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Punishing: Gray Raven Team building


all CAPS - Major changes to plan (like not pulling for this specific unit, changing
teams, not getting 6* weapon, instead of SS now need SSS, etc)
small - Minor changes to plan (things like switching memories, memory resonance,
pets, etc)

10/01/2023 - 7:37PM: REPLACED DARK TEAM WITH PHYSICAL TEAM, added month by month
plan, and fixed spelling mistakes.
19/01/2023 - 2:44PM: made minor changes to mbm plan.
22/01/2023 - 1:29PM: ADDED LUMINANCE TO TEAM BUILDING. made minor changes to mbm
30/01/2023 - 3:04PM: made more minor changes to mbm plan.
10/02/2023 - 3:22PM: ADDED 6* WEAPON FOR RIGOR, minor changes to mbm plan and minor
changes to team building.
25/02/2023 - 7:16PM: made minor changes to mbm plan.
26/03/2023 - 7:07AM: edited my MBM plan
26/03/2023 - 1:27PM: edited my MBM plan
11/04/2023 - 4:13PM: ADDED DARK TEAM TO ROSTER
18/04/2023 - 2:08PM: edited my MBM plan
03/05/2023 - 7:22PM: made minor changes to MBM plan.

I will be using 2 or 3 teams every year, this is how it will work.

lets say my current teams are dark and ice for 2023, if one of them is getting
powercrept then i stop building that team and focus on a new team.
Build 3 teams If possible. will change team every december or january.
lets say your 2 teams are still doing good (none of your teams are bad, what i mean
by this is that it isnt the worst team out of the 5 total elements)
then stick with those 2, if they do get powercrept lets says on august, just wait
till december to switch out the team.

REMINDERS: Do not aim for the 6* star weapons unless endgame (endgame means that
all teams at SS/SSS rank with full resonance)
6* weapons are a luxury item, free to play players like YOU(zach) cant afford it.
it has 80% drop rate which is high, but there is always a chance you will get
so whatever you do, do not aim for 6* weapons unless you are capped at your max
levels or feel like you are powercrept.
weapon banners will stay there FOREVER so you can buy the weapons even after the
character event, focus on getting the characters.


So your main teams for the first 8 months of 2023 is ice

(Lucia,chrome,wanshi/selena) and dark (Luna,21,Selena)
Around mecha nanami patch there will be a free S rank selector, get rosseta or
Luminance from there since you will be building Physical team later on this year.
Pull for Bianca abystigma, get SS. SS3 if you have spare black cards. Need
luminance at SS but I have heard that you can get Luminance shards at BP shop later
on, will
research more on that Luminance gets buffed on bonk karen patch while rosseta gets
buffed at abystigma patch.
The next part is the month by month plan.

month by month plan (mbm)

(DONE) January: Build Luna and and XXI resonance. Dont hypertune XXI resonance yet
since still deciding if i should pull for karenina or not.
[ Couldn't build XXI resonance :( ]

(DONE) February: Build Rosetta XXI resonance.

[ Finished XXI resonance(not perfect), still upgrading my rosetta memory ]

(DONE) March: Farm Selena shards in event, build Selena resonance.

[ Ended up pulling for selena so thats.... not good BC wise, and i also used my
other 15k BC to pull for tempest. 30k BC gone from my account ]

(DONE) April: Build cappricio and tempest resonance, and pray that i get 15k BC
out of nowhere (Copium).
[ finished tempest resonance, not cappricio tho :( also star rail released which
gave me less time for the other games ]

(ONGOING) May: This is around the time global will celebrate 2nd aniv, get free S
rank selector from event. Build cappricio and luminance resonance.

June: Continue building luminance and rosetta resonance.

July: farm for luminance and rosetta ascension materials, pull for karenina.

August: same as July Plan.

Sepetember: Bianca Abystigma should release around this time, pull for abystigma
and if you have spare BC get her 6* weapon. Free S rank selector and 6* weapon up
to Luna. get alpha(?) from S rank selector. build abystigma memories.

October: if luminance and rosetta is not done with their resonance, build them too
but bianca is priority. Get bambinata by farming event.

November: Same as October plan except no bambinata.

December: Get Ayla By farming shards in event. Continue building Bianca resonance.


memory placement, rank, weapon resonance, and plans for specific character

|Physical team|

Bianca Abystigma:

4x charlotte (top) 2x leeuwenhoek (bottom)

Top resonance slot: Ex — Precision Attack: ATK +15, CRIT +15 x6
Bottom resonance slot: Blade Carved Abyss: Signature Move Level +1 x6
rank: SS0 or SS3

Recommended weapon resonance count: 1 (Glorious afterglow)

Other plans: Once Abystigma you get bianca,save 17,500 BC for her skin on (Alpha
crimson weave patch) BUT priority is to get crimson weave.

Rosetta Rigor:

4x leeuwenhoek (top) 2x catherine (bottom)

Top resonance slot: Ex — Precision Attack: ATK +15, CRIT +15 x6
Bottom resonance slot: Tank: Class Skill Level +1 x6

rank: SS-SSS(SSS priority over luminance)

Recommended weapon resonance count: 2 (Polymerization collapse, deadline timing)

Other plans: get her 6* weapon since it benefits the team more

Liv Luminance:

4x hanna (top) 2x cottie (bottom)

Top resonance slot: Ex — Precision Attack: ATK +15, CRIT +15 x6
Bottom resonance slot: Ex — Precision Attack: ATK +15, CRIT +15 x6

rank: SS-SSS(Rosetta needs to SSS first)

Recommended weapon resonance count: 2 (Glorious spear, superconducting axial ray)

Other plans: will SSS luminance only if rosetta is also SSS. it will take a while

|Dark Team|

hypertun should be done by the end of 2023, if not then that is also fine as long
as you fill all resonance slots and reach 6000 power for all units.

Focus on warzone and PPC. other gamemodes like babel are for the whales, but it's
ok to try it. PPC now gives black cards so it is a must farm for free to play

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Punshing: gray raven CN WIKI:


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