Wraith (Dal)

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Wraiths are psionic casters who prefer subterfuge over the use of more flashy powers, they
prefer to go unnoticed creating mental illusions and other tricks of the mind to both get what
they want and to accomplish their objectives. Physically frail and frankly useless in a traditional
fights Wraiths acts as manipulators and use more creative stratagems to win battles against
difficult opponents or they simply attempt to avoid confrontations altogether and prefer a more
subtle route to accomplish their goals.

Archetype: Prowler, Psychic

Life Point Multiple: 20

Life Points: +5 Per Level

Initiative: +5 Per Level

Martial Knowledge: +20 per Level

Innate Psychic Points: +1 Each Level

Primary Abilities

Combat Ability: Limit 50%

+1 Attack : 3

+1 Block : 3

+1 Dodge : 2

+1 Wear Armour : 3

+1 Ki: 2

Accumulation Multiple: 25

Supernatural Ability: Limit 50%

+5 Zeon: 3

MA Multiple: 70

+1 Magic Projection: 3

+1 Summon: 3

+1 Control: 3

+1 Bind: 3
+1 Banish: 3
Psychic Ability: Limit 60%

Psychic Points: 15
+1 Psychic Projection: 2

Secondary Abilities:

+1 Athletics: 2

+1 Social: 2

+1 Perceptive: 2

+1 Intellectual: 2

+1 Vigor: 3

+1 Subterfuge: 2

+1 Creative: 2

Reduced Costs:


Innate Bonuses:


+5 to Dodge

+10 Stealth per level

+10 Hide per level

+10 Notice

+5 Poisons

+5 Trap Lore

+5 Composure

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