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SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS Vol. 32, No. 1, 173-188, Mar.

Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering




By examining a bulk of laboratory test data on sands obtained by using a simple shear apparatus,
a family of curves was established in which the volumetric strain resulting from dissipation of
pore water pressures is correlated with the density of sand and conventionally used factor of
safety against liquefaction. Thus, given the factor of safety and the density in each layer of a
sand deposit at a given site, the volumetric strain can be calculated and by integrating the volume
changes throughout the depth, it becomes possible to estimate the amount of settlements on the
ground surface produced by shaking during earthquakes. The outcome of the data arrangements
as above was put in a framework of methodology to estimate the liquefaction-induced settlements
of the ground. The proposed methodology was used to estimate the settlements at several sites
devastated by liquefaction during the 1964 Niigata earthquake. The estimated values of the
settlements were examined in the light of known performances of the sand deposits at respective
site. It was shown that the proposed methodology may be used for predicting liquefaction-in-
duced settlements with a level of accuracy suitable for many engineering purposes.

Key words : liquefaction, sandy soil, settlement (IGC : D7/E2)

cause of nonhomogenous conditions in the soil

INTRODUCTION deposits, the settlements seldom occur uniformly
When saturated sand deposits are subjected even in small localized areas and differential
to shaking during an earthquake, pore water settlements become major cause of the damage
pressures are known to build up leading to to lifelines or other facilities. Although the
liquefaction or loss of strength in the sand exact assessment of differential settlements
deposits. The pore water pressures then start seems beyond the reach of the current-state-
to dissipate mainly towards the ground surface, of-the-art, they are probably related to the
accompanied by some volume change of the total or average amount of settlements which
sand deposits which is manifested on the occur in limited areas being considered. Thus,
ground surface as settlements. However, be- it would not be meaningless to have a method-

i) Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo.

li) Graduate Student in Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo.
Manuscript was received for review on January 14, 1991.
Written discussions on this paper should be submitted before October 1, 1992, to the Japanese Society
of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Sugayama Bldg. 4F, Kanda Awaji-cho 2-23, Chiyoda-
ku, Tokyo 101, Japan. Upon request the closing date may be extended one month.

This is an Open Access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license.

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ology permitting a rough estimate to be made sand directly related to the settlements of in-
of the ground settlements resulting from lique- situ sand deposits which take place following
faction during earthquakes. liquefaction during earthquakes.
The volume change characteristics of sand In the test series as above, time histories of
due to drainage of pore water pressures induced horizontal accelerations recorded during recent
by undrained cyclic loading has been studied major earthquakes were converted to the time
in the laboratory tests by Lee and Albaisa change in the horizontal load and applied to
(1974), Tatsuoka et al. (1984) and Nagase and the samples in the simple shear test device.
Ishihara (1988). As a result of these studies, In this study, two types of irregular loading
it has become apparent that the volumetric tests were conducted; uni-directional and multi-
strain after liquefaction is influenced not only directional simple shear tests. In the uni-
by the density but more importantly by the directional tests, irregular time histories of the
maximum shear strain which the sand has horizontal load were applied only in one direc-
undergone during the application of cyclic tion, whereas the irregular loads were applied
loads. On the basis of the rationale as above, in two mutually perpendicular directions in the
an attempt was made by Tokimatsu and Seed case of the multi-directional tests. In any kind
(1987) to deploy a methodology to predict the of the tests as above, an irregular load with
post-liquefaction settlements of the ground. In a certain peak amplitude small enough not to
the present study, an alternative procedure for cause liquefaction was :first applied to the sample
·estimating the ground settlements is introduced, and the pore water pressure developed at the
based on the factor of safety, by way of the end of the loading was measured, together
maximum shear strain which is a key para- with the amplitude of maximum shear strain
meter influencing the post-liquefaction volu- produced in the course of the load application.
metric strain. The methodology proposed in Then, the drainage line from the test sample
this study was applied to interpret observed was opened to dissipate the developed residual
settlements of sandy grounds at several sites pore water pressure and the volume change of
devastated by liquefaction in a recent earth- the sample due to reconsolidation was moni-
quake. tored. The same procedure was followed in
the next test on a new sample in which the
amplitude of the irregular load was increased
VOLUME CHANGE DURING RECON- by a certain amount. In this second step test,
SOLIDATION FOLLOWING UNDRAINED a larger amount of pore water pressure was
CYCLIC LOADING developed accompanied by a larger amplitude
Several series of laboratory tests have been of maximum shear strain and consequently a
performed to study the volume change charac- larger amount of volume change occurring
teristics of sand during dissipation of pore during the reconsolidation. The similar pro-
water pressures developed as a results of cedure was repeated in several tests performed
application of cyclic shear stress in undrained in sequence in which the amplitude of the
conditions. In multiple test series of this kind irregular load was increased stepwise.
performed at the University of Tokyo, sand The outcome of a wild profusion of the
samples in the simple shear test device were simple ·shear tests as above employing different
consolidated under a confining stress of 196 irregular time histories of load revealed that
kN/m 2 and then subjected undrained to hori- the volume change characteristics of sand during
zontal shear stress having irregular time reconsolidation following the cyclic loading is
histories. The pore water pressures built up uniquely correlated with the amount of de-
during the application of irregular loads were veloped pore water pressure, no matter what
dissipated and volume change of the sample type of irregular loads are used, and irrespec-
was measured. This volume change was con- tive of whether the irregular load is applied
sidered to represent the characteristics of the in one-direction or in multi-directional manner.

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However, this unique correlation was shown

to hold valid only for the pre-liquefaction l 5 (0)
conditioBs where the developed pore water I •
pressure still stays at a level smaller than the ~.2 4 o--o=---A- - o - -
initially applied vertical effective stress. If the v.£!
peak amplitude of irregular loads is raised to ~0"
a level greater than that inducing 100% of ·a.gz
pore water pressure buildup, the volumetric Dr!; 4 7 'lo

strain during the reconsolidation can not be


·;:: .£ 1 o ~~~lect~r;~cd~~~~~
Q;c: L> U,ni -directional
.determined uniquely by the generated pore § .9 simple shear test
water pressure which is always equal to the 0~--~2---74--~6~~8~~,~0---1~·2--~14~~16~
initial vertical stress. In such a case, the Maximum amplitude of shear strain , Y'max (%)

:amplitude of maximum shear strain induced

during the application of irregular loads were
·shown to be an appropriate parameter influ-
~ 5 Dr!; 7 3 'lo
encing the volumetric strain in the subsequent (b)
stage of consolidation. It was also shown that I • 0 ~~~~~d~h~cj~~~~~
:S§4 L> Uni-directional
~:;:; simple shear test
.even in the preliquefaction condition the maxi- 8~
mum shear strain is correlated as well with .£] 3
the amount of volumetric strain during the "0

reconsolidation. Thus, it was concluded that
the maximum shear strain experienced by sand .~ :g
.during the phase of undrained cyclic loading e g
is considered as a most appropriate index g~o
:parameter wielding influence on the develop- Maximum amp\ i tude of shear strain , Y'max (%)
ment of volume change during the following
reconsolidation, spanning a wide range in the
intensity of cyclic load, whether it is small or l 5 Dr!; 93%
large enough to induce liquefaction. I • 0 ~ulti.:directicnol (C}
Simple shear test
The summarized results of the simple shear ~§4 L> Uni-directional
c:- simple shear test
tests performed in the previous study (Nagase gg
.2] 3
.and Ishihara, 1988) are demonstrated in Fig. 1, ~0"
where the volumetric strain during the recon- §.~ 2
solidation, sv, is plotted versus the maximum \/) 0
shear strain rmax, induced in the sample during :s.E1
the undrained irregular loading. The simple eg
::> ·-
·shear tests were performed on samples of Fuji ~--7
river sand prepared at three different densities Maximum amp I itude of shear strain , Y'max ('to)

and therefore three curves are shown in Fig. Fig. 1. Reconsolidation volume change versus
1. It is noted that the developed pore water maximum shear strain relationship
pressure became equal to the initial vertical
·stress when the amplitude of irregular loads
was large enough to produce the maximum accordingly in Fig. 1. It is to be noticed that
shear strain of about 3o/o. This is consistent the curves shown in Fig. 1 is slightly different
with the results of many other tests indicating from those presented in the previous paper
that the cyclic softening or initial liquefaction (Nagase and Ishihara, 1988) . After scrutinizing
with 100% pore water pressure buildup occurs the previous test data, it was found that the
.accompanied by the maximum shear strain of value of maximum shear strain occuring before
the order of 2 to 3o/o. This fact is indicated the. 100% pore pressure buildup had been

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~ 5 (0)
~ 5
Clean sands
I •
I •
E.§ 4 ~~
sg 8?> - - - - - - - - - - 50%
.B ~ 3 .B ~ 3
- - - - - - - - - - 60%
"0 "0
.!:: g' 2 Drli 47 "!. ·a.~z
,g ·;: Multi & uni-directional .!:;:: - - - - - - - - - - 80%
V!Q Ill 0
u:::: 90%
.B 1 ---
_Triaxial test
(Kokusyo et al.,1984)
'E .E 1
0 0 /%'<i~~ ~\mg~1 ~ test e5

g.go g~o
6~ 0~--~2--~4----6~--~8---710~~,~2--~14~-7,~6~
Maximum amplitude of shear strain , 'fmax (%) Maximum amplitude of shear strain , 'fmax (%)

Fig. 3. Summarized relationships between re-

consolidation volume change and shear

Dr'c 7 3 '/,
-~\!,\g 1 ~~~Jo~\':scttional (b)
I •
(Nagase & lshihara,1988) when the maximum shear strain increases be-
~§4 Triaxial test
sg ---- (Kokusyo et at.,1984)
0 I%~~6];11 ~\"'cftl~;§Wf test
yond 2 to 3% which is a value required to
.8~3 cause initial liquefaction, volumetric strain
"0 during reconsolidation tends to increase signifi-
·§.~2 cantly. It is also noted that the looser the
(/) 0
u= sand, the larger is the volumetric strain due

to reconsolidation.
g~o The test results similar to those shown in
0~--~2--~4----6~--~8--~10~~,~2---+14~~,~6~ Fig. 1 have been obtained by Tatsuoka et al.
Maximum amplitude of shear strain • Y"max (•t.)
(1984), Sasaki et al. (1982), and Kokusho et
al. (1984), by means of the cyclic triaxial or
torsional shear test apparatus. Individual test
data obtained by these investigators are plotted
~ 5 Dr" 93%
_ ~\!,\g;~ ~Jo~\'is'\tional (C) superimposed on Fig. 2 for each of the density
I •

(Nagase & Ishihara,1988)
employed in the tests. In transforming the
4 ----~K~k~~)ot~~tal.,1984)
u.E o I%~~6];11 ~\mcftl:;§W{ test axial strain, e1, in the triaxial test into the
strain in the simple shear' r' the relation

·a.~ 2
r=1.5el (1)
~~ liguefact;on 0
was used assuming the undrained condition
:s.Bt -~/~ during shearing. Comparison in Fig. 2 of the
e 5
1':':::[ average curves from the simple shear test data
~--~2--~4----6~--~8--~1~0---1~2---J14~~,~6~ with other data indicates that the data from
Maximum amplitude of shear strain , 'fmax ('!.)
different types of tests yielded an approximately
Fig. 2. Reconsolidation volume change versus coincident trend in correlating the reconsolida-
maximum shear strain relationship tion volume change with the maximum shear
strain during the undrained cyclic loading.
overestimated by 1% without correcting for Based on the characteristic curves in Fig. 2,
the effects of rotation of the simple shear test the curves for other relative densities were
samples during the irregular loading. Shown obtained by interpolation or extraporation as
in Fig. 1 is a modified version of the same test shown in Fig. 3. The curves shown in Fig. 3
results corrected for the above effects. It is will be used in the later section for providing
of importance to notice in Fig. 1 that, even a standard chart to estimate the settlement of

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loading conditions. In the case of very loose
sand, the sand starts to deform largely as soon
1.0 as this condition is encountered, and therefore
whatever amount of double-amplitude shear
strain may be used, almost the same value is
.9 obtained for the cyclic strength. However, in
E o.s
the case of medium dense to dense sand, this
v; does not hold valid as is apparent from the
u 0·4 Fuji river sand
cyclic torsion shear test data shown in Fig. 4.
Cyclic torsion t~st
(Jo'=98 kN/m2
0·2 Dr= 88'/o In fact, the cyclic strength tends to increase
f(o =1.0
with increasing amount of shear strain ampli-
tude at which the strength is defined. In other
words, a larger magnitude of cyclic resistance
Fig. 4. Cyclic stress ratio versus number of can be actually mobilized over the nominally
cycles in cyclic torsional tests determined cyclic strength if more than 5%
double-amplitude axial strain is allowed to
sand deposits due to shaking of an earthquake. take place in the triaxial test samples. Con-
sequently, when the factor of safety for lique-
faction is defined for the 5% double-amplitude
((] at/2(] 1 o) 20
In order to estimate the liquefaction-induced Fz ( 2)
((] a/2(]' o) 20
settlement of a sand deposit using the correla-
tion shown in Fig. 3, it is necessary to know there always occur the cases where computed
the magnitude of the maximum shear strain factor of safety becomes less than unity. In
which the sand will undergo during the applica. the above definition, (] az, indicates the axial
tion of shaking in a future earthquake. A stress required to cause initial liquefaction or
simple method to this end would be estab- 5% double-amplitude axial strain in 20 cycles
lished by revisiting the definition of the cyclic and (] d denotes the amplitude of the axial stress
strength which has been adopted thus far for corresponding to the shear stress induced by
the practical usage. As is well known, the an earthquake. Tmax, z indicates the maximum
cyclic strength has been customarily defined as shear stress needed to cause initial liquefaction
the cyclic stress ratio required for the developed in irregular loading and Tmax is the peak shear
pore water pressure to become equal to the stress induced by the earthquake. u' 0 and (] 1 'I)

initial confining pressure under a certain number denote the initial confining stress and vertical
of shear stress application. This state is called stress. Defined in the above fashion, the factor
initial liquefaction or a state of 100% pore of safety of unity implies a state of cyclic
pressure buildup. It has also been known softening producing 5% double-amplitude axial
from the wild profusion of laboratory tests strain, and a factor of safety less than unity
that, when the condition of initial liquefaction means that the soil has been softened to a
sets in, soil samples are softened so that they state in which more than 5% double-amplitude
can deform cyclically with a double-amplitude axial strain is produced. Thus, the factor of
axial strain of 5 to 6% in the triaxial tests. safety, Fz, is considered to be a function of
Thus, in the majority of practice in Japan, the the double-amplitude axial strain, or con-
cyclic stress ratio required to cause 5% double- versely speaking, if the factor of safety is
amplitude axial strain in the triaxial test in a known for a sand deposit at a given site,
specified number of cycles, say, 20 cycles is the double-amplitude shear strain developing
alternatively taken as the definition of the in the sand during liquefaction can be made
strength of laboratory soil samples under cyclic known. Half of this shear strain, i.e., single-

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1. 8

1. 6 Multi-directioLl
simple shear test
on loose sand
1. 4

~~Initial liquefaction

II 1.0
j 0.8
! Irregular wave form from '~ 0.6 Irregular wave form from
records at Kawagishi-cho.
records at Kawagishi-cho,
Niigata · (-> 0.4 Niigata
0".'==196 N/m2 O"o'== 196 N/m2
Dr:. 45 '/,
Fuji river sand 0. 2
Drl;·45 'lo
Fuji river sand

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Maximum amplitudE.' of shear strain , 'rmax ('/,) Maximum amplitude of shear strain , 'rmax (%)

Fig. 5. Maximum shear stress ratio versus Fig. 6. Maximum shear stress ratio versus
maximum shear strain maximum shear strain normalized to the
maximum shear stress ratio causing 3.5%
shear strain
amplitude of the axial strain is regarded as
the maximum shear strain which the sand has
undergone in the course of liquefaction during 1. 6


1. 4 Multi- directional
simple shear test
The relationship in the above context between on loose sand
1. 2
the factor of safety and the shear strain ampli-
tude can be established on the basis of available ~ .
~ 1. 0
test data which have been obtained in the
} 0. 8
laboratory. For this purpose, a bulk of simple II
Irregular wavE.' form from
shear test data obtained by Nagase (1984) by 11 o. 6 records at Kawagishi-cho,
employing several irregular time histories of O'o'= 196 N/m2
0.4 Dr:. 45 'lo
Fuji river sand
load may be used. One of the series of these
tests on Fuji river sand with a relative density 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Maximum amplitude of shear strain , Y"max ('lo)
of about 45% is demonstrated in Fig. 5, where
the maximum shear stress ratio is plotted versus Fig. 7. Relationship between factor of safety
and maximum shear strain
the maximum shear strain developed during
the application of irregular loads (Ishihara and
Nagase, 1988) . In this series, four tests were each other through Eq. (1). Therefore, the
run each on seperate reconstituted samples by single-amplitude of axial strain of 2. 5% in the
employing an irregular time history having the triaxial mode corresponds approximately to
same shape but with different amplitudes. In 7max==::3. 5% in the simple shear mode of defor-
the course of application of this irregurally mation. Since the 3. 5% single-amplitude
changing load, a peak shear strain is developed strain has thus been adopted as a criterion to
and this peak strain is plotted in the abscissa define a state of cyclic softening at which the
versus the peak shear stress ratio which is factor of safety is unity, the maximum stress
determined from the peak amplitude in this ratio of 0. 15 should be taken as being equal
particular sequence of test. In Fig. 5, it is to Tmax, ~l(fv' in Eq. (2). Consequently, if the
noted that the maximum shear strain amplitude maximum shear stress in the ordinate of Fig. 5
of 3. 5% (single-amplitude) is developed in the is normalized to the value of 0. 15, the ratio
course of irregular load application when the Tmax/Tmax, t becomes equal to the reciprocal of
maximum stress ratio of 0. 15 is employed in the factor of safety, F~, defined by Eq. (2). The
the test. It should be noted that in undrained diagram modified in this manner is shown in
conditions the axial strain, cmax, in the triaxial Fig. 6. Further, by taking the reciprocal of
test and the shear strain, rmax, is related to the ordinate of Fig. 6, the desired correlation

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Li:' 2.0
!~ 3.0 Dr!; 47 '/,

r:: (a) 0 Multi-directional

simple shear test
~ 2.5 " Uni-directional
.~ simple shear test
~ 2.0

.... 0.5
;i.\: 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Maximum amplitude of shear strain , Y"max ('!.) Maximum amplitude of shear strain , Y"mo.x (%)

Fig. 9. Summarized relationships between the

factor of safety and maximum shear strain

~t.C 3.0 Dr!; 7 3 '!. loads on loose samples of Fuji river sand pre-
(b) 0
s1mple shear test pared at a relative density ranging between 40
" ~i%-ppJr~g~p?Jst and 50%. The results of such data arrange-
ments are shown in Fig. 8(a) in terms of the
factor of safety plotted versus the maximum
amplitude of shear strain observed during the
application of a sequence of irregular loads.
l5 0.5 " Similar results of data processing for other two
t> groups with different relative densities are
.;l: 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 presented in Figs. 8(b) and (c). It may be
Maximum amplitude of shear strain , Y"max ('lo)
seen in Fig. 8 that, at a given value of factor
of safety less than unity, the larger the relative
density, the smaller the maximum shear strain.
On the basis of the data for the three densities
·~ 3.0 " Dr!; 93 'lo shown in Fig. 8, a set of relationships was
c: (C) 0 ~~gl-ed~eecJ~~~~t established for other densities by interpolation
~ 2.5 " Uni-directional
0 simple shear test and extrapolation as demonstrated in Fig. 9.
-~ 2.0 °
g The family of curves in Fig. 9 can be used to
.£ 1.5 assess the maximum amplitude of shear strain
» for a known value of factor of safety. If the
·~ 1.01-----"-'~"~-:::---------------1
..... value of maximum shear strain is known in
~ 0.5 this manner, the post-liquefaction volumetric
.i.\: 0 strain can be determined through the use of
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 the already established curves shown in Fig. 3.
Maximum amplitude of shear strain , Y"max (%)

Fig. 8. Relationship between factor of safety

and maximum shear strain RELATION BETWEEN FACTOR OF
·between the factor of safety and the maximum VOLUME CHANGE
shear strain can be obtained for the loose state If the factor of safety is known by means
.of sand with a relative density of about 45% of the conventional method of liquefaction
:as demonstrated in Fig. 7. Similar data pro- analysis, it will be possible to circumvent the
cessing was made for a group of simple shear determination of the maximum shear strain
test data employing different time traces of and to directly estimate the amount of po:'j'~-

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1.2 ,..-----r--........---.----r-----,-----.
-:, 1.0
cyclic tnaxial test
l.B Clean sands :::l n::::10 cycles
.9 0.8 Y 1.5E1
Y"max= 1.5E,max
L.L.' 1.6 "§ 0.6
~ 0.4
6 1.4 ~
g 0.
ll: 0.2
't::J 1.2 ,£
.5! 9~ 1~
Shear strain , Y (Ofo)
.8 1.0
;:::... Fig. 11. Pore water pressure buildup as a
d(/) 0.8 function of shear strain (Dobry, 1989)

.s0 0.6
stress not to cause any pore water pressure by
0 Tmax, o or Tav, o, the threshold factor of safety
lL 0.4
is given by
02[ 'Lmax,
~ 'Lav, ~
( 3)
'Lmax, 0 'L av, 0

1.0 2.0 3.0 Lt.O 5.0

where Tmax, 0 refers to the amplitude of shear
Post-liquefaction volumetric strain, Ev (•t.)
stress in terms of its peak value and Tav, 0 in
Fig. 10. Chart for determining volumetric
terms of the average value throughout its time
strain as functions of factor of safety
history. It has been shown by Dobry (1989)
that there exists a threshold amplitude of
liquefaction volumetric strain. For this purpose, shear strain, ro, in cyclic loading tests below
combinations of the factor of safety, F~, and which no pore water pressure can build up
the volumetric strain, cv, giving equal magnitude whatsoever, irrespective of density of sand. A
of maximum shear strain were read off from summary of the test results by Dobry (1989)
each family of curves shown in Figs. 3 and 9. is shown in Fig. 11, where it may be seen that
The combinations of F~ and cv thus obtained the threshold shear strain takes approximately
are plotted to establish a family of relationships a value of ro=l. 5x10- 4 • Introducing the shear
as demonstrated in Fig. 10 in which the maxi- modulus, G 0, corresponding to the thshoreld
mum shear strain, rmax, is taken as a tracking strain, Eq. (3) is rewritten as,
parameter. If these curves are to be used for
1 'Lav, ~
practical proposes based on the data from the ---=- =: -r-o --c;- ( 4)
cyclic triaxial tests, the axial strain in the
triaxial mode should be converted to the shear In view of the small magnitude of shear
strain in the simple shear mode through the strain of the order of 10-4, the empirical
use of the relation in Eq. (1). formulae proposed by Hardin and Richart (1963)
In establishing the chart in Fig. 10, it was and Iwasaki and Tatsuoka (1977) may be used
considered desirable to set a critical factor of to estimate the shear modulus G 0 . The pro-
safety at which the post-liquefaction volume posed formulae are indicated in the inset of
change becomes equal to zero. Such a thresh- Fig. 12 and they are shown in graphical form
old factor of safety, F0 , may be defined, with in Fig. 12. For representative states of insitu
good reasons, as the one at which the pore sand deposits having a void ratio between 0. 6
water pressure buildup is equal to zero with and 0. 9 and an overburden pressure of 0. 5 to
no subsequent volume change due to its dis- 1. 0 kgf/cm 2 , the shear modulus is shown to
sipation. Denoting the largest level of shear take a value between 500 and 1200 kgf/cm 2•

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As can be seen in Fig. 3, there exists an

upper limit in the reconsolidation volumetric
- Go=7oo<zr-e) <o-o')V2
+e strain for each of a given density and
N therefore even when the maximum shear strain
~ 3.000 --- Go=330 (2.97-e)2 (O"'o')112
1+ e becomes fairly large, there is no change in the
~ Shear strain ": 1o·" volumetric strain. This fact is reflected in
Fig. 10 in such a way that the post-liquefaction
volumetric strain becomes independent of the
factor of safety when it is remarkably small.
_3 2.000 In looking over the family of curves in Fig. 10,
it is to be noticed that the curve for small
E relative densities less than 40% and the part
0 of the curves with maximum shear strains less
..c. than 3% are approximate without much back-

u 1.000 ground data. More exact curves are yet to be

.....(/') established, pending the outcome of more
0 comprehensive test data.

Void ratio • e LIQUEFACTION
Fig. 12. Low-strain shear moduli plotted The settlements of the ground surface
versus void ratio resulting from liquefaction of sand deposits
during earthquakes can be estimated if the
It has also been shown by a majority of factor of safety and relative density of sand at
laboratory tests that the cyclic stress ratio each depth of the deposit are made known.
required to cause ±3. 5% shear strain in 10 The relative density of insitu sand deposit can
cycles of uniform shear stress application lies be assessed from a knowledge of the penetration
in many cases within the range of 0.15 and resistance in the Standard Penetration Test
0. 35. Thus, for a representative case of Clo 1 = (SPT) or in Dutch cone penetration test (CPT) .
1 kgf/cm 2 , the shear stress to cause liquefaction Several attempts have been made to establish
may be within the range empirical correlations between the relative den-
Tav, z =0. 15.-0. 35 kgf/cm 2 sity, Dr, and N-value in SPT such as those
Thus, for a probably loosest state of clean by Gibbs and Holtz (1957) and Marcuson et
sands, one can assume ro=l. 5x10- 4 , Go=500 al. (1976). In the current practice in Japan,
kgf/cm 2 and Tav, z=O. 15 kgf/cm 2• Similarly for the formula proposed by Meyerhof (1957) based
a densest state, it may as well be assumed that on the test data by Gibbs and Holtz is
ro=l. 5xlo-4, Go=1200 kgf/cm 2 and Tav, z=O. 35 commonly used. This formula is expressed
kgf/cm 2• Introducing these two sets of repre- as
sentative values in Eq. (4), the threshold factor
of safety is shown to take a value very close
to 2.0. For a smaller value of confining stress,
Dr=21,J Clv' :0. 7
( 5)

where Clv' is effective overburden pressure in

the value of F 0 becomes somewhat larger than
1 kgf/cm 2 • Let the N-value corresponding to
2. 0. However, for all practical purposes, it
1 kgf/cm 2 overburden pressure be denoted by
may well be assumed that the threshold factor
N 1• Then, the relation of Eq. (5) leads to
of safety is approximately equal to 2. 0, and
this conclusion is accordingly indicated in the
Dr=21,J N 1- =16-J N1 ( 6)
chart of Fig. 10. 1. 7

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Equating Eq. (5) and (6), one obtains

Nl= CN·N=· ·N ( 7)
av' +0. 7
Eq. (7) was used by Tokimatsu and Yoshimi
(1983) to evaluate N 1-value from measured N- cho site

value in SPT.
Similar attempts have also been made by
Tatsuoka et al. (1990) to establish empirical
correlation between the relative density and
qc-value in CPT. They are shown to be cor-
related with each other by the formula
Fig. 13. Locations of the sites investigated in
Dr=-85+76log (ge/../av') ( 8) Niigata

By the same reasoning as above, the value

of ge 1 corresponding to av'=l kgf/cm 2 is ob- al. (1983), and Ishihara (1985) and typically in
tained as, the Japanese design code of highway bridge·
(1980). It is a usual practice to utilize the·
( 9) information of Ncvalue or gc 1-value for esti-
mating insitu values of cyclic strength.
Eq. (9) may be used to evaluate the gccvalue Step 2. . . . . With the factor of safety known
normalized to av' = 1 kgf/cm 2 • as above, the chart in Fig. 10 is used to de-
To estimate the density of insitu sand de- termine the post-liquefaction volumetric strain,
posits, it has been a commonly established sv, for each layer of sand deposits with known.
practice to utilize the penetration resistance of N1-values or ge1-values.
SPT or CPT. In view of this, N 1-value and Step 3 . . . . . With the volumetric strains es-
gccvalue obtained through Eqs. (6) and (8) are tablished for each layer through the depth of
inscribed in Fig. 10, along with the relative the deposit, the strains are integrated by multi-
density value. plying the thickness of each layer and adding
With reference to the chart in Fig. 10, the together, the amount of settlements on the
settlements of the ground due to liquefaction ground surface resulting from dissipation of
of sand deposits can be estimated by the simple pore water pressures induced by an earth-
procedures as follows. It should be noted quake is obtained.
however that this procedures are applicable
only for deposits consisting predominantly of
sand and its use for fine-containing sand casts COMPARISON BETWEEN PREDICTED
some doubts on the validify of end results, AND OBSERVED SETTLEMENTS
because the drainage may not be accomplished DURING EARTHQUAKES
to its full extent, if the sand contains some The method of analysis described above will
amount of fines. be used to estimate the settlements of liquefied
Step 1 . . . . . First of all, the factor of safety sand deposits which occurred in the city of
against liquefaction, Fz, ought to be evaluated Niigata, Japan during the 1964 earthquake and
for each layer of sand deposits at a given site, the applicability of the proposed methodology
on the basis of information on the intensity of will be discussed in the light of the observed
shaking in term of the acceleration and the performances of the sand deposits.
density of sands in the deposit. The pro- For evaluating the cyclic strength, the formu-
cedures for evaluating the factor of safety are la incorporated in the Japanese design code for
described in details in the papers by Seed et highway bridges will be used in the present

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Depth Sci t Soil J SPT N-value Oso (mm) Foetor of safety , F• Volumetric strain , Ev (Of.)
( m) type profile 10 20 30 40 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.5 1.0 1.5 20 0 4
-+ -0.6m ·


: 50cm

Fig. 14. Soil profile and estimate of settlements

Depth SPT N-value Oso (mm) Factor of safety , F• Volumetric strain , Ev (Of.)
(m) 10 20 30 40 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.5 1.0 1.5 20 0 4

-+- -1.5m

:51 em



Kawagishi- cho



Fig. 15. Soil profile and estimate of settlements

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Depth Soil Soil SPT N-value Dso (mm) Factor of safety , F1 Volumetric strain , Ev ('/,)
(m) type profile 10 20 30 40 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 4

Medium \:::::. --+- -0.85m

sand ::::::·.:::



Fig. 16. Soil profile and estimate of settlements

Depth SPT N~vatue Dso (mm) Factor of safety , FJ. Volumetric strain , Ev ('/,)
(m) 10 20 30 40 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.5 1.0 1.5 20 0 4 5
--+- ·0.4m

to :: ·· ·
coarse . <<-'.·
sand · · · ·



15 .-:-:<-:
Fine settlement
: 19cm

Fig. 17. Soil profile and estimate of settlements

study. This formula reads where D 50 is the mean particle diameter in

millimeter, (u dl/2u' 0 ) 20 denotes the cyclic stress
+ 0. 255log1o( .D~~)
(uad2u' o) zo=O. 0676-J N1 ratio required to cause initial liquefaction or
5% double-amplitude axial strain in 20 cycles
for 0.04mm~D5o~0.6mm
of load application in the triaxial test.
Soil conditions in the city of Niigata de-
(uad2uo) zo=O. 0676-J N1 -0. 05
vastated by extensive liquefaction during the
for 0. 6 mm<Dso~l. 5 mm (10) 1964 earthquake were investigated by SPT and

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Depth Soil Soil SPT N-value Dso (mm) Factor of safety , F1 Volumetric strain , Ev ('/,)
(m} type profile 10 20 30 40 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.5 1.0 1.5 20 0 4

-+- -2.5m

15 se-ttleoment
: 12cm

Fig. 18. Soil profile andiestimate of settlements

SPT N·vatue Dso (mm) Foetor of safety , . F.r. Volumetric strain , Ev ('/,)
10 20 30 40 50 60 0. 0.4 0.6 0.5 1.0 1.5 20 0 4
-+- -O.Sm

: 2 em

Fig. 19. Soil profile and estimate of settlements

other kinds of index property tests in the sand deposits by means of the formula in
laboratory (Ishihara, 1985). The sites where Eq. (10).
insitu investigations were conducted are shown In making the liquefaction analysis, the
in Fig. 13. In all of these sites, undisturbed maximum horizontal acceleration of 158 gal in
sand samples were recovered by means of the E-W direction monitored at the basement of
piston sampler or large diameter sampler and the Kawagishi-cho apartment building was
tested in the triaxial apparatus to determine used for all the sites being analyzed. These
the cyclic strength. However, the information are all located within 10 km from the Kawagishi-
on N-value in SPT was utilized in the present cho site and the value of 158 gal may well be
study to evaluate the cyclic strength of the deemed as representative of the intensity of

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shaking at the respective site.

The soil profiles at six sites are shown in
Fig. 14 through Fig. 19, together with the out-
come of liquefaction analysis and settlement ~ 60
prediction. In these figures, the soil stratifica- ~
tion profiles are shown together with N-value "0

and N 1-value corresponding to 1 kgf/cm 2 over- ~ 40

burden pressure. The mean particle diameter
of sands is also plotted versus depth. Based
on the values of N1 and D5 0 , the cyclic strength
was obtained through the formula in Eq. (10)
and the factor of safety was calculated by the
definition of Eq. (2), where the value of ac- Maximum acceleration at ground surface , O:rnox/g
celeration of 158 gal was introduced in the
Fig. 20. Ground settlements versus maximum
conventionally used formula (Ishihara, 1985) to
obtain the maximum stress ratio, Tmax/CJv 1 in
Eq. (2). In view of the fact that the present
method is applicable orily for clean sands bridge, practically little damage was observed
without much fines, the silty sand or sandy silt during the 1964 event. As indicated in Figs. 18
having a mean particle diameter smaller than and 19, the thickness of liquefied layer is thin
0. 10 mm will be excluded from consic~eration and the resulting settlement is calculated to be
in the following analysis. less than 10 em.
Let the case of River site be considered as
an example. As shown in Fig. 14, the factor
of safety is less than unity through a depth CONSIDERATIONS OF SETTLEMENT
from 2m to 13m, and consequently the esti- CHARACTERISTICS
mated value of volumetric strain is as large as It is apparent that the factor of safety defined
2 to 5% in this depth range. The surface by Eq. (2) decreases with increasing level of
settlement was computed as 50 em at the River maximum acceleration and, consequently, the
site. At this site, the ground surface was dis- the settlements induced by liquefaction tend to
rupted considerably and the settlements are increase as the intensity of shaking becomes
supposed to have been on the order of several stronger. However, the feature of settlement
tens of centimeter which is approximately increase with increasing level of acceleration is
coincident with the value of 50 em estimated different for each site being considered, de-
by the proposed methodology. Similar con- pending upon soil profile and nature of soils
sideration was made as well for the Kawagishi- composing the deposits. In order to look into
cho site where 4-story apartment buildings this aspect, the post-liquefaction settlements
were ruined heavily involving tilting and sinking at each of the sites investigated were calculated
into the liquefied sand deposit. For Agano for varying accelerations. The results of such
river site and Sewage site, the depth of lique- calculations are presented in Fig. 20. It may
faction is shown to have been shallower as be seen that generally there occurs no settle.
accordingly indicated in Figs. 16 and 17 and the ments if the level of maximum acceleration is
observed ground damage during the 1964 small enough below 50 gal and for the accele-
Niigata earthquake is reported to have involved ration in excess of 300 gal, the settlements
cracking and settlements on the order of 20.- do not increase appreciably and tend to level
30 em. Thus, the estimated settlements indicated off taking on some limiting values which
in Fig. 20 appear to be approximately within are endemic to each site. It is of interest to
the range of observed values. With respect notice that the post-liquefaction settlements,
to the Road site and South bank site of Showa in loose sand deposits tend to increase sharply

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Table 1. Relation between damage extent and lating the post-liquefaction volumetric strain
approximate settlements with the commonly used factor of safety against
Extent of Settlements Phenomena on the
liquefaction. It was suggested that this corre-
damage (em.) ground surface lation can be used most conveniently to assess
Light to the volume change of the sand in each layer
no damage
OrvlO Minor cracks
of an insitu deposit resulting from dissipation
Medium Small cracks, oozing of pore water pressures developed during seis-
damage of sand mic shaking. By summing up all the volume
Extensive Large cracks, spouting changes contributed by each sand layer, it be-
3Qrv7Q of t:ancls, large offsets,
damage lateral movement comes possible to estimate the settlement of
the ground surface due to the shaking of an
earthquake. The methodology as above was
for the increase in acceleration in the range of applied to assess the ground settlements at
100 and 200 gals but the settlements continue several sites in Niigata which were devastated
to increase up to an acceleration level of 400 gal by the earthquake of 1964. By examining
in the case of dense sand deposits. the estimated values in the light of observed
Interpreted overall in the light of the observed performances of the ground, it was shown that
performances of the ground at each site during the proposed methodology permits a rough
the respective earthquake, it may be mentioned estimate to be made of settlements of the sandy
that the settlements on the order of 10 em or ground resulting from liquefaction during
less correspond to the area where there was earthquakes.
no destruction, and in the mediumly damaged
area the settlements are roughly between 10
to 20 em, and if the settlements become greater ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
than 30 em, there always occurs considerable In preparing the draft of this paper, the
destruction on the ground surface such as sand comments offered by Dr. Nagase of Kyushu
spurting, fissures and large offsets. The quali- Institute of Technology and by Professor I.
tative correspondence between the damage Idriss of University of California, Davis, were
extent and settlements as above may be sum- most helpful. The authors wish to express
marized as shown in Table 1. their gratitude to these persons.

On the basis of a bulk of information on 1) Dobry, R. (1989) : "Some basic aspects of soil
the response of saturated sands obtained by liquefaction during earthquakes," Earthquake
using the simple shear test apparatus under Hazards and the Design of Constructed Facilities
the application of irregular loads, a family of in the Eastern United States, Annals of the New
curves was established correlating the post- York Academy of Science, Vol. 558, pp. 172-182.
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tude of maximum shear strain which the samples search on determining the density of sand by
spoon penetration test," Proc. 4th International
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the same test series, another family of curves
3) Hardin, B. 0. and Richart, F. E. (1963) : "Elas-
were obtained in which the factor of safety tic wave velocities in granular soils," Journal
against liquefaction is correlated with the maxi- of ASCE, Vol. 89, SM 1, pp. 33-65.
mum shear strain. By eliminating the para- 4) Ishihara, K. (1985) : "Stability of natural de-
meter of the maximum shear strain between posits during earthquakes," Proc. 11th Inter-
these two families of curves, a set of relation- national Conference on Soil Mechanics and
ships was established in a graphical form corre- Foundation Engineering, San Francisco, Vol. 2,

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pp. 321-376. 6, No.4, pp. 239-249.

5) Ishihara, K. and Nagase, H. (1988) : "Multi- 14) Nagase, H. and Ishihara, K. (1988) : "Lique-
directional irregular loading tests on sand,'' Soil faction-induced compaction and settlement of
Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 7, sand during earthquakes," Soils and Foundations,
No.4, pp. 201-212. Vol. 28, No.1, pp. 66-76.
6) Iwasaki, T. and Tatsuoka, F. (1977) : Effects of 15) Sasaki, T., Tatsuoka, F. and Yamada, S. (1982):
grain size and grading on dynamic shear moduli "Method of predicting settlements of sandy
of sands," Soils and Foundations, Vol. 17, No. ground following liquefaction," Proc. 17th
3, pp. 19-35. Annual Convention of Japan Society of Soil
7) Japan Highway Association (1980) : Seismic Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, pp.
Design Code of Highway Bridge, (in Japanese). 1661-1664 (in Japanese).
8) Kokusho, T. and Nagasaki (1984) : "Settlement 16) Seed, H. B., Idriss, I. M. and Arango, I. (1983) :
characteristics of dense sands following lique- "Evaluation of liquefaction potential using :field
faction," Proc. 19th Annual Convention of Japan performance data," Journal of ASCE, Vol. 109,
Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engi- GT3, pp. 458-482.
neering, pp. 563-566 (in Japanese). 17) Tatsuoka, F., Sasaki, T. and Yamada S. (1984):
9) Lee, K. and Albaisa, A. (1974) : "Earthquake "Settlement in saturated sand induced by cyclic
induced settlements in saturated sands," Journal undrained simple shear," Eighth World Con-
of ASCE, Vol. 100, GT 4, pp. 387-405. ference on Earthquake Engineering, San Fran-
10) Marcuson, W. F. and W. A. Bieganousky (1977): cisco, Vol. III, pp. 95-102.
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sands," Journal of ASCE, Vol. 103, GT6, pp. S. (1990) : "Method of evaluating liquefaction
565--588. potential and its application,'' Seismic Hazards
11) Meyerhof, G. G. (1957) : "Discussion for Session in the Soil Deposits in Urban Areas. pp. 75-109
I," Proc. 4th International Conference on Soil (in Japanese).
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol. 3, 19) Tokimatsu, K. and Seed, H. B. (1987) : "Evalu-
p. 10. ation of settlements in sands due to earthquake
12) Nagase, H. (1984) : "Strength and deformation shaking," Journal of ASCE, Vol. 113, GT8, pp.
characteristics of sand subjected to irregular 861-878.
loading in multiple directions," PhD disserta- 20) Tokimatsu and Y oshimi (1983), "Empirical cor-
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13) Nagase, H. and Ishihara, K. (1987), "Effects of value and :fines content," Soils and Foundations,
load irregularity on the cyclic behavior of sand,'' Vol. 23, No.4, pp. 56-74.
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol.

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