HRM8410 Group Written Report Project 2

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Project 2-Written Report 1

Project 2-Written Report

Topic – Health and Safety

Human Resource Management Analysis


Dorothy Milardovic

Conestoga College

November 15, 2021


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Project 2-Written Report 2

Article’s relevance to health and safety

Our topic is health and safety and the related article to this topic which we chose is “10

best practices for productive, low-stress, virtual meetings”. It is published on August 23, 2021, by

Workplace safety and prevention services organization. This article mainly focuses on how to

improve psychological and mental health of employees which is significant in order to increase

the effectiveness of the one’s performance.[CITATION Kor21 \l 4105 ] Mental and

psychological health are important aspects of the overall health of person. Psychological health

plays a significant role to attain a great sense of job satisfaction for an employee. Job satisfaction

leads to enhancement of morale, improved performance and learning behavior of the personnel.

Stress and anxiety are two major factors which are contributing in worsening the psychological

health of workers because of the pandemic COVID-19. Hence, this article gives some preventive

measures to lessen the stress caused by zoom gloom or virtual fatigue.


Occupational Health and Safety refers to the avoidance of accidents and illness among

employees and others who may be harmed by their job activities. The word "health and safety"

refers to the legal standards outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). The

article “10 best practices for productive, low-stress, virtual meetings”, the objective of this article is

to demonstrate 10 practices which can be effective to avoid virtual fatigue in employees who are

working remotely through online platforms due to the pandemic. This virtual fatigue is creating

psychological and mental exhaustion in people which is leading to stress and low performance of

the employees. [ CITATION Kor21 \l 4105 ] According to the OHSA, to contribute to the full

potential in performing the job duties, the psychological health of employees is as important as

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Project 2-Written Report 3

their physical health. Hence, this article suggests 10 best practices which are helpful in avoiding

stress and productive meetings through online platforms.

How does the topic relate to the human resources profession?

Human resource professionals need to work closely with occupational health and safety

to ensure that all the employees are working within the guidelines of health and safety and

promote a safe and secure working environment to all the employees. HR can foster the health

and safety guidelines in the company in order to encourage the safety culture in the organization.

Additionally, all employees are managed by HR department, therefore it is responsibility of HR

to make sure that each position of the company should be occupied by an employee who is

capable and skillful to perform all the tasks given not only effectively but safely. If there is a gap

in skill or knowledge, provide training so that employees do their tasks without putting

themselves in danger. [ CITATION Sal17 \l 4105 ]For instance, in a factory if a worker is not

able to operate an equipment, it is responsibility of HR to provide guidelines to the supervisor in

prior to train the worker before giving him/her duty of operating the equipment or machine.

Impact of Health & Safety-

On employers-

Everybody has certain role to play in maintaining the health & safety in an organization

however, employers play an extremely important role in introducing and maintaining the health

& safety in their company. Now, how does this impact employers? Having safety regulations in

the company makes it immune to any kind of future legal issues. When the employees feel safe

to work, they tend to do their job a lot better. On the contrary, if an employer does not adopt

Health & Safety into their system then it could lead to future disasters, increase the turnover in

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Project 2-Written Report 4

an organization, decrease the performance of the employees, demotivate employees, increase

cost and decrease the profitability for the employer. So, to make sure this does not happen in an

organization employers must adopt safety regulations into their systems and also hire Health and

Safety professionals to helps in maintaining the same.

On employee-

Employees have an equal role to play in maintaining safety at workplace. Everyone wants to

work in a place that prioritizes their safety. Health & Safety has a major impact on the overall

performance of the employees. More safety in the workplace results in less sick leaves and less

injuries (which can cause destruction to the whole system). Ensuring that there is proper set of

health and safety can reduce absenteeism and increase the profits while eliminating any extra

costs. Employees also have responsibility in following these rules and ensuring that they

prioritize safety too. For this system to be successful employer and employees must collectively

work by sharing equal responsibility.

On government-

It is the responsibility of the government to frame health and safety policies and make sure

that they are implemented. Policies are supported and implemented if employers and workers,

through their organizations, have had a hand in drawing them up. This can be in the form of

laws, regulations, codes or collective agreements. It is the responsibility of the designated

authorities to issue and frequently review regulations or codes of practice, begin research to

identify hazards and to find ways to control them. The designated authorities must also provide

information and advice to employers and workers, and take specific measures to avoid disasters

where potential risks are high.

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Project 2-Written Report 5

On Society-

Employers have a moral responsibility to employees and their families to provide possible

safest working environment. Workers also have a duty to learn about safety and health, and to

observe proposed workplace practices, in order to be alert and responsible in society. The

concept of being healthy and safe in the community is to have a positive state of well-being

among people within physical and social environments. The managers and coworkers must be

committed to supporting health and safety and be willing to participate in safety programs and

bring awareness at work and community. This will not only reduce and prevent injury or crime

but also build a strong, connected, energetic society.

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To conclude, health and safety have a significant role in workplaces and communities. Having

a safe work environment will not only benefit from fewer accidents, psychological and mental

health but also results in reduced health costs, prevents injuries and illness, and less employee

retention. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all the stakeholders to take ownership of safety in

their workplaces.

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Project 2-Written Report 7


Kelloway, E., Francis, L & Gatien, B. (2020). Management of Occupational Health and Safety

(8th ed.). Toronto: Top Hat Monocle.

Korneev, V. (2021, August 25). 10 best practices for productive, low-stress, virtual meetings.

Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. Retrieved November 14, 2021, from


Salopek & Associates’. (2017, May 5). The Role of HR in Health & Safety -. Salopek &

Associates’ Team. Retrieved November 13, 2021, from

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