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ARGUS Developer – Finance Costs Options

Finance Costs – Options

If checked On, the interest for the current source will be added to the Project
Cost exclusive of financing charges, for calculating funding requirements. This
interest is not included or compounded in the source balance month to month.
Project Funds
If left Off, the interest charge is made and compounded against the source but is
not included as a project cost for calculating funding requirements when
percentage-based contributions are entered.

If checked On, the fees for the current source will be added to the Project Cost
Project Funds
for calculating funding requirements. This control works in a similar manner to
"Project Funds Interest".

Only enabled if a Finance Fee has been selected. Forced On if Project Funds
Interest is on, otherwise selectable.

Fees based on If On, the fee is based on the source's contribution amount only. However, if the
Contribution only Project Funds Interest/Fees switches are turned on, the contribution amount will
include an interest and/or fee component.

If Off, the fee is based on the source's contribution including interest.

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