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What is Medical Ghost Management?

Medical ghost management is kind of like a form of ghostwriting. It is a practice where

pharmaceutical or medical device companies hire professional medical writers to write
scientific articles, reviews, or even entire textbooks on their behalf and then publish
them under the names of academic researchers or medical professionals.
Though it is not illegal, it could be considered a scheme and is widely viewed as
unethical because it amplifies bias since the entire publication was written in favor of the
pharmaceutical company.

In the face of this new S&T innovation, why is it important to study Science,
Technology, and Society
Our modern world is shaped by science and technology, which affect almost every
aspect of our existence. It is important because it helps us understand the social,
cultural, and historical contexts in which science and technology operate. And it helps
us examine how scientific knowledge and technological innovations are produced. This
understanding can help us to critically evaluate the ethical implications of these
innovations, such as the impact of medical ghost management on the scientific
enterprise and on society. It also promotes science communication which can help
bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and public understanding and encourage
citizens to engage in the technological issues in the society.

Ethical dilemmas of medical ghost management

several ethical dilemmas associated with medical ghost management, includes Conflict
of interest, Transparency and disclosure, Credibility and trust, and Authorship and
attribution. These issues must be addressed in order to ensure the integrity of scientific
research and the trust of the public.

Factors / Events that led to medical ghost management

The rise of the pharmaceutical industry and the growth of academic medicine has
created a demand for scientific publications that support the safety and efficacy of these
products, as many researchers seek funding from pharmaceutical companies to support
their research.
Another one is the decline of traditional publishing models, such as print journals and
books, which has led to the rise of new digital publishing platforms. This has created
new opportunities for industry sponsors to disseminate their research through
ghostwritten publications.
Lastly, there is pressure on researchers to publish their work in prestigious medical
journals, which can be important for career advancement and funding opportunities.
This leads to the temptation to engage in unethical practices such as medical ghost

Why is it important to question the moral and ethical issues surrounding the
assigned S&T?
If the articles or reports produced through medical ghost management do not provide
accurate information about the safety and effectiveness of a product, patients may be
put at risk and any misleading information can have serious consequences.
It also creates a conflict of interest can undermine the integrity of medical research
since they are being paid by a pharmaceutical company so they may be more likely to
write positively about the company's product, even if evidence does not support their
Lastly, if the involvement of the pharmaceutical company or its writers is not disclosed, it
can be challenging to determine the true source of information presented in the articles
and make it difficult the reliability of the research and ensure that it meets ethical

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