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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics


At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to :
a. Define terms (addends, total number, sum, add, addition, answer) of addition that help them
solve the problem.
b. Add simple addition problems correctly using pictures
c. Collaborate with their classmates in addition problems


Topic: Addition
Prerequisite Skill: Counting
Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Visuals, Pictures
Teaching Approach: Collaborative and Interactive Approach
Subject Integrated: English
Values focus: Cooperation and Attentiveness


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Song
d. Checking of Attendance

1. Drill
Before we start our lesson for today, let us first sing the
ABC song.
Then let us count from 1 to 10.

2. Motivation
Do you like the the Alphabet song?
If A is the first letter on the alphabet, what do you think is Yes teacher!
the third one? C
Do you know how to write letter C?
Let us all raise our hands, point our finger to the air then
write letter C.
That’s good.

Do you want to hear a song about letter C?

Ok, listen carefully because I have to ask you some Yes, Teacher.
questions after that.
Now class, do you know the letter C sound?
How does it sounds?
Ca, Ca, Ca
Very Good!
Class, I have here some pictures
Try to identify each picture.

The learners will raise their hands and will

identify the pictures.
Cake, Catterpilar, Car, Candle, Cat, Carrot
Amazing!Now give yourself an amazing clap!
So what have you noticed about the pictures?
Their names starts with letter?

They all start with the letter C.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Oh, I have more pictures here!

Do you want to see it?

Yes Teacher!

Who can guess the name of this picture?

Yes, it is a plus sign! And it is use in addition.

Did you hear that before? Plus Sign

Another one!
(Different responses)

How about this one?

This is an equal sign. This sign is written before the total
number or the sum of addition.

I know for now you didn’t understand what I am saying right?

Don’t worry because I will teach you that.

Are you ready?

2. Discussion
Earlier I showed you some pictures whose names starts with
letter ___
Now, what if I combine two pictures. For example, one cake
and two cats.
How many pictures do you see now?
That’s right. Now we can see 3 pictures. C
Let us count.
Now 1 cake plus 2 cats equals?

1 2 3

Very good. Always remember that plus sign is used in addition.

Now 1 and 2 are called the addends. Addends are the
numbers we combined or we add. The answer 3 is called the 3
sum or the total number.

Is that clear?

Let’s have another example

2 2
How many catterpillars
can you see?
How about carrots.
What is the sum?
2+2 =


How many cats? 4

How about cars?
When we add 3 and 2, the answer is?
The sum is 5.

3. Generalization
In addition, the two numbers combined are called_____
And the sum is the _____
What is the sign used to add numbers?
Is there any question?

4. Individual Activity
Board work addends
Now I have here addition problems. You are going to encircle answer
the correct answer on the right. Make sure that you count first Plus sign
for you to answer every picture correctly.

1. 3 cats + 4 Cats= 2 5 7 9
2. 2 cars + 3 Cars= 5 4 3 2
3. 5 carrots + 4 Carrots= 7 9 5 2
4. 5 cakes + 5 cakes= 5 8 10 6
5. 1 catterpillar + 3 Catterpilars = 4 6 7 5
Who wants to answer number 1, 2,3,4 and 5.

6. Group Activity
Class, do want to play a game?
I will group you into 2 groups. This will be the group 1 and
group 2. I have here some addition problems and the
members of the group will come here in front, one by one and
will answer the problem. The first member will solve number,
second for number and so on. The next member will answer
his problem when the first one is finished. Is that clear. This is
a relay game so the first group who finished first and has the
most correct answer will win. So make sure that you count the
pictures correctly and also you write the correct numbers on
the blank.

First let us have two lines.

When you are done, just cheer the Dora cheer!

“We did it, We did it, Hooray!!!!

Let us practice.


2 cans and 3 cans equals 5 cans, 2+ 3 = 5
Is that clear?

Do you have any question?

Let us start!


_____cups and ______cups equals _____ cups.

_____+ ______= ______




_____cones and ______cones equals _____ cones.

_____+ ______= ______



_____cap and ______caps equals _____ caps.

_____+ ______= ______




_____candies and _____candies equals _____

_____+ ______= ______



_____carrots and _____carrot equals _____ carrot.

_____+ ______= ______


Direction: A. Cross out the picture that does not belong to the group.

B. Match Column A to Column B.

A. B

V. Assignment
Write the missing letter.







Prepared by: Charizza Gay A. Dela Cruz

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