Unit 1 B1 Kids Teacher Notes

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Ty . My lifeand home Tess Topic: My life and home Ustening Part 2: munpie-choice short dbalogues: Stoning tor tock opnons oF eings Reading Pert §: muttcle-choce core understanding vocabulary Specking Port 1: saying your name. where you Wve what {YOU 0, and # you the stuavng Engiah “Writing Part ¥: on emai planning © rey Grammar: reposition: of ime tequency Oakes [Bresert semple and present continuous sain vere few ab of many much o/6f of ond tot of preeoutOrs Starting off s8 page 8 Leodin Betore students open thew books. ask Mem to ‘hint of one room in thew heme Ask What» he room tke? Ask stucients Yo write we cacjoctven, 0.9. Onght smal unicy ond twee ctyects in that 100m @9 bed. desk. plants abou! thet bedtooms Students then work in Pain and tt for hwo minuto bout Mhew oom © 10 st pao wh eens ck roma qadtens rseetonoes nemnseunaabany nanoen wcaisy te pte 0g amok ‘ve Ch us tones ga cer hey tae naed te quetons the beak cea rol ema apainee anyeenoyenn Listening Part 2 SB page & © seca ee tf one inter ec tp Monitor and help with eas fr proms. © Ay ona nome ood the advice wih the shudents and ois tering the that they wil cers hea he recording twice and should tston, ccaretity he second time to check the answers © ssrrenson exam a0 statin et Scand frstadentto look athe ues on eye tay north andl them a Oe he ony ot hove nthe exam Eh tata el ot tomaron tated lore quetion th ay wots whch ty fonts nde ewes vores ele ba pe ta chou. smal a eter teers ‘rons te underne tee wed [2 mar ating tos rend, changing te 15 eoman ihing sbout ab te the Beach [Stao enah comparing shoe © vren students nave ttened one tow tem to Compere ho enower ond vem pu, es tt to change ther aes ut they hove tend Ascend tne tod then cde whe wan ght ser the scond tng ek shen they Changed ny of snr. ce somes tec formation om te went whch ped han 2 ‘Gent te correct onmwer roma YO aw ac an a0 Wack? ] | Maeranar Pert Fe each anton, chem te comet met | ou me Nea ad ten abet he nd at eer eee anto mee Reed be peat on gr we apo nt ach Rank wath ae acm om ty! | ace rae ng btm nt ry ne i "ecuber b on te gone tor doe pod ee | ating Dat yor te tom a ee Om eps ata gre a mat part Tang re mad ee yom toon, we td Rae be gave DOO ane ‘em mn sag so te edb enh woman rYouwil hear 2 man telling his rend about changing f Youwsl hear aman talking’ a rind about shops. io huaver seen you for longtime. How do you fee now ‘bout yournes job? Wo, before moved athe beginning of Januar, ‘thought be dificult to make frends with people nm new offce but they've giver ee a really warm ‘nelcome, Of course 'ma bit sad that! don't tee Sryone Irom my previous company, bu there's nothing Iando about that. My work seem tobe going better tar expected too, so making the change hasn't been 20 hard, really Youwwillheora woman talking about tpt the beach How was your day out Great The bus eft erly on Saturday so had to get ‘upat Saum. but that meant we got tothe beach realy eat, id you go for sai? ‘es, thought mould enjoy that but twas bitcold so webireda litle beat nstead and salledrounathe bay. ‘Thatwas fun, too, butmot as much as having 2 game of ‘olleyball We're going there again in duly when f'lbe {0 hot for beach spots, but swimming Inthe sa wil ‘bewordertl| ‘You wil hear two fiends talking about the town where they lve es quite a good place to lve, isn't 7 thought would bene if more people lived here Wel tight be lis, but think the size is about Fight, setualy. In baer places ther are problems ike ‘Sree rime, especially t night, but here you fel safe ‘onyhere, realy. ‘Tat’ trae, although everywhere you go, the roads re really busy, and isthe sare here Allthat noise and pollution fhorrible early in the morning naw. wish people would walk or goby bike nsteod. {don’t realty know tis part of town, Where's the Dest Iaceto doa Bit of shopping? Thelittle shop on the corner isn't bad. The range of things theresa bit imited but just about everything is amazingly good value, especialy you compare ito {thelocal supermarket ‘The one opposite the station? ‘Yes, you can find almost anything you want there but always seems tobe really crowded, with ots of people ‘wating to pay because t's short of tft ‘Thanks defintely avoid tat one ‘You ml hear frends talking about their homes ‘tke my tom, though haven't got much spece For my things ne’ about the right size ally but know what you [won tne pcos roa | mame ett pedo et eyo womans doin outpatient hesegspioer Does it get nls? ican do a my place especialy themoring rush hour Woman: My flatmate complains about trafic noise wakingher ‘up too! But 'm on the inside ofthe building so hardly notice Extension idea Photocopy audioseript page 123 so that students ‘can identity why the other two choices were wrong, This wil show them that, although ail three topies in the choices are mentioned, there is @ clear reason why two of them are not conect © sive students. minute to think alone and note down ‘ome ideas to share withthe group and then about four minutes todiscuss them as a group. Grammar s8 page 9 Prepositions of time © iitre students tot to dothe exerci alone. check theansnerstothe ence ond lor pottout oy problematic areas: Mews i with parsof he yn he morning, oternon,cvenig but we say at igh We a9 tema bun Shona onan‘ ‘uy buon 2 Jy n Bish Engle say the weekend’ but ln American Englsh we yon the odend [= Bin aa in Son ‘Students could do Grammar reference: Prepositions of time, page 116, at this point or for homework. Allow students to compare their answers in pairs and then work together to add extra expressions. Answers ‘at: 5 olock, bedtime, half past four, night 2020, July the afternoon, the holidays, winter May, my birthday, Sundays, weekdays @ rrtstusens into pars. seta tie imi of two ‘minutes for students to discuss their ideas. | Students write three sentences about thamsatves | | using prepositions of time, each of mem in two | Rates on two different sips of paper ¢g often 90 j Suety/atemaiea Ramm enmon | offour They put of thew sentence beginnings in one | te. foce down. and at ther endings in a second | pile. Each student picks one card from each pile, | reoaing he sentence they make together Some | wt mate togical sentences. some comexnations may be omusing When they have tshed, each student totes one other person's cards (using the handwating to sort them out) and puts them [ tegemertofern that persons orginal sentences) > Grammar reference page 116: Prepositions of time > workbook pages Grammar sé p92 19 Frequency adverbs “teadin Pur students into pars. Ask he students think | cout ties activities that they do ani one activity | they don't do. Set o ime limit of one minute, then | sk pairs to discuss. e.g. 19010 the cinema, 140 | nomework, I don't cook © when students have finished reading, they workin pairs to discuss their ideas, © Point out that all the answers can be found inthe text in Exercise 1. Elicit the answers and the information in the text which illustrates them. © seFore students do the exercise, check that they understand occasionally, ever two hours, almost every doy, hardly ever. lit sentences from diferent students. Q--— - \ check oy phere on sages a ‘tm neve le ort ge once, a Mitometes noe walt nde $5! sor strays hve ch tree St m dnpy th org cer oe onan Siteopt inte ment wert students could do Grammar reference: adverbs, Exercise 1, page 116, here or © roti te con rect easel about yourself using the information a fe, |hardly ever listen tort othe re Sentences trom other students, then tate towne tive sentences sot erates tg students hare finished, ect some of © Kicit what activities the photos thew, three, four, five... Limes 0 (week month yar time limit of three oF four minutes from different pairs, > Grammar reference page 116: Frequency sdveres D Workbook page 5 Reading Part 5 52 p09e 10 © 100% at the photos on page 11 with elicit or check the words: (block of) yorht. © Eiicit why it's 2 g00d idea todo tise general idea of the tent) Set a strict Reading Part § (multiple-choice cloze) ook at the advice with the students. Bit why ‘each points useful €.g, reading the text quickly haps them fo understand what tis about The words belore or after the gop may form collocations or phrases with the missing word, eg. 2needs « verb which is followed by of For the hid piece of advice, tellthem that, they rent sure of the contect answer by reading the whole sentence aloud (or in their heads during an exer) they can often hoor which one sounds conect, © Remind students about the as piece ofadvicein the Exam adie boxandt ty each word inthe gp tose which sounds correct they arent suet the aromers The reading paper cons of sx everest ‘mines, sallow atime ii of sever minutes to teflecte ie they wl have nthe exam answers 1p 26.30 4¢ 5A 6c Fast finishers Tel students who finish eorty to look at the lost poragtaph and think about words which couks bo ‘gapped cnd wha! choices examiners might give, eg. she always feels safe on it~ nearry, usually. closely, hardly. © 100% at ene frst point with the whole class and elicit ood and bad things about going to different places, eg. experiencing different cultures, nt making close Iriends, and what students could say, e.g, wouldn't Ike ta go to diferent places because I wouldn't make close fiends, Allow five minutes forthe students to discuss all the points. Have a class discussion ofthe ‘questions when they have finished © ssetatime mito two minutes for students tocscuss ideas about the things she does on atypical day Elicit ideas and write them on the board, e.g, mokes phone ols, takes photos, writes o dory. Monitor and help ‘where necessary. The students then make sentences using these ideas, e.g, She motes phone cals everyday ‘She oftentokes photos. Elicit sentences rom each pait Extension idea Students work in pairs and use the information in the text and their own imaginations to write a short interview with Ernite about her ile, Encourage: them to use questions using How offen do you ..? Nominate pais to act out their interviews in front of the closs. Grammar $8 page 12 Present simple and present continuous Leosin Tell students to close their ayes and imagine ney {te on holiday locking at a view. Give the students 30 seconds to think and then put them in pairs to describe where they are and what they can 368 Eleit some ideas from the clase © Leokartneccanpe with theclss and then asker tecompete the cerca alone orn pas yu tk somereedmorehlp. hen ssdenchave ated jilalienineiynctaialeneiieneeperirel sinaeocitiene sn Answers 24.30 4b 5c © 00k. theirs sentence and etic why Moly has used the present continuous she wring tthe never moment oon Chek soavens ai tach ans ackstudens tent which use in teres 1 coresponds to Answers, Fon sking 3h sam ocing Stove &xny Teo Sisgeting/’s geting Sleave 104s Dlowing Uare/tehaving 12 dont wart © ons and eiptn students were necessary. socints aoe pottns ssh qsechow’. portent tRatwhen wh the nbc af presen single auecton, we Jor nee aunt sullny verb den eguesion Answers. — fry Serbo yer sone senetacnel SINS kar Frere fein ary Meee ee sent Senceacnearanemr ee Fucneeeaas ene sae Swinton Secaiogaest a _ Fost finishers Students imagine that tha trend Is on holiday andl they are going to phone them. They should think of some questions they could ask using the present "simple and present continuous and then, in pairs ‘act out their conversations. © tren stdertshave asked and answeredin pas, secu gents and anewer op re Dats sca that heyee formed the uesdon and anowes cet © cerrmnecnnmmmennensen the presen simple ad present cominuousso hat te one Sead ta th act ty hace it ot ant sre qvedenain bth te pasrd Simple and prevent cartnous Monorand cect, rapa IP/ ds}, zt and fap © sien students have repented he words ellstdens tb pth hues nh at on ey the woes ther end does Whe iat viates oy tat thevers weed Yoied endings aefaloed by dhe a Sod vcd gs retold ae ff sound, Whenstacertshove shed the exec, Gra alee word we cass tomae sre thy them core, Jal forsts, hes speaks, thinks, walks, warts, works al: does, poes. vs, loves, play, refers, sees, stucies, fs changes chooses, shes, posses, actives, uses, washes | Seta time limit of one minute per student, then elicit sentences and check the pronunciation ofthe third person s ending, Look at the two example questions with the class before they work in pairs and then monitor and prompt students with ideas if necessary. Ect {questions and answers from different pairs. Students could do Grammar reference: Present simple ‘and present continuous, Exercise 1, page 117, either before or after exercise 8 or for homework, > crammar reference page 137: Present simple and present ‘continuous > Grammar reference page 118: State verbs > Workbook page 6 My le ond norm Vocabulary se page 13 House and home: Coun uncountable nouns able ang lead-in oreo trlmor be eons aaa te 2a a ean Sen me they have five things. they put thei ‘end, ra read them out If all the words are. Petia point Use: C,M.P.S, Oe 8 phat ong ot © cicitene meaning of ach word anche, ‘students in pairs to discuss what their| oi and haven't got. ‘she © dekstadentst0 workin pairs Asters . asmany ofthe words asthey can but itheane now any ofthe words, tebe them Poe more than ane answer maybe pestis items canbe foundinrore than one eg answers nd checkthe meanings aero Suggested answers aS LUing room: armchair, cushions rg of throomzbath, cupbowEs, ar ap tt, twa ‘Kitchen: cooker cupboards dishwasher gy mean, ‘Sink, taps, washing machine “ee Bedroom: blanket, chest of drawers copbead dnt low, wardrobe Extension idea. Draw one of the words from Exercise 2on the oot ‘and oiict what is. Tell he studarys 10 cso thet books 50 they can't ook at the list of words nie students fo take tums to draw a diferent item on he bord. The other students have to guess whet tis Ether allow the student who guessed to denne ‘nex! item oF invite different students who vues) © discuss any words which are uneountableinera ‘eg information, advice, butcountableinthe students’ Ll (native ianguage) Poin ut thot he prorat sd countable nouns follows the same ues persons thatthe students locked ate ‘unit. Drill taps fs, sof af and fridges the difference [Answer furniture U Viciabeastladguledeabeetenten tenet costae nt ancowete. 4g ges he sand ins C10 Sang you Ge onto. ta Bt ie ee On your hwnd Mow Enda pe sen Cran ete eee 5 mg rodents could Bo Grammar reference: Commtabte and gncowennie nouns, Exercise 1, page 118, wt this pola tor homeworh, @ (2 Hes tem Eserine 2 that stent si ond be Lond Ne etches cee cubed aishwrashos Sade crower nk. tap, wasting, menor Fit that thene are all courte Means. Set atime lini two minutes and then elicit ideas Grammar 68 page 13 @ few, a bit of, many, much, a lot of and lots of © coe wt be cass anda them to nd ‘he pvase fw in the speech bubble (the tonite ew tnends. Ask whether fends countable oy uncourtabie ad ect thatthe correct choice Is countable | Tet students to trunk of ane more exampie for each | SSeeyeerenicn cnc wae ooeece'o nate ‘Look at the first sentence with students and elicit the correct answer Ask why a bit ofis correct (make up ‘s uncountable) and why much is correct (make-up is ‘Students could do Grammar reference: a few, a bit of, @any, mach, 0 ot of and lots of, Exercise 2, page 149, at ‘tis point or for homework. © vrr2e wetcn Tv on the board hic possible questions tw ah, 6 bo you wotch much TY? How much TV {2 you watch? Bo you watch many TV programmes? orton and help where necessary, hci surprising things students earned about ther partners canna ) a Ritenesmeetnntarone re | fey hy or Mee a am armohaw and them ame | SJlewciaecsmaunew | nenlcuscacmumercre | Sencacumerannes on | ee anata Seiecrccnan J > Gemmmar reference pages 118-19 4. tof mom sac to a D Wworkiook page Information Aur we ary and cana Shadorts work pos red CODY what You Pave ‘weer ond ty to Manu of as mary ofa opie On they can Set a time imi! of one minute and ettcit ‘G08 Now under he were tera te bert vette Hove you got on bones oF ster? Under | tuayng wide: Wht aibcts am you stcng? Give ttuderts two more minutes 10 tink of one question foreach of mot topics Students now oak ond ‘anon he questons n pas © Wren stents have lished the exercise ict more sentences about the rom they are eg Theres [PT ante ene @ Encourage student Ato speak ata natural speed and tell student B to note key words only. Allow three minutes for student A to describe their home. When ‘student 8 has described the home from their notes, the students could swap roles. Monitor and help, where necessary. © Eiicicthe answers and point out that we also don't use an articie with at home / school Answers at (college, et. ait, ec), om the cows. te) waoonem ©) When students have finished, they can work in pais ‘and take it in turns to ask and answer the questions asifthey were Rafael. newer Whore doyoutive” 3. What do you doin Recife? ‘eDoyou line ving Engh esos? Sil you ee English nthe future? Students could do Grammar reference: Prepositions of place, Exercise 1, page 118, at this point or for homework. © depending on where the students’ town is located, clict or check how they would give its location, eg. in the middle of inthe mountains; inthe southwest of. on the River (Thames). © swrenswrers have rsh the dialog eck theanawersone ines ie an the the tecrngot tot er staents check 2in bin Aon Sareyou Gat Tdoyouget Bin 910 ‘lodoyoutke Ain 42at Fast finishers ‘Sludents look at he words in Exerese 4 and ask their pporiner where diferent things are For each plove Gr abject their partner has to give two onswerS ©. Where's Barcelona? isin Spann. Its on the coast. Pu some ideos on the board to help students with ideas itthey need them, e.g, Buckingham Palace, The Trev! | Fountain, Tokyo. Huge: Where do you come om, Sara? Sara: {vein Vigo, cya Galea. That's innocth-west Spain, on the ani coast. age: Doyouwerkor are yousstudnt? Sara: masecond-yesr student at the Univers of igo. studying Economics. | ugar How do you get therein the morings? | sara: The univer nti the city s01 usualy tae he bus, But | rsummer oe de tere on ay bike | tugs: And where do you het goin the evenings? ! ‘Sara: Sometimes go out with my fends, but most evenings [EN aya eying et east te) Myo ond home Speaking Part 1 (Individual questions) Go through the exam advice withthe students ‘Ask why these things are important: ! Make @ {geod impression at the stort.2f hey can't heor ‘you. they can't assess you properly. Sif you ockt ‘more information. i shows the examiner that you have more knowledge of English. Point cout that students won't gain extra marks @ Tetithe class that only the student asking the ‘questions should have their books open while doing the activity. The other student should answer the questions as fully as possible while also being, friendly, polite and speaking clearty. They then swap roles and repeat the activity and give each other feedback on how well they followed the exam advice. Extension idea Students work with ¢ cifferent partner anc ask each cother the questions from the lead-in activity so that the students answering don’t know in advance what the questions wil be students didn't do the lead in. elt some ideas for new questions. e.g. Have you got any brothers oF sisters? What subjects are yOu sfuctying? Stucients think of questions in pairs then change pairs and ask and answer their new auestions > speaking bank page 152: Speaking Part 1 > workbook pages Writing Part 1 $8 page 15 am fax skorts ohn cou an ema hey woke teoanty They nauk far obout wh won een wot wes Gbou hey never we moth oo bout ne ot hey wrt, tert hen workin trot goupe ol ecch ater ha mation © Wier students have found athe information eit the So erg they wi en an oma end Gna end Anowers 2 ancl ps four notes that youhave made Sanco very ‘espe sd hepse cul have some ine of wr very pleased. Sues 5 wich wed be the best month or ein ost when Relhecancome andy that mold ete best moh ewhatyourhore the ach tgs else hou ng Writing Port 1 (an email) Go through the exam advice with the students and point out why the first piece of cdvice is important (becquse in the secand task, students wil hove @ choice of two writing tasks), Re-elict that one paragraph for each point makes the email clear to reac. © tice ene answers and askstudents why paragraphs reuscul to orgnis information and make easier toread) Answers four 2 builant fist, Say when and why: second, Describe: thi, Suggest: fourth 3 wo {ot my place, ia three-bedroom flat, onthe ith for, {a quiet neighbourhood in August, ct weekends, n the summers suoy away in August, sometines have barbecues hora ever rainsin July _ © sete students complet the abe withthe own ana tgmrasesthot Fone se: atm eal ooking flrward oy when oa mer lovely Jl woud be the perfect sane pecat tre beéoomaton2he tho saeestigboutod: th moder unite 2 aa ent cugpst- recommend BiNBE.- © set15-minute ime timit forthe email. Explain that they get 5 minutes to write two textsin the exam but that includes planning time so fifteen minutes is only a litte less than they will ave in reality Students write ‘ona piece of paper without writing their name at the tend. Thisis so the extension actvityis anonymous. Model answer Wales, ‘That's lant you can come to stay with us. eally excite! "You should definitely come in July 2s there are alot of things happening then Theresa bigmusic festival during the fist ‘week of July, Would you keto come when that’s on? Welive ing house about Sk from the town centre. Isn't huge but ls comfortable, Ne have a small garden where we ten have barbecues the summer. Don't forge to pack shorts and a sinha. tbe botin the day uti gets cool inthe evenings, so beng ight )acket to, Seeyouscon! ae Tell students to also check that they have followed the instructions in Exercise 4. Encourage them to sive positive and negative feedback to their partner if possible, eg. You included all the information and ‘organised it well n paragraphs but we soy ‘in August rot ‘on August” Extension idea Collect in the emails and redistnbute so that ‘everyone has on email witten by someone else. Tell students that, this ime, they should reed the email not for mistakes but fo find intoresting words and ‘phrases the other person used. Elicit some of these ‘and wnt them on the board > writing bank pages 145-148: Writing Part 1: an email > Workbook page 7 > complete Preliminary new edition Test Generator Unit — oni Vocabulary Parts of the house: | baony aden | batreoom hal } broom kitchen ‘ining room ing oom ware stairs Athome achat microwave bath miror blankets pitow éhest of drawers me cooner sin | cupboards sofa | cushions tops aisnwasher tot thet towels tre wardrobe | future washing machine Countable and uncountable quantifiers: afew (C) alot (of) (C/U) | many (C) lots (of) (C/U) | abit (of (U) much) Vocabulary activity 1 ‘Students choose one of the words from thelist and write this on a small piece of paper. They then write a definition (weaker students can use a dictionary to help them). The ‘students then mingle and read each other their definitions. If the other student guesses the word, the first student beeps the card, ifthe other student can't think of the word, they take the card, The aim is not to have any cards when the activity finishes, Vocabulary activity 2 Divide the class into two teams. Invite one student from ‘each half to come tothe front ofthe class and sit facing the ‘other students. Write a word on the board. The students ‘who can see the word have to take turns to define or deseribe it to their team member until one of the two students in front says the word. The students can't say, spelt ‘or translate the word on the board. The students at the front «ennot look at the word onthe board. The student who [Buesses the word first wins a point for their team. After each ‘word, repeat the process with a new word and two different students,

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