GO No. DPL 18-01 Restructuring and - Strengthening of Unit PCRG

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Republic of the Philippines National Police Commission NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City January 11, 2019 GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL-18-04 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) RESTRUCTURING AND STRENGTHENING OF UNIT (Police Community Relations Group) 1. Effective this date, the Police Community Relations Group (PCRG) shall be restructured, strengthened, and renamed as “Police Community Affairs and Development Group, with official acronym "PCADG", in order to enhance the capability of the Group in the performance of its mandate in implementing plans and programs for the promotion of community and citizens’ participation in the maintenance of peace and order, and public safety. 2. Consistent with the provisions under NHQ-PNP Circular No. DPL-03-02, dated October 26, 2003, entitled: "Specific Authority Delegated to the Directorial Staff" the Police Community Affairs and Development Group shall be placed under the functional authority of the Director for Police Community Relations (TDPCR). As such, the Director, DPCR who is under the supervision of the Deputy Chief, PNP for Operations, shall have the power to control specified processes, practices, and other matters of the Group. 3. The Command Group of the PCADG shall be composed of the Director with the rank of Police Chief Superintendent, the Deputy Director, and the Chief of Staff both with the rank of Police Senior Superintendent. 4. The PCADG shall maintain two (2) Support Staff namely: Administrative and Resource Management Division (ARMD); and Operations Management Division (OMD). It shall likewise maintain four (4) Operating Units, namely: a) Community Assistance and Development Division (CADD); b) Historical and Cultural Affairs Division (HCAD); c) Complaints Referral Monitoring Center (CRMC); and d) Information and Communications Development Division (ICDD). These Divisions shall be headed by PCOs with the rank of Police Senior Superintendent. 5. In the next five years, the PCADG shall gradually establish 17 Regional Community Affairs and Development Units (RPCADUs) which shall undertake police community relations programs and activities in partnership with concerned government agencies, volunteer organizations, and the community in their respective areas of responsibility. The RPCADUs shall be headed by PCOs with the rank of PSSUPT and shall be composed of two Sections namely: a) Information and Communication Development Section; and b) Community Affairs Development Section. It shall likewise maintain an 8-man Police Community Affairs Teams (PCATs) per province and NCRPO District. 6. The RPCADUs shall perform the following functions: a. Implement Community Affairs and PCR plans, programs, and policies within its jurisdiction such as but not limited to: 1) Community Service Oriented Policing (CSOP); 2) Barangay Peacekeeping Operations (BPO); and 3) Police Barangay Programs. s Supervise and direct the Police Community Affairs Teams in performing the following functions: 1) Assist in the activities of Anti Drug Abuse Councils (ADACs) to ensure the proper coordination and teamwork of all sectors involved in the Barangay Drug Clearing Operations; 2) Collaborate with the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams (BPATS) for a more enhanced community policing and community affairs activities; 3) Supervise the implementation of various police-community relations programs/activities in support to the anti-criminality, anti-insurgency, and anti-terrorism campaign of the PNP: 4) Administer all PNP-accredited NGOs as force multipliers in government's peace and order initiatives; 5) Develop and maintain inter-agency linkages with concemed government sectors, Local Government Units (LGUs) and Peace and Order Councils; 6) Collect, collate, and preserve artifacts, mementos and documents that have historical value to the PNP and compile and update data relevant to the history and culture of the PNP; and c. Perform other tasks as directed by the Director, PCADG. 7. Considering that PCADG has yet to operationalize its Regional CADUs, its authorized personnel strength shall be 186 broken down as follows: 38 Police Commissioned Officers (PCOs); 121 Police Non-Commissioned Officers (PNCOs); and 27 Non-Uniformed Personnel (NUP). Out of the 121 positions for PNCO, 27 will be replaced by NUP positions from the proposed 7,561 additional NUP positions for funding by DBM. 8 The personnel strength of PCADG shall be increased once the personnel funds, equipment, facilities and other requirements for the operationalization of any of the RPCADUs are available. 9. When the situation demands for immediate operational support, the Director, PCADG shall exercise sound discretion and may realign, upgrade, or downgrade the personnel complement of its Operating Units and its Regional CADUs provided that, such measure shall not exceed the total authorized personnel complement of the Group. Likewise, the Director, PCADG shall be authorized to transfer PCATs from one RPCADU to another as he may deem necessary. 10. Requisite support pertaining to personnel, logistics, trainings, fac funds, and other resources necessary for the smooth implementation of this directive shall be provided by the concemed Directorial Staff, subject to existing PNP policies and procedures as well as the approval of the Chief, PNP. 11. Detailed implementing directives necessary for the smooth implementation of this General Orders shall be formulated by the Director for Police Community Relations. This shall include appropriate directive which will ensure a clearer delineation of functions of the Regional Community Affairs and Development Units vis- a-vis other National Support Units and Police Regional Offices and lower units, subject ‘to the approval of the Chief, PNP. 12. The issuance of this General Orders is in pursuance to the vested power of the Chief, PNP under Section 26 of Republic Act No. 6975 as amended. All directives/publications in conflict with the provisions hereof are hereby repealed. BY COMMAND OF POLICE DIRECTOR GENERAL ALBAYALDE: Annexes: A-- Functional Chart of the Police Community Affairs and Development Group B - Organizational Structure of Staffing Pattern of PCADG DISTRIBUTION: PNP Command Group Directorial Staff Directors, NSUs Regional Directors, PROs IG, IAS Chief, PIO Chief, CPSM Chief, HRAO yore wf 0 TOL ANNEX A to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL. 18- 01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) FUNCTIONAL CHART POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT GROUP (PCADG) OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 4.Direct, command, and contol the administrative and operational activites ofthe Police Community fairs Development Group, which shallinlude operational and tacical movements deployment, anduizaton of is resources forthe accomplishment tthe folng tasks 2, Implement plans and programs forthe promation of community and citzens patcipton in he maintenance of peace andoner, and pubic safely. Conduct of community program and cil assistance to promote closer police ‘communty raion; ‘& Conduct conénuousinformason end education campaign among members of ‘he PNPenthe observance ofthecustoms, tadons, and practoesoftepoice cofers,aswellas keeping them up datedon he polices, rules, and regulasons| presorbed by higher ashories; 4, Provide assistance in conducng ret andrehabiltton dung cata and her disasters; «2. Alten to public complaints arising from perclved poice abuses end other gievances; {. Condutinfomaton and activites trough te vacusfoms of metiato generate public support othe PNP in parcuar and the government in genera h. Collet, evaluat, and dissent fomatononprevalng stations relative fo PPCADG mission; nd 2. Perform other duties as directed by higher authorfes. Page 1 of 24 Pages ‘Deputy Director for Administration, PCADG 1. Assist the Director, PCADG in supervising, drecng, and coordinating the activities ‘ofthe Group pertaningtoits administration. 2 Advise andassist the Drector PCADG inthe executon of administrative policies, drecves, programs, and projects ofthe Group. 3, Perform other duties as the second in command in the PCADG or act inthe absence of Director, PCADG. Deputy Director for Operations, PCADG 1. Assist the Director, PCADG in supervising, directing, and coornating the operations fhe Grp. 2, Advise and assist the Director PCADG in the execution of operational policies, directives, programs, and projects pertaining to Operations. ‘3. Perform other duties as directed by the Director, PCADG. hie of Staff, PCADG 1. Direc, supenise, and manage the administrative affair ofthe Group and facitate coordination among the ferent Dvsions and units ofthe PCADG. 2, Perio other duties as drected bythe Director, PCADG. FUNCTIONAL CHART ANNEX A to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18- 01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No, 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT GROUP (PCADG) su ADMINISTRATIVE & RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 1. Plan, coordinate and supervise the administrative requirements of the PCADG. 2, Formulate and implement personnel developmentmanagement palcies and programs to promote productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness ofthe PCADG. 43, Translate decisions into directives concerning movement oF assignmentafis personel 4, Manage the recntment and placement of personnel and other related activities. 5. Coordinate with PNP Training Service pertaining tothe conduct of ‘Specialized trainings and seminar f the PCADG. 6. Monitor and conduct perfomance evauaon ofa PCADG personel and suit necessary recommendations to Director, PCADG. 7. Administer the referls and dispatch ofa incoming and outgoing ‘communicators. £8, Prepare budget proposal an logistical support proposals ofthe PCADG. ‘8, Responsitieforthe effective operaton and maintenance of highly {echnical equpment atthe PCADG 2s well asthe research and evaluation of PCADG equipment for procurement. 410.. Responsible forthe secur, maltenance, and cleanliness ofthe PCADG buldng and the surouncngs.. ‘1, Perform such other tasks as rected by the Director, PCADG. OFFICIAL: PORT Page 2 of 24 Pages OPERATIONS: MANAGEMENT DIVISION ‘Assist the Director, PCADG on mater petaring to operation ofthe Group. 2, Plan, recommend, manage, and evaluate operational activites ofthe PCADG. 3, Pan, formulate, andimplement PCR Special Projects that re responsive ‘ocurentissues invelvng the PNP andthe community. 4. Prepare, coordinate, andissue operational plans, orders, andrectves in accordance wth the paicies and guidelines of the Director, PCADG. 5. laborate wih other suppor units and other lw enforcement agencies ‘and NGOs on materspetaning to PCR activites. 6.Act as 2 focal pron to OCD-NDRRMC, other PNP units and other ‘government agencies in relation to the manitrng of dsaster-elated indents. 7. Perform other dts as directed by the Director, PCADG. ANNEX A to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18- 01 dated (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) FUNCTIONAL CHART POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT GROUP (PCADG) ‘COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE HISTORICAL AND ‘COMPLAINTS REFERRAL INFORMATION &. ‘& DEVELOPMENT CULTURALAFFAIRS. MONITORING COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION DIVISION CENTER DEVELOPMENT DIVISION ‘LRecommend and implement plans and ‘Cole and esene ifomatonandmataids } ‘Atendiopubicconpants aiingfomperosved 1.Conduc infomation and actives. tu programs peridhingloconmuniy asesiance _Petngtothe history and cue cfhe PNP. police abuses and other grievances. ‘various forms of media to generate public and development actives. ‘2.Planandinplementvaious PCRactvies which | 2Recelve record, andactonreponts, complaints SuPpert to the PNP in particular and the 2Develop and intograte various police WaudhahahthecairectthePNPtoemanca ‘and oher pubic concems, accomodate walkin _ governmentin genera. communi raion, pogamnslacvies in _ "TOR camolanansandcompaistutslephonecals, Provide infomative materials (such as: suppotloantaininely anbinsugency and 3.Collct, collate and preserve artifacts, ‘SMS,socalmeda iaersandrderasfomtctine pamphlets, manuals, leafes, bilboards, ‘ant demorism campaign of the PNP. ‘mementos, documents and update and comple ‘8888 andother govemment agencies andenfites streamers and placards pertaining to public daarelevettothe his andoutrecfthe | hacurdarcewihhePNPCltzen'sChaterand say ‘Coordinate with PNP Unitsotces and pyp, ‘ender appropri assistance, ‘3Formulate and implement community nergrannast apes ME corindewnbelentsealngte | Reis? eevoxnasinaestnpts amie a ekesi pega eeerenenieeme and similar agencies on matters eave to | compas and ober pbc cancers. PAP. er historical events. 4,Establish and sustain effective networking and 4.Ptan and coordinate the conduct of PNP- ‘Organize, montorandmebiizeorce mutes 5 copaboate wih instuons, ‘coordination with cher goverment agencies 2s _sponsored/supported television, radio and cet slatehoer to sippat PAP Soe tonpbicanivndoseco.en | weleaNGOs programs and those considered under the Pe TraaR inion non-government organizations in the | SMonorheprogesssizusandordsposton and movie and cyber induty, fo Incuds the “12contucaljntpejecstomarinize_ "Olementaen of Camp Vistaton Program. mah databasecfrefeedrepors, complains appearance of PNP personnel, quests and crmnlyieachsdbereiceres, ©conductbefngsledurescntehisiryand | soberpubfecmeens andprovde feebeck ober Posonaies landmark achievements othe PNP and provide ‘tocomplainants. 5 Prepare menusorps, layout and photographs 5. Actas Secretariat ofthe NGO Accreditation four quidesinplaces/unitsofhistorcal interest] 6. Consolidate and record allreports, complaints forthe PNP Joumal, Police Digest, andother ‘Committee andmaintandatabasecfaccedied ——_ingide Camp Crame. ‘and other public concems lodged in otherunits _ PNPPuiicatons. ated ‘7Meintan the PNP Museum and Library, the ‘and Emergency Hotline 911 Involving police 6 Gather information thru the cyberspace (You 6.PetamobertaksasdrecedbyteDieckr, LwasangTaganamayapaandithe PNPReics | _ "ltrs. {ube Fenster, Eel, Bloggers Grup, PCADG. square. “7 Perfom other tasks 2s directed bythe Director, ©) 88 @ major sourve of information and 8.Pertoom othertasks as crected by the Director, PoADG. eee: PCADG. -7.Pestorm other tasks as directed by the Director, PCADG. Page 3 of 24 Pages. ANNEX A to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18- 01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) FUNCTIONAL CHART POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT GROUP (PCADG) © |. REGIONAL POLICE “Th [COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ANDI 1 DEVELOPMENT UNITS | (RPCADUs) Se 4. Implement Commanty Afar and PCR plans, programs and poles wins juiscicfon such as but roti: ‘a. Community Service Oriented Policing (CSOP) Barangay Peacekeeping Operations (BPO) «Police sa Barangay Program. 2. Supers and rect the Community fairs Teams in performing the folowing functions: 2. Assstn the actvtes of Ant-Drugs Abuse Counc’ (ADACS) o ensure the proper coornation ‘and teamwork ofl seco invlvedin the Barangay Drug Clearing Operations. Collaborate withthe Barangay Peacekeeping Acton Teams (BPATS) for a more enhanced ‘omrurunty policing and commun efi acts. .& Supenisa theimplementation of vous police community lon programslactitesin support {othe ant-ciminaly an ineurgncy, and anfserrism campaign ofthe PNP. <6. Administer a PNP accredited NGOs a force mtbr ingovements peace and orden. ‘2. Develop and maintain inter-agency tinkages with concemed govemment secors, Local Goverment Units LGUs) end Peace and Order Counc. Colt, colate and preserve artfacts, mementos and documents thathave historical value tthe PNP and compile and update data relevant othe history and culture the Philippine National Pose, 3, Perform other asks as drectedby the Decor, PCADG. Page 4 of 24 Pages: os so6ed 92 10 9 06d roa uojouedxe aumrysod-{ ‘sung’ ann uoRIpPeJO WC? jeaoudde uodn PION 04 OL ane ‘eretpuea aN SSH wou pauorsiell ee ‘enjalog e607 Nd WON Po|IeG- s3.LON ou > sw1o1 anv ZZ “TBNNOSUaSGAMUOAINTNON TOL oo TaNNOsuaacaMWOANN WoL ass $$ |feaod aiaanawaoranaa (ovpso) wauN39 (avon NOISWNG. 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' "BND 5 rr ee ae POUCE sabraeal OFFRS 5x1 ASST TEAM LEADER “PINS? sr03 OFFICIAL: ae 8x1~ ADMINLOGISTIC PNCO =SP02 sO = 5 5x1-PUBLICINFORMATIONPNCO POS sO: 5 5x1 COMMRELATIONSACTIONPNCO PO? fos 7 5x1-COMMUNTYAFFAIRSPNCO. PO? po: 10 5x1-COMMUNTTYASSISTANCEPNCO_ PO! por: it 5x1-VIDEOGRAPHERPHOTOGRAPHER PO! co TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS - 53, Page 12 of 24 Pages ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18-01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 5 2 40 'REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY | AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 5| 1+ CHIEF, RPCADU 5 = PSSUPT 1. ASST CHIEF/COMPLAINT MONITORING OFFICER = PSUPT 4+ SECURITY DRIVER “Pot 1. ADMIN PNCO “P03 4- LOGISTICS & FINANCE PCO -$PO1 1. TRAINING PNCO “P01 1 20 Hl 30 INFORMATION & ‘COMMUNITY | COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT| AFFAIRS DEVELOPMENT SECTION SECTION 4. SECTION CHIEF -PCINSP 41 SECTION CHIEF, CADS -POINSP. ‘2-COMMUNICATIONS DEVTPNCOs - (2) SPO1 41+ PUBLICINFORMATION NCO -SPOt 4-COMMUNITY DEVTPNCO— -PO 41 MULTEMEDIA PNCO_ -PO8 2 36/0 PROVINCIAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TEAMS 6x1-TEAM LEADER =PSINSP 6x1- ASST TEAM LEADER =PINSP 8x1 ADMINLOGISTIC PNCO -8P02 6x1 PUBLIC INFORMATION NCO POS 6x1-COMMRELATIONS ACTIONPNCO -PO2 6x1-COMMUNITY AFFAIRS PNCO = PO2 6x1-COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE NCO -PO1 6x1 -VIDEOGRAPHERIPHOTOGRAPHER -PO1 Page 13 of 24 Pages ‘RECAPULATION: POLICE COMSNED OFFRS POLICE NON-COMSNED OFFRS P03 P02 SPOt Poa. Poo Pot 5 8 2 ae «6 ‘TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS - 61 ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18- 01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 6 2 40 REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 6 1 CHEF, RPCADU 6 osuer 1 ASST CnEFICONLAINT MONITORING OFFICER esr 1- SECURITY DRIVER “pot 4 ADM PNCO “$00 1. LOGSTICS & FINANCE PNCO “SPOT {TRAINING PNCO Sot i 30 INFORMATION & COMMUNITY coMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT |AFFAIRS DEVELOPMENT SECTION SECTION 1- SECTION CHEF ~POINSP {-SECTIONCHIER,CADS PONS 2. COMMUNICATIONS DEVT NCOs = (2) SPO1 1-PUBLICINFORNATIONPNCO -sPO1 1-COMMUNITY DEVTPNCO PO 1 MULTEMEDIAPNCO P03 ECAPULATION 2 360 POLICE COMSNED OFFRS PROVINCIAL POLICE PSSuPT- 1 COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TEAMS PsuPT- 1 POISP 2 NEGRoS OCCIDENTAL PPO PSNSP 6 re 6x1 -TEAMLEADER -PSINSP ote 6x 1- ASST TEAM LEADER “PRISP 7 6x 1- ADMINLOGISTIC PNCO “$P02 GCLicE NON GOMAEORERS 6x1-PUBLICINFORMATION PNCO=PO3 OFFICIAL 6x 1-CONM RELATIONSACTION PNCO -PO2 su 6x 1- COMMUNITY AFFAIRS PNCO- ~PO2 ‘702 6 6x1-COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PNCO = -PO1 ‘spot 5 6x1-VIDEOGRAPHERIPHOTOGRAPHER -PO1 Po 8 PQ; 2 rot; 1 6 Page 14 of 24 Pages age 14 of 24 Pag ‘TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS - 61 ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18- 01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 7 2 40 "REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY | AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 7 1- CHIEF, RPCADU 7 = PSSUPT 4 ASST CHIEFICOMPLAINT MONITORING OFFICER -PSUPT 4+ SEGURITY ORIVER Pot 4- ADMIN PNCO -sPo3 4- LOGISTICS & FINANCE PNCO—-SPOt 41- TRAINING PNCO ‘Sot 1 20 30. INFORMATION & ‘COMMUNITY | COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT| ‘AFFAIRS DEVELOPMENT SECTION ‘SECTION 4- SECTION CHIEF -POINSP 4- SECTION CHIEF, CADS =POINSP ‘2.CONMUNICATIONS DEVT PNCOs - (2) SPO1 4-PUBLICINFORMATIONPNCO -SPOt ECAPULATION 4-COMMUNITY DEVT NCO -PO3 4 MULTLMEDIAPNCO -PO3 POLICE COMSNED OFFRS PssuPT- 1 Psu - 4 PONSP - 2 ‘BOHOL PFO : PSINSP - 4 Baty PROVINCIAL POLICE PSP = 4 SNEGROSOREENTAL PPO | COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TEAMS 2 *SIQUUOR PPO POLICE NON-COMSNED OFFRS 4x1 -TEAM LEADER -PSINSP p03 1 4x1 ASST TEAM LEADER, =PINSP SPO. - 4 4x1 ADMINLOGISTIC PNCO =SP02 sol; 5 4x4 -PUBLICINFORMATIONPNCO OB. eee 4x1-COMM RELATIONS ACTION NCO -PO2 Poza 4x4-COMMUNITY AFFAIRSPNCO——-PO2 roo = 8 4X4-COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PNCO_ -POt ay 4X1-VIDEOGRAPHERPHOTOGRAPHER.-POt TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS - 45 Page 15 of 24 Pages ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18- 01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 8 2 40 ‘REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY [AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT & 41-OHIEF, RPCADU 8 + POSUPT 4.ASST CHIEFICOMPLANT MONITORING OFFICER = POUPT 4- SECURITY DRWER “Pot 4 ADMIN PNCO “sP03 J. LOGISTICS & FINANCE PNCO “SPO! ‘TRAINING PNCO “spot 1 20 7 30 INFORMATION & COMMUNITY: | COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT| AFFAIRS DEVELOPMENT ‘SECTION SECTION 1 SECTION CHIEF =PCINSP 1- SECTION CHIEF, CADS ~PCINSP ‘2: COMMUNICATIONS DEVT PNCOs -(2) SPO1 1 PUBLIC INFORMATION PNCO = -SPO1 | COMMUNITY DEVT PNCO_ -POS 4 MULTIMEDIAPNCO -PO3 RECAPULATION: POLICE COMSNED OFFRS ib 260 PssurT- 4 PROVINCIAL POLICE Psu = ‘COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TEAMS PONSP = 2 PSNSP- 6 PNP 6 6x1- TEAMLEADER -PSNSP . Sxi-ADMNOGSTICRNCO “SOD POUCE NON COMSNED OFFS {8x1-PUBLICINFORMATION PNCO-PO3 sot OFFICIAL: {8x1-CONMRELATIONSACTION PNCO -PO2 sm - 6 8x 1-COMMUNTY AFFAIRS PNCO.-PO2 sor: 5 8x1-CONMUNITY ASSISTANCE PNCO_-PO1 ro} 6x1-VIDEOGRAPHERIPHOTOGRAPHER -POt Po - 12 Por 8 er Page 16 of 24 Pages ‘TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS - 61 ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18-01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 9 2 40 REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 9 1 CHEE, RPCADU 9 pssuPt 1 ASST CHIEFICONPLAINT MONITORING OFFICER PsueT 4- SECURITY DRIVER “Po! 4" ADMIN PNCO “$08 1- LOGISTICS & FINANCE PNCO -POt 4 TRAINING PNCO “$01 1 20 i 30 INFORMATION & ‘COMMUNITY | COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT| [AFFAIR DEVELOPMENT SECTION SECTION 1+ SECTION CHIEF -PCINSP 4+ SECTION CHIEF, CADS -PCINSP 2-CONMUNICATIONS DEVT PNCOs - (2) SPOt 1-PUBLICINFORWATIONPNCO -SPO1 4-CONMUNITY DEVTPNCO”— -PO3 4- MULTEMEDIA NCO -PO3 ECAPULATION: POLICE COMSNED OFFRS. PssuPT- 1 Pout. 4 6 180 PONSP - 2 PSNSP 3 + ZAMBOANGADEL NORTE PPO + ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR PPO PROVINCIAL POLICE PNSP - 3. *ZANMBOANGASIBUGAY PPO | COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TEAMS 70 POLICE NON-COMSNED OFFRS, 3x1-TEAM LEADER -PSINSP POR. 3x1- ASST TEAMLEADER =PINSP spo - 3 OFFICIAL: 3x1 ADMINLOGISTIC PNCO -SPO2 spol. 5 3x1-PUBLICINFORMATIONPNCO = PO3 PO; OS 3x1 -COMMRELATIONS ACTIONPNCO P02 poo; 6 3x1-COMMUNITY AFFAIRSPNCO —-PO2 PO 7 3x1-COMMUNITYASSISTANCEPNCO_ PO ae 3x1-VIDEOGRAPHERIPHOTOGRAPHER | -POt ‘TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS -37 Page 17 of 24 Pages ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18- 01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 10 2 40. REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY ‘AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 10 1 OHEF, RPCADU 10 = PSSUPT 1 ASST CHIEFCOMPLAINT MONITORING OFFICER = Psu 4+ SECURITY DRIVER “P01 41 ADMIN PNCO “$903 4: LOGISTIOS & FINANCE PNCO SPOT 1. TRANING PNCO 01 1 20 1 30 INFORMATION & ‘COMMUNITY COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPHE ‘AFFAIRS DEVELOPMENT SECTION SECTION 1 SECTION CHIEF =PCINSP 4- SECTION CHIEF, CADS =PONSP 2-CONMUNICATIONS DEVT PNCOs - (2) SPO1 41-PUBLIGINFORWATION NCO -SPO1 4-COMMUNITY DEVTPNCO—-PO3 4/-MULTEMEDIAPNCO =Po3——_-RECAPULATION: POLICE COMSNED OFFRS. PssuPT- 4 10 300 ey BuoNONeEO PROVINCIAL POLICE PONS 5 SGANAo DEL NORTE reo | COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TEAMS PSP = 5 * MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL PPO =z + MISAMIS ORIENTAL PPO. % 5x1 TEAMLEADER -PSINSP POLICE NON-COMSNED OFFRS 5x1- ASST TEAMLEADER “PINS? go. 4 5x1 ADMINLOGISTIC PNCO =SPO2 $0. 5 5x1-PUBLICINFORMATIONPNCO = PO8 moe 5x1-COMM RELATIONSACTIONPNCO P02 rec 5x1-COMMUNITY AFFAIRS PNCO = PO2 ose 5x1-COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PNCO_ -PO! fol ot 5x1 -VIDEOGRAPHERPHOTOGRAPHER -PO! zs Page 18 of 24 Pages ‘TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS -53 ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18- 01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) PROPOSED ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 11 2 40 REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 4+ CHIE, RPCADU 11 = PSSUPT 41° ASST CHIEFICOMPLANNT MONITORING OFFICER -PSUPT 1- SECURITY DRIVER P01 +. ADMIN PNCO “S08 1: LOGISTICS & FINANCE PNCO SPOT 4 TRAINING PHCO SPOt 1 310 ‘COMMUNITY ‘AFFAIRS DEVELOPMENT SECTION 1- SECTION CHIEF ~POINSP 1 SECTION CHIEF, CADS = POINSP 2: COMMUNICATIONS DEVT PNOOs - (2) SPO1 {= PUBLIGINEORMATION NCO -SPOt 4 COMMUNITY DEVTPNCO P03 4 MULTEMEDIAPNCO “Poa RECAPULATION: POLICE COMSNEDOFFRS 10 30/0 *¢DAVAODEL NORTE PPO ey ‘DAVAO DEL SUR PPO PROVINCIAL POLICE * DAVAO ORIENTAL PPO ‘COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TEAMS PONsP - 2 * DAVAO OCCIDENTAL PPO PSNSP - 5 * COMPOSTELA VALLEY FPO mere ee oe . 5x1 ASST TEAM LEADER Pi ‘5x 1- ADMINLOGISTIC PNCO ~SPO2 Ce ee rn 5x1-PUBLICINFORMATIONPNCO-PO3 0-1 5x1-COMMRELATIONSACTIONPNCO -PO2 #2: 5 5x1-COMMUNITY AFFAIRS PNCO.-PO2 so: 5 5x1-COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PNCO PO! Oly '5x1-VIDEOGRAPHERIPHOTOGRAPHER PO! poz; 10 Pots tt Page 19 of 24 Pages 2 ‘TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS - 53, ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18- 01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 12 2 40 REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY [AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 12] 1 CHIEF, RPCADU 12 1 ASST CHIEF/COMPLAINT MONITORING OFFICER 4 SECURITY DRIVER 4 ADMIN PNCO 1 TRAINING PNCO = PSSuPT -PSUPT 4- LOGISTICS & FINANCE PNCO -$POI i 20 SECTION ‘COMMUNITY SECTION 4. SECTION CHIEF = POINSP 1- SECTION CHIEF, CADS 2. COMMUNICATIONS DEVT PNCOs - (2) SPO1 8 24/0 TSRRUANGANTPPOS PROVINCIAL POLICE ‘soumtcotasaropro | COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TEAMS SSULTANKUDARAT PPO 4x1 TEAM LEADER -PSINSP 4x1- ASST TEAM LEADER “PINS? 4x1~ ADMINLOGISTIC PNCO =$P02 4x1-PUBLICINFORMATIONPNCO -POB 4x1-COMMRELATIONSACTIONPNCO = PO2 4x1-COMMUNITY AFFAIRS PNCO = PO2 4x1-COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PNCO_— -POt 4x1 -VIDEOGRAPHERIPHOTOGRAPHER -POt Page 20 of 24 Pages | COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT| ‘AFFAIRS DEVELOPMENT =PCINSP 41-PUBLICINFORMATIONPNCO SPO 41- COMMUNITY DEVT PNCO_ 1 MULTLMEDIAPNCO -PO3 -PO3 POLICE NON-COMSNED OFFRS. P03 P02 SPOt Pos Po2 Pot ‘TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS - 45 ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18- 01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 13 2 40 ‘REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY | AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT 13 1 OME, RPCADU 13 = PSSUPT 1 ASST CHIEFICOMPLAINT MONITORING OFFICER -PsuPT 1- SECURITY DRIER =Pot 41: ADMIN PNCO “5703 $.LOGISTICS & FINANCE PCO SPOT 1. TRAINING PNCO SPO 1 200 30 TWFORMATION & ‘COMMUNITY [COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT| AFFAIRS DEVELOPMENT SECTION SECTION 4- SECTION CHIEF =POINSP 4- SECTION CHIEF, CADS =POINSP 2. COMMUNICATIONS DEVT PNCOs -(2) SPOt 4-PUBLICINFORMATIONPNCO -SPO1 ‘RECAPULATION: 4-COMMUNTY DEVTPNCO—-PO3 1- MULTIMEDIA PNCO POS. POLICE COMSNED OFFRS: PSSUPT- 1 psuPT 4 PONSP = 2 PSNSP 5 PROVINCIAL POLICE eee 7% POLICE NON-COMSNED OFFRS ‘5x 1 -TEAMLEADER -PSINSP sos 1 5x 1- ASST TEAM LEADER ~PINSP- spo2- 5 5x1 ADMINLOGISTIC PNCO -$PO2 spor - 5 5x1-PUBLICINFORMATIONPNCO P38 Poo. 7 5x1-COMMRELATIONS ACTION PNCO P02 an) 5x1-COMMUNITY AFFAIRS PCO -PO2 Pot 1 5x1-COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PNCO_ PO! 3 8x1 -VIDEOGRAPHERPHOTOGRAPHER -POt Page 21 of 24 Pages ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18- 01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT COR 2 40 REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT COR 1 CHER, RPCADU COR = PSSUPT 4 ASST CHIEFICOMPLANT 'MONTORING OFFICER -PourT 1 SECURITY DRIVER “Pot 1 ADKEN PCO. -sPo3 1 LOGISTIOS & FINANCE PNCO “SPOT 1 TRAINING PHCO “spot 1 200 7 30 INFORMATION & COMMUNITY IcommuNicATIONS DEVELOPMENT| AFFAIRS DEVELOPMENT ‘SECTION ‘SECTION 1- SECTION CHIEF ~~ PCINSP 1- SECTION CHIEF, CADS = PCINSP ‘2 COMMUNICATIONS DEVT PNCOs - (2) SPO1 1- PUBLIC INFORMATION PNCO = -SPO1 += COMMUNITY DEVTPNCO— =PO3 1 MULTHNEDIAPKCO P03 RECAPULATION: POLICE COMSNED OFFRS PssuPT- 1 2 36/0 Pour: 1 PROVINCIAL POLICE rons «2 ‘COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TEAMS PNP 6 e 6x1-TEAM LEADER =PSINSP Wi 8x4 ASST TEAM LEADER TANSP POLICE NON-COMSNED OFFRS. 8x1 ADMINLOGISTICPNCO *sP02 eo 6x1-PUBLICINFORMATIONPNCO FOB sa: 6 8x1 CONMRELATIONSACTIONPNCO PO? so: 5 8x1-COMMUNTYAFFAIRSPNCO-PO2 Po 8 6x1-COMMUNTY ASSISTANCE PNCO_ PO! re - 2 6x1-VIDEOGRAPHERPHOTOGRAPHER -PO1 roo 3 6 Page 22 of 24 Pages TOTAL UNIFORMED PERS - 61 ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18- 01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT ARMM 2 40 [REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ‘AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT ARMM 4 CHIEF, RPCADU ARWO = PSSUPT 41 ASST CHIEF/COMPLAINT MONITORING OFFICER - PSUPT 4 SECURITY DRIVER =Pot 4 ADMIN PNCO $703 4- LOGISTICS & FINANCE PNCO -SPO1 1; TRAINING PNCO 1 210 i 310 INFORMATION & |COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT| [AFFAIRS DEVELOPMENT SECTION SECTION 4- SECTION CHEF ~POINSP 4- SECTION CHIEF, CADS -PCINSP 2: COMMUNICATIONS DEV PNCOs -(2)SPOt 41 PUBLICINFORMATIONPNCO -SPOt RECAPULATION: 4-COMMUNTTY DEVTPNCO— -PO3 4 MULT}MEDIAPNCO -PO3 POLICE COMSNED OFFRS PssuPT - 1 PST = 10 30/0 PONSP - 2 7 PSINSP = 5 cEAgbe unre PROVINCIAL POLICE PNSP = 5 ‘TMAGUINDANAO PPO | COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TEAMS a *SULUPPO TPO Sell POLICE NON-COMSNED OFFRS ‘5x 1- TEAM LEADER sot 5x1 ASST TEAM LEADER #2 - 5 ‘5x1 - ADMINLOGISTIC PNCO ol 5x1-PUBLICINFORMATIONPNCO = PO3 pose 5x1-COMMRELATIONS ACTION PNCO -PO2 pore 5x1-COMMUNITY AFFAIRS NCO -PO2 Po 5x1 5x1 -COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PNCO_ -PO1 -VIDEOGRAPHERIPHOTOGRAPHER -PO1 Page 23 of 24 Pages ANNEX B to NHQ-PNP GENERAL ORDERS NUMBER DPL- 18- 01 dated January 11, 2019 (Approved pursuant to NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019) ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING PATTERN REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT NCR. 2 40 REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ‘AND DEVELOPNENT UNIT NCR 4- CHER, RPCADU NCR -PSSUPT 4° ASST CHIEFICOMPLAINT MONITORING OFFICER -psueT 4+ ADMIN PNCO. “$08 J: LOGISTICS & FINANCE PNCO SPOT 4- TRAINING PNCO SPOt 1 20 1 30 INFORMATION & ‘COMMUNITY | COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT] AFFAIRS DEVELOPMENT SECTION ‘SECTION 4- SECTION CHEF -PCINSP 41- SECTION CHIEF, CADS =POINSP 2. COMMUNICATIONS DEVT PNCOs - (2) SPOt 41-PUBLICINFORMATIONPNCO -SPOt 4- COMMUNITY DEVTPNCO— -PO3 4 MULTEMEDIAPNCO -PO3 peers POLICE COMSNED OFFRS 10 30/0 PSsUPT = 1 . PSuPT - 1 ‘QUEZON CY POLICE DISTRICT ae * MANILA POLICE DISTRICT PONSP- 2 THORTMERN Pouce Disrmicr | COMMUNITY AFFAIRS TEAMS pues + SOUTHERN POLICE DISTRICT ers * EASTERN POLICE DISTRICT eee 5x1 TEAMLEADER -PSINSP 4 5x1- ASST TEAM LEADER, -PINSP POLICE NON-COMSNED OFFRS 5x1 ADMINLOGISTIC PNCO ~$PO2 a 5x1-PUBLCINFORMATION NCO -PO3 coe 5x1-COMMRELATIONSACTIONPNCO P02 ee 8x1-COMMUNITY AFFAIRS PNCO-PO2 i . 5x1-COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE PNCO_ -POt ae 5x1-VIDEOGRAPHERPHOTOGRAPHER -POt Pen 2 es TOTAL UNFORMED PERS. 53 Republic of the Phi Depaitment of the Interior and Local Government NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION ‘Quezon City RESOLUTION No. -_2019-044 APPROVING THE RESTRUCTURING, STRENGTHENING, AND RENAMING OF THE POLICE COMMUNITY RELATIONS GROUP (PCRG) AS “POLICE COMMUNITY. AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT GROUP (PCADG)” WHEREAS, the Constitution and Republic Act No. 6975, as amended by Republic Act No. 8551, placed the Philippine National Police (PNP) under the administrative control and operational supervision of the National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM); WHEREAS, the FNP submitted for approval of the Commission a copy of NHQ-PNP General Orders Number DPL-18-01 which provides for the restructuring, strengthening and renaming of the Police Community Relations Group (PCRG) as “Police Community Affairs and Development Group (PCADG)"; WHEREAS, the PCADG, as proposed, shall be restructured through the establishment of sevente2n (17) Regional Police Community Affairs and Development Units (RPCADUs) which shall perform the following functions: @, Implement Community Affairs and PCR plans, programs, and policies within its jurisdiction such as but not limited to: 1) Community Service Oriented Policing (CSOP); 2) Barangzy Peacekeeping Operations (BPO); and 3) Police Barangay Programs. b. Supervise and direct the Police Community Affairs Teams in performing the following functions: 1) Assist ir’ the activities of Anti-Drug Abuse Councils (ADACs) to ensure the proper coordination and teamwork of all sections involved in the Barangey Drug Clearing Operations; 2) Collaborate with the Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams (BPATS) for a more enhanced community policing and community affairs activi 3) Supervise the implementation of various police-community relations programsfactvities in support to the anti-criminality, anti-insurgency, and anti-terrorism campaign of the PNP; 4) Administer all PNP-accredited NGOs as force multi governnient’s peace and order initiatives; 5) Devel intai inter-agency ir 6) Collect, collate, and preserve artifacts, mementos and documents that have historical value to the PNP and compile and update data relevant to the history and culture of the PNP; and cc. Perform other tasks as directed by the Director, PCADG. WHEREAS, since the PCADG has yet to operationalize its Regional Police Community Affairs and Development Units, its authorized personnel strength shall be one hundred eighty-six (1€6) broken down as follows: a) 38 Poice Commissioned Officers (PCOs}; b.) 121 Police Non-Commissioned Officers (PNCOs); and ©) 27 Noa-Uniformed Personnel (NUP). WHEREAS, the Commission, after review of the PNP’s submission, finds the same to be in order considering that it shall further strengthen the operational capabilities of the PNP, as well as police-community relations which is essential in promoting community and citizens’ participation in the maintenance of peace and order and public safety; NOW THEREFORE, the Commission, in the exercise of its administrative control and operational supervisicn over the Philippine National Police, HAS RESOLVED, AS IT HEREBY RESOLVES, ‘o approve the the restructuring, strengthening, and renaming of the Police Community Relations Group (PCRG) as “Police Community Affairs and Development Group (PCADG)"; RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the personnel strength of PCADG shall be increased once the personnel funds, equipment, facilities and other requirements for the operationalization of any cf the RPCADUs are available; RESOLVED, FURTHERMORE, that NHQ-PNP General Orders Number DPL-18- 01 which provides ‘for the organizational structure and staffing patter of the PCADG shall form part of this Resclution All other issuances or any part thereof which are inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. APPROVED this Lith day of __JANUARY 2019 in Quezon City, Philippines. 1% Rol pul Oe ATTY. R URAL \<" Bommissiongr Vice Chairman and Exeéutive Officer Fetizantiabiz SEtAPio, JR. Commissioner PERE BR Attested by: ele Acting Chief, Secretariat ATTY. J IGENTE Comtnissior ISCAR'D ALBAYALDE ‘Commissioner Republic of the Philippines National Police Commission NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE FOR PERSONNEL AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT ‘Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City MEMORANDUM FOR TDPL FROM : TDPRM SUBJECT : NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044 DATE —: January 25, 2019 1. Reference: Letter from Director RAMON M. RANESES, MNSA, CESO IV, Director Ill, Staff Service Chief/PAS, NAPOLCOM dated January 21, 2019. 2. Forwarded is NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 2019-044, entitled “Approving the Restructuring, Strengthening and Renaming of the Police Community Relations Group (PCRG) as “Police Community Affairs and Development Group (PCADG)” dated January 11, 2019, transmitted to this Directorate by Director RAMON M. RANESES of the NAPOLCOM. 3. For your information LYNION G CUBOS Polics Directog t Copy fuished: , PORG EX ww) Republic ofthe Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, NAPOLCOM Building EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City 1104 www.napoleom.gov.ph JAN 21 2019 PDG OSCAR D. ALBAYALDE Chief, Philippine National Police National Headquarters, PNP Camp Crame, Quezon City Attn: Director, DPRM Dear PDG Albayalde: Transmitted herewith are copies of the following NAPOLCOM Resolutions for your reference: 1. Resolution No. 2019-044 dated January 11, 2019 - Approving the Restructuring, Strengthening, and Renaming of the Police Community Relations Group (PCRG) as “Police Community Affairs and Development Group (PCADG); 2, Resolution No. 2019-045 dated January 15, 2019 - Approving the Optional Retirement of SPO4 Ribomapil B. Mula and Four (4) Others; 3. Resolution No. 2019-046 dated January 15, 2019 ~ Approving the Optional Retirement of SPO4 Dindo C. Fortez and Four (4) Others; 4, Resolution No. 2019-047 dated January 15, 2019 - Approving the PNP Table of Equipment and Allowances of the City Police Office Stations (cP0s); 5. Resolution No. 2019-048 dated January 16, 2019 - Upgrading the Classification of Six (6) Municipal Police Stations under Police Regional Office 5; 6. Resolution No. 2019-049 dated January 16, 2019 - Approving the Strengthening of the PNP Engineering Service (ES) Through the Activation of Seventeen (17) Regional Engineering Units (REUs); 7. Resolution No. 2019-050 dated January 16, 2019 - Approving the Optional Retirement of SPO4 Joselito M. Golgota and Four (4) Others; er INH MHI ®: Resolution Ne. 2049-081 dated January 16, 2019 - Approving the OTCDS 101066G Optional Retirement of PSSupt Leo B. Becerial and Four (4) Others; Ang, bayang may katahimikan ay bayang may kaunlaran, OcPNP be PA3B211 AW 10. 1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Resolution No. 2019-052 dated January 16, 2019 - Approving the Optional Retirement of SP04 Ernesto M. Cajigal and Four (4) Others; Resolution No, 2019-053 dated January 16, 2019 - Approving the Optional Retirement of PSInsp Robert P. Monreal and Four (4) Others; Resolution No. 2019-054 dated January 16, 2019 - Approving the Optional Retirement of PInsp Rannie S. Zarate and Four (4) Others; Resolution No. 2019-055 dated January 16, 2019 - Approving the Optional Retirement of PSInsp Maricris Y. Mulat and Four (4) Others; Resolution No. 2019-056 dated January 16, 2019 - Approving the Optional Retirement of SPO2 Noel M. Trinchera and Three (3) Others; Resolution No, 2019-057 dated January 16, 2019 - Approving the Optional Retirement of SPO3 Annabelle G. Lao and Four (4) Others; Resolution No. 2019-058 dated January 16, 2019 - Approving the Optional Retirement of SPO4 Loreto D. Bobier jr. and Four (4) Others; Resolution No. 2019-059 dated January 16, 2019 - Approving the Optional Retirement of PSupt Estanislao P. Corpin and Four (4) Others; Resolution No. 2019-060 dated January 16, 2019 - Approving the Optional Retirement of SP04 Hipolito B. Liggayu and Three (3) Others; Resolution No. 2019-061 dated January 16, 2019 - Approving the Optional Retirement of SPO4 Nardo S. Julkani and Four (4) Others; Resolution No. 2019-062 dated January 16, 2019 - Recommending to President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, the Promotion of PSupt Vicente Calabria Dalida Jr. to the next higher rank of Police Senior Superintendent; and Resolution No. 2019-063 dated January 16, 2019 - Prescribing the Standard Specifications for Police Executive Service Eligiblity Pin. Thank you and more power! Very truly yours, BY AUTHORITY OF THE VICE-CHAIRMAN AND EXECUTIVE OFFICER: 2 2019 ei — RAMON M. RANESES, MNSA, CESO IV Director III ¢ Staff Service Chief/PAS ‘Ang bayang may katahimikan ay bayang may kaunlaran:

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