RPNG Recruitment 2023 Newman Douglas

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The Royal PapuaNew Guinea Constabulary (RPNGC) come — First Name: vA Sumame: Aoi Ga! Daweotbinn: 23 Joo 7 FT ‘Current Age: 2 [Fema Provineoforgin: WyeSTenw FFG LAND. Provinke “t CO Th >) Current Province of esience: AV CD MobieNunber, > 2CC7/99_, FACT STF ‘Ave you trom Bougainville? YesO No. Era address. name: [saac 10? Mobienunber. FLOFST IS Relationship toyou: Uncle Parent Spouse Friend Other See Te ‘Year ofCompietion: OIF | HihestEnalishGadeOhiained: A Up e Nan a Schooor stiution Fe SEConD AILS] SCHOBL Pease lst any other EducalionalCertifeales 4 2 [YearsofWotkExnerence: 2 hes | WF To be a (eryudow Police Officer So Clin. Sale. toy eomnficy , fo Keep the Coolensinthy See tan fo uplrolel ancl onfore the lau nth oder or the “coma TE hahiove fev tras Cnt Po 7 Le by be iS Kis, T wont te bee perkates Mfg sce cippstn De ab Name Fosilon Tite Phone Number | Emailaddress 1. Mr Kenton BERT |Coelineton (290 of FF [Kalborf @) upg ac py 2M kapee. Datum | Dieter POF 9 [Kline @ gmail Cow 3.MCTCAY BLOM (ope Compr Dice lr FHI 3°17 Doyouhavea ciminalconvition? Yes No TAEOMAN DEG Thereby dadare the information Ihave provided iscorect.| Lundersland and acknowledge iis a criminal offence to supply miseadingor tale nformation andat anytime the RENGE reservesihe right to reject or cancel my application.1also agree that amhappy to serve the RPNGC ‘wherever amposied. "Note: Original documents showing education qualifcations.evidence of age, identity and three passport sve photos willbe required at the next stage. A fingerprint set willbe taken lo enablecriminal record checks. This formto be ‘submited inone ite with yourCV vigPNGIOBSEEK zom or to your Provinal Police Training Office. You will nat need to pay any money for yourds nts yo be dispatched 1 [Shai of appeal Dawe (07 / JOz3| ‘Newman Douglas f-Mr. Paul Maw Mawa Lawyers P.0.B0x26, BoROKO Noo November 24,2022 ‘The Police Commissioner Royal PNG Constabulary HO P.O.Box8s, 80ROKO Neo ‘At: The Recruitment Officer Dear Se/Madam, 'SUBIECT: EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR 2023 POLICE RECRUITMENT | NEWMAN DOUGLAS write to express my interest forthe Police Recruitment with your organization for the 2023 intake, | successfully completed my grade 12 at Gerehu Secondary School in 2014 Although | performed ‘wel, was not abe to secure a place atone ofthe tertiary institutions thas always been my dream to join our organization asa police officer and soe this 35a great ‘opportunity. am well set-discipined and committed in everything do serve my county without {ear and favour, Most of al, | believe in honesty and promoting godly deeds which in turn wil contribute to achieving the organisations goals and objectives, '¥ given the opportunity, promise to perform to the best of my abilities as a disciplined and ‘committed individual. ‘Thank you for your time an ook forward to hearing rom yo. Yours fatty ‘Newman Douglas Mr {appucanr) ‘Mob: 72669195/79882467 Curricutum Virak (cv) HOME ADDRESS Newman Douglas P.O Box Port Moresby ‘National Capital District Phone: 72669195/ 70194371/ 70120563 PERSONAL INFORMATION Full Name : Newman Douglas Sex : Male Date of Birth 26/06/1996 Marital Status Single Religion PNG Bible Church Home Province: Western Highlands Province EDUCATION 2011-2012 Completed Grade10 at Gerehu Secondary Schoo! 2013-2014 Completed Grade 12 at Gerehu Secondary School 2018 UPNG Open Campus- Introduction to Economies and Numeracy 3 2019 Development of Science and Technology REFEREES 1. Martin Luther Kenehe, Principal Gerehu Secondary School, Phone: 326 0235/ 326 0232, 2011-2014 2, Mr. Yoke, Class Patron 20132014, phone: 326 0235/ 326 0232 3. Mr. Ray Broman, Open Campus, Centre Coordinator: Phone: 74523099/ 326 0474 DECLARATION 1, Newman Douglas, hereby declare that this bio-data are true. To the best of my knowledge and belief, correctly describes my qualifications. I understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to disqualification or dismissal, if engaged. Signature ae: 4 Wy BD @> DUNLOP PN NEWMAN NINIGI STOREMAN > dolder’s Signatu University of Papua New Guinea CLC s ecg student id: Name: Year: 2019 20149826 NEWMAN DOUGLAS. ‘Core Major: Semester Year Program Course No. Course Name Grade cred Point Semester! 2018 Certain Tear and 1500108 Numeracy a a0 (Corey Stes ‘Core Minor: Semester Year Program ‘CourseNo. Course Name ‘Grade credit Point Semester! 2018 CortteatoinTatary end 1300301 lneeductono Bonomi a 30 Comernty Stes Semester! 2019 Gertsoatein Tetley an 1300406 Development of Slane & 5 30 Comenity Stses Teamacay ox CoRR 300 er ‘Summary of Credits Eamed [course Type: ‘core Major ‘Core Minor ‘Ewichment Broadening Others crete eae 30 eo 20 00 oo Aen Note: GPA is always calculated on Resuts for the Curent VearTSemeator Only. “Tharedoy 20 danwary 20 Printed By ema OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT. LOWER SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE ‘THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT NEWMAN DOUGLAS SCHOOL in -2012— satisfied all the requirements of the Department of Education over a ‘wo year secondary course and has been awarded a Lower Secondary School Certificate gaining the following results SUBJECT Personal Development. Science Social Science. Business Studies Agriculture Arts. Design and Technology Practical Skills Home Economics .. Computing’ Daeéll Pavers, 2812 ‘emboned sel. Explnatny notes sc geno the vee de yloe 7792 0 pungs sours jo diysuaqem pun amar’ nou $0 woryruGooa wy ALVOMLLYAO 7 aadvao SIV] papaumy vag suy puu ¥10t 03 EToe wal, qooyos Puupuoras nyaiats papvane uewMeN SV1ISNOG ou Adaaiao 03 51 S13 NE? Ny (e peop Mie wa) aes “Cid ten sououaiy” Caw) eueyog ein) TST RS 88819 5 (0+) vey uj suopngLAUOD pue sueWens/YyoR sy Jo UoRUBOORL Uy SI] pepiems useq sey pue I Zt0z OF LLog woy s0049 Aiepuozes nyBsED 18 NOLL YINGF AY! 'VONOIFS YIMOT 40 81894 (2) OMA pejo/dutc Ayryssezons sey Se Yo SVToiOd wHmmsy fo ; f +, Fey A409 OF Sf S144 | a a 7 aWILfiusay quauuryyy e : { ip on ly ey 1OOHOS AUVGNODAS NHATATO Bi, Keo, ASS ROYAL PAPUA NEW GUINEA CONSTABULARY Notonal Criminal Records and inteligence Oftce Police Headquarters, P.O.BOX 38, KONEDOBU, National Caplal Distt. BATE Wubicy 09 Febery 2022 eee nomen Acnon gmc Cm OS BEIGNATONE, . a/ Chit nipector NATIONAL POLE Duane pMCATE A search of the records maintained by this Constabulary tevealsHothing to the etiiment of the person named. Full Name:- ‘BOUGLAS NEW 23.06.1996 DAVID MANNING, MBE, DPS, GPM ‘Commissioner of Police 2 “2 vew a =e | . corner oa } Date: 28-Dec-2022 Sm Se me son ae ee ae on ee © Check Police Clearance Na “sue ma ats.00 Total Amount Received PGR: 65.00 Payment Method ‘Amount EFTPOS / Credit Cards EFTPOS 25.00 ‘otal EFTPOS / Cred Cards 5.00 Tota stain, PUBLIC SERVICE OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA. (FOR OFFICE Usb ONLY) (Certeate of beta produce MEDICAL CERTIFICATE Cheched and Returned PERSONAL STATEMENT ‘any willuityneorret of mening statement or omiason wil ender the candidate Dbl 9 Gieguaiiestion SRO SETS es SS ae See nn en Se in Ser ee serote ee Given Nemes Daw af its ana pear Douglas Newman 2eloelax Morater | dion and Depavtnent for which nomtonted remain ADEN Fam WR Tea Ge Sn i ae oT poi, OT TOTS Mi wy wel Hea ity - ree ‘avimatony Note No No No. No wd No Ne Nod No Ne yes. eee Nove custo pan of fom nt cd bunt end 7 sans tian is wafaon ase Dees Se swENTAL ‘MEDICAL OFFICER'S REPORT. ee =a i ieee | A i eae ted pt rete LIS aaa ran Oe SSeS | Ne smn <-== | 0 a nO | ve eaee smo ais === r =r No MEDICAL OFFIGER'S RECOMMENDA FE Sn Dope efor contin ete fence ne i alia inne 04103 IF Lives Education OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR November 24, 2022 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN | have had the pleasure of knowing MR. NEWMAN DOUGLAS for one (1) year as a casual ‘Administration Driver/Clerk attached to our projects unit. During the years of our association, | {ound Newman to be vary responsible, matured, understanding, and committed to improving his lfe towards his personal and professional goals, Newman has demonstrated that he is responsible in completing various tasks assigned to him with due care and dlligence despite the complaxity of the task. He ensures that what he does and contributes to has an impact to those around him positively. Newman is very open and can communicate easily with others. This can be seen by the 80 many ‘connections and networks he has in the community and outside. He is very approachable and have an attitude to listen and not judge quickly. Newman is also an inteligent, capable and dedicated young man. | feel confident in saying that he is capable of handling any situation with thoughtfulness and maturty, | ully recommend Newman for any opportunities for employment, studies or scholarships in this regard to fully realise his potential Please do not hesitate to contact ma on Klinives@amail.com or 78510318 should you need further information regarding Newman, Yours faithfully ‘Kepa Darima (Mr.) Director ‘Mobile: 70510318 Em ‘intives@amailcom Office Address Peter Kama, 9 Wile, NCD ‘THE UNIVERSITY OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA NCD OPEN CAMPUS Po. wox ses Fee ma60387 UNIVERSITY Pox Office Rone fo moe Nadel Capt Besser {er3) tons Papas New Caen Tait fatenupag ere OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ow November, 2018 ‘To Whom It May Concern ‘This reference is provided at the request Mr Douglas Newman (ID: 20189526) for the Purpose of applying for employment or any other endeavout in life that requires rach reference, Ms Douglas has enrolled, in the Cemtficate in Tertiary and Community Studies upgrading progam, and managed to complete eight (8) course units. Distance Education (ODI) students leam through difficult and trying times as opposed to those in the face-to-face mode. Students coming from this stream, by circumstance are weathered aad develop and hone the skills of independent learning and self-discipline. ODL students are found to be responsible students who strive to achieve academic excellence ‘against all odd, In this process, they also develop survival and leadership skills, which could be useful for the organisations they engage with. ‘Mz Douglas is one such stident who has an interest with your organization. Coming from the ODI. background, I have ne doubt inthe potential of his success personally and to becoming a productive employee. ‘Cwish him well in his endeavour. University of Papua New Guinea} Sincerely, National Capital District Open Campus a P.O. Box 383, UPNG, NCD - Ph ae (675) 326 0474 NCD Open Campus Pee et Scent ht dos bear cok fel cage)

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