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is the

is the great
Medicine the most beautiful
Forests of flowers, fruits and seeds
It is the love of my life

It is the one that cures me

It is the one that heals me
is the one that elevates me
You are the one that calms me down
She is the Mother and the Teacher
Is the nature
It is the Great Wealth
It is pure beauty

we are butterflies
As the tree transforms the sun
As the bee transforms the flower
How the seed transforms the earth
How fire transforms wood

Butterfly, be born again

Mother Earth, bloom again

we are butterflies
We are Seed, the hope of life
We are drops of Mother Sea
We are Rays of Father Sun
a flowering tree,
divine goodness,
we are clouds flying
Carrying our prayers high,
spreading blessings,
Healing All Our Relationships

A Whipala
Cultivating my way, Enjoying my destiny
Always thanking and celebrating this life
Happy with what I have, I never lack anything
Sharing among all the gifts of this land

Returning to the Glory of Good Living

Remembering to just live well

A Whipala to Unite Humanity

Celebrating Diversity and Equality

Breathing deep, the pure air

Drinking with joy, the Water of life
Together with Grandfather Fire, shaping our dreams,
Mother Earth, bloom again

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