Project Unit 9

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A/What does a chef do?

 Preparing food and ingredients

 Managing kitchen staff or other employees

 Ordering kitchen food supply

 Controlling kitchen costs

 Cooking food and plating it

 Meeting with guests to ensure they like their food

 Creating menus or revising current menus

 Managing food budget

B/ Positive points

+There Are Great Salary Opportunities

What can you expect to make as a chef? As of 2019, Executive Chefs

nationwide earn an average salary of $68,000 per year.


Chefs can create new dishes, experiment with ingredients and revise old recipes
to fit their own tastes or the requirements of their customers.

+Learn about different cultures

In fact, there are so many different dishes from countries you probably never
heard of.

Yet, those dishes are often quite delicious and by learning how to cook them in
the correct manner, you can really offer your guests a unique culinary

+Discounted food
Many restaurants offer their staff, including chefs, discounted or even free food.
As a chef, you may receive free or discounted food after your shift ends or on
your lunch break.

+Opportunity to Open Your Own Shop

As your skills grow and you learn all of the aspects of operating a restaurant,
catering operation, private chef service, etc., you can use these skills to open
your own operations and achieve personal success.

C/ Negative points

+Physical toll

As a chef, you're likely on your feet much of the day, cooking and preparing
food. You may experience some physical stress and get tired or uncomfortable
during the workday. Taking breaks, getting enough sleep, eating healthy food
and staying hydrated can help you ease any physical stress you may endure
during your workday.

+ Displeased customers

As a chef, you may encounter restaurant patrons who don't like your food or are
unhappy with their dining experience.

+ Away from your family on holidays

Especially on Christmas Eve, it can be quite sad if you have to work and can’t
celebrate this day with your kids and your wife.

+Minor accidents are rather common

Bruises and small smaller cuts are quite common and you should be willing to
make those sacrifices before deciding for a culinary career.

D/ Reasons for choosing the career

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