Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan (Creative Writing)

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Purok 4, Nangka, Consolacion, Cebu

Tel Nos.: 423-4508
School ID: 447081


Helen Grace Abello
Name of Teacher:
Subject: Grade: Quarter: Date & Time:
Creative 11 2

The learners have an understanding of drama as a genre and are able to

Content: analyze its
elements and techniques.

Learning Identify the various elements, techniques, and HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc-15
Competencies: literary devices in drama

At the end of the lesson, the students with at least 75% accuracy are able
Identify the elements, techniques and literary devices in drama through the
A. Knowledge script of a play “Love in the time of the Bacunaua;
Differentiate sentences that express permission, obligation and
Differentiate sentences that express permission, obligation and
Differentiate sentences that express permission, obligation and
Differentiate sentences that express permission, obligation and
Differentiate sentences that express permission, obligation and
Differentiate sentences that express permission, obligation and
Differentiate sentences that express permission, obligation and
B. Skills Differentiate sentences that express permission, obligation and
Differentiate sentences that express permission, obligation and
Differentiate sentences that express permission, obligation and
Differentiate sentences that express permission, obligation and
Differentiate sentences that express permission, obligation and
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Differentia
Compose a scene for a ten-minute play using the elements, techniques, and
literary devices of drama;
C. Attitudes Manifest creativity and originality in producing a ten-minute play.
Demonstrate diligence in researching for a drama play and analyzing its
D. Values elements, techniques, and literary devices.
II. SUBJECT MATTER: Drama/ Theater Play/ Stage Play
III. RESOURCES: Creative Writing, Diwa Senior High School Series pages 149-164

A. Preparation:
( minutes) Recapitulation

The students will be given strips of paper with lines that they will act out and
directions on how to act it out.

1. "How could you do this to me? After everything we've been through!" -
This line is filled with anger and hurt. The actor can act out this line by
clenching their fists and gritting their teeth, perhaps even shaking with

2. "I swear on my life that I will get revenge for what you've done." - This
line is filled with determination and resolve. The actor can act out this
line by standing tall and looking fierce, with a stern expression on their

3. "I'm sorry, but I just can't do this anymore. I'm leaving." - This line is filled
with sadness and regret. The actor can act out this line by looking
B. Activity downcast and defeated, perhaps with tears in their eyes.
( minutes)
4. "I love you more than anything in this world, and I will never let you go." -
This line is filled with passion and devotion. The actor can act out this
line by speaking it softly and tenderly, perhaps reaching out to touch the
person they are speaking to.
5. "I have a confession to make. I've been keeping a secret from you, and I
can't keep it any longer." - This line is filled with nervousness and
apprehension. The actor can act out this line by fidgeting with their
hands and looking anxious, perhaps even stuttering or stumbling over
their words.

The teacher will ask the students the following questions:

1. What do you think the activity was all about?
2. What are your favorite drama shows/stage play?
3. What did you enjoy about it?

The teacher will write the word DRAMA and the students will be encouraged to
think about what emotions, themes, and ideas are commonly associated with

The student will give the definition of:

Drama- a written work that tells a story through action and speech and is meant
C. Analysis
to be acted on a stage: play: a play, movie, or television production with a
( minutes) serious tone or subject.

The teacher will ask the following questions:

1. What makes dramas unique?
2. What are some elements that you need to consider when analyzing
3. What literary devices do you think are present in dramas?

D. Abstraction
( minutes) The teacher discusses further the following:
1. One-act play
2. Ten-minute play

The students will be given handouts of a short scene from the play “Love in the
time of Bacunaua” and they will identify the elements, techniques, and literary
devices used.
The teacher will discuss the following:

Dramatic Elements- Elements of drama are the fundamental components that

make up a play.
1. Characters
2. Plot
3. Conflict
4. Setting
5. Dialogue
6. Stage Directions
7. Theme
8. Lighting, sound, and music

Dramatic Techniques- are the specific tools or methods that playwrights use to
convey these elements to the audience.
1. Soliloquy
2. Monologue
3. Suspense
4. Dramatic Irony
5. Literary Devices
a. Foreshadowing
b. Symbolism

The learners will share their findings and discuss how the various elements,
techniques, and literary devices contribute to the overall meaning of the play.

The teacher will discuss the 8-step PSN approach to Writing a Ten-minute play.

Make the:
1. Theme
2. Characters
3. Setting
4. Conflict
5. Storyline
6. Plot
7. Write!
8. Revise

In groups of 6, the learners will compose a one scene for a one-act play
continuation of the drama they read “Love in the time of Bacunaua” with the
elements, literary devices, and techniques of a drama that can be staged.

Below are the criteria for grading:

E. Application
1. Use of Dramatic Elements - 5
( minutes) 2. Use of Literary Devices- 5
3. Use of Dramatic Techniques -5
4. Creativity- 5
5. Originality- 5
Total: 25

The students will answer the following questions briefly on one
whole sheet of paper.

1.What does the term "dialogue" refer to in drama?

a. The physical movements of the actors on stage
b. The background music and sound effects
c. The conversations and interactions between characters
d. The overall atmosphere or mood of the play

2. What is the purpose of a soliloquy in a play?

a. To reveal a character's inner thoughts and feelings to the audience
b. To provide comic relief and entertain the audience
c. To depict a climactic moment in the plot
d. To introduce a new character to the audience

3.What is the definition of "foreshadowing" in drama?

a. The use of exaggerated gestures and movements by actors
b. The use of lighting and visual effects to create a specific mood
c. The hinting or suggesting of future events or outcomes in the plot
d. The act of improvising lines and actions on stage

4.Which of the following is an example of a dramatic irony?

a. A character speaks directly to the audience, revealing their true intentions.
b. The audience knows something that the characters on stage do not.
c. The protagonist overcomes all obstacles and achieves their goal.
d. Two characters engage in a heated argument, leading to a fight scene.

5.What is the purpose of using symbolism in drama?

a. To provide a historical or cultural context for the play
b. To create a visually stunning and aesthetically pleasing production
c. To represent abstract ideas or concepts through tangible objects or actions
d. To create suspense and surprise in the plot

6.What does the term "monologue" refer to in drama?

a. A scene where multiple characters engage in conversation
b. The final act or resolution of the play
c. A long speech delivered by a single character to other characters or the
d. The climax or turning point in the story

7.What is the purpose of using dramatic tension in a play?

a. To engage and captivate the audience's attention
b. To provide comic relief and lighten the mood
c. To highlight the physicality and movement of the actors
d. To showcase elaborate set designs and costumes

8.What is the definition of "stage directions" in drama?

a. The lines that actors memorize and deliver during a performance
b. The physical layout and design of the theater space
c. The rehearsals and practices leading up to the final production
d. The instructions provided by the playwright regarding character movements
and actions

9. Why are the elements of drama important in theatrical productions?

a. They add visual appeal and enhance the aesthetics of the performance.
b. They provide a framework for organizing and structuring the plot and
c. They facilitate the use of special effects and technical aspects of the
d. They allow for improvisation and spontaneity in the actors' performances.

1. c
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. c
6. c
7. a
8. d
9. b
The learners will be tasked to choose a play or performance of their choice and
analyze it using the skills they have learned in this activity. They can present
VI. ASSIGNMENT: their analysis to the class or discuss it in small groups.

H. Concluding Activity
(2 minutes) The learners will reflect on what they learned about drama and its various
elements, techniques, and literary devices. The teacher will encourage them to
think about how this knowledge can help them better understand and appreciate
plays and other forms of dramatic literature in the future.

The students’ reflection will be written on a ¼ sheet of paper through the

following activities:

3-2-1 (3 ideas they understood, 2 examples, 1 question)

12-Word summary (Summarize the lesson in 12 words)
Quick-Write (Write what they heard from the lecture)
Concept Mapping (make a concept map on the concepts they have



Accomplished Not Accomplished

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