viola and Midas systems program that can display this format, and resolved, and the data was sent back to
were examples of these. In early 1993, work the image can be displayed in a separate the user. The combination of forms in
began in the Software Development Group window alongside the Mosaic window. To HTML documents, HTTP for transport,
at NCSA on a graphical browser, which the user, this means that a wide range of and "gateways" to other information serv-
became known as the NCSA Mosaic system data can be made easily accessible. For ex- ers made for customized network informa-
(14). This software provides a client to the ample, documents can contain embedded tion search systems, available through the
WWW protocols and an interface to the audio and video materials, which can be standard Mosaic interface. By taking ad-
Web itself. displayed by invoking an appropriate exter- vantage of the client-server architecture
Among the features introduced in the nal viewer for the local user computer. The of the system, developers can construct
Mosaic system was the placement of images ability to incorporate external viewers, cou- filters that run on the server side, inte-
on the hypertext page, thus creating multi- pled with the accompanying standardiza- grating information sources like relational
media hypertext, or "hypermedia" docu- tion of formats of the actual materials, databases with SQL (Structured Query
ments. This meant that hyperdocuments means that most of the materials on the Language) queries into the hypermedia
could contain pictures and graphical icons. Web can be displayed by most of the users information environment.
Both the pictures and icons could also be of Mosaic. This is an example of the idea of "Open
links, and clicking on them would bring the The audience for this system was greatly Information Systems," systems that allow
user another hyperdocument, further infor- expanded by the introduction of such for the easy integration of existing informa-
mation, or an expanded image. This capa- graphically based hypertext browsers across tion sources and that can be extended and
bility was soon extended so that the mouse the three most popular computer operating expanded by users in ways that were often
pointer location could be tracked over any system platforms: Apple Macintosh, Mi- unanticipated by the original developers.
of these pictures telling where on the pic- crosoft Windows, and the X Windows sys- This is one of the strengths of the NCSA
ture a user was when they clicked. This tem. This meant that the general public, as Mosaic system and the underlying WWW
meant that the pictures could be maps, and well as scientific communities not using structures. This also leads to a "bottom up"
pointing to a portion of the map and click- Unix, could move easily around the Net notion of how such network information
ing would "take you there." with a hypertext browser. This led Anthony systems evolve. Given a malleable frame-
The short session shown in Fig. 1 illus- Rutkowski, executive director of the Inter- work within which specific information
trates the navigation of the global hyperme- net Society and longtime watcher of devel- structures may be embedded and the com-
dia space using Mosaic/WWW. The Web is opments on the Net, to say that a "digital monality of the universal interface, ad-
represented by a graph of interlinked docu- cannon" had been fired on 12 November vanced functionality comes from the dis-
ments. The most common entry is by way of 1993, the date of the first full release by tributed enhancement of the system, often
a local home page, which is a document NCSA of Mosaic browsers on all three plat- at the server side, through increasingly so-
with a collection of "interesting" links with forms (15). Already by then, the first ver- phisticated filters and scripts that can trans-
descriptions, such as the NCSA Home Page sion of NCSA Mosaic, for X Windows, had late between the built-in viewer and com-
on local exhibits (Fig. 1A). Figure 1B gives been widely distributed, and WWW byte plex data structures.
SCIENCE * VOL. 265 * 12 AUGUST 1994 897
M- AM WAR,M,llm DD i w~l-f il

Evolution of Mosaic/WWW A
Toward Interaction
The primary concentration of Mosaic and
the Web so far has been on information
connection: the following of links and the
retrieval of documents. Now that there is a
large and varied collection of information
in the Net, the primary problem increas-
ingly becomes interaction rather than con-
nection, enabling the user to manipulate
information. Issues include, for example,
how to integrate viewers, provide publish-
ing, and support searching.
Currently, NCSA Mosaic can be
passed the type of a retrieved data item,
launch a viewer of that type if available
on the local machine, and pass this viewer
the data for display. A major limitation of
this approach, however, is that once in
the associated viewer, the ability to use

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hyperlinks is lost. Once launched, the
viewer exists as a separate program, out-
side of the global hypermedia environ-
ment. If viewers could recognize hyper-
links of any sort (text, images, or icons),
in their own frames, and pass those links
across to Mosaic for resolution and re-
trieval, this would make it possible to
better integrate external programs.
One solution is to provide for interpro-
cess communication between the Mosaic
client and third party viewers. Initially,
this Common Client Interface could be
extremely simple, just notifying Mosaic
that a URL is coming and passing it.
Eventually, much more in the way of B~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

generic coordination and control capabil-

ities could be built into the interface,
allowing for more choice in where the
resulting document is passed, for instance,
whether Mosaic appears on the screen at
all, or integrating the two windows more
intuitively into the interface and the us-
er's environment.
The key feature of the external inte-
gration is to enable two-way communica-
tion between the user's client and the
various external programs, including serv-
ers and viewers. This implies that viewers
can become editors and enable user entry
as well as data display. For example, a full
commercial implementation of the Stan-
dard Generalized Markup Language
(SGML) could be used as both a docu- Fig. Session with Mosaic/WWW following a URL across the Internet and displaying a hypermedia
ment creation and a document display HTMVL document. (A) An NOSA Home Page displayed in Mosaic. (B) The HTMVL format underneath this
tool, while still retaining the capability of document. 1(C) located on facing page] The result of following a URL from Home Page to display another
embedding and following links within the document.

document. Any created documents could

be sent to a server that supports their
indexing and searching. [SGML is a spec- active displays with embedded links.] universal naming scheme for docu-
ification language for the structure of a Related to the provision of better in- ments, which gives a unique but absolute
document, including headers and references, tegration of external programs is the pro- name. To support scaleable information
that has been widely adopted throughout the vision for better search capability. First, retrieval, a data item must instead be
publishing industry (16, 17). The HTML is a this requires modification of the archi- assigned a unique permanent identifier
subset of SGML, specialized for simple inter- tecture of WWW. The URLs provide a that is completely disassociated from its
898 SCIENCE * VOL. 265 * 12 AUGUST 1994
.i 'AI okilercon

will likely change the character of the

C navigation of the Net by making digital
libraries a widespread reality for the first

Objects and Community Systems

In the longer term future, different archi-
tectures may be necessary to meet the
continued user demand for new function-
ality in network information systems. Ex-
amination of the evolution of research
systems may shed light on the future of
Internet services because historical ante-
cedents either directly or indirectly influ-
ence current developments.
The previous generation of research sys-
tems for network information, in the period
1985 to 1989, preceding the development
of WWW, also focused primarily on con-

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nection, namely retrieval of documents
across the network and the navigation of
links between documents. For example, the
Telesophy system, developed by the first
author while at Bellcore, was deployed at 40
sites around the Internet before the WWW
project was begun and provided protocols
for the use of documents as a unifying con-
cept for associative search, link navigation,
and document authoring, all across a wide
variety of multimedia materials distributed
across the network, with significant consid-
eration of scaling up (7, 21). Like WWW,
Telesophy had a "component" model. That
is, there were different displayers (viewers)
and searchers (servers), with the client us-
ing types to route data to the appropriate
The current generation of research
location information, as well as a descrip- more sophisticated search servers. A con- network information systems, in the pe-
tion bound to that identifier. Otherwise, tent descriptor such as a URC provides a riod from 1990 to 1994, has a different
when an item changes its physical loca- classification mechanism for the data architecture, which is centered around
tion and thus its absolute name, links to items on the network, which is very sim- structured objects with type checking.
that item can no longer locate it. Once an ilar to the bibliographic information con- This is often referred to as an "object"
identifier is obtained, it must be resolved tained in a library collection. The stan- model and draws on many years of com-
into this location information, which may dard protocol Z39.50 (19, 20) was de- puter science research into object-orient-
then be used to retrieve the item for local signed to communicate with information ed programming environments (22). In
manipulation. retrieval systems that search collections this model, the client is an interpreter
These permanent identifiers, known as of bibliographic materials, including fields rather than a router and has operations
Uniform Resource Names (URNs); their such as title and author and operators specific to each type of object executed
associated transient locators, called Uni- such as booleans and phrases. Searching within the client itself. An object is a
form Resource Locators; and their content also differs from browsing in that a "state" data item with an attached set of opera-
descriptors, Uniform Resource Citations is kept of previous queries and results, tions according to its type. Unlike the
(URCs), have been described in a series of which may be reused in new search re- typing in the component model, true ob-
Internet drafts (18). These drafts are under quests to further constrain the informa- jects are encapsulated, and their opera-
active review by the Internet community as tion filtering. Most commercial search tions have inheritance. Encapsulation
the standards for the description and loca- systems use some variant of Z39.50, so means that the objects are always bundled
tion of information resources. By binding a these protocols are the most likely to be with their operations, so that there is no
permanent identifier to any data item, one incorporated into the gateways to Inter- other way that the data can be accessed.
can establish its current location on the net search servers built into Internet in- For example, this implies that publication
network and its preferred access mechanism formation clients such as Mosaic. The mechanisms, such as privacy control and
with a simple query to a central resource search capability of the commercial sys- quality checking, can be strictly enforced
locator server. tems is far more powerful than the exist- by the object handling within the net-
Once every data item has some associ- ing Internet servers. The introduction of work information system. Inheritance
ated classification, the clients can be prof- functional search to the Internet coupled means that object-type operations are ar-
itably modified to provide gateways to with standard classification of materials ranged in a type hierarchy, so that any
SCIENCE * VOL. 265 * 12 AUGUST 1994 899

1012 * Windows PC
0 II Macintosh
1011 0 * X Windows
. 109 c
t o9 (0
108_ 0
107_ CO)
c\i C
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CO a)
m C)01)C 0
0) 0)
0) 0) 0 0) 0
0) 01
0) a) 0) 0) a) 01

Z Cz n j < 2 '
E- 6 < (n 0 ° 0 -5 U X CL IMn
Month Month
Fig. 2. Usage of Internet information services around the time of release of Fig. 3. Propagation of NCSA Mosaic as gauged by the number of downloads
Mosaic. from the NCSA FTP server.

operations within a type will be automat- displays for each type. Thus, it provides an external program to another. For other op-
ically enhanced by those from types above interactive object display, where sets of ob- erations, the controller can be an inter-

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in the hierarchy. For example, this im- jects can be displayed graphically and then preter, much as in WCS, retrieving external
plies that navigation mechanisms, such as interacted with, for example by following objects and executing the operations on
link following and link creation, can be links. In WCS, these include molecular dis- these itself. To handle all of the various
guaranteed to be available for any object plays for physical maps and cellular displays data types that will be available on the Net
by defining the operations at the base for developmental lineages, in addition to in the future, the controller will need to
object-type level. documents and forms. The system is sym- negotiate with the server about the needs of
A crucial difference between the compo- metric, so that any object that can be re- the objects versus the capabilities of the
nent and the object models is thus the level trieved can also be created, directly from client and then dynamically load an appro-
of guarantee (23). In a component system, the client in the scientist's laboratory. Dur- priate set of programs to handle the data as
facilities are available but not enforced. So, ing data entry, the entire object structure is well as possible. A multimedia document
for example, when the interaction facilities checked for correctness; for example, the might thus appear in one format and style
become available in Mosaic/WWW, it will system checks if a new gene has a valid on one user platform and in another more
be possible for a link in an external viewer name and if its clone field links to an ex- appropriate format on another computer
to be selected and followed. However, there isting clone object. When an object is pub- platform.
is no guarantee that this particular viewer lished, its privacy level of who is permitted A new branch of science may appear
will support link following. In an object to view or modify it is guaranteed by the when these complete systems become
system, every viewer must conform to the system. widely available, supporting interlinked
object interaction standards so that link The object systems guarantee a higher structured objects in a dynamic generic en-
following is always supported. The same is level of complete interaction, at the ex- vironment. Any user will be able to perform
true for creation of new materials as well as pense of greater system overhead. Practical- interactive analysis, to discover patterns
retrieval of existing materials. For example, ly, thus far, the component systems have within the interconnecting web of the
when authoring facilities become available dominated in both the Intemet services and global information space. They will be able
in Mosaic/WWW, the editors or servers are the commercial market. The future will to individually publish interesting connec-
responsible for the correctness of the new judge whether the level of interaction de- tions for consideration by other users. The
materials. There is no guarantee that an manded for network information systems goal of this new style of science will be to
item created by one editor cannot be ac- can continue to be supplied by component cross-correlate information within the "dry
cessed by another in a way that violates its systems through the adoption of features for lab" of the Net.
structure, such as adding data in an incor- scaleable objects or whether the revolution
rect format. In an object system, an object of new architectures with object systems Mosaic as an Nil Model
of a certain type can only be accessed by will displace this evolution. In either case,
operations for that type. existing research systems point the way to- One of the most intriguing features of
Research prototypes of network informa- ward future Intemet services. NCSA Mosaic is its sudden acceptance. Its
tion systems exist that provide interaction As the need and ability for interacting usage has grown on a curve uncommon in
with structured objects. One example is the with many objects simultaneously become scientific circles, gaining over a million us-
Worm Community System (WCS), devel- greater, the need for guaranteed structure ers in little more than a year. Figure 3 shows
oped by the first author while at the Uni- will become greater. In particular, the next the increase in the number of downloads
versity of Arizona (24), which was featured generation of research systems, in the peri- from the NCSA FTP server, which still
in last year's special issue of this journal od 1995 to 1999, is likely to focus on anal- underestimates the number of copies be-
(25). This system is an experiment in sup- ysis environments, which provide "com- cause there are many other sources around
porting an electronic community where plete" support for information, computa- the world that also distribute this software.
publishing is as important as browsing. It tion, and communication (26). That is, the Why did this happen now and why did
has a client-server architecture with the system is a central controller client that can it happen to Mosaic? The answers are
clients running on workstations in biology interact with servers to retrieve items, call highly relevant in this era of National
labs connecting to servers for genome data- programs, and store items. For some opera- Information Infrastructure (NII). An ex-
bases across the Internet. The client knows tions, the controller can be a router, much amination of the sociological factors be-
the type of the data and provides specialized as in Mosaic, passing requests from one hind the rapid adoption may shed light on
900 SCIENCE * VOL. 265 * 12 AUGUST 1994
ovummm_ .. lowmam Lb

what the popular services in the NIL will Community. The most significant socio- and information discovery will provide fur-
be. These are, of course, somewhat spec- logical change caused by the new network ther new communications media. The rev-
ulative and only a sample of the compli- information systems may well be a revolu- olution of the Net is just beginning.
cated evolutionary paradigm. tion in how electronic communities are
Access. The network fabric itself has formed and share their results. The above REFERENCES AND NOTES
grown at an exponential rate. In the same conditions caused a feedback loop among 1. V. Cerf and R. Kahn, IEEE Trans. Commun. 22, 637
year that the Mosaic phenomenon oc- the users, between the clients and the serv- (May 1974).
curred, the Internet itself reached mass pop- ers. Users would browse the existing mate- 2. A. M. Rutkowski, Intemet Soc. News 2 (no. 4), 6
ularity, growing to 2 million hosts with an rials and realize how quickly and widely the (1994).
3. J. S. Quarterman, The Matrix: Computer Networks
estimated 20 million users (2). In the past Net could make information available. and Conferencing Systems Worldwide (Digital Press,
few years, the Internet has changed from an They then would set up their own server Maynard, MA, 1990).
esoteric tool for the scientific and research and publish their own materials. This new 4. D. Comer and D. Stevens, Internetworking with
TCP/IP, Vol. III: Client-Server Programming and Ap-
community to an important national topic, information being available then created an plications (Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ,
the subject of many covers of national mag- even greater demand for other people to 1994).
azines and among the highest priorities of obtain a client so that they too could be- 5. M. McCahill, ConneXions: The Interoperability Re-
port 6 (no. 7), 10 (1992).
the new administration in the federal gov- come a user. Mosaic!WWW had a combi- 6. M. Schwartz, A. Emtage, B. Kahle, B. Neumann,
ernment. In addition to greatly increasing nation of availability and features and a Comput. Syst. 5, 461 (1992).
the connections, the speed also increased, timing of access and information that put 7. B. R. Schatz, Proceedings IEEE Globecom '87 (No-
with the bandwidth enabling the transmis- them "over the top" into the feedback loop vember 1987), pp. 1181-1186; internal Bellcore
document proposing Telesophy (August 1984).
sion of new media across the networks to that is essential for successful propagation of 8. B. Kahle et al., Internet Res. Electron. Networking

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many users for the first time. Thus, the network information systems. Appl. 2 (no. 1), 59(1992).
timing is significant. In the last year, the What implications might this experi- 9. T. Berners-Lee, internal CERN document proposing
WWV (October 1990).
Net was inundated with new users, largely ence have for services in the NII? In the 10. J. Conklin, IEEE Comput. 20 (no. 9), 17 (1987).
unfamiliar with computers, seeking some- near future, simple connection services such 11. F. Halasz, Commun. ACM 31, 836 (1988).
thing interesting to do and finding Net as in the current Mosaic!WWW will likely 12. "Hypertext" was defined by T. Nelson in the 1960s.
See Literary Machines, 1981 (the Distributors, 702 S.
surfing (27). spread to become a standard feature of per- Michigan, South Bend, IN 46618) and Computer
Availability. The Internet community is sonal computer software, including the Lib/Dream Machines (Microsoft Press, Seattle,
accustomed to research quality software, computers embedded within the forthcom- 1987).
13. T. Berners-Lee, R. Cailliau, J. Groff, B. Pollermann,
which is easily available but often lacking ing video-on-demand televisions. However, Intemet Res. Electron. NetworkingAppl. 2 (no. 1), 52
in support and usability, especially for nov- once the general public is accustomed to (1992); T. Berners-Lee et al., Commun. ACM 37, 76
ice users. That Mosaic was developed and connection, they will begin to demand in- (1994). See Intemet Res. URL
supported by NCSA played a significant teraction, such as those features emerging in 14. M. Andreessen and E. Bina, Intemet Res. Electron.
role in its adoption because the technology the evolution of Mosaic/WWW and the Networking Appl. 4 (no. 1), 7 (1994).
at the point of introduction was ready for revolution of new architectures. 15. A. M. Rutkowski, Internet Soc. News 1 (no. 4), 2
widespread deployment but not yet ready A key factor of interaction is support for (1993).
16. J. H. Coombs, A. H. Renear, S. J. DeRose, Com-
for commercial systems. The NCSA is one the establishment of community. In many mun. ACM 30, 933 (1987).
of the NSF supercomputer centers but is scientific communities, publishing on the 17. E. van Herwinjnen, Practical SGML (Kluwer, Boston,
unique in having a large software develop- Internet has already become a primary MA, 1994).
18. T. Berners-Lee, "Internet Draft Standards on URNs/
ment group, headed by the second author, mechanism for rapid dissemination of URCs" (1993).
specializing in the implementation of "com- methods, discoveries, and knowledge. A sig- 19. C. Tomer, J. Am. Soc. Int. Sci. 43, 566 (1992).
mercial quality" scientific and network soft- nificant groundswell of documents and da- 20. C. Lynch and C. Preston, Annu. Rev. Int. Sci. Tech-
nol. 25, 263 (1990).
ware across multiple platforms, which are tabases have simply appeared in the global 21. B. R. Schatz, in Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Con-
distributed free via the Internet. The intro- information space over the past few years ference on Data Engineering (Institute of Electrical
duction of a native version of Mosaic for from a wide variety of sources. This is de- and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ, 1989),
pp. 188-197.
Macintoshes and PCs was the turning point spite the fact that the current information 22. A. Goldberg and D. Robson, Smalltalk-80: The Lan-
of the adoption. services have little support for composing guage and Its Implementation (Addison-Wesley,
Features. The user interface that WWW and publishing, but primarily facilitate Reading, MA, 1983).
23. J. Udell, Byte 19, 46 (May 1994).
promotes is extremely simple: display a doc- browsing and fetching. 24. B. R. Schatz, J. Manage. Inf. Syst. 8 (no. 3), 87
ument with embedded links to other docu- The functionality of network informa- (winter 1991-1992).
ments that can be fetched by pointing and tion systems determines the medium of 25. R. Pool, Science 261, 841 (1993); ibid., p. 842.
clicking. Easy access to pictorial materials electronic communication. In past gener- 26. B. R. Schatz, plenary talk, Third Keck Symposium on
Computational Biology, Houston, TX, November
within documents was finally feasible, both ations, the rapid communication required 1992; abstract in Cell Motil. Cytoskel. 24, 286
from a multimedia display and from a net- for scientific discussion was greatly facili- (1993).
work speed standpoint. The development of tated by electronic mail and bulletin 27. For example, the Doonesbury cover of Net surfing,
U.S. News World Rep. (6 December 1993).
Mosaic concentrated on the front-end cli- boards. In the present generation, the 28. Information on the comet is being collated on the Jet
ent, integrating and using the existing and technology supports browsing and sharing Propulsion Lab home page at URL http://newprod-
mature framework of servers and protocols of text and data. For example, the scien-]9.html.
29. B. Schatz is supported by an NSF Young Investiga-
from WWW, Gopher, and FTP sites. This tific community is using clients on their tor award in science information systems. The NCSA
meant that there was a wide body of mate- desktop computers to access images and is supported by NSF, the Advanced Research
rials immediately available and streamlined animations of the impact of Comet Shoe- Projects Agency, other federal agencies, corporate
existing mechanisms for adding new mate- maker-Levy on Jupiter from servers partners, the University of Illinois, and the state of
Illinois. Thanks are due to all those who provided
rials. In addition, the client was extensible around the world, placed there directly code and support as NCSA Mosaic developed and
from a display standpoint, so that new data from the processed telescope data only to those who continue to support this work and that
types could be added in the servers if appro- hours after collection (28). In future gen- on the World Wide Web. Finally, thanks to the global
Internet community itself for paving the way toward
priate viewers were added at the same time erations of network information systems, the world of the future by browsing and publishing on
on the local client machine. increased support for individual publishing the Net.

SCIENCE * VOL. 265 * 12 AUGUST 1994 901

NCSA Mosaic and the World Wide Web: Global Hypermedia Protocols for the Internet
Bruce R. Schatz and Joseph B. Hardin

Science 265 (5174), 895-901.

DOI: 10.1126/science.265.5174.895

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REFERENCES This article cites 19 articles, 2 of which you can access for free


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