Basic Structure of A Scientific Research

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Alexis Orjaleza 12-Zara PR4

Basic structure of a scientific report

Written task # 2

I - introduction
M - methods
R - results
A - and
D - discussion

*Future work*

● Focuses on your research question(what).
● It emphasis or should actually present to your readers why you are doing or what type of
questions you are trying to answer.
● Basis of the hypothesis.
● Study approach(how).
● If you have a question that you have to answer, how do you/ what did you do to get that answer.
● Methods employed in the study.
● Findings.
● After you perform your experiments, what did you learn? What was the data you got?
● Everytime you perform your experiments and you gather your data, it doesn't end there, you have
to interpret you have to make sense of numbers or observations that you gathered.
● How the data was processed.
● Interpretation of the findings.
● From data, it becomes information.
● Basis for your conclusions.
● Learnings
● Highlighting and summarization of all your learnings.
*Future work*
● Recommendations
● How do you actually improve upon the learnings from the study.

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