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This chapter presented, analysed, and interpreted the result from the conducted

survey data gathered by the researcher. The analysis on the result of the evaluation

was done to measure the effectiveness of the developed system.

The study is aimed to know the perspective of Grade 10 students of Gerona

Junior College in using or receiving profanity words. The satisfy the formulated

problem, the researcher gathered 15 grade 10 students of Gerona Junior College to

know their point of view about the issue.

The researcher used a qualitative approach on the study because this enables the

participants or respondents to get the real point of view and understanding of the

students about using and receiving profanity words.


The respondents of the study is asked three questions to know their perspective

about the issue.

First questions asked is; In your own understanding, Why do people use profanity

words? Question 1 aims to know the respondents’ general understanding about the


Each of their answers will be displayed below

Participant 1: “I use profanity words to express my feelings”

Participant 2: “For joke purposes, or they want to express their anger”

Participant 3: “They use profanity words because they want to say what they want

and they want to express their feelings”

Participant 4: “People use profanity words to express their aggressive feelings and


Participant 5: “In modern days, profanity words are used normal or informal talks,

many of them are used to extend to amplify emotions in the conversation, some are

not meant to be said though”

Participant 6: “People often use it as an expression to the words they expressing and

not the actual word of what they really feel”

Participant 7: “In my on understanding, people use profanity words in certain

situation just to express their feelings and emotion”

Participant 8: “I think people use profanity words because they want to express their

feelings and emotions”

Participant 9: “The reason why people use profanity words are for the friends on

social media/platforms, for expressing their emotions or got influenced older people”

Participant 10: “To express their feelings, to make them cool(?) to hurt someone’s


Participant 11: “Profanity words are rude words that people’s spout out of emotions”

Participant 12: “Maybe because they often get shocked or maybe they already use to


Participant 13: “For me it's serve as their expression and to let out their anger”

Participant 14: “People intend to use profanity words out of joy, sometimes when mad

or upset. they use profanity words when they get too happy or get too upset”
Participant 15: “People use profanity words to express their anger, further to express

their emotions”

As presented we can see here that there are several differences among the

participants’ point of view and answers. That proves that every students of Gerona

Junior College have different understanding when comes people using profanity

words. For example, Participant 2 says that profanity words are for jokes only

meaning that whenever he/she received and heard profanity words from people,

he/she takes it as a joke. And Participant 5 is in the same boat as 2, because for

him/her, profanity words are used in normal and informal conversation which

includes joking and laughing around. However, Participant 10 have a different

perspective because for him/her, people using profanity words to hurt others feeling,

which means that participant 10 can be easily get hurt when received a profanity

words, Participant 11 also considers that profanity words are rude which means for

them, profanity words is unacceptable.

But the researcher found the similarity of most of their answers through In Vivo

coding that uses the participants' own words to locate the similarity and relations of

their answers. If we look closely to the answers of all the participants, most if not all,

their answers contains “to express their feeling” which means that for them, profanity

words when used by people is through their emotions. Whether they are, happy, sad

or mad. Some of also mentioned that profanity words are used to express strong

feeling of anger and joy if we’re going to refer on Participants’ 4 and 5 answers.

From this, we can clearly say that for the Grade 10 students of Gerona, people

use Profanity words to express their feelings and emotions whether strong or not.

Though they may take profanity words as joke, they can also be hurt from it.
Second question asked is; What profanity words do you often receives? how to do

feel in receiving such words? Question 2 aims to know the issue’s emotional impact

towards the respondents.

Each of their answers will be displayed below

Participant 1: “ ‘tangina’ , ‘gago’ , ‘fuck’ , ‘shit’ . I feel nothing because it

feels/seems normal to me”

Participant 2: “ ‘fuckyou’, I feel bad and disappointed”

Participant 3: “the profanity words I often to receive is ‘dumb’ and ‘stupid’”

Participant 4: “the saying of ‘gago’ ‘tanga’ is the most used profanity words.

Receiving those kind of profanity words is not big deal for me”

Participant 5: “tanginamo (some of a bitch/motherfucker), bobo (idiot,moron,imbecile

and other similar terms) are the most word “muras” in a class. It feels normal to get

these because I know they’re just kidding doesn’t mean to say those”

Participant 6: ““gago” and “pota” I’m kinda fine with cause I often use those words

as well as my expression in daily social interaction”

Participant 7: “I received some but only when we're joking around and I know it's

nothing personal”

Participant 8: “The profanity words I often receive stupid and i feel so not worthy

receiving such words”

Participant 9: “Profanity words like fuck/what the fuck, shit, tanga, gago, etc. having
receive such foul language doesn't seem to have an impact towards me. I gotten use
of hearing such language”
Participant 10: “Cursing words, sometimes for sarcasm or to make someone laugh
and I feel happy, but in some situation can hurts someone's feelings”

Participant 11: “I often receive profanity words such as "bitch" or more cusses in
tagalog. I feel nothing as it's just a simple joke between friends”

Participant 12: “I actually do not receive anything like that”

Participant 13: “In receiving profanity words, I feel like it's normal because in such
words sometimes it can be joke base on a situation. it can be bad or sometimes feel
you humiliated”

Participant 14: “Cursing words, i receive it when the person i am talking to upset or
either happy”

Participant 15: “I often receive such words, I do often offended but I am not bother at

Through In Vivo coding, the most usual profanity words received by the
students of Gerona Junior college are, “tangina”, “gago”, “fuck”, and “tanga”

And since the interview taken place in the School of Gerona Junior College, we
can safely say that the answers of each participant are based on individuals they are
usually with in school. So we can say that they received such words on their
classmates and schoolmates.

Through In Vivo coding also, we are able to look closely about how they feel
when receiving profanity words. Participant 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 11 are the ones that
are already used in hearing and receiving profanity words. This participants also takes
the profanity words they received as a joke. However, Participant 2, 8, and 15 doesn’t
take receiving profanity words as good as the firstly mentioned participants. But on
the other hand, We have participant 10 and 13 that feels neutral about profanity

This only proves that even though majority of the students of Gerona Junior
College doesn’t mind receiving profanity words and takes it as a joke. All of them are
the same. We should not overlook that there is still students that doesn’t take
profanity words goods and there are still some students believes that profanity words
can hurt someone’s feelings.

Third question asked is; In your own opinion, should we normalize using profanity
words? explain your answer. Question 3 is aimed to know the respondents opinion
about the issue.

Each of their answers will be displayed below.

Participant 1: “No, because not all people can take those words as a joke, profanity
words can hurt feelings”

Participant 2: “No, we should stop normalizing profanity words because it can hurt
the feeling of others”

Participant 3: “We should not normalize using profanity because some student are
hurting and it can affect their mental health”

Participant 4: “No, it is because some people might not be okay hearing or receiving
those kind of words”

Participant 5: “Of course we should. For something bad to be good, we should

normalize it.”

Participant 6: “No, because it can become are daily habit in life and it's bad for the
younger generation to learn”

Participant 7: “In my own opinion, we shouldn’t normalize using profanity words

because it may hurt someone's feelings and can damage their mental health”

Participant 8: “No, because profanity words may affect others in emotional way and it
may lead to bad memories and perspective”

Participant 9: “Personally, normalizing at using such profanity words isn't really that
necessary, I mean can use it as an expression but it shouldn’t be normalized in the
young age of people, such as children”

Participant 10: “In my own opinion, i think not because some people are sensitive to
harmful word”
Participant 11: “No, as jokingly as it may be, it is still disrespectful but normalizing it
between friends are quite justified”

Participant 12: “no, because is not good to hear at all”

Participant 13: “We can normalize the word that is only not too personal but we can't
normalize such words that can hurt someone's feelings and can someone feel a shame
on themselves”

Participant 14: “No, profanity words hurt feelings, it hurts the person receiving it

Participant 15: “No, because we all have different sensitivity. It might hurt others that
didn't hurt you. So please, be considerate.”

Through In Vivo coding, all of the participants disagree in normalizing the

usage of profanity words except for one participant which is participant 5 he/she
believes that when a bad habit like using profanity words can be good when it is
already normalized and accepted. Though the remaining 14 participants says that even
though people can use profanity words for expressing their feelings, it doesn’t make
profanity words invulnerable in hurting other feelings, emotions, and mental health.
Also according to them, using profanity words is a bad habit that the younger
generation can learn. Where in we can say that there are participants that gotten used
of profanity words because they hear or see elders and seniors using such words so
they are worried that the younger generation will inherit the bad habit of using
profanity words.

All in all, we can say that the students of Gerona Junior College are still against
the usage of profanity words. They may take it as a joke if they’re using and receiving
it with the friends and normal conversation, they are still sensitive about what the
other may feel they received such words.

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