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ISO 9712 is an international standard that provides guidelines for the certification of

non-destructive testing (NDT) personnel. NDT is a set of inspection techniques used

to evaluate the integrity and quality of materials and structures without causing
damage. ISO 9712 specifies the requirements for training, examination, and
certification of NDT personnel in various testing methods such as radiography,
ultrasonics, magnetic particle testing, liquid penetrant testing, and visual testing.

The standard outlines the general principles for certification bodies to ensure that
NDT personnel meet specific knowledge and competency requirements. It covers the
responsibilities of the certification body, the qualifications and experience of NDT
personnel, the examination process, and the ongoing surveillance and re-certification
of individuals.

ISO 9712 promotes consistency and reliability in NDT by establishing uniform criteria
for personnel qualification and certification. Compliance with this standard helps to
ensure that NDT technicians have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform
inspections accurately and reliably.

It is important to note that while ISO 9712 provides guidelines for certification, the
specific certification schemes and requirements may vary between different countries
or organizations. Therefore, it is recommended to consult the relevant certification
body or authority in your region for precise information on NDT personnel

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