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4.1 Properties of Enzymes and Mechanism of Actions

PSPM PDT SEM III 2016/2017

1. FIGURE 1 shows the curves for enzymatic reaction.


a) State the nature of inhibition for curves P,Q and R. [3 marks]

P: no/without inhibition
Q: Competitive inhibition
R: Non-competitive inhibition

b) Briefly explain the enzyme activities for curves Q and R. [4 marks]

Q: competitive inhibitor and substrate compete for the same active site of enzyme.
Maximum rate of reaction reached when more substrate added.
R: non-competitive inhibitor and substrate bind to different site on enzymes/allosteric sites Rate of
reaction decrease.

c) Which curves shows an inhibition that could not recovered by the addition of more substrate. [ 1 mark]
Curve R

d) Digestion of lipid occurs in the small intestine and is catalysed by lipase. Briefly explain the consequences of eating
oranges to the disgestion of lipid in the small intestine. [2 marks]
Lipase need alkaline medium// orange create acidic medium in the small intestine Lipase is not
active/slows down the digestion/hydrolysis of lipid.

PSPM PDT SEM III 2017/2018

2. FIGURE 2 shows an enzyme and a substrate action mechanism.


(a ) Name the hypothesis of the mechanism in FIGURE 2.

[1 mark]
Induced fit mechanism

(b) Describe the events that occur when the substrate bind to the active site of enzyme. [3 marks]
The binding of the substrate induces the enzyme to change its shape slightly
This leads a better fit between the active site and the substrate
There is also a slightly alteration to the shape of the substrate.

(c) How does enzymes affect the activation energy of a reaction? [1 mark]
Enzyme lowers the activation energy

(d) What happens to the rate of reaction at the highest substrate concentration. [ 1 mark]
The rate of reaction become constant

(e) State two (2) types of reversible inhibition [2marks]


(f) Give one (1) example of inhibition for each type of reversible inhibition. [2marks]
Non-competitive inhibitor: ATP/isoleucine/cyanide
Competitive inhibitor: malonic acid/malonate

PSPM PDT 3 2018/2019

3. FIGURE 3 shows the effect of two different chemicals on the activity of Enzyme A. The temperature, pH and enzyme
concentration were kept constant during this experiment.


(a) Explain the effect of chemical B and C on the activity of enzyme A. [4 marks]
Chemical B compete for the active site of the enzyme.
Chemical B reduce/decreasing/slow the enzymatic rate of reaction.
The enzyme’s rate of reaction reaches the maximum rate of reaction.
[ANY 2]
Chemical C binds to the allosteric site of the enzyme.
] Chemical C reduce/decrease/slow the enzymatic rate of reaction.
The enzyme’s rate of reaction does not reach the maximum rate of reaction.
[ANY 2]

(b) Based on the experiment, what is chemical B and C?. [2marks]

Chemical B : Competitive inhibitor
Chemical C : Non competitive inhibitor

(c) Give one example of each: [2marks]

Chemical B : Malonate/ATP
Chemical C : Cyanide/heavy metal ions/nerve gases/isoleusine
Does increasing the concentration of substrate overcome the effect of chemical B
(d) towards activity of enzyme A? Why?. [2marks]
The probability of an enzyme substrate collision is higher//the subsrates have greater chance of binding to the
active site.

PSPM SDS SB025 2019/2020

4 (a) State two (2) characteristics of enzyme. [2 marks]

- All enzymes are globular protein.
- Function is lowering the activation energy.
- Highly specific in action.
- Not altered at the end of reaction.
- Required in small amount to catalyze the reaction.
- Reaction is extremely efficient.
- May catalyze the reversible reaction.
- Enzyme can be denatured by extreme pH/high temperature.

Any two- 2 marks

(b) Illustrate the induced fit model of an enzyme. [3 marks]

Correct enzyme and substrate structure – 1 Mark

Correct enzyme substrate complex – 1 Mark
Correct label – 1 Mark

(c) Explain the mechanism of enzyme based on the induced fit model. [2 marks]
- The binding of the substrate induces the active site of an enzyme to change its shape slightly
- Allowing the substrate to fit precisely into the active site // the active site becomes fully
complementary with the substrate/reactant.
- Reaction takes place/ catalyzed the product/ products formed/ released.
- Enzyme change back to original comformation
- Enzyme can be used for next reaction/reusable
- any 2 : 2 Marks

PSPM 2020/2021 SDS SB015

5. FIGURE 4 shows an enzyme reaction.


a. Which graph shows the presence of enzyme? [1 mark]

● (Graph)

(b) (i) Name the enzyme that involved in 3(a) [1 mark]

● Maltase

(ii) Describe how the enzyme in 3(b)(i) breaks down maltose into glucose based on the induced-fit model

i. Maltose/substrate binds to activate site of maltase/enzyme

ii. The binding induces a (slight) change in the shape/conformation of the activate site//
iii. The activate site becomes (fully) complementary with maltose/substrate
iv. Forming an enzyme-substrate complex (R: E-S-C)
v. Two (a-)glucose formed/released.

PSPM 2020/2021 SDS SB015

6 (a) State the three (3) properties of enzymes.

i. (Most enzyme are globular) protein
ii. Required in small amount / quantity / low concentration
iii. Not altered at the end of reaction / reusable
iv. (Highly) specific
v. Reversible (catalyst)
vi. Affected by temperature and pH// Denatured at high temperature and extreme pH

b. How do enzymes speed up the rate of reactions?

● By lowering the activation energy

c. Explain the mechanism of enzyme action based on Induced Fit Model.

i. The active site of the enzyme is flexible// Active site of the enzyme are not exactly
complementary// not exactly compatible to the substrate
ii. When the substrate bind to the active site of enzyme
iii. (This induce) the slight changes of confirmation/ shape of the active site/ enzyme
iv. Allowing the substrate fit precisely/ fully complementary to the active site
of the enzyme / accurately
v. forming an enzyme - substrate complex
vi. The reaction has occurred/ Enzyme can carried out its catalytic function//
Enzyme - substrate complex broken down
vii. Product is formed / produced / released
viii. Enzyme / Active site changes back to its original conformation/ shape

7. FIGURE 7 show mechanism of enzyme action.

(a) Identify X and Y. [2 marks]
X: Enzyme
Y: Substrate

(b) Name the model of exzyme action mechanism shown in FIGURE 7. [1 mark]
Induced Fit Model

(c) Explain the mechanism of enzyme action in 3 (b). [6 marks]

i. The active site of an enzyme is flexible/not fully/exactly complementary/compatible/similar to the
shape/conformation of substrate.
ii. Enzyme collides/in contact with the substrate molecule.
iii. The substrate binds to the active site (of the enzyme)
iv. To form enzyme-substrate complex.
v. The binding (induce) a slight change in the conformation of active site of the enzyme//active site of the enzyme
changes its conformation/shape.1
vi. Active site become fully/exactly complementary to the substrate//substrate fits precisely to the active site of
vii. Enable the enzyme to carry out their catalytic function/catalytic reaction take place/occur
viii. Product is formed/released
ix. Active site of enzyme changes back to its original conformation/shape

4.3 Inhibitors

PSPM SDS SB015 2018/2019

7. FIGURE 3 shows two different types of inhibitors, X and Y when compared to normal enzyme

(a) Identify X and Y [2 marks]

X : Competitive (inhibitor)
Y : Non-competitive ( inhibitor)

(b) Give one (1) example of Y [1 mark]

Heavy metal/ toxins/ poisons/ lead/ DDT/ mercury/ paraquat/ cyanide/ nerve gas/ isoleucine

(c) Differentiate the structure of X and Y [2 marks]

X : Resemble / similar/ slightly same to the substrate
Y : Have different structure / shape as the substrates

(c) How can the activity of enzyme X and Y be optimized? [2 marks]

X : By increasing the concentration of substrate
Y : By removing the inhibitor // decrease the concentration of inhibitor


4.1 Porperties of Enzymes and Mechanism of Actions

8. (a) International Union of Biochemistry (IUB) has set a standard that requires enzyme naming to consist both the
substrate acted upon and the type of reaction catalysed. Describe enzyme classification and function according
to IUB. [12 marks]

i. Oxidoreductase
ii. Catalyse redox reaction/biological oxidation and reduction
iii. By the transfer of hydrogen , oxygen or electrons from one molecule to another.
iv. Example: glucose oxidase / malate dehydrogenese/ NADH dehydrogenase/ dehydrogenase
v. Hydrolases
Catalyse the hydrolysis of substrate//breakdown of substrate by the addition of water
vi. Example: Lipase /amylase /sucrose/peptidase
vii. Transferases
viii. Catalyse the transfer of functional group of atoms from one molecule to another
ix. Example:Glycogen phosphorylase/ hexokinase/ phosphotransferase/ transaminase
x. Isomerases
xi. Catalyses the rearrangement of atoms within a molecule by converting one isomer to another//isomerization
xii. Example: phosphoglucoisomerase
xiii. Lyases
xiv. Catalyses the breaking of chemical bonds without the addition of water//group elimination to form double
xv. Example:(pyruvate) decarboxylase
xvi. Ligases
xvii. Catalyses reactions in which new chemical bonds are formed and uses ATP as energy source xix. Example:
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthase/DNA ligase

7. a) With the aid of a diagram, explain activation energy in energy in relation to the function of enzyme.

4.2 Co-Factor
( b) Describe the characteristic for two (2) types of cofactors. State the role for each. [8 marks]

Prosthetic group
Bind tightly on a permanent basis
Role: involve in the catalytic function of the enzyme

Non protein organic molecule
Bind loosely /temporary
Derivative of vitamin especially group B vitamins / NADH, NADPH and FADH2 Role: Detach
and help to transfer chemical group,atoms or electron

Metal ion/ enzyme activator Non

protein inorganic ions.
E.g. Mg2+ , Fe2+ , Ca2+ , Zn2+ and Cl- .
Attach temporarily to the enzyme
Role: change enzyme active site to make the shape more suitable for reaction to take place/ bind the enzyme and
substrate together

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