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Giant Panda


Assalammualaikum.. Good morning.

Today we are going to present on the topic Giant Panda.

My name is Anang Muhammad Fakhrullah Izzuddin.

With me here are Muhammad Bazli Zawawi and Muhammad Azhar.

These are the content for today.

Did you know that Giant panda also called Ailuropoda Melananoleuca.

They are vertebrates as they have backbones.

They also a mammal with warm blooded animals.

They are also omnivores meaning they can eat plants and animals.

Some of the features of giant panda are:

Large black patches around its eyes, over the ears, and across its round bodies.
Large rounded body, short tail.
Body covering is fur.
Looks like a bear with white and black fur.
Body weight about 90kg - 140kg.
Adult pandas are between 5.5 - 6 feet tall.

Now i pass to my friend bazli to continue on the interesting facts on giant panda.


Some the interesting facts on giant panda are:

Number 1:

Pandas have 6 'fingers'

A panda's 6th finger is like a human thumb we called it as false thumb.

It has the same function as a thumb.

It allow panda to hold food.

Number 2:
Panda likes climbing trees and can swim.

They are good trees climbers.

They can climb trees from 7 months old.

Number 3:

Eating and sleeping make up pandas' daily life.

A typical adult spends as long as 12 hours eating.

When not eating and looking for food, pandas sleep most of the time. (They sleep for two
or four hours).

Number 4:

A panda can poop 28 kilos per day.

99% of panda diet consists of bamboo.

In order to keep up their energy, pandas have to eat a lot of bamboo and thus poop a lot.

Now i pass to my friend azhar to continue.


Number 5:

Panda cubs are pink.

Newborn panda cub weighs only 100 grams.

They are furless, pink and blind.

Black and white color coat grows after about three weeks.

Number 6:

Pandas will abandon a child if she has twins.

She will only feed the one she thinks is stronger.

Female pandas don't have enough milk or energy to care for two cubs.

Now lets watch a video on how panda communicate with each other.

I think that is all from us.

Hope you learn something today.

Thank you.

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