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Bismillahirahmanirahim...Assalamualaikum wbt..

My name is_________________________

I am from SK _________________________.

Today I would like to tell you a story entitled “ A ROBBER TURN OVER A NEW LEAF “

At the edge of a village, in a small wooden house, there lived a woman, Mak Esah and her
son, Houzir. One day, Mak Esah asked her son, Houzir to go to the market and buy some
things for her to cook . She gave her son RM 5.00 to pay for the things . But she was worried
her son might lose the money .

Houzir , “

“ I am worried that you may lose the money on your way to the market..”

Then...” Aha.... I have an excellent idea to prevent that from happening. I am going to stitch
the money to your shirt. When you reach the market, you can remove the stitches and take
out the money , “ said Mak Esah.

Houzir thought that it was a good idea. “Okay,thank you mum...” said him..

After that was done, the boy got ready to go to the market. He walked fast because the market
was quite far from his house.

As he was leaving the house, Mak Esah said, “Houzir, make sure you behave properly. Don’t
be naughty. And make sure that you speak the truth to the people you meet. It is important for
you to grow up to be an honest and responsible person.”

“Alright mother. Don’t worry, I will follow your advice,” replied Houzir.

As he was walking, he thought of what his mother had told him.

He also realized that his mother ‘s advice was good for him . He knew that his mother wanted
him to be always safe and to grow up to be a good person .

Now........ it so happened that there was a cunning robber in that district . He had been
robbing people for a very long time . Many people had lost their money and other valuable
things to this robber. His victims were usually women , old men and young boys . He was a
very clever robber who was always successful in his attempts.
But...recently the robbers luck had run out . People were becoming more careful when they
went outside their homes . As a result , he had not been able to rob anybody for some time
now .

“ My luck has been quite bad for the last few weeks . I hope I find someone to rob today “
said the robber as he went about looking for a victim.

He walked a bout in many places . He was getting anxious because he could not find anyone
suitable to rob.

Soon , he became tired so he sat under a tree for a while to rest . When he felt better , he
started looking again for someone to rob .

“ I have to find someone to rob . Otherwise, I will have to go home empty handed “ said the
robber to himself .

After walking around for a long time , the robber suddenly noticed Houzir . He saw that the
boy was not carrying anything that he could rob . He was wondering where the boy was
going in such a hurry . He decided to talk to the boy .

“ Let me find out if the boy has anything that I can rob” he thought .

“ Good afternoon , you seem to be in hurry. May I know where were you going ? “ he asked .
Now Houzir had been trained by his mother to be polite to strangers and to be always truthful

“ I am going to the market to buy something for my mother “ replied the boy .

The robber knew that Houzir would have some money with him , so he searched his pockets
but couldn’t find any .

“ You said that you are going to the market to buy something.... but you don’t have any
money with you . How will you buy anything without money ? “

Houzir did not know how to lie . “ I have money .But my mother stitched the money to my
shirt so I will never lose it “ said Houzir politely .

The robber quickly ordered the boy to take off his shirt . When he saw the money , he
removed the stitches and took the money.

“ Ha ha ..ha ...ha ..I got the money...Ha ha ha I got the money “ laughed the robber .

“Please don’t take my money , sir . I need it to buy things for my mother “ pleaded Houzir .

But... why were you tell me about the money ? Why were you tell me so truthful?? Hah!!!
“That’s what my mother always advised me to do . She said that I must always tell the truth
said Houzir . ...My mother always sing this....”

“ Telling the truth......Its a good way make the people trust on us...God loves me....and
everybody ..will happy with us ....” “God can see what have we done . We must always
telling truth and never lie....

The robber was amazed when he heard the boy say that .He could not believe anyone could
be so honest as this boy . He started thinking of how different he was from the boy . He felt
ashamed at what he did for a living . He began to feel that what he was doing was against
God’s will .

The robber looked at the boy . He felt guilty when he heard this from the boy . He was sorry
for having robbed the money from such an honest boy like Houzir .” I am truly sorry for
what I did” said the robber to Houzir .

Well ...friend..Do you know what happened..

The robber gave the money back to Houzir. ..”.Friend, take back your money...I am so sorry
for what have I done ...”

That incident made the robber turn a new leaf . He stopped robbing the people and started
living an honest life . He found a job and stated working to earn living . He was happy that
the honest ways of Houzir had actually taught him a good lesson . He said , “ Dear God ,
thank you for sending this boy to do anything dishonest anymore “. Said the robber happily.

My friends.....

Everybody is not perfect . Everyone does mistakes. Don’t judge the person from the mistake
he made . Give him chance to improve himself .

“ Telling the truth a good make people on us..and everybody will be happy....

Thats all for today...Thank you...

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