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Receipt: thu >< expense: chi

Becoming increasingly common = gain in popularity : đang phổ biến/
đang thịnh hành
Essential (n): đồ dung thiết yếu / (adj) = necessary
Expensive = pricy
Inexpensive = low-priced
Must-have products
To slash price : đại hạ giá
Compulsive shopper = shopaholic: người cuồng mua sắm
Fraudulent : lừa gạt
Wait in line at the supermarket
Get into debt
Household appliance: đồ dung gia đình
Sample questions:
1. Do you enjoy shopping ?
2. Where do you usually go shopping?
Reasonable price: giá hợp lý
3. How often do you go shopping? (HW)


Practicability: tính hữu dụng
Patent: bằng sang chế
Success >< Failure (n)
Advent : sự ra đời
Household appliance: thiết bị gia dụng
Innovation: sự cải tiến/ sự đổi mới
Cost-effective (adj): tiết kiệm chi phí
Surf the net : lướt mạng / surf web
Various purpose: nhiều mục đích

Sample questions:
1. Do you like using technological devices?
2. Do you want to become an inventor in the future?

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