Unit 3

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At The Restaurant

Dalam unit 3 kita berdiskusi tentang menu-menu yang biasa saat berada di restaurant maupun
tempat makan seperti breakfast (sarapan), lunch (makan siang), dinner (makan malam) dan kita
belajar berkomunikasi Ketika berada dan ingin memesan di restaurant.
Contoh percakapan yang sering digunakan

Dialog 1
Ajeng : Have you got a table for two ?
Waiter : yes, miss. Over there, by the window

Dialog 2
Ummi : may I see the menu, please ?
Waiter : Here you are, I’ll be back in a minute to take your order

Dialog 3
Waiter : May I take your order, please ?
Iqbal : yes, I would like spaghetti
Waiter : what would you like to drink ?
Iqbal : tea without sugar, please.

Dialog 4
Waiter : Would you like something to drink ?
Evaa : Yes, Please
Waiter : Would you like to drink ?
Evaa : I’d like apple juice
Waiter : would you like some coffee ?
Evaa : Yes, Please

Perhatikan bentuk grammar Fokus nya

I’II : singkatan dari I Will (saya akan)
Exsamp : I’ll be back, I’ll see you, I’ll take your Order

I’d Like : I would like/ I did like (saya ingin/saya suka/saya mau)
Exsamp : I’d Like a Coffee, I’d Like a Thaitea and Burger, Please.

May I
Would I
Would You : (digunakan untuk menanyakan) merupakan pola kalimat penawaran
Exsamp : May I take your order ? may I see your menu ?
(bolehkah saya mengambil orderan anda?) (bolehkan saya melihat menunya)

Could you : (digunakan untuk menanyakan) merupakan kalimat permintaan

Exsamp : Could you give me some more coffe ? could you give me some apple juice ?
(bisakah anda memberi saya kopi lagi),(bisakah anda memberi saya jus apel
1. Pola kalimat untuk memesan tempat
Have you got : (untuk memesan tempat di restaurant atau tempat makan)
Exsamp : have you got a table for two ? for five? For six ?

2. Pola kalimat untuk memesan makanan atau minuman di restaurant

May I see the menu, please
May I have more coffee please
May I have thaitea please
I’d like some fried chiken, please
I’d like a cup of tea, please

3. Pola kalimat waiters restaurant dalam melayani tamu

a. Would you like to eat ?
Would you like to drink ?
Would you like to dessert ?
b. May I take your order, please ?

You : …………. got a table for five ?
Waiters : Yes, miss. Over there………… window
You : ….. I …….. a Menu ?
Waiters : ……….. you ………something to drink ?
You : yes, I ………………. Some strawberry juice, please.

Waiters : ………. Take your Order ?
You : yes, please
Waiters : ………….. something to………. ?
You : ……………. Thai tea and …………. bring me some more ice ?
Waiters : sure, wait a minute

Kunci Jawaban latihan 1

1.have u got
2. by
3. may I see
4. would you like
5. I did like
Kunci Jawaban latihan 2
1. May I
2. Would you like something to drink
3. I did like thai tea an could u bring me


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