S3 U5-9 MiniTest

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Name………………………………… Class: ………… Date …………

………/ 20
GE3.U5 – Inventions
I. Match the pictures to the words.
0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

     
baker inventor musician architect doctor scientist

II. Complete the word families table.

Do Person Thing
invent inventor invention
collect (1) ……………………………………… (2) …………………………………………
create creator (3) …………………………………………
(4) …………………………………………… (5) ……………………………………… direction

III. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

0. see / I / to / planned / the film
 ______________I planned to see the film___________________.
1. hoped / invent / to / a new kind of plastic / She
2. the planet / to / He / help / wanted
3. something / invented / people’s hands / wash / They / to
4. write poems / She / to / a machine / developed
5. to / a robot / made / help people / The engineer
IV. Circle the correct words.
who because did which it why
0. ____Which project do you like best?
1. _____________ did they invent it?
2. The story is interesting _____________ it’s about an inventor.
3. _____________ you make this?
4. _____________ painted this?
5. What does _____________ do?
Name………………………………… Class: ………… Date …………
………/ 20
GE3.U6 – Dinosaurs
I. Write the correct words in the spaces.
teeth tails meat nest mud fossils

0. Body fossils are made from parts of a dinosaur’s body.

1. Some dinosaurs ate ____________ and some ate plants.

2. Dinosaurs made tracks in the ____________ with their feet.

3. Dinosaurs’ ____________ got worn down by the food they ate.

4. A dinosaur expert found some dinosaur eggs in a dinosaur ____________.

5. Dinosaurs’ long ____________ helped them to keep their balance.

II. Write the numbers.

0. seven thousand and twenty-six 7026

1. four hundred and sixteen _______________

2. eight thousand, seven hundred _______________

3. three million _______________

4. one thousand, two hundred and twelve _______________

5. nine thousand, one hundred and fifty-two _______________

III. Write the correct form of the words in the spaces. Use capital letters if you
need to.
0. Dinosaurs lived a long time ago. (live)

1. A baby Apatosaurus __________________________ quite fast. (can run)

2. ________________ dinosaurs __________________ on two legs? (can walk)

3. ________________ dinosaurs __________________ leaves? (eat)

4. Dinosaurs __________________________ noises. (can make)

5. ________________ dinosaurs __________________ feathers? (have)

IV. Draw a circle around the correct word.

0. Dinosaurs are / is interesting!
1. Many / As dinosaurs had long legs.

2. This dinosaur was some / as long as a bus!

3. I like both / to read about dinosaurs.

4. Some / To dinosaurs were very small.

5. Ankylosaurus and Gallimimus were as / both dinosaurs.

Name………………………………… Class: ………… Date …………
………/ 20
GE3.U7 – Puzzles and Codes
I. Write the words .
plate cup glass napkin knife spoon

0. 1. 2.
…………glass……………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………

3. 4. 5.
………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………
II. Read and complete the sentences.

0. 1.
This is a big flower with a bug / stripe. This is a small flower with stripes / spots.

2. 3.
The bug is on a flower with / without stripes. This is a flower with a bug in the centre / stripes.

4. 5.
The white bug / flower has black spots. This is a small flower with / without a bug.
III. Write her, him, them or me in the spaces.
0. Your brother wants that ball. Please give it to him .
1. I need that glass. Please give it to ____________.
2. Nguyen and Liam want some bread. Can you give some to ____________?
3. My sister wants that biscuit. Please give it to ____________.
4. Imran and Nadir are each missing a cup. Please give the cups to ____________.
5. Your father needs this plate. Please give it to ____________.
IV. Write the present perfect form of the verbs in the spaces.
0. My brother ____has travelled_____ to many countries. (travel)
1. I ________________ a camel. (ride)
2. My mother ________________ five mountains! (climb)
3. I ________________ a lot of interesting places. (see)
4. My cousin ________________ football with a famous person! (play)
5. I ________________ a snake! (touch)
Name………………………………… Class: ………… Date
………/ 20
GE3.U8 – Our Amazing Body
I. Write the words .

0. 1. 2.
throat w____ k___

3. 4. 5.
e____ t____ t____
II. Match the sentences to the words.
0. These move our legs when we run. lungs
1. This helps us to stay healthy. muscles
2. These grow at the end of our feet. heart
3. This beats about 80 times every minute. exercise
4. These fill with air when we breathe in. bones
5. These give our body its shape. toenails
III. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences or questions.
Use capital letters if you need to.
0. eat / food / I’ll / healthy  I’ll eat healthy food .
1. help / make a cake / I’ll / Grandma
2. to wash / I / forget / won’t / my face
 ______________________________________________________.
3. play tennis / Luca / with you / will
 ______________________________________________________?
4. spend / on her phone / Yasmin / too much time / won’t
 ______________________________________________________.
5. you / turn out / will / the light
 ______________________________________________________?
IV. Write the correct words in the spaces.
This Shall Before These After Inside
0. After dinner, you must brush your teeth.
1. _____________ is a mango.
2. _____________ the new sports centre, you can do things like karate or yoga.
3. I’ve hurt my arm! - _____________ I bring you a plaster?
4. _____________ you eat, always wash your hands!
5. _____________ are sweet kiwis!

Name………………………………… Class: ………… Date …………

………/ 20
GE3.U9 – Robots
I. Circle the correct word.
0. I’m very hungry. Can I have a small / large pizza, please?

1. An elephant is enormous but a mouse is huge / tiny .

2. That’s a wide / narrow river. I can’t swim across it.

3. A piece of paper is lighter / heavier than a book.

4. This road is 200 km long / short .

5. They are the smallest / biggest frogs I’ve ever seen. I can hold

three of them in my hand.

II. Match the sentences to the words.

0. You do this when you visit and find out about a new place. factories

1. We use these to fix things. operations

2. You do this when you help someone in danger. search

3. People make things like cars in these places. explore

4. You do this when you look for something that is hard to find. tools

5. Doctors do these to fix people’s bodies. rescue

III. Choose the correct word for each sentence.

0. Can I have a _______ of chips, please? lot many little

1. I didn’t eat _________ pasta for lunch. much few many

2. There are a _________ grapes in the bowl. much little few

3. I didn’t drink _________ water yesterday. many lot much

4. Can I have a _________ soup, please? little few many

5. There are not ________ apples on the tree. few many much
IV. Write the correct words in the spaces.
Other us Finally me Some First

0. Can you buy me a tablet for my birthday?

1. Draw a triangle. Next, draw a circle. ___________, draw a square.

2. Some animals are fast. ___________ animals are slow.

3. Robots give ___________ lots of useful information?

4. ___________, pick up the book. Then put it on the table.

5. ___________ robots help doctors do their work.

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