Immunity Questions and Answers

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11.0 Immune Response

PSPM PDT DB045/2 2017/2018

1. FIGURE 1 shows the structure of an antibody


i) State the type of antibody as shown in FIGURE 1 [1 mark]


ii) Explain briefly how structure G helps in the immune response activity [2 marks]

Antigen binding site

Allows the antibody to recognize and attach to a particular/specific antigen

iii) Differentiate the characteristic of the antibodies that function during primary and
secondary immune response [2 marks]
Primary Immune Response Secondary Immune Response
Low magnitude/concentration High magnitude/concentration
antibody antibody
Short lived antibody Long lived antibody
Slower response Faster response
Lower affinity towards antigen Greater affinity towards antigen
PSPM PDT DB045/2 2018/2019

2 (a)(i)State the concept of which the body immune system distinguishes foreign cells
[1 mark]
Self and non self-concept

(ii) Name the protein involved in 2 (a)(i) [1 mark]

Major Histocompatibility Complex/MHC

(iii) Draw and label the structure of an antibody [2 marks]

Heavy chain, light chain, variable region, constant region, disulphide chain, antigen
binding site
(Dependent on correct structure) Any 2 of correct labels

(iv) Give two (2) differences between humoral and cell-mediated immune responses
[4 marks]
Criteria Humoral Cell-mediated
Type of cells B cell Cytotoxic T cell
Location of response Extracellular fluid // Act Intracellular fluid/
on free antigen // antigen infected cell / cancerous
found on pathogen cell
End result of activation Secretion of antibody// Secretion of granzymes/
Antigen -antibody Destruction of infected
interaction/ cells/ apoptosis
on/ complement fixation/
Speed of response Rapid Delayed
(Marks 2/0 for each point given)
(v) Name two (2) major lymphatic organs [2 marks]
Thymus gland
Bone marrow
Lymph nodes

3 FIGURE 2 shows the interaction between antigen and antibody.

i) How molecule S binds to the membrane of the foreign cell? [2 marks]

Molecule S which binds to the epitopes / antigenic determinants on the membrane of the
foreign cell.
By using antigen binding sites which has the shape corresponding to that of an epitope
of an antigen.

ii) What will happen to the foreign cell after the interaction with antibody? [2 marks]
It will form antigen-antibody complex, which tags the invader for destruction by one of
several effectors mechanisms.
Such as Neutralization, Opsonization and Activation of complement system and pore

PSPM 2020/2021 SES SB015

4. FIGURE 3 shows the structure of mammalian antibody molecule.

(i) Define antibody.
● Protein produced by plasma cells in response to a specific antigen// A protein secreted by
plasma cells that bind to a particular antigen.                                                               1

(ii) State the main function of antibody.

● Bind / combine with antigen (forming antigen-antibody complex activate process of
destroying antigen by phagocytosis)                                                                                 1

(iii) Name X and Y.

     X: (constant region of) light chain                                                                                             1 
     Y: (constant region of) heavy chain                                                                                          1

(b) Describe the development of B lymphocytes.

● B lymphocytes is produced/ originate in (stem cell of) bone marrow/ fetal liver                1 
● and undergoes maturation/ become matured in bone marrow                                          1

(c) Differentiate between primary and secondary immune response.

Primary Immune response Secondary Immune response

i. Slow response/ act slower/ lag phase is Fast response/ act faster/ lag phase is usually
longer 97-14 days) very short (3-4 days)

ii. Amount / concentration/ magnitude of Amount / concentration/ magnitude of antibody

antibody produced is low produced is high

iii. Short-lived antibody// Antibody level Long-lived / long-lasting antibody level tend to
decline over time remain high for longer time

iv. The first antibody produced is IgM Antibody is produced mainly is IgG

v. Antibody has lower affinity towards Antibody has greater affinity towards antigen.
11.2 Development of Humanity

PSPM PDT 2016/2017

5. FIGURE 4 shows the role of helper T cell in two types of immune response.

a) Name immune response X and Y. [2 marks]

X :Humoral immune response

Y :Cell mediated immune response

b) What is molecule Z? [1 mark]


c) Name one (1) class of molecule Z secreted by plasma cell when a person is exposed to
a pathogen for the first time.[1 mark]


d) State one (1) type of interaction between Z and antigen. [1 mark]

Agglutination//Neutralization//Precipitation//activation of
complement protein//complement fixation//opsonisation

e) What will happen when activated cytotoxic T cell binds to infected cell? [3 marks]

(Activated cytotoxic T cell) release perforin to formpores on infected cell

membrane and release granzyme/lymphotoxin/granulysin into thew infected

To break down protein and induce apoptosis

Leads to cell death( boleh juga diterima adalah burst/lysis/lyse)-destroy tidak


f) If a child was born without a thymus gland, how would it affect the immune

responses? [2marks]

The child will not have matured T cell/ T lymphocytes//Does not have helper/T
cell/Th and Cytotoxic T cell/Tc

Cell mediated immune response unable to produce Cytotoxic T cell/Tc/T

lymphocytes cell to destroy infected cell

Humoral immune response is not activated

PSPM PDT 2017/2018

6. FIGURE 5 shows an infected during the action of an immune response


i) State the type of immune response as shown in FIGURE 4.1 [1 mark]

Cell Mediated immune response

ii) Identify molecule E and protein F [2 marks]

E : MHC Class I/ Antigen-MHC complex

F : CD-8/ Accessory protein

iii) Explain briefly how pores are formed during the above process [2 marks]

Tc cell binds to infected cell

Tc cell discharges perforin molecule and

Create pores on the membrane
PSPM PST SB025/2 2018/2019

7. FIGURE 6 shows a partial of events in immune response


(a) Name the type of immune response in FIGURE 6 [1 mark]

Humoral immune response

(b) Identify cells Q and R [2 marks]

Q: Helper T/T4/TH/CD4(cell)
R: B cell / B lymphocyte

(c) What is the characteristics of X for antigen binding to occur? [1 mark]

Specific to the (shape of) epitope/antigen

(d) Explain how cell Q activates cell R [2 marks]

Cell Q binds to the antigen on MHC
Cell Q secretes cytokines/interleukin 2/IL-2

(e) What is the effect of binding of antigen to cell R? [1mark]

Cell R divides/proliferate/clones// Cell R differentiates into plasma cell and
memory B cell
PSPM 2019/2020

8. FIGURE 7 shows the initial interaction between the immune cells after cell X engulf a


Differentiate between cell X and cell Y in terms of the cell involvement during immune response.
[3 marks]

Cell X is plasma B cell while cell Y is activated helper T cell.

Cell X secretes antibodies in response to antigens while cell Y attract and stimulate
macrophages then promote the activity of other T- and B- cells to increase antibody production.
Cell X involved in humoral immune response while cell Y involved in both the humoral immune
response and cell mediated immune response.

PSPM 2020/2021 SDS SB015

9. FIGURE 8 shows the development of immunity against the same pathogen.


 (a) Name the cell that produces antibody.

● Plasma (B) cell                                                                                                                  1  

(b) Based on FIGURE 8, why is antibody concentration higher after the second exposure?
● Memory B cell recognize/identify the same antigen/pathogen faster                                1
● Memory B cells proliferate/divide and differentiate rapidly/faster into plasma cells to                 
                        produce/secrete antibody                                                                            1

(c) Explain how the antigen and antibody interactions activate the complement system.
     i. Antibody molecule binds to an antigen on the surface of pathogen/foreign cella, (forming
antigen-antibody complex and activate the complement system)                                                 1
    ii. The activated complement system then forms membrane attack complex                           1
    iii. Pores formed in plasma membrane allowing water and ions to rush/flow/enter into cell      1
    iv. and cell swell and lyse                                                                                                           1
*point (iv) depends on (iii)


11.1 Immune Response

PSPM PST 2017/2018

1a) Explain the roles of lymphoid organs in immunity system [10 marks]

i. Bone marrow

ii. Site for development of lymphocytes

iii. Maturation of B lymphocyte/ cell

iv. Thymus

v. Maturation of T lymphocyte/ cell

vi. Lymph node

vii. Act as barriers to infection by filtering out pathogen

viii. Destroying toxins and pathogen/ bacteria/ virus

ix. Spleen

x. Site for filtering worn out red blood cells

xi. Fight infection form foreign bodies

xii. Tonsil

xiii. To trap bacteria/ virus that being inhaled// prevent throat & lung infection

(note: explanation depends on correct lymphoid organ)

(note: Max 5 pairs – one organ and one explanation)

b) Describe neutralization, precipitation and complement fixation in antigen-antibody
interaction [10 marks]


i.Antibodies bind to antigen/ toxin

ii.Block the antigen from binding to the receptor site (on the host cell

iii.The antigen/ toxin will be coated by antibodies

iv.Eliminated by phagocytosis process


v.The cross – linking of soluble antigen

vi.Form insoluble antigen – antibody complexes/ precipitate

vii.Eliminated by phagocytosis process

Complement fixation

viii.Antibodies combine/ bind/ attach with antigen (found in blood) ix.Activates

the complement protein

x.Produce pores/ lesion in the (foreign) cell membrane xi.That

result in cell lysis

2. Describe briefly four (4) types of antigen-antibody interaction [8 marks]

Antibody react to soluble antigen to form insoluble antigen-antibody complex/
immobile precipitate (to be destroyed by phagocytes/macrophages)

Antigens are cross-linked by / bind to antibody to agglutinate /clump antigens (to be
destroyed by phagocytes/macrophages)

Neutralisation / opsonisation
Antibody neutralizes toxin released by antigen making the toxin harmless// antibody
bind to surface of pathogen and make them inactive (to be destroyed by

Complement fixation / activation of complement protein

Antibody works/ bind with complement protein to form lesion (pores) on the
pathogen cell (that lead to cell lysis/ burst)

11.2 Development of Humanity

3. Explain the cell-mediated immune response [12 marks]

i. Mostly involves TH cell

ii. Respond to any cell that displays foreign antigen at MHC complex
iii. Pathogen / antigen invades body / infected cell
iv. Macrophage engulfs the pathogen/antigen
v. Macrophage becomes an antigen presenting cell /APC
vi. It presents / displays the antigen on its surface on MHC Class II protein
vii. Helper T/TH cells recognize the MHC Class II –antigen complex on the APC
viii. APC release Interleukin-I/IL-I and TH become activated
ix. Helper T cell clone itself /proliferate / divide (by mitosis) into more (effector)
helper T cells and differentiate into memory helper T cells
x. Helper T cells secrete Interleukins 2 /IL-2
xi. The Interleukin-2 /IL-2 activates cytotoxic T cells
xii. The cytotoxic T cells bind to MHC Class I –antigen complex on infected cell
xiii. The cytotoxic T cells produce proteins/enzymes/ perforin /granzymes
xiv. Create pores and initiate apoptosis//infected cells are destroyed/lysed

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