Week 5

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University of Florida

Welcome to the Gator Nation! As a First Year Florida student, you will receive all kinds of exciting information regarding your first semester. This newsletter is designed to keep you up to date on everything happening here at UF!

First Year Florida Newsletter
F a l l 2 0 1 1 W e e k 5

Upcoming Events & Opportunities

Gator Global Initiative 2011
Want to create positive change in the world? Gator Global Initiative (GGI) can help you do this as well as allow you to network with other students on campus who share this goal. Gator Global Initiative is a social justice conference designed to educate students and student organizations about social issues. Students will also have the opportunity to develop goals and projects to create change locally, nationally, and globally. At GGI, you will hear from speakers and experts in the fields of Human Rights, Global Health, Poverty Alleviation/Global Economy & Finance, Social Entrepreneurship, Education, and Resources (water and food). GGI will take place October 7-8. The application can be found online at http:// www.leadershipandservice.ufl.edu/gator-global-initiative.php.

Important Dates
9/19 IDEAL Student Organization Fair 9/23 Gator Nights

Womens Students Association Applications

Helpful Numbers
Academic Advising (352) 392-1521 Admissions (352) 392-1365 Bookstore (352) 392-0194 Dean of Students Office (352) 392-1261 Financial Aid (352) 392-1275 Financial Services (352) 392-0181 Housing (352) 392-2161

Want to get involved on campus, join a community of women leaders, and gain valuable leadership experience? Come to the Women's Student Association's next general body meeting on Wednesday, September 21 at 7:00pm in CSE Room 220. You will be able to meet other students, learn about the organization, and eat free food. WSA has also just released applications for more than 30 leadership positions. Applications and more information can be found online at http:// ufwsa.blogspot.com and are due September 21 by 11:59 PM. Positions are available for Women's History Month, the Women's Mentoring Program, the Women's Leadership Conference, philanthropy, fundraising, programming, and much more. All genders and experience levels are welcome to apply! Please contact Kathy Keeter at kkeeter@ufl.edu if you have any questions.

Making it Better, UF Video Applications

In order to aid in making the University of Florida a more inclusive and accepting community, the department of LGBTQ Affairs is working to film a version of Making It Better. This initiative will not only support students that are part of the LGBTQ community to feel more part of our university, but also help them advocate for themselves. This video will be distributed to various departments and offices at our university to spread hope and promote being an active citizen. All students, faculty and staff members, allies and anyone who wants to be part of this initiative should answer the following questions to apply to be in the video. As a reference and resource, please visit the following links: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3. For more information, contact Lauren Hannahs at LBH@multicultural.ufl.edu

UF Study Abroad Fair

The UF Study Abroad Fair will be held this Wednesday, September 21 in the Reitz Union Colonnade from 10 3 p.m. Explore the world of study abroad! Meet students who have been abroad, representatives from institutions with approved study abroad programs, UF faculty who lead programs, and UFIC advisors to answer your questions. Go Global!

Absentee Ballot for Fall SG Election

New Student & Family Programs Dean of Students Office 202 Peabody Hall PO Box 114075 Gainesville, FL 32611 (352) 392 1261 www.dso.ufl.edu/nsfp

Students can request an absentee ballot to vote in the Student Body fall election. To access an application for an absentee ballot, visit the SG Web site at www.sg.ufl.edu/elections and look under For the Voter. Deadline for request is this Friday, September 16. The election will be held on September 27 and 28. If you have any questions, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at elections@sg.ufl.edu or call 352 392-1665.

Sustainability Tip of the Week: Reduce your emissions by walking, riding a bike, taking
the bus or carpooling with friends to get around. Also, combine errands to save time and money on gas! .

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