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1. Rabbit 1
2. Rabbit 2
3. Rabbit 3
4. Bear
5. Tiger
6. Elephant
7. Deer
8. Monkey 1
9. Monkey 2
10. Zebra 1
11. Zebra 2
12. Goat
13. Frog
14. Lion
15. Giraffe
16. Hippo
17, 18, 19. Tree 1, 2, 3
20, 21, 22, 23. Student 1, 2, 3, 4
24. Teacher
25. Hunter/ Woodcutter 1
26. Woodcutter 2
27. Narrator- (Squirrel- Hoang An)
28, 29. Mushroom 1, 2

Narrator - Squirrel: Once upon a time, in a small forest, all the animals lived together happily
and in harmony.
(3 Rabbits dancing and jumping up and down.)
Rabbit: Hi, we are Rabbits. We like to eat carrots and jump around.
(Zebra and monkey rush out)
Zebra 1: I'm a zebra, I like roaming around.
Zebra 2: We like to eat grass and follow the herd.
Monkey 1 and Monkey 2 in unison: We are the best at climbing trees. Can you climb?
Goat 1 and Goat 2 in unison: I cannot climb trees, but I can climb mountains.
Goat 3: I can make milk.
Deer: I run very fast.
Hippo: I am very healthy.
Giraffe: If you want to see far away, you can jump on my neck.
(Suddenly the tiger roars and the elephant cries. The lion comes out.)
Lion: Why are Tiger and Elephant so close today?
Elephant: To stay safe when we go for a walk.
Tiger: Oh, Bear, why are you collecting honey so early today?
(Bear walks out.)
Bear 1: Lately, my wife has trouble sleeping and she gets angry.
Bear 2: We need to start getting ready for the winter, guys!
(Frogs squeak, 3 trees tilt)
Frog: Long time without dancing and singing! It's crowded today, let's sing together!
3 trees nod: Yes, that's right!
Tree 1: Let’s sing “stupid heart”!
Tree 2: No, I want to sing “Baby Shark”!
Tree 3: Waka Waka
The animals choose a song in unison and begin to form a semicircle. 10 friends (animals) in
the team jump out and dance to an English song (1 minute). The rest stand around and sing
Narrator - Squirrel: Suddenly, we can hear the sound of chainsaws and chopping wood. The
animals are scared, run away in panic, and hide in caves.
(3 The Woodcutter takes the chainsaw and runs out "Crrrrrrr!")
Tree 4: They are still small, please don't cut them down.
Woodcutter: I have to build a house.
(The Woodcutter continues cutting trees. The trees fall onto each other. The sound of heavy
rain, the flood, and the woodcutters are washed away. The forest is completely destroyed!)
(Screen effects)
(The stage is a destroyed forest. Cheerful music plays, and separate groups of carrying bamboo
baskets are looking for mushrooms.
Student 1: I've been looking for a long time but can't find any mushrooms.
Student 2: How can there be mushrooms in this dry forest?
(Teacher comes out)
Teacher: Let's go back!
Student 3: But we haven't picked any mushrooms yet!
(As soon as the tiger appears, the students are terrified! Tiger roar!)
Teacher: Watch out!
(The teacher covers up the students. Dramatic music. The tiger circles around like a threat. The
teacher and the group of students run away inside. Suddenly the tiger falls, looking tired)
Tiger: Thirsty! I’m so thirsty! …
(Deer and Elephant come out)
Deer: Hey Elephant, I'm so hungry!
Elephant: I searched all day but could not find any grass to eat.
Deer: (Looking upwards) Hey Monkey! Is there any fruit on it?
(Monkey jumps out)
Monkey: Where on earth can we get fruits from dead trees?
Elephant: I can’t believe we- vegetarians may die from starvation?
Tiger: Me, I’m a meat eater but I am dying of thirst!
Deer: Does God wants us to disappear forever?
(Rabbit comes out, calling his mother)
Rabbit: Mom! Mommy! Where is my mother?
Elephant: Rabbit! Your mo… your mother…
Rabbit: Have you seen my mother?
Deer: Rabbit, your mother…
Rabbit: Where is my mother?
Giraffe : I just saw your mother next to a dry river.
Rabbit: Oh! So, I will go find my mom!
(The rabbit is about to run away)
Monkey: Stop!
Rabbit: I want to go to my mother!
Monkey: Don't go there!
(Sad music is playing)
Lion: Forests are destroyed, Earth is getting hotter, rivers and streams are dry...
Rabbit: No! I want this earth, this planet to be green again!
Frog: We must do something!
(All kinds of things fall on the ground. Just as the teacher and group of students come back
with baskets of fruit)
Student 1: Teacher! Let's save the animals!
Teacher: Bring food and water for them!
(Students bring food and water to the animals)
Animals: Thank you, humans!
Student 2: It's our fault!
Animals: What?
Student 3: It is humans who destroy the environment! We are careless.
Animals: Humans? Not God?
Student 4: Right! It's humans!
(All the animals boil over with anger)
Tiger: Do you know the earth is crying?
Animals: The Earth is crying!
Teacher: Please give people a chance to correct our mistakes
Student 1: For our own future, let us make things right!
Student 2: Because this earth belongs to no one,
Student 3: Stop now to save the environment!
Student 4: Respecting the environment is respecting yourself!
Teacher: Environmental protection is the duty and responsibility of each person on this earth!
All: Protecting the environment is protecting life!
(The image of planting trees appears on the screen)
(Michael Jackson's "Earth Song" is played. Animals and humans sing along to the song)

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