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The Single- and Dual-slope Analog to Digital


Summary. We now consider the single-slope and the dual-slope ADCs. Both ADCs
make use of simple op-amp circuits and control logic to do most of their work. We
explain why the slightly more complicated dual-slope ADC is generally a better
choice of ADC than the single-slope converter.

Keywords. single-slope converter, dual-slope converter, sensitivity to parameter


14.1 The Single-slope Converter

Consider the circuit of Figure 14.1. As the op-amp’s non-inverting input, V+ , is

tied to ground, by making use of the golden rules we find that there is a virtual
ground at the inverting input. As long as the circuit’s input is connected to
Vref , the current in the resistor is Vref /R. This being the case the charge on
the capacitor is increasing linearly. Assuming that the charge on the capacitor
is initially zero, the voltage on the capacitor is
Vcap = − t. (14.1)
(The minus sign is here because the voltage drops across the capacitor, and
the side of the capacitor through which the current “enters” is tied to the
virtual ground.)
We find that the capacitor’s voltage decreases linearly with time. To make
this system the core of a converter, we need two more parts—a microprocessor
and a comparator. The converter works as follows. At time zero, the micro-
processor causes the voltage at the input to the op-amp circuit to go from 0 V
to Vref . The microprocessor keeps track of how much time has passed since the
input went high. Every Ts seconds, the microprocessor checks the output of
the comparator. When the comparator’s output changes, the microprocessor
94 14 The Single- and Dual-slope Analog to Digital Converters

Fig. 14.1. The single-slope A/D. The block whose label is Vref /0 V connects either
Vref or 0 V to the resistor. The choice is controlled by the microprocessor.

“knows” that the output of the op-amp has exceeded the input—but barely.
It then stores the number of sample periods, n, that it took the output of the
op-amp circuit to exceed the value of the signal to be measured. The voltage
at the output of the op-amp circuit—which approximates the voltage of the
signal being measured—will be the voltage on the capacitor after n periods
(of duration Ts ) have gone by. From (14.1), it is clear that this voltage is
Vref Ts
Vsignal being measured ≈ − n.
Thus, n is proportional to the voltage being measured, and n is the digital
output of the A/D.

14.2 Problems with the Single-slope A/D

As presented, the single-slope A/D can only measure voltages whose sign
differs from that of the reference voltage. This problem can be dealt with, if
A second problem has to do with the sensitivity of our estimate to changes
in the values of R and C. A microprocessor’s time-base is generally quite
accurate, so Ts is generally known quite accurately. The values of resistors
and capacitors are more problematic. It would be very nice to develop an
A/D whose accuracy was not tied to the accuracy with which the values of R
and C are known. The next type of A/D takes care of this problem.

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