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in the number of times that Jesus heals the sick people, he would tell
them, "Go your sins are forgiven."
A. True
B. False
2. Sin of commission is a non-performance of a good act.
A. True
B. False
3. Priest Forgives sin using the Trinitarian Formula (Father, Son, and the
Holy Spirit)
A. True
B. False
4. Through the Sacrament of reconciliation, the Holy Spirit come to us,
healing and helping us continue sinning again in the future.
A. True
B. false
5. Sin is any thought, word or action against God, others and oneself.
A. True
B. false
6. Original sin is the sin personally committed by a person with
knowledge and consent.
A. True
B. False
7. Matt talbot was able to overcome his vices by entering the priestly
A. True
B. False
8. Jesus appoints priest so that his priesthood will not stop with Himself
but continues today through the priests.
A. True
B. False
9. Jesus heal the sick by forgiving their sins.
A. True
B. False
10. Jesus gives priest the authority to preach the Gospel and forgive
sins through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
A. True
B. False
11. What are the two important traits must be present for us to truly
worship God?
A. Offering and Devotions
B. Love and Offerings
C. Love and Obedience
D. Obedience and Industry
12. What would Jesus tell to the sick as He cure them?
A. "Go you are healed."
B. "Go your sins are forgiven.'
C. "Go you are better.'
D. "Go there is nothing I can do."
13. What is the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus?
A. Jesus' Death on the Cross
B. Jesus' Prayer
C. Jesus' Birth
D. Jesus' Ministry
14. To truly worship God, to what do we must link our worship?
A. Daily moral living
B. Novenas and rituals
C. Praise and Worship
D. Charity and Service
15. What signifies the fulfillment of Jesus' sacrifice and Father's
acceptance of His sacrifice?
A. Healing of the sick
B. Transfiguration
C. Resurrection
D. Baptism of Jesus
16. Who forgive sins?
A. Pope
B. Priest
C. God
D. No one
17. 17. We can equal the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross by our good
A. True
B. False
18. Jesus emptied Himself by becoming man.
A. True
B. False
19. Sickness are punishment of God because of our sin?
A. False
B. True
20. The true essence of worship is love.
A. True
B. False
21. St. paschal Baylon Dedicated his whole life as a brother in the
Agustinian Order.
A. True
B. False
22. Nominal Catholics go to church regularly
A. False
B True
23. Jesus teaches us that worshipping God obeying Him.
A. False
B. True
24. Jesus offered the greatest worship to the God by His death on the
A. Poverty
B. Torture
C. Sickness
D. Cross
25. To truly worship God, our lives must witness to two important
traits, Obedience and ________.
A. Joyful
B. Prayerful
C. Love
D. Faith
26. All of life is _____
A. Struggle
B. Worship
C. Curse
D. Burden
27. Jesus radically change worship by His _______ to His Father.
A. Confidence
B. Trust
C. Obedience
D. Faith
28. Jesus promised to send the _______ who would help us share in His
very own priesthood.
A. Priest
B. Pastor
C. Holy Spirit
D. Angel
29. Jesus denounced empty ________ or worshipping God without
meaning to.
A. Promises
B. Ritualism
C. Donation
D. Offering
30. Jesus tell us the people listening to Him, "Not everyone says to me,
'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of ________.
A. Love
B. Heaven
C. wealth
D. Righteousness
31. Seasonal Catholics go to church only during special occasions.
A. False
B. true
32. Jesus Christ purified worship by linking it directly with daily _______
A. Splendor
B. Moral
C. Luxurious
D. Selfish
33. Jesus teaches that only who do the will of the ______ will enjoy
eternal happiness with Him.
A. Father
B. Law
C. self
D. Parents

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