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© Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer the questions, 1 What are these four parts ofa home called? ‘Ace any ofthese like your home? How are they similar cr different? Whichis your favourite place in your home? Which is your least favourite? Say why. What changes would you like to make to your homer Why? ‘Workin pairs. Tell your partner about these things. + the building where you tive + thestreetwhere yourhome is *+ apace where you would like to live Betore you lislen, quickly road the fst ine ‘teach question and underline the key words. When you go away, what do you miss about your home? Don't choose an answer until you've ° hecrd the whole fox for that question. ‘You will hear people talking in six different situations. In pairs, look at questions 1-6. For each question, discuss, ‘iho you will hearin the conversation and what the situation is. 4 too friends, a {Ut they mould lke 40 lve in 4 You will hear two friends talking about the kind of flat they would lke to live in, They agree thatitshould A. beon one af thehigher floors B_ have atleast three bedrooms © be closeto public transport. You will heara man telling his friend about changing jo. How does he fel? ‘A. He finds ithard to do his new job well B_ Hestill misses his old colleagues. He thinks the staff athis new frm areunfriendly ‘You willheara woman talking about trip to the beach, What did she like best aboutit? A swimmingin thesea B goingon afree boat trip playing asport You wil heartwo fiends talking about the tovmn where they lve, ‘They agree that ‘A. there's too much traffic B some parts fit are dangerous. © its smaller than they would tke. ‘You wl hear a man talking to a fiend about shops. What dees the man think about the small shop? |A. There aren't enough assistants, B_ Theprices there are reasonable. C Itsells awide variety of items, You wil hear two fiends talking about their homes. ‘The woman says herroom would be better if A. itwas quieter. B itwasalotbigger. © itwas sometimes warmer, For each question in Exercise 2, choose the correct ‘answer Listen again and check your answers. Think ofthe three best and worst things about the place here you live. Use the ideas below, or your own. Work insmall groups and discuss your ideas. + how bigorsmaltitis + interesting places to visit the people who live there trafficand public transport how safeit is things for people todo in ther free time Gren Prepositions of time > page 116 Grammar reference Prepositonsoftme Exam candidates often make mistakes of time, Choose the correct option in talics. prepositions 1 sometimes leave work in /on the evening. 2 On/ Insummer, they must come to Poland. 3. Mlseeyouon /at 4o'leck. 4. Weusually goto the beach at / inthe morning, 5 I on the days when there are not too ‘many people. © compete re tate wih tne phases rom the box ‘Then add more phrases tothe table. So'clock 2020 bedtime half past four July 25May mybirthday night Sundays the afternoon theholidays theweekend” weekdays winter the weekend © discuss when people do the activites in the Box Say When you do them. Use propositions of time. [ doerams eatina restaurant gets bus Boshopping socialise watch TV Some people goby busveryeartyin ___ thermoring. pete bs at 88.) © ‘Workin group. oiscuss how often youd the things nthe Piette. Uo acpressons Ue vey dey cena weaken oa. Frequency adverbs ‘month, Deciewho does each thing most often. > page 116 crammar reference © ead tne text about Jltan. tn pars, dscusshow 7 a ((itiay my Nat once a week. ) similar his daily habits are to yours, en nsec, jutiam loony eats work ae Gam, so he usally yts up at Sam ad has | a quick breakfast wt 1s. takes the bus te werk at 540 mort days but sometimes he swath julian’ lanchtinia i usually before nea wher the cai often gts buny age. 1! He normally hax dinner ab coc and he gore to bed at abrie 10 every evening © eorkin pairs and answer the questions. 1. Whichiscorece equeney avers be orbe | frequency adverb? Be cpm er gadis tnd eg oetororakereermalnvers? 2: whireas wal a ora pgs Coeaeiinccgay saucer © compietetne sentences with the wordsin = © wena, osscrserss rcansvaigagect Keportequerteer 1 listen to music on the radio. (occasionally) 1eedaseichl Bt 5 waa an ANBAR. + Which place would you lke to have a holiday in? Which would = ‘you ike olive in all he time? Why? 2. Icheck my phone for messages. every + Doyou know of other unusual places to ive? I foi 2 viata Sige mors. Ne © resstnetoxtwihoutttngin te ops 4 Iwrite emails to friends. (sometimes) Answer the questions. 5. ldort havelunchat home away) 1 What oft stony ate ist 6: lacy revving messed 2 Whichphale maids het ; 7 1go out on Monday nights. (hardly ever) 3 Which four of these points are in the text? Wael sat fet cahend) ' + ila does ots ofnteresting hing 3 @ ithecorentdintontesmticnreoe mannan tamer mala foryou Then workin pairs an compare our + Uingona boat as some duadvonages. , oertenoe. 2 Saebeer tate ey ese + She sometimes meets her friends f + Rood tho tex! fo gol a gona idea ofthe type of fox ts fz ‘opie and the main points. (Reali? isten to masicon the radio the time, ) + Look a the words before and after aaeh gap. “Try each of &, 8, Cond Din the gap. Which has the right meaning andi the grammar © ‘tthe sentence? ay © readin article again nd choose the corect word foreach space [h6,Car0) Use he quesdons nals tofalpyou ost people le in ats or houses, but rant now biologist Emilia Ruiz is waking up somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, because her home is 2 20-metee bast. She has (1) the lst two years sailing with hee colleagues Ryan and Charlie, who ae also scientist, Emili’s wok (2) of studying large sea creatures ‘such as whales and dolphins as they coss the oceans, 50 she often travels very long cistances and has (3) friends all over the word. Se is doing a Master’ degre online and her studies ate going wel Her way of lf, though, is sometimes uncomfortable, Space on board her boat is limited and bad (4) that lasts days is commen, (5) in winter. Storms at sea can be frightening, although medern boat equipment usually hes. sailors (6) them and Emilia neatly always feels safe. She contacts friends by social media and whenever they Bet together they have great fun in the places they visit ‘4 Which noun often goes with ‘bad’? ‘+ never having to travel to work or university. \ 5 Which adverb means ‘especially’? + having very little space at home © Workin groups. discuss what you would or wouldn't like. Give reasons. 6 Which verb means ‘keep away fom’? © iorkinpaes. imagine atypical dey in Emi te, Aprevent 8 comvel © mo remove Use frequency adverbs to describe it. Wyte ond name 9 Eres Present simple and present continuous: Eten tier feat Peper rl © iach the extracts from the arte on page tt withthe ses ofthe present simple and present Sebel ee a pad HA: 2 Eni fulta waking up somewhere staotoniwevlsin engl one tetshiiaar peng ol ir wor cot of oi ae ne een, weewe something that happens regularly ‘something in progress, but not at the present moment Verbs not normally used inthe continuous something happening atthe present moment something that is generally true © complete the email with the the present simple or present continuous form ofthe verbs in brackets. HiDavid, (2) ating (write) to you from the lovely holiday home my friends and Ihave rented, right rnexttothe sea. | (2) (sit)inrmy ‘bedroom right now, which (3) (have) a bigwindow, and (4) (look) out across the waves ataliteistand. | (5) (love) it here, andin the evening sometimes 6). (stay) here and watch the sun go down, Every day, we (7) (go) fora walkalong the (op ofthe lif. The weather (8) (got) hotter every day. twas 35°C yesterday! But we always(9) (leave) the house early in the morningurile that cool wind from outa sea G0) (blow We (43) (havea really good time here, and (a2) {not want tego home! Bye fornow, Molly © Wake questions using the present simple or the present continuous, Add or change words ifnecessary. what /‘habit’ mean? any buses/ stop /in yourstreet? who /watches /the most /TV/in your house? you / prefer /to get up early or late? everyone talk/ to /thele partners / at the moment? what colour clothes /you / wear / today? anyone / sit/ behind jus in class right now? what / you / sometimes /forget / ‘Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 3, ome watineat) (Ctemeans something you ten do Do the task below. + Vite three questions using the present continuous about what your partner is doing, thinking or feling now, e.g.4r2 you feeling good? 1+ Virite three questions using the present simple about What your partner likes, wants or prefers, €g, Doyou prefer weekdays or weekends? + Inpairs, ask and answer the questions IPF [shy fel and jt ‘Try saying these words. Which ones end with 5/2 Which tones end with /2/? Which ones endl with /rz/? ‘changes chooses does finishes forgets goes Tikes. lives loves passes plays practises prefers sees speaks studies thinks uses walks wants washes wears works ‘Work in pairs. Think ofa close friend or family member, Tell your partner these things about them. Remember topronounce the final's' of verbs correctly. + facts,e.g She lives in... she belongs o. + things he or she often does, e.g. He often plays + something your fiends doing around now, eg, ‘She's learning Spanish. + what you think your friends doing right now, e.g. e's welking home, Now ask your partner more questions about the fiend or family member. ear (Were does she work?) Yee sees aig) y ome (ise earning to drive this year? mee ei e use and home ‘a few, a bit of, many, much, a lot of and lots of Which ofthese does your PDS ceh ctr mash nk Fand Bt home aver © Look ar what cites says about his ree time, choose the correct option in tals. eee abedroom adining room ‘agerage agarden ahall kitchen alivingroom stairs © LookattheplacesinErorcise Miherecan you ind the ingen theboe armehsir bath blankets) chest of drawers cooker cupboards cushions dishwasher duvet. fridge microwave mirror pillow ug sink sofa taps tollet towels wardrobe washing machine don't have much time to watch TV these days, There aren ‘many programmes tke, andas I've got university exams ‘uit soon, usualy have alot of work doin the evenings Ata that often thet doa bit of exerese At weekends, ket invite a ow rend tomy house. We eack some food, have dinner together and talk alot Tat'stots of ft 7 We use «few for small number wh countable / uncounfabienours 2 We ve @ bit off smelt amounts wth counlable / uncounlabe noun 8 With countable / uncountabo nuns in questions and negative sentences © choose the carrectoptionin 4 With countable / uncountable nouns in questions and negetive sentences © Ttlis. then check withthe we use many jatinel sete cerbeae 5 We us9 0 oof os for lrge emounts or numbers. We use tem with Learner's Ditionary. counlabiec uncountebienou 1am looking for new furiture/ Furnitures for ry bedroom. ‘(Countable and uncountable nouns 218 Grammar reference Duntable nd unesuntabie nouns 6 there is no noun. we ute @ lotinstaad of aft of © choose the corectopton in ita 1 puta bitof/fewmake-upon but not mony much 2. ledoesr® take many much timeto wash those clthes and tony takes oot furniture noun {U} objects suchas chairs, tables and beds thatyou put Mosreemor bung, of / 0 few hours to dry them, bommmereinaniinieesied 3. I've got a bit of / a few video games but | can't buy any more because they cost Remember you cannet make much oto money. Siete piel maeeeey 4 Those new light bulbs don't use many / @ lot of electricity, so lots of | much ‘ures = people ae buying them ) al 5 | don't use much / many shampoo, just a bit / a few. My hair always goes dry if © Look at the frst tne ofthe lusea lot aor setting tract agai. What © Therelsn't much/ aloespacein my bedroom so! don'tkeep bit of many tells you the noun furnitur a acaaal uncountable? What etter do you) work in pairs. Ask yourpartner what he or she likes and doesnt ike doing at think theres fora countable hhome, Use expressions from Exercise 3 Tell the class about your partner, (00 you watch much TV?) © Tinkatout he tenon nour i A hospe: WeRethres rountable and © (oy don't waten aot of programmes. ) three uncountable things you can \ St eSepninety find there Tel your partner, My ta end home © Prepositions of place > page 139 Grammar reference Preposivonsot place > page 152 Speaking bank Speaking Part] © steam candidates oten make mistakes © vithorepesions tke tn and, hook the correct option nets. 1 Sometimes we ply cards et hishouse. 2 He sometimes goes running at/ in the park 3 Weusually stay n/ at home watehing TV, 44 There'sa window on inthe left of my bed. 5 normally spend my day in ot the beach 6 Ihave some photos in jon the wal © Workin pais. Teteach other about Your apartment or House Deserve toc oomard atin: Drow e picture of your patne'shome Show To your partner, © compete he gopswitha,iandon. college work university acily country company the coast ahill anislané © Prine words inorder to make question. Then match the questions wt tocariees Bro} 2 your what's ramet Joka 2. ne / whore /do/ yu? 3 Recke/do/ what do/yu in? ‘ 5 lessons /heving/you/Engish the do? English /futre ase hen youl? Yes, Ineed to speakit well at work because we do alt of business abroad. In Recife, bigcity on the north-east coast of Bazi Rafael Santos. | workin an information technology company there. Yes, lalwaysenjoy them allot! © workin pairs. ask another student the questionsin Exercise 4 Use the ‘vee prepestions in Your anewors, © comptetethedistogue withthe correct form ofthe verbs > Mdoreposions of place and tne stan and chek Hugo: Where (2) slo.jou come. (yous ‘come) from, Sara? Sara: live (2) Vigo, city in Galicia, That's 6) north-west Spain, (4. the ‘anti coast. Huge: Do you work or 6) (you/ be) a student? Sara:_'masecond year student @) the University of Vigo.'m studying Economics. Huge: How (7) (you / get) there (8) the mornings? ‘The University isnt inthe city so | usually take the bus, but °) summer often ride there on my bike, ‘And wihere (20) (you / lke) to go (44) the evenings? ‘Sometimes | go out with my friends, but mast evenings stay (2) home studying, 've got exams soon! brackets Inthe Speoking exam, be tienely and polite when you meet the ‘examinors and the other concidote, + Speck clearly ond loudly enough fer he examiners and your parmer to hear you, + Give longer answers by adding details such as places and times of day. @ Workin new pairs. Askand answer the questions from the diloguein exercise. > page 145 writing bank © Workin pairs. Look atthe exam task and answer the questions. 2 Who has written toyou? Alex, your English-speaking (viend 2. Whatdoyou haveto read? 3 What kind of text must you wte? 4 What news does Alex tel you frst? How do you feet about this? 5. What does Alexask you next? What information must you give? 5 What does Alexask youtn the fi sentence? 7 What does Alexask youllast? Read this email from your English-speaking fiend Alex, {and thenates you have made, eee Te From: Alex Many thanks forinviting me to ‘come and stay with you fora ‘couple of weeks. lasked my boss forsome more time off workand she said yes! Brant! Which month wouldbe nest for metocome? Dae We've never real tale about shy yourtame Whats ithe? —_ "start planning my trip today. What should I bring with me? Seeyousoon! Sagopa ‘lex \Wirite your emailte Alex, using all the notes, + You must answer this question Inthe exam. + Read the instructions end the emailin the question. Note who you have fo wil to ‘and which points you must include, + Noto down ideas and pian your reply Use o paragraph fer each point. rs © teodshisrepty and answer the questions 1 How many main paragraphs does Frankie use? 2 Which paragraph deals with each of the notes? 3 How many sentences does Frankie write about each of the notes? 4 InFrankie's email find prepositions of place, prepositions oftime and frequency adverbs” eee From: Frankie TorAlex Hialex, 1'mso hapay you can spend a fortnight at my place, ‘Ym eally looking forward toitt ‘Summers lovely here. 'm usually away in August, so “July would be the perfect time to come and visit. ‘ive ina three-bedroom lat on the fith floor ina uit neighbourhood. It's comfortable, with modern furniture, big windows and large balcony where sometimeshave barbecues at weekends. {thardly ever rainsin July, so 'd recommend bringing just light clothes, plus your swimming costume. There's ots to do here and Im sure we'llhave a fantastic time, ‘See you in the summer! Frankie © Pian your own reply to Alex. Use each ofthe notes 8 heading and write your own ideas below them. Ws great tha \Weite your email + Begin and endin a friendly way. + Use paragraphs, one for each of thenotes. + Write at least one sentenceabout each of the notes, + Use frequency adverbs and prepesitions of place / time. © check your partners ema Has our partner: + organised the email like Frankie's? ‘+ written about all four notes on Alex's email? + written about 100 words? Wyte ond home Q eau We use at: + fortimes ofthe day: at 7otlock, at breakfost time + inexpressions like: atthe weekend, at night, at New Yeor We use on for: + days: on Tuesday + dates:on Moy 7th We use infor: + years: in 2017 + months: in August + parts of the day: fn the morning PRACTICE © Complete the conversation with at, i or on. 2: Rreyou busy 1)... Saturday? 'B: Yes, I'm with my grandmother (2) Ihavetto be there (3)... 11 o%lock. I's her binhday party. Her birthdays (4)... August 28th — that's Monday, but everyone's busy then. the morning: A: Do you want tomeet (5)... the evening (6) Saturday? B: OK! fae tana always (100%) —— occasionally hardly ever never (0%) + We usually put frequency adverts before the main verb, ‘usuatly/sometimes/never goto workin the evening. ‘don't often go to work at the weekend. + We don't use never, hardly ever and always atthe beginning, rend of sentences. + We put frequency adverbs after the verb be. am often lin the winter. ‘She is usually t university at o'clock There are other expressions that we can use to talk about frequency. These expressions are used atthe beginning or ena of sentences, not inthe middle + everyday, every week, every month, every year + oncea day, twice week, thee times a month... + on fidays, ot weekends... + mostdays, most nights, most weeks. (On Fridays, goto the office by bike. {1go,running twice aweek, PRACTICE © Putthe words in order tomake sentences, 1 a/g0/gym//the /to twice / week, 2 an/hour/1//more/ hardly ever / spend / than / there. 3 an/for half hour. /1/run / sometimes 4 1/1'm listen /musie running, to / usually / wie 5 always /exhausted. / get /home, /1/1'm / When every/ Friday, / friends /go/1/my /out/ with Present simple JPostiveniegative forme take Reelin don’t take photos He/She/it eee doesn't take “Question forms ae here take photos? Does he/sheft Bhort answers ‘en _wetiey ds " he/she/it, does. we Wiatbey doe e he/she/it doesn’t. fe can use the present simple to talk about something that: happens regularty (and routines) ‘play tennis every Tuesday. is generally true and permanent atthe present time: My brother lives in Fronce. isa fact oralways true: The sunrises in the cast. sae U kas tee a ele Present continuous Postve/Negatve forms \ any'm am/'m not are/re ; vee! arenot/aren't/'re he not Here jot / isn't /’s not Question forms andshort answers ~ am 1 are youwe/they wortine siti is hefbere 1 am. ‘Yes, you/we/they are. hesheit & \ am/'manot. No, youlwethey = heisheft int, We can use the present continuous totalk about + Something happening now They're living with friends while their house is being decorated. + temporary situation whichis truenowe He's cooking inthe kitchen, + something happening inthe present but not necessarily at the moment iy sister's studying art PRACTICE © Choose the correct option in italics. Many peopl (1) toke up /aretoking up cycling these days. Cyclingis great because it(2) helps / helping ‘our general fitness. When we cycle, we (3) use up/ are using yp mote energy than wien we (4) walk / ‘re watking. (5) | go /am going cycling regularly, but only on small roads where there aren't many cars. ‘Ac the moment, (6 train /'m training fora race so (2) Ispend jm spending a lt of time on my bike. | | Bien ‘State verbs refer toa state or a condition, rather than an action, ‘They ae not normally used with continuous verbs. + Iprefer applesto oranges. Xmprefersing opples to oranges. + Thisis alist of common state verbs. agree appear believe depend hear hope know like look love need own possess breler see seem smell suppose taste Chink “understand want weigh wish + There are verbs which can be both state verbs and action verbs, but have a different meaning She looks tired. (look= appear) She's looking for her phone. look=search) He has on apartment. (have= own) He's having bveaktast.(have= eat) PRACTICE © Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. cost have help own preter smell think want weigh fow much you Bent? B: | don’t now. About 60 los, maybe? | not to know actually. 2 Paulisa computer expert. He people with their T problems. 3 Theflowersin our garden, beautiful. 4 myflatmate a lotof problems with his car atthe moment. 5 Acinematicket ast that's alotof money! 6 Lucas ‘new bike, but he to sellit STi ein eens Countable nouns Countable nouns refer to nouns which can be counted. They hhave singular and plural forms: tree - trees; knife knives; child ~ children; man ~ men. + Singular countable nouns can be used with afan: ‘abook, an elephant. Plural countable nouns can be used with numbers, some ‘ny: ‘Our family has some animals -0 dog and three cats Uncountable nouns Uncountable nouns refer to nouns which cannot be counted They have no plural form: advice advices, furniture Knits Information informetions, homework homewerks, otc Both countable and uncountable ‘Some nouns can be countable and uncountable. Hove tambs but! don’t cot lamb. om (countable) = onimel arb (uncountable) = meat from olomb + Tomake uncountable nouns countable, use countable no like piece, slice, spoonful, box, ete apiece of advice three slices of bread (wospoonfuls of sugar abou ofrice PRACTICE © Underline the countable nouns and €irel9 the uncountal nouns in this short text. ‘As well s gving us energy, sugar in our diet makes our food taste better. Sometimes we add sugar to our breakfast Cereals, Sugaris also used in biscuits, ice cream, chocolate ‘and many other things we eat tis also in fruit and vegetables and even ina glass of milk TEA zn eet Ae “These words and phrases are quantifier. They tellus how ‘much or how little of something there is + Forsmall quantities, use a few with plural countable nouns: ‘few people in my office speok English + Use abit of with uncountable nouns: dike abit oF odvice about going to university, please. + For large quantities, use many with plural countable nouns: There aren't many trains at night. How many times have you been to London? + Use much with uncountable nouns inquestions and negative MideileSUUAICAS SalI sentences. ‘We use prepositions of place to say where somethings. i mie stoner Oe veer ete + Weuse atwith points: ss re station, at home, ey ace ns or Hae sg pet a Seema edo i Use ot oforots of with plural countable nouns or ‘uncountable nouns, Alot of /Lets of students ride bikes to college You con save alot of /lots of money if you cycle or walk |ACTICE Inderline and correct the mistakes in these sentences. We haven't got many time, I drink afew water when | wake up There are lt of things we need to talk about. Can youhelp? | need some informations about train times. + We use in with spaces orto say something sinside another ‘hing: in the kitchen in the se, in the cr, Fronce How much friends do you have online? 6 Wehave a fot of furnitures in our house, + Weuse on with surfaces: on the wol, an the lor, on the cating, onthe toble PRACTICE © Complete the sentences with ef, in or on. 1 Mycomputeris the desk my living room. 2 Ive the end of he road 23 Your shoes are box the shel. 4 There's someone: the door Grommar ference House and home_< © Purthe letters in order to make words for objects you can find ina house. 1. {don't havea evdut on my bed inthe summer. hot 2. Lonly use one oluiip when | am sleeping, 3 Putthe dirty platesin the kins and ll wash them lates. 4 Don'tfarget to put the mill back in the afeig 5. Weotten heat up food in the vwiromace when we don't have time to cook 6 Have you gota elwot Ican use to dry my hands? 7. looked inthe rvimrto see if my make-up was all right. 8 |turnedon the hot pta, but the water was col Prepositions of time 2 Hove to gohiking 6 Heft my bus pass 7 There's a clock 8 She usually eats with her family, © complete the sentences with in,on or at. 1 Milseeyou .... sixo'clock outside the cinema spring when it'snot too het. 2 You'l find the tollets down the corridor the right. 4 Weplayed tennis._...the park. 5 Larrived late atwork. the evening after along day home, so paid the fare incaeh, thewallin the kitchen, her birthday. © remenccrm armcenen, beach bus cooker day electricity floor food friend furniture game hall homework house make-up money rain shampoo space tap. time es ened + Read the whole text before you look at the ‘options. Think about what words, or what type of words. might go in the gops. Look at the options and see it ‘your ideas ore there, ‘Sec Leeis an acrobat. she works ina crc that travels -=eund the wold s0 she taysin many aferent ces. cally) is nearly always the same. ost day, she gets up at 7 oclock, has breakfast and gets a ~-.t0 0 10 training, Dependingon the city ‘Ses in, shewalks ortakes the bust the theatre where that ewnins (2). takes place crvally Sue does eight ornine shows a week, sometimes eo ay, 20 05 (4) --wotk,Shehasto make sere she has heathy (5) 150 she eats lotof ‘vegetables and proteins to keep her body strong, Inthe -sterscon, she has some fee time and usualy resto . Intouch wth family orfiendson her ‘S2p, although when she's insome counties the time -seerance can make iaificut, For each question, choose the correct answer, 1 Away Beustom C routine habit 2 Aready Better C early D right 2 Aplay B audionce C presentation D performance 4 Aheavy Bard — ¢ huge D long 5 Afood Bdish € diet D supply S Amake Best hold D go Peon) = You have time bofore you listen to read the ‘questions. Road the fist line, the question anc ‘ne options carefully, + Undiotine the key words in the question. You may net hear the exact words In the recording: try to think of other words that have a similar meaning 0 you can listen for those foo. @ For each question, choose the corect answer * 1 You will hear a mother and her son talking about his tid school book ‘What dothey decide odo with his books? ‘A putthem awayin his bedroom B gvethemtosomeonealze ©: tow ther away 2. Youwil near boy teling his rend about helping shore How doeshefeelabout i? A excited bythe iden 8 annoyed that is brother doesnt help confident thatitwon' take ong, 3 Youwill hear two college students taking about a trip, ‘The man says he will miss the trip because ‘A he's going away with his parents B_hehasn’t got the right equipment. € hehasmade amistake with the date, 4 Youwill hear two fiends talking about a TV series. \What doas the man ike about the series? A Itshows realistic family situations B thas good actors, © ithad a surprising ending, 5 Youwill heara woman talking toa friend about ahouse, What is the problem withthe woman's new house? It's too far from her work B There are too few bedrooms. © There's no spaceforher car. 6 Youwillheartwo fiends talking about shopping centre. ‘They agree that ‘A Iithasa good variety of shops. B it as improved the town, _ itsina convenient location Myttecncinome 8 ssent simple and present continuous — re © choose the correct option initatics. © utthe wordsin order tomake sentences. 1 wreaere out carne acaes semang tec 2 in/eat/ They /restaurant/a occasionally 2 Alltheplayers now / re knowing thatthe match is 2 Ze 2 Temata speing 0 token 4 My ser ates ishing TV programmes about 3 takes hardly /on He /holiday / photos / ever history. no nvpees 5. Olver ten mises smisng the bus on Honday 4a) 1/ 900d oy overy oveatan Feat none 6 ost pole ofcerseor/re wean unter 5 abroad / She / go / often / holiday / doesn’t /on for work. 7 Mytomato plants grow / are growing very quickly. Reyer 6 hry Some te / poole semper do 8 My gitrend learns isering Japanese ath almost ‘9 The weather gets / is getting better this month. 40 Same peapLewatch are ekg too mush 1 take / days dog / part my /mest © complete theemait withthe correct form ofthe verbia brackets. 8 momings They /home /never /the / are at/in few, a bit of, many, muck HiJackio, alot of and lots of Weel here | amin Peru! Yes, © choose the correct option. i) pend) a inrwe ihrer a ‘year in part of ny unversty couse. ra occa ecae Ver a much —b abitof ¢ afew ‘opportunity. | (3). {have} an apartment in the 2 There aren't ‘cushions in the living room. city centre with two other girls, and we (4). (go) afew b much € many canter enlecrbasim voor es eiclnneai 3 Haveyou got tiend rom your Haveyou gs s ere the rtty courses) (sarin hood crichton diay ty amu ts € many | inFebruay. (0) {attend asses Mondoyto 4 On eopleboughthisecord.t wasn't fyetinhN i ee ‘very popular. Instead, | (9) (sit) in the kitchen writing emaits. a autor bray = ate ‘to, (t/a mucha ne wok 5 thadtopay mmoneyformynew aptop. bene smart we (aac ich ae oe oo rem wehav todas ofeare werk Ai cikeshones, Eeeeheice aoa tal Spi © Mokiecion. ‘wen at the shower classes aswell. What (14). nw (you / do) this year? a alot ts teeer é aoa Fi Gs), {you / want) tocome and visit me? "ve got timeityouwantsomehelpnon, Ba a bist b much afew we 8. Thechlren didnt have soraronthein Sey Coe a much ob many € afew Remember there are four points you have 10 ‘answer in the email. Moke sure you answer e0ch one and adé enough information about cach point so thet your emails about 100 words. Use words like because, s0.0r and. + You can use questions to make suggestions give invitations or ask for further information, Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences, Let’s meetat 10 o'clock, Wednesdays the best day The parkisvery big, The beachis a great idea so we can have agood walk there, because | love swimming inthe sea because | don't have yoga classes that afternoon. ‘0 we have time to buy some food first, Complete the table with the questions, Wiould you like to come to my party? \Wihich is the best place to visit? Shall we goto the exhibition? Do you want to go tothe theatre tonight? What kind of films do you like? Why don’t we have a barbecue? © read this email from your English-speaking friend Robin, and the notes you have made. Write your answer in about 100 words. eco Te: From: Robin Hi "'m writing with some great news My friend Jack says ican use his ‘apartment on the coast inthe First two weeks of August. There's space fortwo people. Would you lke t ye only gotone week's holiday, so hich of those two weeks in August ‘would bebest for you? ——————_ Say ahh ‘The house is near the beach and ad tahy, ‘the weather will be hot. What kind of activities should we do atthe beach? ———— Wes, thanks! ———~ Tall Robix \We don’t have to pay for the apartment, but lke to get Jack a present to say thank you. | thought Imaybesomethingforthe house. Suayest What could we get him? — Lots oflove, Robin Mylie onshore (7

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