User Login and Registration

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a) Flowchart:
b) Pseudocode:

Loop 1
Prompt the user to enter a number (number 1to login or number 2 to register)
If number entered is not equal to 1or 2
Print “you’ve entered an invalid number, please enter again”
Go back to loop 1
Else if number entered is equal to 2
Prompt the user to create new username and password
Print “You’ve successfully create an account, please login”
Go back to loop 1
Else if number entered is equal to 1
Loop 2
Prompt user to enter username and password
If username != new username && password!= new password
Print “Invalid username or password, please try again”
Go back to loop 2
Print “you’ve successfully login”
End if
End loop 2
End if
End loop 1

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