Identity Wheel

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Fernnandez, Elijah Joshua Webster R.

EE-1B GEC 101








Social Identities:
Age: 19 (Adult)
Sex: Male
Gender: Masculine
Religion: Born Again Christians
Social Class: Working Class
Physical/ Mental Abilities:
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Language: Tagalog, English
Number of Siblings: 4
Fernnandez, Elijah Joshua Webster R.
EE-1B GEC 101
 Which aspects of your social identity are especially meaningful to you and
- The most meaningful aspect for me is “Social Class”. As a part of the
“working class” family, this hugely affects my social identity. Being part of
this class also means that I can’t have access to certain things I may have
 Which aspects of your social identity don’t you feel as meaningful as
others and why?
- I don’t find sex and gender too meaningful for me because it’s not a really
big deal for me. I know where I belong and I don’t encounter issues with
 What experiences have you had that make the identities in your bigger
slices more salient to you?
- As I mentioned on item 1, my social class is important to me because it
can hugely affect how I’ll grow. I’ve seen people my age in higher social
class doing good on certain things. I feel like I can do that to or even better
if I just have the resources they have. In Physical/Mental Abilities, it is
important to me because through this, I will be able to know what are the
things I am capable of. Hence, I’ll know more where to group myself. In
this activity, this made me think “what are the things I’m capable of in
terms of physical and mental?” I feel like this is a great factor for my social
identity to even make myself grow. I gave age a slight bigger slice
because recently I joined a youth group for a certain candidate. What I can
say is that I felt more comfortable hanging with people around my age.
Ma’am are you reading this haha joke lang ma’am. I was able to
participate on their conversation unlike when I am around with people who
are a lot older than me. I also gave Number of Siblings larger slice
because same with my social class identity, I feel like it hugely affects who
am I. Given with my attachment issues with my father. I also feel like
having them as my siblings can define who I am.
 Why do you think more about some of your identities than others? 
- I think about the other identities more because I really think that this will
really define who I am and this will greatly affect on where do I belong. I
didn’t think about some of them because I feel like those things doesn’t
really affects me as a person. Like sex and gender, these are significant to
others but for me its not. Whatever sexual orientation I came out, I think it
won’t really affect me who I am.
 How do your identities influence your sense of belongingness in the
groups that you’re part of?
- My identities influence my belongingness in my groups by knowing if I can
interact well in this group. Would I know myself more through these
people? Can I be “myself” in this group? Do I need to pretend in order for
them to accept me? After all of this, the most important thing is for me to
know myself more and to accept myself as I am.

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