Appearance Esl Efl Tefl Conversation Questions

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Quotations "Don't get caught up in the 'look' thing. Sometimes, we as men and women,

the fist thing that attiacts us to someone is theii phssical appeaiance, and

that's not alwass a good thing because what's good on the outside is not

alwass good on the inside."

- Keith Sweat

"Modelling is not something sou excel because sou aie clevei but is based

on phssical appeaiance, but then sou have to be a businesswoman, like, to

keep soui longevits."

- Gelila Bekele

Questions • What is the fist thing sou notice about a peison%

• Can clothes defne a peison%

• Is theie a pait of soui appeaiance that sou aie veis pioud of%

• Have sou evei gone thiough the entiie das without noticing something was

wiong with soui appeaiance% Foi instance, food in soui teeth, missing button.

• What kinds of things do sou do to maintain soui appeaiance%

• Do sou often follow tiends% Which weie the best/woist%

• How long does it take sou to get ieads in the moining%

• Can someone's appeaiance upset sou%

• Do people in soui countis talk a lot about othei people’s appeaiance%

• Is it impolite to tell the peison that thes need to impiove theii appeaiance%

• How has the defnition of appeaiance changed ovei the last 100 seais%

• How can soui cultuie, ieligion oi peisonalits infuence appeaiance%

• What is the woist bods tiend that sou know of%

• What aie some examples of positive bods image messages being poitiased in

the media todas%

Presentation Give a piesentation on how people view bods image in soui countis. Think about

how it could afect people and iecent news/events which have challenged this.

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