Lesson Planninig (UEM) - 18

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Lesson Planning

grade 11 Subject: English Prepared by: Samuel Matsinhe

Topic of Lesson: Ethinics and religious indentity Lesson nº. 18

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students will Resources Needed:

 Understand the diversity of national, regional, religious and ethnic identities in Mozambique. Pictures
 Understand the need for mutual respect and understanding. Notebooks
Vocabulary: Important concepts: ethnic group, religious identity, cultural heritage, common language, prayer,
belongs to.
Paper cards (Information gap)
1. Warm-up: Grammar focus
Contents (Presentation): 10 Minutes Wh-questions (what, which,
-T have students sit in groups of four or five and distribute two short texts (A and B) with gap filling.
Present simple (he belongs to Ndau..,
-Each group should have only one text (A or B). Ss work in their groups to fill in the gaps using the expressions or he is Muslim or Christian…)
word provided.

-T goes round the class and provide any necessary help: vocabulary or pronunciation.
-After Ss have completed filling in the gaps. They exchange their texts with other groups and T gives feedback by
providing corrects answers.

-Ss should pay attention to their peer’s groups texts and report how many times did the group got it correct.
-T gives points according to the number of correct answers each group had.
Activities/Strategies: Comments/ Observation:
- T prepares two or three passages (that have 2,3 or 4 lines or sentences at maximum) related to the topic (eg. tips
on how to respect other people ethic and religious identity or passages from the previous texts).

- T writes the passage on the board and ask the class to read chorally three or four times.
- Have a group four or five students come to the board and play a memory game.
-T removes some of the words (key vocabulary) and have students read the passage including the word(s)
which was/were removed to see they can remember them.
- T keeps removing the words until almost all the passage is gone.
- Ss keep reading to see how many words they can remember.
- T gives small prizes for encouragement and have other group of students come to the board.
- Play until the all passages have been used.
Evaluation (Production):
-T calls four or six students to do play an information gap game.
-T gives each student a paper card with missing information about different people.
-T have students spread out in the classroom and they have to go round the class asking for questions to
feel their paper cards. They should ask one question at a time and if they don’t find the answer they should
move on to other students. They can come back to the previous if they have asked all other students.
-The students who fill his or her paper cards first win the game

Signature: Samuel Matsinhe

Date: 20/06/2023.

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