Lesson Planninig (UEM) - 17

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Lesson Planning

grade 11 Subject: English Prepared by: Samuel Matsinhe

Topic of Lesson: Ethinics and religious indentity Lesson nº. 18

Objectives: Discuss the diversity of national, regional, religious and ethnic identities in Mozambique and the need for Resources Needed:
mutual respect and understanding. Pictures
Vocabulary: Important concepts: ethnic group, religious identity, cultural heritage, ethnic heritage, common Piece of paper (texts on it)
language, behavioral traits, prayer, mediation.
Word puzzle

1. Warm-up: Grammar focus:

Contents (Presentation): Present simple,
Modal: Can
Linking words

Activities/Strategies: Comments/ Observation:

Evaluation (Production): (20 minutes):

Signature: Samuel Matsinhe

Date: 16/06/2016.

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