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Narrative Report

In relation to the Executive Order 273 known as “Approving and Adopting the Philippines Plan
for Gender Responsive Development”, our school, Nancapian National High School, prepared and
implemented 1% of the school’s total budget appropriations for the Gender and Development of the
senior citizens to recognize their special roles in nation building for the school year 2021-2022.
The 1987 Philippine Constitution ensures the promotion and protection of the rights and
welfare of Filipino senior citizens as a minority population sector. As an integral part of society, older
Filipinos are entitled to certain benefits and privileges through the enactment of Republic Act No.
(RA) 9994 or the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010.
COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the vulnerabilities of the Filipino elderly, particularly the
poor. Since the government imposed what it calls the General Community Quarantine (ECQ) with
Heightened Restrictions under which Non-APORs and older people are prohibited from leaving their
homes thus, unable to make a source of living and left with very little choice but to rely on local
government’s relief goods that are simply not enough.
Our school, Nancapian NHS, identified Senior Citizens within the community, to be given with
health essentials, as the school’s special way of giving care and attention to Senior Citizens for them
to feel that they valued, and their welfare is thought of in this trying times. Through the excellent
leadership of our school principal, Dr. Jezebel B. Cayabyab, our school distributes health essentials
to the identified Senior Citizens of Brgy. Nancapian, Malasiqui. The health essentials are composed
of 20 pieces of Multivitamins and 5 pieces of facemask which will make them stronger and combat
diseases such as COVID-19. The Senior Citizen President was also given an additional 1 piece of
face shield.
This annual GAD Tribute to Senior Citizens for their contribution to nation building is
only one way of showing support to their psychosocial well-being. It is also hoped that through this
activity, the Senior Citizens may feel valued, loved and not forgotten. Nevertheless, this activity
strengthens coordination and collaboration among government agencies and other stakeholders
involved in showing how valuable are the Senior Citizens in shaping the community and promote the
concept of respect and care for the elderly and inter-generations harmony.

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