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A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy (Petroleum Engineering)

School of Chemical and Energy Engineering

Faculty of Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

MARCH 2019

Specially dedicated to:

My family for their endless support and motivation



Sincere appreciation is expressed to my supervisors, Professor Dr. Radzuan

Bin Junin and Associate Professor Dr. Noor Shawal Bin Nasri. It has been a great
fortune and pleasure to work with them during the past few years. Their guidance,
support and encouragement throughout my research have significantly influenced my
Ph.D career and made it possible. I also would like to thank all my friends for their
assistance towards the successful completion of this work. I am also indebted to
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) for their assistance in supplying the relevant
literatures. Special thanks go to my colleagues at the laboratory of petroleum
engineering and the department. Further to their interesting and helpful comments and
suggestions during the technical talks, for which they have contributed to create a
pleasant and lively atmosphere during my graduate studies.

Finally, I express my deepest gratitude to all my family members whose

multiple contributions to my PhD degree in all these years have been immeasurable


Surfactant alternate carbonated water (SACW) injection is a novel mode for

enhanced oil recovery (EOR), a method to produce residual oil. This process may
overcome the shortcomings that seriously associate carbon dioxide (CO2) injection
such as high CO2 mobility, viscous fingering and gravity override. Combinations of
sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) surfactant and carbonated water (CW) system were not
used for EOR yet. So, SDS and CW were selected for evaluating wettability, interfacial
tension (IFT), and displacement stability. In addition, the oil recovery factor (RF) was
evaluated at different reservoir conditions, carbonation levels and SACW injection
cycles scenarios. The sessile drop method was used to measure the contact angle in
presence of CW, SDS solution and a mixture of CW and SDS at different quartz
sandstone reservoir conditions. A sandpack model was utilised for CW, SDS, water
flood (WF) and CO2 flood to measure the displacement instability number (Isc). The
obtained results revealed that combinations of SDS and CW system reduce the IFT
and contact angle. The IFT values for SDS solution with and without carbonation were
0.2 and 2 mN/m, respectively. The respective contact angles for SDS solution with
and without carbonation were 32° and 21.7° at 50°C and 1500 psi. The Isc for CW and
WF were 11.6 and 10, respectively, which are considered stable at 60°C and 2750 psi.
On the other hand, SDS and CO2 flood processes revealed unstable displacement.
Moreover, low pH of CW system depicted a significant change in the SDS adsorption
on the glass beads as compared to non-CW system. The 100% CO2 content, reservoir
temperature of 60°C and pressure of 2750 psi increased RF up to 83.05, 84.42 and
85.22%, respectively. The highest RF was 86.58% which procured from the largest
SDS slug scenario. In conclusion, SACW may have a positive impact on the
recoverable oil and it can display a technical knowledge to study other techniques for


Suntikan air berkarbonat bersilih ganti dengan surfaktan (SACW) ialah mod
baharu untuk perolehan minyak tertingkat (EOR), kaedah untuk pengeluaran minyak
baki. Proses ini mungkin boleh mengatasi kelemahan yang serius berkaitan suntikan
gas karbon dioksida (CO2), misalnya pergerakan CO2 yang tinggi, jejarian likat dan
songsangan graviti. Gabungan sistem surfaktan natrium dodesil sulfat (SDS) dan air
berkarbonat (CW) belum pernah diguna kan dalam EOR. Oleh itu, SDS dan CW
dipilih untuk menilai kebolehbasahan, tegangan antara muka (IFT), dan kestabilan
anjakan. Di samping itu, faktor perolehan minyak (RF) dinilai pada keadaan reservoir
berbeza, tahap pengkarbonatan dan senario kitaran suntikan SACW. Kaedah titis sesil
telah digunakan untuk mengukur sudut sentuh dengan kehadiran CW, larutan SDS dan
campuran CW dan SDS pada keadaan reservoir pasir kuarza yang berbeza. Model pek
pasir digunakan bagi CW, SDS, banjiran air (WF) dan banjiran CO2 untuk mengukur
nombor ketidakstabilan anjakan (Isc). Keputusan yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahawa
gabungan sistem SDS dan CW boleh mengurangkan IFT dan sudut sentuh. Nilai-nilai
IFT untuk larutan SDS dengan dan tanpa pengkarbonatan masing-masing ialah 0.2
mN/m dan 2 mN/m. Sudut-sudut sentuh bagi larutan SDS dengan dan tanpa
pengkarbonatan masing-masing ialah 32° dan 21.7° pada 50°C dan 1500 psi. Nilai Isc
bagi CW dan WF masing-masing ialah 11.6 dan 10, yang didapati stabil pada 60°C
dan 2750 psi. Walau bagaimanapun, proses banjiran SDS dan CO2 menunjukkan
anjakan yang tidak stabil. Selain itu, sistem CW dengan nilai pH yang rendah
menunjukkan perubahan yang ketara terhadap penjerapan SDS pada manik kaca
berbanding sistem tanpa CW. Sistem dengan 100% kandungan CO2, suhu reservoir
60°C dan tekanan 2750 psi telah meningkatkan RF masing-masing kepada 83.05%,
84.42%, dan 85.22%. Nilai tertinggi RF ialah 86.58% yang diperoleh daripada senario
slug terbesar SDS. Kesimpulannya, SACW mungkin boleh memberi kesan yang
positif terhadap perolehan minyak dan ia boleh menunjukkan pengetahuan teknikal
untuk mengkaji teknik lain dalam EOR




1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Objectives 5
1.4 Scope of Research Study 5
1.5 Significant of the Study 7


2.1 Surfactant Behavior 9
2.1.1 Interfacial Tension 10
2.1.2 Surfactant Micelles 11
2.1.3 Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate 12
2.2 Wettability 12
2.2.1 Contact Angle 15
2.3 Adsorption of Surfactant 17
2.4 Instability of the Flood 18
2.5 Surfactant Flooding Experiments and Field
Applications 20

2.6 Carbonated Waterflooding 25
2.6.1 CO2 Solubility in Water 25
2.7 Interfacial Tension Reduction by CO2 27
2.8 Oil Viscosity Reduction 27
2.9 Carbonated Water Flooding Experiments and Field
Applications 28
2.10 Summary 32


3.1 Overview 34
3.2 Materials 36
3.3 Research Apparatus 36
3.3.1 Tensiometer and pH Meter 36
3.3.2 Rheometer 37
3.3.3 Accumulators 37
3.3.4 Displacement Apparatus System 38
3.3.5 Mini-Reactor and Displacement Pump 40
3.4 Experimental Design 41
3.4.1 Generation of Carbonated Water 41 CO2 Solubility in Brine Water 42
3.4.2 Wettability by Contact Angle Measurement 44 Wettability Models 48
3.4.3 Surfactant-Rock Adsorption 48
3.4.4 Preparation and Characterization of Sandpack 49 Saturation of Sandpack 51
3.4.5 Displacement Instability Tests 52
3.4.6 Effect of Reservoir Temperature, Pressure and
CO2 Concentration on Recovery Factor 53
3.4.7 Effect of SACW Injection Cycles on Recovery
Factor 53
3.4.8 Oil Flow Rate and Recovery Factor
Calculations 54

4.1 Introduction 56
4.2 Wettability Alteration 57
4.2.1 Effect of Temperature and Carbonated Water
on Contact Angle 58
4.2.2 Effect of Brine Salinity on Contact Angle 61
4.2.3 Effect of Carbonation Level on Contact Angle 65
4.2.4 Effect of Surfactant on Contact Angle 68
4.2.5 Effect of Surfactant and Carbonated Water
Mixtures on Contact Angle 70
4.3 Surfactant Adsorption 76
4.4 Interfacial Tension 78
4.5 Displacement Instability 84
4.6 Surfactant Alternate Carbonated Water Flooding
(SACW) 87
4.6.1 Effect of Reservoir Temperature 87
4.6.2 Effect of Reservoir Pressure 90
4.6.3 Effect of Carbonation Level 92
4.6.4 Effect of SACW Cycles 94


5.1 Conclusion 101
5.2 Recommendation 102





Table 2.1 The wettability reduction after injected CO2 in the cell (Al-
Mutairi et al. 2014) 14
Table 2.2 Wettability classification (Craig, 1971) 16
Table 2.3 Viscosity reduction due to CO2 injected to the oil phase (Jha,
1986) 28
Table 2.4 Oil recovery factor improvements over conventional water
flooding for the secondary CWI and six tertiary) CWI
conducted at various reservoir pressures and temperatures
(Nader and Farshid, 2014) 31
Table 3.1 Research study of contact angle measurements for different
solutions 45
Table 4.1 CO2 solubility in synthetic brine water with salinity of
30,000ppm and its viscosity Equilibrium contact angle in
presence of different soluations 56
Table 4.2 Equilibrium contact angle in presence of different solutions 58
Table 4.3 Adsorption of SDS on glass beads for carbonated and non-
carbonated water mixed with SDS at 60°C, 30,000ppm
salinity, 2000 psi 77

Table 4.4 Fluids and porous media properties 87

Table 4.5 Recovery factor (RF) resulted from different temperatures
during SACW at 1500 psi and injection rate of 0.4 cc/min 88
Table 4.6 Oil recovery resulted from different pressures during SACW
at 60°C and injection rate of 0.16 cc/min 91
Table 4.7 Oil recovery resulted from different pressures during SACW
at 60°C and injection rate of 0.16 cc/min Oil recovery resulted
from different carbonation levels during SACW at 2000 psi,
50°C and injection rate of 0.3 cc/min Three different scenarios
of SACW injection 93
Table 4.8 Three different scenarios of SACW injection 97



Figure 2.1 Schematic representation of a surfactant 9

Schematic diagram of the forces involved in
Figure 2.2
interfacial tension (Kumar, 2012) 10
Figure 2.3 Surfactant molecules in water and oil phase 11
Chemical structure of sodium dodecyl sulfate
Figure 2.4 12
An idealized example of contact angles at smooth
Figure 2.5
surface for water and oil phases (Morrow, 1990) 16
Figure 2.6 Measured contact angles between crude oil,
formation brine and sandstone at 50°C and 2,000
psi (Alotaibi et al., 2011) 17
Instability number and oil recovery factor at
Figure 2.7
water breakthrough (Peters and Flock, 1981) 20
Tertiary oil recovery observed for the APG2062
Figure 2.8 21
surfactant, RF=53% (Iglauer et al. 2010)
Figure 2.9 Oil Recovery vs. PV Injected for the alternate
surfactant- CO2 flooding (bigger CO2 slug size)
experiment (Jangda et al. 2014) 23
Figure 2.10 Oil Recovery vs. PV Injected for all flooding
experiments (Jangda et al. 2014) 23
Figure 2.11 Duan’s model describes CO2 solubility in brine
water at 60 oC (Duan et al. 2006) 26
RF obtained from Sand pack during carbonated
Figure 2.12
waterflooding (Dong et al. 2011a) 30

Figure 3.1 Research methodology flow chart 35

Figure 3.2 The stainless-steel accumulators 38
Figure 3.3 (a) Back pressure regulator (PBR), (b) CO2
Cylinder and (c) Schematic diagram of the
experimental setup 39
Figure 3.4 Mini-Reactor used for generating carbonated
Figure 3.5 Quartz cylinder placed inside the oven 46

Figure 3.6 (a) Experimental set-up for contact angle
measurement, (b) Schematic diagram of Contact
angle measurement 47

Figure 3.7 Permeability measurements apparatus 51

Figure 3.8 Displacement experimental set-up 52
Figure 3.9 Three experiments of SACW scenarios cycles plan 54
Figure 4.1 Contact angle measurement for oil droplets in the
presence of saline carbonated water at 30,000ppm and
2000 psi. (a) @60°C, (b) @50°C, (c) @40°C 60
Figure 4.2 Contact angle versus exposure time at different
temperatures and in presence of saline carbonated
water at 30,000ppm and 2000 psi 61

Figure 4.3 Quartz sandstone surface and sodium ions interaction 62

Figure 4.4 Microscopic photos of oil drop at several exposure
time in presence of brine water at salinity of 30,000
ppm, pressure of 2000 psi
Figure 4.5 Microscopic photo of oil drop at temperature and
pressure of 40°C and 2000 psi respectively, in
presence of brine with salinity of 10,000 ppm 64

Figure 4.6 Contact angle versus exposure time of different fluids

at salinity of 30,000 ppm, temperature of 40 °C and
pressure of 2000 psi 64

Figure 4.7 Microscopic photos of oil drop at different exposure

time and 2000 psi, in presence of brine salinity of
30,000 ppm and carbonation of 0.00% 66

Microscopic photos of oil drops at different exposure

Figure 4.8
times in presence of brine salinity at 30,000 ppm,
carbonation of 50%, and pressure of 2000 psi 67
Figure 4.9 Microscopic photos of oil drops at different exposure
times in presence of brine salinity of 30,000 ppm with
carbonation of 100%, and pressure of 2000 psi
Figure 4.10 Effect of CO2 concentration on wettability of quartz
surface as function of exposure time at salinity of
30,000 ppm, 60°C and 2000 psi 68

Figure 4.11 Microscopic photos of oil drops at 1500 psi in presence

of 0.01wt% SDS solution at salinity of 30,000 ppm 69

Figure 4.12 Schematic of SDS, Na+and quartz sandstone surface

interactions 70

Figure 4.13 (a) Effect pressure on the pH of carbonated water at
60°C. (b) Effect temperature on the pH of carbonated
water at 1500 psi and 2000 psi 73
Figure 4.14 Contact angle measurement for oil droplets in presence
of mixture of saline carbonated water and 0.01wt%
SDS solution at salinity of 30,000ppm and 1500 psi;
a) 60°C, b) 50°C, and c) 40°C 74
Figure 4.15 Contact angle versus exposure time at different
temperatures in presence mixture of carbonated water
and 0.01wt% SDS mixture at salinity of 30,000ppm
and 1500 psi 75
Contact angle versus time in presence of 0.01wt% SDS
Figure 4.16
solution and 0.01wt% SDS + carbonated water at
salinity of 30,000 ppm, 50°C and 1500 psi 75
Figure 4.17 Adsorption values at carbonation and non-carbonation
system 77
Figure 4.18 Surface tension of SDS solution (0.0025 and 0.0041
wt% are SDS concentrations after adsorption in
carbonation and without carbonation system
respectively) 78
Figure 4.19 IFT of oil/carbonation solution (CW solution + SDS
solution) and non-carbonation at salinity of (a) 10,000 80

Figure 4.20 ppm (b) 20,000 ppm and (c) 30,000ppm

IFT of oil/carbonation solution (CW+ SDS) and non-
carbonation at salinity of (a) 10,000 ppm (b) 20,000 ppm
and (c) 30,000ppm 81
Figure 4.21 IFT of oil and non-carbonation SDS solution system 83
Figure 4.22 IFT between oil and carbonation (CW solution + SDS
solution) system
Figure 4.23 Surface tension of SDS solution at different salinity
concentration 84

Figure 4.24 Instability number of different floods 86

Figure 4.25 Displacement velocity of different floods versus RF at BT 86
Figure 4.26 Oil recovery performances by carbonated water and
surfactant flooding cycles at several temperatures 89

Figure 4.27 Effect reservoir temperature on the oil flow rate 89

Figure 4.28 Oil recovery performances by carbonated water and
surfactant flooding cycles at several pressures 91

Figure 4.29 Effect reservoir pressure on the oil flow rate 92

Figure 4.30 Oil recovery performances by carbonated water and
Surfactant flooding cycles at several CO2 concentrations 93
Figure 4.31 Effect carbonation level on the oil flow rate 94
Figure 4.32 Oil recovery obtained from SACW cycles of this study
and CO2 alternate surfactant that obtained from Jangda
et al. (2014) 96
Figure 4.33 Oil flow rate obtained from SACW cycles (Experiment
#1) 99

Figure 4.34 Oil flow rate obtained from SACW cycles (Experiment
#2) 99
Figure 4.35 Oil flow rate obtained from SACW cycles (Experiment
#3) 100


Wettability number, dimensionless
D -
Sand pack diameter, cm
V -
Displacing of Darcy velocity, m/day
µ2 -
Oil viscosity, cp
µw -
Water viscosity, cp
α -
Interfacial tension, mN/m
K -
absolute permeability, md
1sc -
Instability number, dimensionless
P -
Pressure, psi
R -
0.08314467 bar l/mol K (universal gas constant)
T -
Temperature, °C
ρo -
Oil density ,gm/cc
ρw -
Water density, gm/cc
GOR - Gas oil ratio, m3/m3
PV -
Pore volume, %
t -
Time, min
RF -
Recovery factor, fraction
CWI - Carbonated water injection
Mx - CO2 solubility, mole/Kg

M1 - The molality of dissolved Sodium in brine water, mole/L

- The molality of dissolved Potassium in brine water, mole/L
- The molality of dissolved Calcium in brine water, mole/L
- The molality of dissolved Magnesium in brine water, mole/L
- The molality of dissolved Chloride in brine water, mole/L
- CO2 mole fraction, fraction
- The fugacity coefficient

- Standard chemical potential

- Constant
- Constants

- water vapor pressure, psi

- Critical pressure of water, psi
- Critical temperature, °K or °C
- Critical pressure, psi
- Constants
- Initial concentrations, mg/L
- equilibrium concentration, mg/L
- surfactant solution volume, L
- weight of the glass beads (adsorbent), gm
- Adsorption, mg/g
- Porosity, %
- Length of the porous media, cm
- Change in pressure over the media, atm
- Cross-sectional area across which flow occurs, cm2
- Flow rate through the porous medium, cc/s

- Flow rate through the porous medium, cc/s

- Permeability, md
Viscosity, cp
- Contact angle, degree
- Differential oil production volume at ( ), cc
- Oil production volume at ( ), cc
- Oil volume at ( ), cc
- Differential time at ( ), min
- Time at ( )
- Time at ( ), min
- Oil flow rate at, cc/min



Appendix A Surfactant flooding and Carbonated water flooding 119

Appendix B CO2 Solubility Calculation, pH, WGR and CO2 Moles and
Instability Displacement Effect of Reservoir Temperature,
Effect of 123
Appendix C Reservoir Pressure, Effect of CO2 Concentration, and
Effect of SACW cycles 130



1.1 Overview

Enhanced Oil recovery (EOR) may be generally a technical term for all
processes that utilize to enhance oil production, it can be applied after the primary
production operations (Kokal and Al-Kaabi, 2010; Khan and Islam, 2007). In the last
decade, EOR was received more attention mainly as a result of increasing the price of
crude oil as well as the high significant quantities of recoverable crude oil that present
in the reservoirs (Ko et al. 2014). In other words, all of the oil reservoirs are discovered
might be candidate for EOR implementations as a result of the reservoirs still contain
huge amount of crude oil (Wall and Archer, 1986). The sequences of the oil production
scenarios follow primary depletion, secondary recovery and finally tertiary recovery
operations (Khan and Islam, 2007). Furthermore, there is about 20 to 50% of oil that
can be recovered by primary and secondary methods (Park et al. 2015). These methods
are utilized in sequence.

Consequently, the utilization of chemical materials such as surfactants and

carbon dioxide (CO2) gas can be used for EOR (Jangda et al. 2014). The surfactant
significantly improves oil recovery. However, the adsorption of surfactant on the
reservoir rock decreases the amount of surfactant in the aqueous phase. Similarly, CO2
gas has a particular effectiveness in recovering oil as well (Jangda et al. 2014).

Chemical flooding is a common term for injection operations which utilize

particular chemicals such as surfactants that dissolved in the injection water for a
purpose of improving oil recovery. The tertiary recovery scheme of surfactant flood
that has been highly pursued throughout the past decades because of its ability to effect
on the oil-water-interfacial tension and wettability alteration of the reservoir rock from
an oil-wet surface to water-wet surface to extract the oil that remains trapped in the

formation (Hou et al. 2015; Alotaibi et al. 2011). The one of the essential parameters
of the reservoir physical property is the wettability. This parameter may have an effect
on the aqueous phase relative permeability, oil recovery, waterflooding characteristics
and the residual oil allocation. Therefore, several operations need to be assessed in
order to modify the reservoir rock wettability for EOR (Thomas, 2008; Morrow, 1990;
Golabi et al. 2012; Hou et al. 2015). Therefore, the injection of surfactant solution into
the reservoir can reduce the interfacial tension (IFT) between brine water and residual
oil (Rosen, 2004) from the original value of 30mN/m to about 0.001mN/m which
causes to decrease the capillary force (Hirasaki et al. 2011). This interfacial tension
value might split up the oil into tiny droplets that can be displaced from the rock pores
by water.

Carbonated water flooding is another emerging EOR technique that utilize

limited amount of CO2 dissolved in the injection water. CO2 gas has been
implementing in many depleting oil reservoirs across the world to improve oil recovery
for more than 30 years (Kechut et al. 2010). There are two methods can be used for
CO2 injection (Kechut et al. 2011). Firstly, gas-based method, in which CO2 may be
continuously injected in one rich phase or water alternating gas (WAG) injection. This
technique requires very large quantities of CO2. Furthermore, the CO2 supercritical
condition is normally injected which is above the critical temperature and pressure of
31.1 °C and 1030 psi, respectively. The secondly method is called water-base method,
the CO2 gas may be dissolved in brine water injection firstly, thereafter, the solution
is injected into the reservoir followed by water flooding process. This technique
scheme is known as carbonated water injection (CWI) (Kechut et al. 2011). Currently,
some active research pursues in this area with the rationale that CWI can reduce gravity
segregation encountered in conventional WAG processes. In this technology, CO2 is
dissolved in water until the solubility limit is reached depending upon pressure,
temperature, and injection water salinity, thereafter the obtained carbonated water is
then injected into the reservoir as EOR mode. Solubility of CO2 in water decreases
with increasing temperatures, it increases with increasing pressures, and it decreases
with increasing water salinities.

1.2 Problem Statement

Surfactant alternating carbonated water (SACW) is a novel mode which had

never used for EOR yet. Some significant shortcomings may seriously associate with
the tertiary process of CO2 injection such as high CO2 mobility, and viscous fingering
(Bakhtiyarov et al. 2007; Jangda, 2014). In addition, gravity override issue, CO2 can
tend to move to the top of formation and override the displaced fluids as a result of
density difference between CO2 and other fluids. Therefore, this gravity effect is
exploited by flooding from the top of the reservoir and displacing fluids down dip.
These problems lead to earlier breakthrough and very poor macroscopic and
microscopic sweep efficiencies. Thus, these phenomena might cause of the residual
oil to be inaccessible to the injected CO2 and it is trapped by water. The improvement
of well injectivity can be developed by surfactant alternating gas injection (SAG) as a
result of gas mobility reduction at the flood front (Farajzadeh et al. 2016). However,
the mobility of gas is high at the displacement contact between fluids because the
viscosity of gas is less than viscosity of surfactant solution slug. Consequently, the
instability of free gas slug can occur at earlier life of the process which leads to viscous
fingering becomes high at flood front, early breakthrough, low recovery factor and
slug of gas may be dramatically collapsed due to high gas velocity (Jangda, 2014). So,
this issue can be severed when the water and oil viscosity ratio is unacceptable.

In addition, natural reservoir pressure depletion of trapped fluids is another

factor that influences the oil production rate due to hydrocarbons extraction
continuously during primary recovery method (Meyer, 2007). The natural pressure of
the reservoir may be declined to a particular value. Consequently, the remaining crude
oil cannot be pushed by the slug towards production side anymore (Terry, 2001;
Donaldson et al. 1989; Park et al. 2015). This issue needs to be assessed by usually
secondary and tertiary recoveries method such as chemical flooding process (Thomas,
2008; Jamaloei, 2009).

Furthermore, the high IFT between immiscible fluids of water and oil into the
reservoir is one of the most important factors that substantially cause trapped oil into
the pours media. Consequently, the water and oil saturations and displacement process

are drastically effected by IFT. On the other hand, SACW technique may overcome
these issues and restrict the mobility of the displacing fluid.

There is a significant surfactant adsorption on the rock surface during

surfactant solution flooding causes to strip surfactant from the aqueous phase which
leads to decrease the performance of the system (Iglauer et al. 2010; Park et al. 2015;
Thomas, 2008; Jamaloei, 2009). Thus, the surfactant content into the slug may be
lessened (Ibrahim, 2006). So, this is considered significantly unfavorable phenomenon
as well.

There are few published data evaluating the performance of CWI under various
conditions and injection scenarios which are carried out under consistent experimental
conditions. Moreover, the capacity of the CWI technique to permanently store the
injected CO2 is still a challenge and requires more detailed studies to investigate the
effect of various conditions on the CO2 storage capacity of CWI.

To the best of my knowledge, the combination of sodium dodecyl sulphate

(SDS) surfactant solution and carbonated water was selected in this study work for
EOR purpose. For the aim, this research firstly may depict the influence of SDS
solution and carbonated water mixture on the IFT and wettability alteration. In
addition, the SACW was experimentally applied for packed sandstone porous media
in order to study the effectiveness of carbonation level, reservoir pressure and
temperature on the recovery factor. The SACW were applied to investigate the
effectiveness of slug sizes of SDS solution and carbonated water on the oil recovery
factor. The impact of combination of SDS solution and carbonated water on the
recovery factor has not been comprehensively investigated yet. No reported simulation
work or experimental study has been published for this oil recovery technique yet. It
may depict a positive impact for EOR. Furthermore, the reasonable CO2 solubility
range into the injection brine water needs to be achieved when CW utilizes for EOR.
An experiment study of SACW process for a sandpack sample should thus be
undertaken in order to indicate if the proposed EOR is technically feasible.

1.3 Objectives

Based on the above referred problem statements, consequently, the objectives

of this research are as follows:

1. To determine the wettability behaviour, IFT reduction and instability

displacement of surfactant and carbonated water system at reservoir
2. To evaluate the feasibility and oil recovery efficiency of SACW flooding
in quartz sand porous media.
3. To determine the optimal oil production strategy using different SACW
injection scenarios.

1.4 Scope of Research Study

To achieve the objectives, the scope of this study included the following:

1. Interfacial tension measurement was carried out in room condition since

there is no suitable equipment that can be used to determine the IFT in
reservoir conditions. A set of carbonated water was prepared in high
pressure and temperature condition’ and the pressure’ were gradually
decreased until room conditions. Therefore, the determination of IFT
between oil and brine water was conducted with different surfactant
concentrations and different salinity concentrations of 10,000, 20,000 and
30,000 ppm at ambient condition. In addition, the determination of IFT
between oil and carbonated water was conducted with different surfactant
concentrations and different salinity concentrations such as 10,000, 20,000
and 30,000 ppm at ambient condition.
2. Determination of surface tension of brine water was carried out with
different surfactant concentrations and different salinity concentrations of
10,000, 20,000 and 30,000 ppm at ambient condition.

3. The investigation of fluid displacement instability index such as water
flooding, surfactant flooding, carbonated water flooding and CO2 gas
flooding was conducted at reservoir conditions.
4. The sessile drop method was used for wettability measurements as follows:
a) The contact angle between crude oil, carbonated water and quartz
sandstone was investigated at several temperatures (40°C, 50°C and
60°C), but at constant salinity and pressure of 30,000 ppm and 2000
psi, respectively. In addition, contact angle was measured at saline
water concentrations of 30,000 ppm and 10,000 ppm, while
temperature and reservoir pressure were constant at 40°C and 2000 psi
b) The contact angle between crude oil, carbonated water and quartz
sandstone was measured at several concentrations (0.0%, 50% and
100%) of carbonation level, but at constant temperature, salinity, and
reservoir pressure of 60°C, 30,000 ppm and 2000 psi, respectively.
d) The contact angle between crude oil, carbonated water mixed with
solution of SDS concentration of 0.01wt% and quartz sandstone was
examined at temperature of 40°C, 50°C and 60°C, salinity of 30,000
ppm and reservoir pressure of 1500 psi. In addition, a new model was
generated for this work.
5. The oil flow rate and oil recovery factor were investigated during SACW
and the effectiveness of some important parameters on improvement oil
recovery factor were studied as follows:
a) CO2 concentration effect was run at 0.0, 50, 100%
b) Reservoir pressure effect was run at 1500, 2100 and 2750 psi
c) Reservoir temperature effect was run at 40°C, 50°C and 60°C
d) Tertiary mode effect of SACW cycles:
i. First experiment: (Three cycles, each cycle contains slug size
ratio of 0.25PV CW and 0.75PV surfactant)
ii. Second experiment: (Three cycles, each cycle contains slug
size ratio of 0.50PV CW and 0.50PV surfactant)
iii. Third experiment: (Three cycles, each cycle contains slug
size ratio of 0.75PV CW and 0.25PV surfactant)

1.5 Significant of the Study

Since the SACW is a new technique and may viable option for EOR. Therefore,
this proposed study intends to exhibit the ambiguity about dependence of oil recovery
on SACW cycles particularly at different CO2 ratios in water (GWR) and to assess the
ability of the process to produce a tertiary oi1 recovery from a sandpack core sample.
In addition, the purpose of flooding cycle schemes is to reduce CO2 velocity into pore
space which leads to improve areal and vertical sweep efficiency and may procure the
greatest potential impact on recovery factor (Pritchard and Nieman, 1992).
Consequently, this study shall depict to what extend the effective of this process for
incremental oil recovery.

Moreover, carbonated water has additional values in addition improving

residual oil recovery. An added positive merit on carbonated water is the process of
storing CO2 gas that contained in the carbonated water into rock formation. The
process of sequestration of CO2 into a mineral solid would be done simultaneously
with the introduction of carbonated water. Thus, this becomes another option of carbon
capture and storing which ideally improve both oil recovery and nature conservation.
This significance of carbonated water injection will surely become a factor of
attraction in application of carbonated water in maturing field.

In addition, the use of SACW injection for EOR purpose is a new task in
petroleum engineering and it needed to be examined and validated prior to it
implemented in a full field scale. SACW usage for EOR faces with a huge question
that is how combination of carbonated water and surfactant solution has an advantage
for EOR process. This depicts that CO2 is trapped into the porous media which causes
water/oil IFT reduction and oil mobilization at low saturation. So, the residual oil
saturation is effectively reduced. Therefore, these phenomena may enhance surfactant
flooding and reflect a positive impact on the surfactant solution performance instead
of additional any other chemicals. Therefore, the SACW might be undertaken in order
to diminish surfactant amount and to avoid utilizing chemical materials that associate
surfactant flooding such as alkaline and polymer.


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