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Hall Jr.

Dennis Hall Jr.

Ms. Sanders

ENC 2135

25 June 2023

ENC 2135, I did not know very much about writing. I was worried about taking this

class for that reason. Nevertheless, over these past six weeks, I have grown much as a writer

and a student. I now look at all aspects of writing differently due to the lessons learned in this

class. Before taking this class, I did not know how to write a rhetorical analysis or a genre.

Coming to the end of this course, when I look at something, my brain automatically begins to

analyze the ornamental features in use. Thoughts like pathos, ethos, style, and design pop into

my head. The second project was a rhetorical analysis, and I learned the most from this

assignment; therefore, it would be a great idea to base my portfolio on this project. After all, I

wanted to include something that shows how much I have learned. To begin polishing this

project, I reviewed the comments my peer left after she read it.

Something I appreciate during a peer review. First, my peer said that I drew a lot of

attention to the use of colors of my sources used in my rhetorical analysis, so she suggested I

include more detail on that theme and try to make that one of the focal points of the

paragraphs. She also mentioned that I should talk about some weaknesses the sources had.

These would be great additions to my analysis and help me further it, so I took her advice and

added these suggestions to my paper. I also emailed my professor to have her read my

project. A professional reading my analysis would be the best option because she can give me

pointers and tips about what to fix, take out, and add. She suggested I talk more about the

audience, how they could gain access to the artifacts, and what my expectations were for the

artifacts I used. After reflecting on what she told me, I realized this would be an excellent
Hall Jr. 2

addition to my paper because it would give it more depth. Therefore, I worked on

incorporating these aspects into my essay. After making these corrections, I reread it in case I

needed to correct any other minor mistakes.

I finished polishing my essay; I added it to the portfolio along with the two other

activities I completed in this class. When preparing for Project 2. These assignments helped

me learn critical ideas that would play a role in my analysis. I wanted to ensure I included

these two assignments in my portfolio because they help show much of what I have learned

in this class. In the first assignment, we were required to watch a video, summarize it, and

then analyze it. This needed me to think of why and how things happened in such a piece of

literature, giving me a good idea of what I would do when I analyzed my artifacts in this class

and life in the future. In the second assignment, I took one of my artifacts and annotated it.

This assignment helped me prepare for my essay because annotating it gave me all the

information I would talk about within the analysis and a new way to get ready to write an

essay that I can use in the future. I chose to include these because they were key learning

points when writing an analysis for the first time.

Hopefully, when people view my website, they can also see how much I have grown

through this course. I am very proud of myself for progressing from a shy, clueless writer to a

confident one who knows how to do more than summarize. I can analyze sources, picking up

details like style, design, purpose, and audience. With the help of my peers and, most

importantly, my professor.

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