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What is Terraform?

->Terraform is OpenSource Software Tool

->Terraform is platform Agnostic(not specific to single cloud) Tool

Different cloud platforms:

1. AWS

2. Azure

3. GCP

4. Alibaba

5. Oracle

6. IBM cloud

10 of hunderes of clouds

->Terraform id IaC(Infrastructure as a Code)

->Terraform is developed by HCL(HassiCorp Configuration Language)

->Terraform is created by "go" language

->Terraform provide DSL(Domain Specific Language) for provisioners

->it look like JSON or yaml


->is also opensource

->it is platform independent

->is configuration management tool

is used to install,update,delete the softwares or application or web


ie:after provisioning the infrastructure it is usefull

if you want to provision(crete) infrasture Terraform is useful.

mainly in Terraform we can use only 5 keywords

init Prepare your working directory for other commands

validate Check whether the configuration is valid
plan Show changes required by the current configuration
apply Create or update infrastructure
destroy Destroy previously-created infrastructure
1. init ->it is used to initialize plugin(download and useful within the folder)

2. validate->it can validate the user code(.tf file)(check the syntax of DSL)

3. plan: it can gather expected things(virtual) --syntax-check

4. apply it will provision expected thins can be converted to actural(physical)

5. destroy: it can remove what ever provisioned(seconds 30, 60,90 etc)

init -> validate -> plan -> apply -> destroy


providers: is the communication with any cloud provider


providerblock "providername"{

provider "aws"{

argument1 = "value1"

argumentn = "valuen"

provider "azure"{

provider "ibm"{

access key:AKIAYLYO7HCX6HI2E3H5

secret key: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


->Terraform is a opensuorce, platform Agnostic Tool

->Terraform is a IaC tool
->Terraform is a Infrastructure provisioning tool
->Infrastructure can be created in almost all the virtual enviroments.

->Terraform is an infrastructure as a code tool that allows you to build,change,and

version infrastructure safely and efficiently

-> Terraform provides infrastructure automation

-> Terraform templates are written in custom DSL

->The DSL mostly look like JSON

->Terraform templates ends with .tf extension

->Terraform developed by HCL,written in go language


choco install terraform


Components of Terraform:

-> Providers: providers are used to create infrastructure in particular virutal


interaction componet
eg: aws,azure,gcp,ibm
-> Resources:is the part of the infrastructure create on the provider.
Every provider provide resources.

are infrastrucr objects like

eg:vpc,ec2,elasticip etc
-> variables: to give options to the user to enter different values to resources.
deployment is more dynamic
-> statefile:it maintain the current state of the infrastructure.
-> provisioners:provide the ability to run additional steps(like ansible)
-> backends
-> modules
-> datasources
-> serviceprinicples

install terraform
install vscode

provider syntax:
provider 'provider type'
argument1 'value1'

inputs in terraform as called as arguments
outputs are called as attributes.
provider "aws" {
region = us-east-1

secret_key = bcnNaUJEIWAYef32beSPClD5yiJTpuvIquBT9nBy


resource "aws_vpc" "my-vpc" {

cidr_block = ""
instance_tenancy = "default"
tags = {
name = "my-vpc"

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