The Circulatory System

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Intro - Carries blood and dissolved

substances to and from places

- The heart pumps them around by
using blood vessels
- Heart and blood vessels make up the
Circulatory system
- Right side deals with deoxygenated
- Left deals with oxygenated

Heart (outside) - Veins return blood while arteries carry

it out from the heart
- 4 main chambers (2 Atria(top), 2
- Coronary arteries are the heart's own
blood supply

How does the heart work -

- Step two
- Step three: Valves close and
ventricles contract to force blood to
leave the heart and atria relax

Types of blood vessel - Capillaries: Smallest, the wall is as

small as 1 cell thick, they exchange
materials between the blood and other
body cells

- Veins: second largest, returning

contains valves, thin muscle but still
elastic, contains valves that stop
blood from flowing the wrong way.

- Artery: high pressure, large, and

muscular, elastic fibers allow the
artery to stretch under pressure,
muscle pushes blood along

Blood - Red blood cells: A biconcabe disc,

round and flat, without a nucleus,
contains hemoglobin, flexible
- Platelets: Bits of cell broken off
lager cells, contain fibrinogen
fibers to form a clot
- White Blood cells: Multiple types and
contain a big nucleus, two main ones
lymphocytes(fight disease by making
antibpdes and macrophages (Eat and
digest micro organisms)
- CO2
- Nutrients
- Plasma: Straw coloured liquid that
carries the cells and platelets to clot
- Hormones
- O2
- Waste (Urea)

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