Viii Maths Factorisation 23.08.2022

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Structures rar eae FACTORISATION FACTORS When an algebraic expression can be written as the product of two or more expressions, then each of these expressions is called a factor of the given expression. FACTORISATION The process of finding two or more expressions whose product is the given expression is called factorisation. NOTE AOORISAISEE SHITE ceveRSEprocess.ofmulkiplication> EXAMPLE Look at the examples given below. Product Factorisation (i) 8x(4x ~5y) =12x? -15xy -15xy =3x(4x -5y) (if) (x +3)(x-2) = x? + x-6 x + 3)(x=2) (ili) (2a + 3b)(2a -3b) -9b - 9b =(2a + 3b\(2a -3b) 1. FACTORISATION WHEN ASSGMMGNIMONOMIAB FACTOR OCCURS IN EACH TERM METHOD Step 1. Find theif all the terms of the given expression. Step 2. Divide each term of the given expression by this HCF. Step 3. Write the given expression as the product of this HCF and the quotient obtained in step 2. EXAMPLE. Factorise each of the following: (5x +20 (i) 2n? +3n (uty) 3x7y —6xy? (ww) Gab -9be Solution We have: (i) 5x +20 =5(x +4) (ii) 2n? +3n =n(2n +3) (iit) 3x*y -6xy? = 3xy(x-2y) _ (iv) 6ab - 9be = 3b(2a-3c) 2. FACTORISATION WHEN A BINOMIAL 1S COMMON, METHOD Step 1. Find the common binomial. Step 2. Write the given expression as the product of this binomial and the quotient obtained on dividing the given expression by this binomial. euMPLEa — Factorise: ( 5at2x-3y) + 2b2x-3y) (i 84x +5y) 12(4x +5y) We have () Sal2x -3y) + 2b2x - 3y) (i) 8(4.x + 5y)? ~1214x +5y) (2x -3y)(5a +2b). (4.x + 5y) (24x +5y)-3) 4(Ax + 5y (Bx +10y ~3), 3. FACTORISATION BY GROUPING Sometimes the terms of the given expression need to be arranged in suitable groups in such a way that all the groups have a common factor. After this arrangement factorisation becomes easy. METHOD Step 1. Arrange the terms of the given expression in groups in such a way that all the groups have a common factor. Step 2. Factorise each group. Step 3. Take out the factor which ts common to all such groups. EuweLes — Factorise: (a? +be+ab+ac (i) ax? + by? + bx? +ay? Solution By Suitably rearranging the terms, we have () a? +be+ab+ac =a? +ab+ac+be =ala+b)+cla+b) =(a+bla+o. ) ax? + by? +bx* +ay? = ax? +ay + bx? +by® = atx? +?) + bi? +y?) = (x2 +y a+b), EXERCISE 7A Factorise: 1. (i) 12x +15 (fi) 14m-21 4ifi) 9n -12n* 2. (i) 16a* -24ab “aT 15ab* -20a*b i) 12x*y* -21x"y 3. Uf 24x° -36x"y (it) 10x° -15x? 1) 36x°y -60x*y*z 4. Lp 9x® - 6x? + 12x (ii) 8x? - 72xy +12x Lit) 18a°b® -27a°b* +36a°b® 5. HT 14x +21x'y -28x7y? ity -5 -10t +2087 6. (i) xix +3)+5(x +3) (it) Sx(x-4)-70x-4) (iii) 2m =n) +30.-n) 7. Gala -2b) + 5b(a - 2b) 8. x°(2a-b)+x*(2a-b) 9. Ya{Sa-5b)-12a"(3a-5b) 10. (x +5)? -4(x+5) 11, 3(a-2b)? -5{a-2b) 12. 2a +6b-3(a + 3b)? 13, 16(2p-3q)?-42p-3q) 14. xla-3)+yB-a) 15, 12(2x -3y)* - 16(3y - 2x) 16. (x-+y)l2x+5)-(x+ylx+3) 17. ar +br +at+bt 18, x? -ax-bx+ab 21. Gab ~b* +12ac~2be 24, (ax + by)’ + (bx - ay)” 27. ab(x? +y?)- xyla? +b?) 19. ab? ~ bc? - ab +c? 22. (x-2y)? +4x-8y 28. ab? +(a-1)b-1 (a+ 2b) +2ab OMe nats 0 5abl3b -4a) a xe ace eee a G ee oo 124 - Us gs 5 ea 3l3n-an) Bals-4n) + (i) 12x +15 (fi) 14m-21 ii) 9n -12n 441) 36x"y - 60. Hit) 18a°b® -27a*b* +36a°b* . (i) 16a* - 24ab 24. aa pir ta Oe aes) 30) Qux- 36 cor = Pan (3x- 542) ay ca Par re) ee = LOM See eC UA eee SE) ea aCe ee) 5 3 cS 1@ab-23ab +tbab (a) a aa -44) ROM eo ier ce ee PEEPETTS) rage el rite a eg s een er a 6. J x(x +3) +5(x +3) » 5x(x-4)-7(x-4) 2-Bala - 2b) +5bla 8. —b)+ -b) DOr (x +5)? A(x +5) . *—5(a 13. 16(2p-3q)* -4(2p-3q) - x(a -3) + (3 -a) 16. (x +y)(2x+5)—-(x+y)lx+3) 17. ar +br +at +bt 19. ab* — be? -ab +c? . xz + xy - yz 21. 6ab - -2be 22. (x-2y)* +4x-8y . xy(l - x) -x* 24. (ax + by)’ + (bx - ay)* 6c) xle43)4+S(etd) TC AT TC Cae tas) » Gly Sxlx-4) - t&x-4) aan) Gy 2mCi-n) +2Ci-n) = Cen) C2m+3) e (a at oe) @-2-4) (6a rsby)— AF xix + ) -4)-7(x-4) nll —n) +31 =n) Gala - 2b) + 5b(a 2b) (2a -b) + a - 5b) -12a*(3a~5b) (x-2y)? +4x-8y xy(l = x)= x @ a(x +5) rd +6b-3(a+3b)? 3q)* -4(2p-3q) 3)+y(3-a) 12(2x ~ 3y)* -16(3y - 2x) br +at+bt ) 17. ar +br+at+bt OY thr + at + bb Paes eed) (a+b) (r+) eee Pee +KY Zh ed sea Ges) = |&-D& ey) 22. (x -2y)? +4x-8y 23, y? ~ xyll -x)-x 24, (ax + by)? + (bx - ay) 2) (Cares ern (2) ri park ate) aoe ‘ S Chee Cae ee ee Gare i) Ge Coe ier Ceyere>) Ca & OR Ce e oaaterD) ea eer leme ete ea Lor r meee omy aay ce ay ao Dearne ie Carp Org) Aer ae ee ee eee eee CO a es) eres) (6+) (ab-1) a Pa eee awe) C= XA-Lby + 2ab X(%-A) - 2b (x-a) cao ecereD) = Boone Ee ac aD) Cee rae re ote ened Se ag Oy eter ae by(ay - bx) CONC a if ered) Setar ee Caer) eee a ee (eri Cnt eee IIa Do aed 4, FACTORISATION WHEN GIVEN EXPRESSION IS DIFFERENCE OF TWO SQUARES FORMULA: (a? + BM SOLVED EXAMPLES Facto (i) 49x" = 16y? (i 64x (at y? 121 (ix) -Ga este a - 6 = (Ab) (A-b) bres (Gre Gere) EXERCISE 7B eed 100 ~ (x 5)? . Evaluate {(7. © X-36 =lx)-cey =|&+4)(x-6) OMe CL ee Cee eee) @O B-49x = Q(x = [a+ G-3D Ora arco ae 2 Re oe Gale +8) ( Bele 5) Ne ww ES » yee Cree y ) ede Pa ae Cle Sia a ) (sath) rw eg uv i u yey ae EC eae) 4Z. 16x° -144x° 14. 16p*-4p ae Be [ NG 124) ae icon mary paced aa) oes nes) ar ae aac jen") eae as a) ee FS th) ite si Gh y 18. (l+m)? -(l-m)* =| (1+b-O C1540 (eae - (L- ca (@y - Cy Sa ieaeny| oxen) of 1GeaD) eb co oc) = cy (Cao thom) (Kam-L+m) Ce) aa ) Bee_ sate) ~ (Gey- Gaby z [ect Ni raat) a ere tee) ea ees ae oie 2] Ee Nout Ce aca) ie oe w4, 25a* -4b* + 28be - SC awe) ki e ee no (Sa+rw) -G9d Ae nes Gay - (2h) +2(¢4)(%) a7 a Gay -(2) + 2obe + BHO - UF BCS o> ad

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